Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 281 The Dark Room

Chapter 281 The Dark Room
At the same time, Lin Wu fell into a state of madness.

After his death, Lin Wu appeared in a small dark room, a small dark room only 10 square meters in size.The entire space is made of concrete, with only a ray of light shining into the dark room at a height of four meters.The only thing in the house was a cushion.

How can this be?

Lin Wu thought about ten thousand ways of being treated after his death, but he never thought that he would be locked up in a small dark room, or the simplest dark room.There is no entertainment, no sea-view villas, no beauties in fancy cars, no ice cream steaks, just a dark room, which is no different from a prison.No, a dark room worse than a prison cell.

Lin Wu immediately complained: "Why am I being treated in a dark room?"

Little White Rabbit seemed to check it out and replied: "Yes, this is the treatment."

Lin Wu laughed out of breath and asked, "That's right? That's right? Haha, that's right?"

Little White Rabbit nodded: "Yes, the data is correct."

Damn it!Lin Wu was speechless for a long time. The data was correct, so he was wrong?Shuguang doesn't know how to joke. Is he deliberately discrediting himself because of his repeated complaints?No, this violates the basic operating rules of Dawning, and I have no value in being hacked.

"This, this..." Lin Wu was choked for a long time: "This is impossible. I have lived for so long, and I have also created multiple first kills. I killed many zombies in the battle to defend the city. It is absolutely impossible to be Xiao Hei. The treatment of the house.”

The little white rabbit answered seriously: "Sir, there is nothing wrong. The data is correct."

Lin Wu said: "You can show me, I would like to know where my points are deducted."

The little white rabbit said: "I can't tell you the game mechanics." Points have always been a hidden attribute.

Lin Wu asked: "Are points deducted for complaints? A certain number of points will be deducted for each complaint?"

Little White Rabbit replied: "Complaining is the player's right, and points will not be deducted."

Lin Wu asked again: "Does that mean I lived too long?"

Little White Rabbit: "The longer you survive, the higher your points will be." This is a publicly stated bonus.

Lin Wu asked: "Because my points are too high, so I live in a small dark room?"

Little White Rabbit replied: "This is a game mechanism and players need to explore it by themselves."

"No, it's impossible. I've asked many people, and they all agree that the higher the score, the better the living conditions." Lin Wu walked around thinking, "There must be something wrong."

Little White Rabbit: "Sir, I am very sure that all the data is normal and there are no errors."

Lin Wu asked: "What are my points?"

The little white rabbit replied: "Everyone's points are hidden values."

Lin Wu said: "Just tell me whether it's high or low."

The little white rabbit replied: "The home game does not include negative points. Most points are higher than zero."

Lin Wu thought for a while and couldn't figure it out. He picked up the cushion and touched the floor below. There was no hidden grid. He held up the cushion and asked, "Are you sure this is the only cushion I have?"

The little white rabbit replied: "Yes."

Lin Wu was unwilling to accept: "There must be a mistake."

Little White Rabbit: "Sir, let me answer you seriously again. The data is correct. I know the environment here is very bad, but I hope you can accept the reality."

"I can't accept it." Lin Wu walked around like a bull being fought, looking at the little white rabbit from time to time: "How can you accept it? Who can accept this?"

The little white rabbit advised: "There is no benefit in running away."

Lin Wu pointed angrily: "Get the hell out of here."


Lin Wu watched the little white rabbit disappear and slump on the ground. It was almost a joke.I fell from a rich man to a beggar in an instant. Who can understand this gap?The funny thing is that I always thought that I was rich, and everyone thought that I was rich, but I didn't expect that I only deserved to live in a small dark room.

What else to play?What is the result of this year's efforts?
Although this blow was not enough to defeat Lin Wu, Lin Wu had already shown anger and irritability that he had never seen before.He didn't understand, he was confused, he was angry.He recalled Shuguang's instructions at the beginning of the game. Shuguang directly told the players that the longer they lived, the higher their points would be.

I have lived a very long time, and now there is only one possibility of being locked up in a dark room, that is, too many points have been deducted.

Lin Wu swept his hair and looked at the light source hole with one hand on his hips and thought.Is it to kill NPCs?There are not many NPCs in the game, and half of the NPCs I have seen died in my own hands.Or killing wild animals?But I am a hunter. If a hunter doesn’t kill animals, how can he kill people?
Are moral points deducted?No, even though I know that my moral value is not very high, I definitely can't live in a dark room.

How to do this?After he died, his first thought was to go back and brag about how big the villa he lived in and how beautiful the scenery was. He had 10 female housekeepers, 20 female nannies, 30 female chefs, and 40 female bodyguards. He was always carried when he went out. My feet don't even touch the floor, and even when I go to the toilet, my buttocks are wiped by someone.

Nowadays, there is only one cushion in the dark room, and there is not even a mat in the dark room.

At this point, Lin Wu still didn't know that Maya had died.The first time he thanked Maya for the witch blessing amulet, the second time he began to suspect that Maya was a spy of Dawn, and her mission was to trap him to death.But because she was so charming, even though Shuguang gave a death order to kill herself, Maya gave herself an amulet.

Anger and decadence are followed by peace.Making peace with what he had come, Lin Wu sat down and checked his backpack. There were only two sets of exclusive spare clothes left, one was a whiteboard suit made by Shana, and the other was a ghillie suit obtained from Mian Shou.What about winter clothes?How is it possible to carry this thing in the summer?
Lin Wu recalled the battle and praised himself for taking out the incendiary bomb at the end. Looking at the battle performance again, Lin Wu was not very satisfied.Since I was not used to using the Silencer in bursts, firing continuously caused the crosshair to beat violently, so I should slow down the pace a bit.

Another oversight is that you should not empty the bullets. You should refill the bullets of the three guns when you do not need to take action.If the Timberwolves had bullets at that time, Nightmare would not have died, and he would have had the opportunity to evacuate from the battlefield.In other words, judging from normal combat, Nightmare is a trustworthy comrade. You can treat her better next time.

Why didn't Lin Wu suspect that Maya was also dead?It's because Maya personally ordered that no one is allowed to take risks to save others.Of course, her situation at that time was extremely dangerous. Based on Lin Wu's understanding of Maya, she would definitely give up on her decisively.And he did not disappoint everyone. He used incendiary bombs to block the pursuers and gave them time to get into the armored vehicles.

In addition, the drifting of the stone armored car is really cool.However, after this battle, the armored vehicle's durability should have dropped a lot. This thing cannot be repaired at all, and a repair kit only adds 2% to the durability value.

Lin Wu simulated the attack and defense of the Doomsday Fortress in his mind, and found that with the same ammunition, the Doomsday Fortress could easily block zombies.You can even set up a position outside the south gate and use upper and lower crossfire to guard the seawall road to prevent zombies from entering the doomsday fortress.

Damn Big Mac!No, you can't blame it entirely. You should get a fixed hanger instead of a rope hanger. As long as you don't shake, the Big Mac will have no chance of getting close to the position.What a pity. What a pity.The more Lin Wu thought about it, the more he felt that he had a chance to save the sawmill.What's even worse is that the opportunity for two rounds of shelling was wasted. He should have been able to wait until the headquarters issued the shelling order and trigger the smoke grenades at the same time.This is how you die heroically, instead of being pushed to the ground by a group of zombies.

From disbelief, anger to tactical memories, Lin Wu went through a mental training.I looked up at the dark room and looked around. The more I thought about it, the more annoyed I became, so I started from anger again and went through the mental training again.When it was over, I didn’t even have anything to drink. I felt aggrieved and had to do it all over again.Look at the time, only an hour has passed, another round.The difference was that this time Lin Wu was too lazy to get angry and skipped this step directly, thinking wildly and divergently.

Damn it!How could it be a dark room?The question came back again, but this time Lin Wu had no emotion and was thinking about the issue seriously.In theory and practice, Dawn cannot cheat, so the Black Room is right.Why is it right?Doesn’t this violate Shuguang’s theory that the longer you survive, the higher your points will be?Therefore, there are contradictions in Shuguang, but there will be no contradictions in Shuguang, so the problem lies in a little detail.

detail?What are the details?Lin Wu began to recall the interaction with Shu Guang, trying to find clues.Lin Wu loves to think?Of course not. What else can you do here except think?While thinking, Lin Wu made a discovery. No matter how bad the treatment was, it could not be a small black room. The small dark room was zero, the lowest, the lowest, and could not be any lower.

No, a small dark room with no cushions and no light is zero.

I always feel that I have grasped the key points, but I just can't understand the key information.So I didn’t want to think about it anymore, so let’s just be like this. From now on, it would be nice to be nicer to the stone and work as a little security guard on the earth.


After lying there for a while, I got angry again.Grass, not even a blanket.In this cycle of tossing, 24 hours finally passed.The resurrection of others is a vacation, and the resurrection of oneself is a prison. The conditions of prison are better than those in a small black room. Lin Wu, who becomes more and more angry as he thinks about it, is released and teleports away.

Standing on the ground, Lin Wu looked at the surrounding environment, and his heart skipped a beat. He saw snow on the top of a mountain peak dozens of kilometers away.

Beishang Town is surrounded by mountains. You can see the mountains when you look up, and the visual distance is usually no more than ten kilometers.

There are mountains and peaks in Beishang Town, but there are no such high peaks.

There is no snow in Beishang Town except in winter.

Looking down again, this is a Gobi canyon, with desolate land and green thorn bushes on the left and right.Walk a few hundred meters to the left, and below you are a canyon cliff of more than 50 meters.

Has Dawn been shot in the head?It's a small black house again, and it's an exile in the desert.The only thing that comforted Lin Wu was that Xiao Wai was still by his side, and he just picked her up and rubbed her.

A beeping sound interrupted the play between Lin Wu and Xiao Wai, and a red dot appeared in the lower left corner of Lin Wu's vision.Lin Wu was surprised. This was an electronic map, which usually only appeared when he was at the base.What does the red dot mean?Lin Wu fumbled in his backpack, took out the free novice weapon provided by the system: a steak knife, and headed towards the red dot, a distance of 1300 meters.

Going down the slope, Lin Wu discovered that there was a cave under the canyon.Except for the Gobi, there were more thorns and grasses, and there were many wild goats and wild camels, and no zombies were found.Looking from a distance, there seems to be a building four kilometers away from me.What's even more strange is that there is a road in the Gobi.

The red dots were also moving. When the two red dots met, Lin Wu immediately knelt down.He solved the first mystery: why he was in the Gobi.The reason, of course, is that both he and Maya are dead.

Seeing Lin Wu's shocked look, Maya knew what he was thinking. She couldn't help but laugh in her heart and said, "We are dead." She handed over a pistol.

Lin Wu remained shocked and took the pistol. He opened the magazine and saw that it was full of bullets, with a total of 20 bullets.The question comes again, where did the gun come from?Could it be that he picked it up on the road?

Maya knew that Lin Wu was forgetful about things he didn't care about, so she explained: "The death card I got from the Nightmare Safe House. Death does not drop a backpack. My backpack has two spare pistols, but they only have 50 rounds of ammunition combined. .”

After Lin Wu woke up, he went over to hug Maya like a child who had been greatly wronged.Maya was quite surprised. Based on her understanding of Lin Wu, Lin Wu would not be so fragile, nor would he deliberately take advantage of him, so she tried her best to speak as gentle as possible and asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Wu let go of Maya: "I was locked up in a small dark room."

Maya didn't react for a while, and asked after a while: "You will live in a dark room after you die?"

Lin Wu nodded.

Maya asked: "24 hours?"

Lin Wu nodded again.

Maya was in disbelief: "Impossible, how is it possible?"

Lin Wu burst into tears: "Everything is possible."

Maya asked: "Did you complain?"

Lin Wu nodded.

Maya was also stunned: "Why?"

Lin Wu asked: "What are your 24-hour conditions?"

Maya thought for a while and replied: "It should be on the same level as the emperor. I even have four copies of the garden in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and I can taste any fruits and seafood."

Lin Wu was about to cry but had no tears, so he sat down on a big rock on the side, his head was gray and his face was extremely depressed.

"There must be something wrong." Maya walked to Lin Wu and knelt down to comfort Lin Wu. She could imagine Lin Wu's mental journey during these 24 hours.

Lin Wu sighed deeply and asked, "What are your plans?"

Maya was asked, stood up, looked around, and after a long time said firmly: "We want to go home."

"go home?"

"Yes, go home. This is a goal. If there is no goal, our actions will lack purpose." Maya said: "Unless we can't find the way home. You should strengthen this belief. Faith is very important, especially in In times of adversity.”

Lin Wu stood up: "Okay, go home. What do you do now?"

Maya pointed in the direction of the building complex: "There is a small town in that direction. Let's find a place to stay and search for some basic equipment and medicine. It's best to find local players to inquire about the situation."

Lin Wu nodded, cheered up, and asked as he walked: "Is your swordsmanship gone?"


The two of them couldn't help but feel a little heavy. After walking quietly for a while, Lin Wu suddenly became furious and raised his middle finger to the sky: "XXX!"

Seeing that Maya was startled, Lin Wu explained: "I was locked up in a dark room and told me that the data was normal."

Maya: "Dawn can never go wrong."

Lin Wu burst into tears: "I know, but I don't know where I went wrong." It's right, it can only be me who is wrong.

Maya said: "You just said you made a complaint?"


Maya said: "Please explain the details clearly, and we will first find out the truth about the little black room."

Walk and talk.After Lin Wu finished speaking, Maya was confused and had no clue at all.

Maya laid out the known conditions: "Shuguang publicly stated that the longer you live, the higher the points. You have lived for nearly a year, but Shuguang lets you live in a small dark room. Points will be deducted if you die. The higher the points of the deceased, the higher the living conditions. The more superior it is. These four known conditions are full of contradictions. Either Dawn is wrong, or there are unknown details in these four known conditions."

Maya said: "According to the information we have obtained, the four known conditions are basically absolutely correct. The first possibility is that you will be deducted points, and a high number of points will be deducted."

Lin Wu asked, "What about the second possibility?" He didn't like this possibility.

"I do not know."

Lin Wu was speechless. She was a good girl, but she didn't want to imitate Lin Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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