Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 267 Crossing

Chapter 267 Crossing
Maya explained: "The outpost also has a function of building a safe zone. Today we used logs to build a bridge. One purpose is to connect all 13 buildings together with ropes and build a route that can move within the living area. There are also Problem?"

No one answered, but Peanut, Cotton and Dashuang all looked embarrassed.Maya's method works in theory, but is very difficult in practice.Carrying a hundred kilograms of logs and building bridges in an area crowded with zombies under the scorching sun, the error tolerance rate is very low.Even if the work is completed successfully, it is still a tiring job.

Maya felt everyone's silent opposition and looked at Lin Wu: "Lin Wu, what do you think?" It was Maya before, since everyone had no objection, no matter whether you opposed it in your heart or not, just get on with it.

Lin Wu replied: "I'm not worried about problems at the beginning. I'm worried about problems when we get to the fire station. At that time, we were in the center of the living area, with no way to go to the sky, no reinforcements, and the mortality rate was as high as 100%."

Maya asked: "You mean to change places?"

Lin Wu said: "Such a large living area should have sewers."

This is a good idea, but the living area is not too big, there may be only one or two sewage outlets, and the size of the sewer is not sure.

Lin Wu looked at the drone and took a pen to draw a circle in the parking lot between Pier Road and the bar: "There is a manhole cover here."

Maya said: "Did you know? Having a manhole cover does not mean there is a sewer. It may also be a maintenance well for electricity, telecommunications, heating, gas and other pipelines."

Lin Wu drew two more places: "Manhole cover."

Maya looked at Lin Wu, who nodded.He admitted that the bridge-building method was good, but he didn't want to be too tired.Especially since the sun was so hot today, he really didn't want to do manual labor on the roof.Additionally, it is a very morale-impairing job.

Maya looked at everyone, but Peanut and the other three were silent. Maya said: "Cotton will make another batch of bread. Each person carries two mineral water bottles of water. Each person carries at least two ropes."

"Copy that." Everyone replied together, which was a response to Maya's prestige, telling Maya that everyone has not lost respect for you because you changed the plan.

The three of them had breakfast and went to get ready, leaving Lin and Ma alone. Lin Wu smiled and apologized to Maya: "It's too hot!"

Maya replied: "I should fully consider your actual situation." As a soldier, the concept of outdoor high temperature does not exist in her concept.On the contrary, Lin Wu and others had never had the concept of working outdoors in the hot summer.Whenever the scorching heat comes, officials will remind everyone again and again: Don’t go out unless you have nothing to do, and please use the most appropriate means to escape the heat.

The air-conditioning temperature between the school and the dormitory is always 22 degrees. If you are afraid of the cold, you can wear a jacket.Children who grow up in this environment naturally lack the perseverance to fight the heat.The thought of working outdoors in the scorching sun at a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius makes them suffer from heatstroke.


Bring the crowbar and set out to steal the manhole cover team.We first went to manhole cover No. 1 and spent 10 minutes cleaning up the zombies nearby.Then he dug the manhole cover, Lin Wu slid down the ladder, and came up after a while: "Maintenance well." In the 21st century, many cities buried cables underground, and set up maintenance wells at regular intervals, so that daily maintenance can be carried out in a targeted manner. maintain.

The toilet pipe is connected to the septic tank and then enters the municipal sewer pipe after treatment.Other domestic water flows directly into sewage pipes and is discharged into the Haihe River after sewage treatment.So it tastes pretty good.

At ten o'clock in the morning, when the fourth manhole cover was pried open, a familiar smell wafted over. Maya and Lin Wu, who were walking through the sewer, knew immediately that they had found the rightful owner.

Unlike the systematic sewer system in Zuoxian County, the living area is just a small place without a sewer blueprint.At the same time, the intricacies of Zuoxian’s sewers are maintained.

Only then did Maya understand why she thought Lin Wu's idea was unreliable, because you don't know what is outside each manhole cover, and the chance of reaching the fire station through the sewer is very small.

Fortunately, the sewers carry out the drainage work. There are many drainage holes on the roads and streets, so there is more light inside than the No. 99 sewer.I started working on the rope, and after 5 minutes of groping I found a straight ladder.Lin Wu went up the stairs, lifted the manhole cover to the side, looked up, and saw a broken face that looked like a zombie with a bit of curiosity.Lin Wu immediately pulled back the manhole cover at the speed of light.


"I don't know." Lin Wu said, "There are zombies."

Maya held pen and paper in her hand and said seriously: "I need to know where it is up there."

"Okay." Lin Wu could only go up again.

Maya said: "Dashuang, follow the rope back to the base to guard your home. Depending on the situation, we won't be able to get out in a few hours."

Da Shuang nodded and left.

Lin Wu lifted the manhole cover aside again and immediately slid it to the ground.The zombies discovered the players below and jumped in one after another.Cotton and Lin Wu each held a dagger and executed all the zombies that jumped down.How to deal with zombies that didn't fall?How could he not fall?Lin Wu would complain.

After dealing with more than 20 zombies, Mian Qian opened his backpack and sorted out the garbage, Lin Wu controlled the drone to fly out of the well, Peanut touched the corpse on the spot, and Maya carefully drew pictures.

Lin Wu: "This is the third street from the second street."

Maya showed Lin Wu the map she drew: "From west to east, sort No. 1 and No. 2. From south to north, sort ABCD."

Lin Wu thought for a while: "2G."

Maya's pen pointed on the map, Lin Wu nodded, Maya drew a circle and recorded: one.

The four of them continued to move forward, positioning themselves along the way. Judging from the picture drawn by Maya, they had been in the west area of ​​the living area.There is always a considerable distance from the center point 9M.

After the rope was released, Maya returned the same way and began to search for the side road. At the tenth manhole cover, Lin Wu brought good news: "8L."

Wow!Peanut and Cotton made noises from surprise.After staying in the putrid environment of the sewer for more than two hours, everyone hopes to finish the work as soon as possible and leave this ghost place.

Maya used 8L as a reference to search in all directions.Unfortunately, the closest to 9M is 8L.

Exit 8L is located in the open-air parking lot next to Yifan Hotel, 9 meters away from the 35M fire station in a straight line.If you walk normally, you have to go around Yifan Hotel, reach the back of Yifan Hotel, and then walk 30 meters on the street.

Maya ordered: "Get your pistol ready and remember to put on the silencer."

Peanut reminded: "Maya, do you need someone to guard the well?"

Maya looked at the three people and found that she was the most suitable person to stay at the wellhead, but she had to lead the team to the fire station because there might be other tests there.She didn't trust Lin Wu to lead the team because no one knew what would happen.

Maya said: "No need. Lin Wu and Cotton opened the way, and I was in the middle to support the advance. Peanut used a pistol to kill the zombies approaching our route on both sides."

There was a wall outside the hotel. The team walked against the wall and successfully reached 9th Street.Lin Wu continued to move forward, glanced at the back door of the hotel, and immediately retracted his body and stayed still against the wall. "big mac."

The back door is two simple manual glass doors. Now the glass is gone, and even the doors are gone. Instead, there is the burly back of a Big Mac.

Maya saw that the street was four meters wide, and Big Mac would still be spotted if he walked on the sidewalk opposite the hotel.Can you get through it when Big Mac turns its head?Yes, but the street is too narrow, and the zombies on the other side of the street will discover their whereabouts, which will alert Big Mac.

At this time, a zombie in the leather shop opposite discovered the team squatting on the wall of the hotel and immediately ran out of the door. Maya struck first and shot it in the head with a crossbow.Looking at this narrow street, there are not only many zombies on the street, but also many zombies in the buildings on both sides of the street.

Thirty meters is not far. After occupying the fire station, the safety zone of the outpost may be 30 meters.

Maya took out two corpse odor masking pills from her backpack. After taking them, her body will emit corpse odor and cover up her own smell.This medicine is made by a doctor's branch pharmacist or a biochemical expert using zombie eyes.You will not be attacked by zombies within 1 minute after taking it, and it will be invalid if you take it multiple times within 10 minutes.Before the update, the side effect of this medicine was poisoning and one point of life loss every second.After the update, this medicine will reflect the poisoned status to the body.

Players who take the masking drug will enter a zombie state for one and a half minutes, and their hand and foot coordination will be out of sync.Repeated doses will affect thinking.As for whether it will affect memory, judgment, or other effects, the system did not explain in detail.At this time, the junk attribute of will becomes the key. Players with high will can be immune to most side effects.

"No?" Lin Wu said: "What if I take the medicine and instead of running towards the fire station, I take a photo with Big Mac?"

After the update, no one had eaten this stuff. Lin Wu's question stopped Maya. She really couldn't rule out the possibility of this happening.The system has explained that one of the side effects of this drug is that users have a low chance of experiencing cognitive illusions, and the effect is somewhat similar to a certain kind of flour.

Maya said: "Mian Qian is not married, you and Lin Wu stay. Peanut?"

Peanut said boldly: "Life has been since ancient times..."

Lin Wu gave Xiao Wai the back of his head: "Keep your voice down."

Xiao Wai looked at Lin Wu aggrievedly: I didn't say anything.

Lin Wu squeezed a smile: I know.

Peanut bowed to express his apology.

Mian Mian said: "I might be able to pass by." This street was messy, creating conditions for her to escape into the skill.

"Are you sure?"

Cotton shook her head: "No." After the escape skill was broken, the cooling time was too long, leaving her no chance to make a systematic attempt.In fact, she herself didn't fully understand the mechanism of the skill.

"You and Lin Wu stay." Maya looked at Peanut: "Are you ready?"

Peanut held the masking medicine made of eyeballs in his hand, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Wait a minute, who is my wife?"

Several people were lost in thought, and Lin Wu asked: "Cuiyu?"

Maya said: "It should be Dashuang."

"As long as you have a wife." Peanut nodded: "I'm ready."

The two took masking drugs together and ran out. Less than five meters away, Peanut fell to the ground first.It can be seen that Peanut maintained his sanity, but lost some control of his hands and feet, and it was very difficult to get up.

Maya wanted to reach out, but the movement of the crutch was very weird. Maya was so angry that she roared, and the sound she made was somewhat similar to a zombie's howl.Finally, Peanut grabbed Maya's arm and stood up after exerting force.The two of them stumbled towards the fire station like drunken men.Maya stumbled and fell, rolled around on the ground, then stood up, tilted her body and continued running forward, hitting the street light.

Peanut bumped into a female zombie, fell down while hugging her, and even kissed her.Lin Wu and Mian Qian felt their stomachs twitch when they saw it.Peanut raised his head with difficulty, but couldn't turn his hand, so he stood up with his elbow on the ground.Even after he stood up, he refused to leave and stepped on the female zombie's head, but his movements were not quite right, so he sat on top of the female zombie.

Peanut roared, roared, crawled forward, and seemed to evolve into violent, but the speed was much slower than violent.

"There are still 30 seconds." Lin Wu reminded.

But only two muffled roars could be heard in the channel, and it was obvious that they had lost a certain amount of language ability.

At this moment, a beast jumped onto the wall of the hotel. Lin Wu hurriedly took a step across and blocked the cotton with his body. The distance was eight meters, believing that his stealth would not be discovered.As for Xiao Wai, there is no problem at all. Zombies will not regard animals as hostile creatures unless Xiao Wai attacks first.How did Lin Wu know?Of course it is a complaint, complaining that zombies will not take the initiative to attack Xiaowai, to prove that zombies will indeed not take the initiative to attack Xiaowai.

"Don't move." Lin Wu said hurriedly when he felt the cotton behind him moving.

The scene was quiet, but the sound was slightly louder. He raised his head fiercely, as if searching for the source of the sound.Lin Wu waited with Ji Ye in hand. He was worried that if Kuang Meng kept walking on the wall, he would definitely not be able to kill him with one shot. After Kuang Meng fell to the wall, there would be many possible situations.

After frantically searching to no avail, he stayed on the wall, moving closer and further away, which made Lin Wu very uncomfortable.Either you come here and fight, or you stay away.Who is a hero if he walks four meters?The Wind Spur couldn't charge, the lock couldn't be locked, and his stealth could easily be seen. It was still on the wall, which was Lin Wu's most uncomfortable position.

Maya's voice came from the headset: "Safe."

Peanut: "Safe."

Lin Wu touched the headset microphone as a response.With his left hand behind his back, Mian Mian took the initiative to give his hand to Lin Wu, and Lin Wu guided the two of them to retreat simultaneously.He had already seen Big Mac turning around and staring at Kuang Meng in the drone. Looking at the drone, Lin Wu and Mian Qian retreated past the back door of the hotel and reached the wall on the other side of the hotel.

Kuangmeng didn't follow, it stayed in place, but Lin Wu did not relax his vigilance because there were zombies in the shop on the opposite street, and the closest distance was only more than five meters.So he still had to stand in front of Cotton.

Lin Wu said softly: "The surrounding area is getting more and more dangerous." As time goes by and the activity of hardcore zombies increases, the path they open will soon be covered by zombies.

Cotton pulled Lin Wu. Lin Wu looked back and saw a 1.2-meter-high landscape spherical shrub tree planted outside the hotel wall.The two people and the dog got between the wall and the shrubs and trees. At this time, Cotton entered the escape state. She could swim freely between the eight-meter-long shrubs and the wall without being discovered.

Not only were the zombies unable to be discovered, but Lin Wu was also unable to discover them. After looking around for a while, no one was found.Cotton poked Lin Wu half a meter away, frightening Lin Wu and almost screaming.

Cotton and Lin Wu didn't use a headset to communicate because the headsets were filled with the voices of Maya and Peanut.They have successfully entered the fire station and found the layout plan, and are currently dealing with scattered zombies.Under non-extreme weather conditions, the density of indoor zombies is lower than the density of outdoor zombies, so the two of them successfully advanced towards the basement.

(End of this chapter)

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