Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 296 Random Missions

Chapter 296 Random Missions
In order to prevent the passengers from freezing to death without receiving fares, Maya asked Hongyi to distribute blankets and quilts to them, leaving only one quilt hidden by Lin Wu on the Orient Express.The main reason why it was cold was because one of the windows was broken, and cold air poured into the car ruthlessly. Although the dormitory bed was moved to block it, the effect was quite limited.In addition, the trains of this era were full of gaps and there was cold draft everywhere.

After discussing whether to plug the hole with the only bedding but was rejected, in order to avoid freezing to death while driving, the five people went to the cab together. Everyone sat in a circle and held on to a corner of the bedding to keep themselves as warm as possible.

The outdoor temperature is now minus ten degrees, and I don’t know if it will continue to cool down.To say the least, the system is quite humane and does not directly drop the temperature to minus 40 degrees.

Red Yi raised his own question: "Maya, some large bases have more than 10 people. Aren't they very fast in transporting coal and searching? Isn't this too unfair to our small base?" The minimum number of people to participate in the event is two. The coal and food they have access to are certainly not as good as those of 5 people. The resources that 5 people can obtain are definitely not as good as the resources that 10 people can obtain.

Maya couldn't answer this question, so she looked at Lin Wu, who complained and raised her own question.

The little white rabbit replied: "Players are welcome to explore on their own."

Lin Wu: "I mean it's unfair."

Little White Rabbit: "I can't be absolutely fair, I can only be relatively fair."

Lin Wu relayed what Little White Rabbit said. Although he didn't get an answer, Hong Yi could only accept this argument.This question led to the conversation about Shadow.Maya believes that Shitou is responsible for driving, Su Shi is responsible for sleeping, and the others can make arrangements as they wish.Maya's question is whether there is any interaction between players in this activity.

Judging from the current situation, the theme of this train is black, lonely, cold, and lonely.It is very likely that the players are all in different dungeons. Why is it arranged like this?
Slowly moving from non-casual mode to hardcore mode, Dawn seems to have been challenging players' bottom line of survival.After thinking about it carefully, Maya realized that Dawn was building social classes.First of all, there is the lowest level. People who cannot survive even in casual mode, or who are unwilling to work hard or endure a little hardship, will have very low points.This group of people is relatively small.

Next is the middle level.Taking hardcore as the dividing line, if you can survive in hardcore mode for more than a month, it should be considered an upper-middle level.The middle class is definitely the largest group of people. Some people wisely gave up the hard-core mode, and some people gave up the hard-core mode after trying it for a month.

At this time, Dawn cannot let too many people stay in the hardcore mode, or have too many points.Because Sugon wants to create an olive-shaped society, with more people in the middle class and fewer people at the upper and lower levels.

The wealth of those at the bottom is nothing more than abject poverty, while the wealth of those at the top has no boundaries.The more people who stay in the hard-core model, the more pie will be cut on behalf of the top, so it is necessary to filter out some of the would-be rich to strengthen the middle class.

From this, we can know the reason why Shuguang is becoming more and more strict with players, that is, to distribute wealth and control the number and wealth of extremely wealthy people.

If your guess is correct, it means that there are currently many players staying in the hardcore mode.According to the previous non-hardcore mode Zuoxian Market survey, 70% of players said they would leave the hardcore mode, and half of the remaining 30% players were not determined and said they would try it for a month.

If this ratio is correct, that means 30 players will enter hardcore mode and 15 will stay in hardcore mode.

No, there won't be so many people.You must consider various situations such as typhoons and deaths.Some people are originally strong-willed, but will become discouraged after multiple deaths. Especially the update that cancels unlimited bullets in the base will make many people retreat.Conversely, players who have exited Hardcore mode cannot return to Hardcore mode.


This doesn't seem right.During the typhoon, according to information obtained from Shana's investigation, the number of remaining players in Beishang Town was approximately 80.However, even in the initial stage of the game, there are not many people in Beishang Town, Zuoxian County.

Maya once went to Beishang Town in You County through the Silk Road. It is a plain, not only large in area, but also players can be seen everywhere.The number of people should be about five times that of Beishang Town in Zuoxian County.

Based on this calculation, 5 people may be too many, and 3 people should be a more appropriate figure.

While the other four were chatting, Maya was minding her own business. No one disturbed her, but the sound of the alarm finally disturbed her.

A text appeared on the control panel display: Random mission, mission difficulty level B, mission time 10 minutes, do you accept it?If the task fails, punishment will be imposed depending on the specific circumstances.

In order to prevent players from being bored in the car for a long time, the system will assign random tasks, which can be ignored.

"Depends on the specific situation?" Everyone discovered the key point at the same time.In other words, there are other possibilities for this task besides success and failure.

Everyone looked at Maya, and Maya nodded: "Take it, it's only B level, there's no reason not to take it." The seven days have just begun, and there will be a lot of random tasks in the future, so you must know the intensity of the B difficulty tasks.

After the five cents special effects on the control panel, a serum needle appeared.Mission: There is a person in the train infected with the zombie virus. He is currently in the incubation period and has no symptoms.Please find the infected person and inject him with a serum injection.Task time is 10 minutes.Special reminder: Once a mission-infected person becomes ill, he will die immediately and cannot be cured in a hospital bed, nor can a serum injection save his life.

Everyone is stunned together, looking for a patient with no symptoms, and the patient will die as soon as he becomes ill.The person who asked the question is not ordinary shameless.

Lin Wu suggested: "Let's throw all the NPCs off the train and hack the serum needles. I think the ticket money they gave me will definitely not be as much as what I can earn as a beggar."

Maya couldn't help but said: "That's the money you earned from killing people."

Lin Wu raised the police badge on his chest: "Hey, hey!"

Not having time to waste time with him, Maya arranged: "There are currently nine passengers. Except for Splash, each person is responsible for two NPCs. Ask them where they come from, who they have met, whether they drank dirty water, and look for any possible clues."

Lin Wu didn't know whether he was arguing or suggesting: "The mission is to have one person in the train, and one person includes not only NPCs, but also players."

Maya was startled and looked at Lin Wu: "This sentence is very reasonable."

"Really?" Lin Wu was a little surprised.This feeling is like a poor student who suddenly answers the teacher's confusion by talking back, and is frightened.

Maya said: "If the mission fails, punishment will depend on the specific situation. Let's assume that the NPC is infected with the virus and our mission fails and we lose one NPC, or the NPC attacks other passengers after getting sick and loses several passengers. In this way, depending on the situation, we will The specific situation is very vague. Therefore, there is also a possibility that one of the players is infected with the virus, and if we do not find it, we will lose a companion."

Lin Wu raised his hand: "I'm fine. I am a blood plague survivor and immune to the zombie virus."

The three people in red clothes were shocked: "Does it still have such characteristics?"

Lin Wu smiled and said: "Having both ability and political integrity is a must. Stop!" He didn't know who kicked him under the quilt. They were a bunch of bad guys.

Maya lifted the quilt, and the remaining four people shivered and huddled together. Maya said: "Check the NPC first, then the players, and start work."

Shui Hua said: "I especially admire those who get up on time in winter and lift up the quilt when asked."

"Go, go." Everyone helped each other stand up from the ground and headed towards the passenger car.

System information, Town No. 1 is a human town and there is no zombie virus.This is the most important clue.So the first thing we need to ask the NPC is where are you from?Without me baby.

This question screened out all NPCs. They all came from Town No. 1 and never left Town No. 1.Either there is a system error and the information given is wrong.Either the player is infected with the virus.

Three minutes passed. Everyone gathered at the front of the car and recalled what happened when digging for coal, but they felt it didn't make sense.Lin Wu said: "The tasks are random, you can accept them or not. Shuguang can attack NPCs, but it can't attack us without reason. If we are infected with the virus, we are infected with the virus."

It was undeniable that what Lin Wu said made sense.While everyone was thinking hard, Shui Hua, who had more social experience, asked a question: "Have you asked about the NPC's profession?" "No."

Shui Hua reminded: "Some professions are born to lie."

Lin Wu: "This, can't I write this?"

Splash: "Folk occupation."

So everyone went to the passenger compartment again, and sure enough this question raised a question.The first is the fund manager. What is a fund manager?Everyone invests their money in him, and whether they make money or not, he still gets a commission.Before taking the money, he had to talk nonsense to get everyone to give him the money.

The second one is some kind of insurance salesman.They are the kind of insurance salesmen who will pay for everything when they take out the insurance, but will not pay for anything after an accident.

The third person is a salesman who sells health care products for the elderly. It is said that people who eat his products can live to be [-] years old.

The fourth is an owner who specializes in producing prepared dishes without any additives and with a shelf life of up to one year.

The fifth place is a 50-year-old aunt who is good at beauty.

There were still 5 minutes left on the clock, and the four of them stood together looking at the NPC, feeling a little depressed.

Lin Wu had an idea and took out a hundred knives from his pocket: "The purpose of asking everyone is because we picked up a hundred knives outside Town No. 1. Since no one has left Town No. 1, it means that none of the people here are. Lost owner."

The prepared dish boss stood up immediately: "I escaped from Pipa Town to Town No. 1 yesterday."

Aunts and health product salesmen stood up one after another and said that they came to Town No. 1 yesterday.The boss was very excited and took out his bus ticket and said: "It is said that there are patients with unknown illnesses in Pipa Town, so I left Pipa Town."

Maya looked at the other two: "Why did you go to Town No. 1?"

The two of them looked at each other and were about to speak when Lin Wu took out his revolver and said, "You're talking nonsense without evidence. Grab first and then kill." So the two sat back in silence.

Give the boss a shot and the system will prompt: Mission successful.

Lin Wu patted the manager and the insurance salesman on the shoulders: "You are honest people, people who have escaped from vulgar taste. I misunderstood you."

Hongyi was puzzled: "Why apologize?"

Lin Wu replied: "There are honest people in these two professions. But the other three professions are not controversial at all, because they can't make money without lying."

With the success of the mission, the control panel flashed with stars with the special effect of [-] cents, and a card appeared: Choose one of three career cards.

The three professions are: guide, vendor and bounty hunter.

Bounty Hunter: Accept wanted notices from human towns, and hunt wanted criminals to receive money and reputation rewards.

Vendor: You can sell goods to passengers on the train. When trading with humans, you can not only enjoy discounted purchases and high-priced sales, but also unlock hidden trading goods.

Guide: You can get traffic information.This includes route information, ahead station information, etc.

Everyone looked at Maya again. Lin Wu looked at it very seriously, so seriously that Maya wanted to punch him.

After thinking about it, Maya said: "I'm not sure about the number of human towns. There are many tasks in human towns. We don't need to take risks to chase down wanted criminals. What we need to consider are guides and vendors, among which the basic functions of vendors are related to human towns. This is The most important thing about this event is the train, and money is just a supplement, so I decided to choose a guide.”

Looking around, no one had any objections, so Maya appointed Red as her guide.

After the appointment, Hongyi immediately reported the information: "Driving at standard speed, we will arrive at Town No. 4 in 2 hours. Passing through the dangerous area Heifeng Village, the average temperature throughout the journey is minus 5 degrees. Town No. 2 is a zombie town. "

The control panel displayed only one warning message when approaching Town No. 2: Town No. 2 is a zombie town.Obviously the wizard is more reliable than the control panel.

Maya asked: "How long does it take to reach Black Wind Village?"

Hong Yi replied: "The map only shows the location, not the distance. It is estimated that there are still two hours."

Lin Wu looked worriedly at the passenger compartment: "Do we need to compensate for the death of a passenger? Even if we don't compensate, where can we find the nine pits?"

Hongyi smiled and said, "Lin Wu, your imagination always surprises me."

Maya ignored the chat between the two and said: "Hongyi and I use rifles, Qinglang and Lin Wu use pistols. Lin Wu, you and Qinglang practice reloading, and Hongyi and I practice rifle reloading."

Lin Wu said: "Isn't it necessary? We should recharge our batteries and wait for work."

Maya, who was accustomed to ignoring them, said to Lin Wu and Qinglang: "Load the bullet once."

Lin Wu kept an unhappy expression, took out his pistol, shook the wheels out, shook the pistol and poured out six bullets.He held the bullets in his hand, loaded them one by one, and finally pushed the wheel back.

Maya nodded: "You can go aside and rest."

Qingliang was miserable. This was his first time playing with a revolver. Either the bullets were spilled when loading, or the bullets were not loaded smoothly, or the bullets were not completely pushed into the wheel magazine.Without Maya's orders, he obediently went to the dormitory to practice loading.

Maya demonstrated the process of loading the rifle.Take out two bullets, hold one bullet in your mouth, then load it, aim and shoot, and then load the bullet in your mouth into the magazine.A set of two bullets reduces the time of removing bullets.

Lin Wu, who was watching the excitement on the side, suddenly had a twitch in his head, stretched out his head to make a face at Hong Yi, and shouted.Hongyi was startled and sucked in the bullet in his mouth, almost swallowing it.Before Hong Yi recovered, Lin Wu had already squatted down obediently, holding his head, causing Hong Yi to laugh. Lin Wu used the donkey to apologize.

This prank has no purpose, it's just a brain twitch.

(End of this chapter)

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