Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 306 Ambush

Chapter 306 Ambush
Maya spoke up: "This mission has two sides. Especially for your interests in red clothes, the disadvantages of taking the mission are greater than the advantages. You live in a resource-rich place and have a great chance of surviving until the end of the game. There is no need to Take risks during the event. Bastion agents are very powerful, and becoming enemies with them is not a good choice.”

Hongyi asked: "What is your personal opinion?"

Maya replied: "I will definitely take the mission, not only because of the points, but also to challenge myself. This is not a fatal mission." Without the spirit of adventure, there will be no reward from the adventure.

Hongyi nodded: "I have been messing around for the past year, and I think I have gained a lot of points. Since the dawn is becoming more and more unfriendly day by day, I will be eliminated by it sooner or later if I am still alive, so I am willing to take on the task. But I still want to May I ask, what is a fortress agent?"

"A bunch of rubbish." Lin Wu said: "A bunch of rubbish that I instantly turned into scum inside and outside the event." There's nothing to be afraid of.

Maya hurriedly said: "No, no, they are really strong, and they have their own golden fingers."

Lin Wu disagreed and asked: "So strong that we even took over your home?"

Maya took a step to the left, stepped on Lin Wu's soles to shut him up, and said seriously: "They are really strong. We can take advantage only because of luck."

Hongyi said cheerfully: "It's okay, I'm ready to die."

Hong Yi paused and said: "I have been living a dull and lonely life for a year. Especially after entering the hardcore mode, the number of players around me has decreased sharply. Others may envy our barely surviving life, but I feel that ending this life may not be a good thing. Bad thing. Maybe if we switch to non-hardcore mode, we can have more fun." The excitement when seeing Maya and Lin Wu for the first time was enough to show that Hongyi and the others were bored with their current life.

To ask them to voluntarily give up continuing to accumulate points and switch to a non-hardcore mode, they are somewhat unwilling to do so. After all, they can survive.Now there is a very good opportunity.Regardless of success or failure, they can challenge themselves. If they win, this memory can support them to continue.Lose and give yourself an excuse to go back to the crowd.

The most important point is that according to the points principle, their current points are already ahead of many people.Points will not be deducted if you die during the event, and there are no points statistics for non-hardcore modes, so they can maintain a points lead over most people.

As a result, Orient Express took over the task of escorting Shasha.

It is now three o'clock in the afternoon on the third day of the event, and the Orient Express can still stay for 22 hours.Maya did not intend to waste time by staying in Town No. 10. She assigned work based on the marked map given by the nightmare, and everyone left immediately after completing the work.

The first job was at the NPC on Aixia Road, where I spent 30 dollars to buy a professional card: Maintenance Worker.

The second job is to find the lost granddaughter for the NPC on Shuai Xi Road. The NPC improves the coal-burning efficiency of the train.

In the third job, it cost 200 knives to purchase 400 materials. New repairman Lin Wu spent 91 materials to completely repair the passenger compartment.

The fourth job is to buy ten large kettles, fill them all with water and transport them to the item warehouse.

The fifth task is to buy warm products, such as quilts, blankets, and sleeping bags.There are also plenty of candles etc.This costs $100.This caused Orient Express to give up its plan to purchase weapons and instead purchased 200 rounds of bullets for three types of firearms, costing a total of 100 knives.

Judging from the accumulated supplies, Maya has already made plans to run the train without stopping until the end of the event.But God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. During the parking period, 9 passengers boarded the passenger compartment. This means that when the train passes through a human station, it must stop to let the passengers off.Of course, you can also kill them.

Maya sent Shasha to sit down, and several people were having a meeting on the platform. Maya asked: "Are there any supplies that need to be purchased?" It is now seven o'clock in the evening, and the lights of No. 10 Town are brightly lit.There were a few more trains on the train track, and players would greet them from time to time to learn about the situation, but no Shadow was seen.


Maya said: "As soon as the train starts, the escort mission will begin. Lin Wu, you will stay in the passenger compartment most of the time. Shasha cannot participate in the battle or leave the passenger compartment, but obey our orders. You can ask her to hide in the place you think A safe place. You should also be careful of being attacked."

"Sneak attack?" Lin Wu thought thoughtfully: "The fortress agent's mission is only a nightmare. Either others are avoiding us, or they have already figured out how to plot against us. I don't know if they are acting as a team or as a small team."

Maya asked: "What did you think of?"

Lin Wu said something in Maya's ear, which made Hong Yi and others wonder why they wanted to avoid her.Maya nodded and said: "Everyone get in the car, Splash will start."

Everyone got on the train, and with the rotation of the train's wheels, the escort mission officially began.

In the passenger compartment, Lin Wu walked in the aisle with a revolver and looked at the passengers.Maya stood in front with a rifle.Soon, the two locked their target, the guy sitting in the third row from the bottom with his head lowered.

Lin Wu raised his gun. Seeing that he could not hide, the suspicious man took out his revolver in a desperate attempt. Of course, he was shot to death by Lin Wu.Lin Wu had an extra badge on his chest: a bronze escort badge.

"Wow!" Lin Wu showed off while touching the corpse.Sure enough, a handsome fortress agent masquerades as a passenger.

Lin Wu took away the revolver and ten bullets and continued to wander around. If he couldn't keep them all, he hid one among them.

How to identify players and NPCs?Except for important NPCs with green characters, it is theoretically impossible.In fact, everyone is wearing clothes. Based on the style of clothes and the background of games and activities, you can determine the identity of the other person.The clothes of the remaining 8 passengers all match the game background and fit well.

Maya tried to chat with each of them using her knowledge of the western cowboy background, and finally confirmed that the remaining eight passengers were all NPCs.

The sky began to darken, candles were lit in the aisles and carriages, and Lin Wu lowered the curtains of all passenger carriages.With half an hour left for dinner, Lin Wu climbed onto the flatbed carriage from the rear of the passenger carriage.

Perhaps because the carriage is covered, the flatbed carriage is not very windy, but even so, candles cannot be placed.Lin Wu was sitting in the corner of the flat car, completely immersed in darkness. With his stealth ability, it would be difficult for Nightmare and the others to detect his presence no matter how close they got.

Because Xiao Wai was by his side, Lin Wu was not worried about nightmares. They were too close and he was not aware of the situation.As for what kind of transportation the fortress agents would use to raid him, Lin Wu had no idea.

Maya's view is more optimistic. She believes that within 24 hours, the fortress agents will not target the Orient Express.After all, there are soft persimmons that you can’t pinch, so why choose durian?Lin Wu believed that Nightmare and Blood Dream would do the opposite in order to avenge him for robbing their safe house.

After Sanmeng assassinated Lin Wuzhong last time and Nightmare turned around and assisted in the counterattack, Lin Wu knew the reason why Nightmare wanted to kill him. It was just because of his high attributes and skills, which made him feel threatened.This event is his chance to get rid of himself once and for all, and Nightmare won't let this opportunity pass him by.

However, Nightmare and Blood Dream are almost blank slates. Without the help of others, they may not have many points to buy vehicles and various props to hunt them down.

Maya likes this advantage of Lin Wu.Although Lin Wu is often careless in daily life, when it comes to matters of life and death, or when he has major interests with friends, Lin Wu's work attitude is very serious.With such comrades by your side, you can do things with peace of mind.


Qinglang turned the handle of the searchlight with his hand, and the searchlight on the roof of the car rotated smoothly. Everywhere he went was like daylight, and he could see every plant and tree clearly.The train is currently passing through a wetland area. The rails are 50 centimeters above the ground, with grassy wetlands on both sides. From time to time, birds are frightened away by the sound of the train.

Hong Yi was in the dormitory car, using the intercom and said: "Everyone, dinner is ready."

Lin Wu returned to the passenger compartment, closed the back door, pushed Shasha down on the ground, and took Xiaowai to the dormitory compartment.With kitchen utensils and a homemade chimney, more complex meals can be prepared.Tonight's food is mutton finger rice.

Lin Wu glanced at the fragrant big pot of rice and lamented: "Carrots."

"Don't like it?" Hongyi asked.

"It's okay, okay." He and Hongyi lifted the big pot of rice to the front of the car.

Maya and Qinglang cleared a place at the front of the car, and everyone sat on the ground.Hongyi opened the pot, and a burst of hot steam mixed with aroma hit his nostrils.When Shui Hua smelled the smell, she lamented in the same tone as Lin Wu: "Carrot!"

Hongyi Nu: "You can't be picky about food, you know? Carrots contain carotene and can also supplement vitamins. Haha, okay, I understand, I won't add it next time."

Qinglang asked in confusion: "Why do you hate carrots?" Shuihua asked back: "Why do you hate mushrooms?"

Qinglang: "Shiitake mushrooms smell bad."

Shuihua: "It smells so bad, why is it called fragrant?"

Qinglang: "Don't cigarettes smell very good?"

Splash: "Carrots... are very wild."

Lin Wu said: "Order a carrot and stir-fry mushrooms. You eat the mushrooms, you eat the carrots, a takeaway, two people can enjoy it. You two are a perfect match."

After saying that, Lin Wu looked at everyone earnestly and asked: "Who wants carrots?" As an adult, who is not picky about what to eat?Only pigs are not picky eaters and will not reject anyone who comes.From this we can conclude that those who are not picky eaters are all pigs.

"I'll get you a bowl without carrots." Hong Yi used a rice spoon to spread the carrots and picked a bowl of rice for Lin Wu.

Lin Wu praised: "Hongyi, you have such a good character."

"Is that all right?"

Lin Wu said: "Just praise me once. Don't be too greedy."

Hongyi smiled and gave Lin Wu a kick. Lin Wu was startled: "I am very familiar with this kick. It seems that it has kicked me before."

Hongyi was shocked: "Can you feel this too?"

Lin Wu pointed at Hongyi: "It is indeed you."

Hong Yi said proudly: "It's just me."

While chatting and laughing, Shui Hua was very dedicated and sat at her work station with a bowl of rice. When she suddenly saw something happening in front of her, she immediately made an emergency stop.

"what happened?"

"The rails are gone."

Everyone in the mess stood up and looked outside. The railway track 100 meters away suddenly disappeared, replaced by the same terrain as the wetlands on the left and right.The difference is that there is a small hill more than 10 meters high in front of the left side of the missing railway track.Although the headlight can only illuminate a small part, we can know that the hill is a dense forest composed of many pine trees, miscellaneous trees, weeds, etc.

How could the railroad tracks disappear?I don’t know, but under the illumination of the car lights, I can see with the naked eye that there is water at the end of the railway track, and then some water plants.The headlight shines very far, and as far as the eye can see, it is an endless expanse of water plants.

"It's weird!"

Maya: "Sunny, shine the searchlight into the woods."

"Understood." Qinglang shook the handle, and the searchlight turned to shine on the woods. Qinglang adjusted it upward a few degrees. The light enveloped the front of the hill, and even the branches could be seen clearly.

"You stay." Maya said, "Lin Wu, let's go out and take a look."

Opening the door of the locomotive, Lin Wu disappeared into the darkness. Maya leaned against the locomotive, holding a rifle on guard.Lin Wu was on the right side of the railway track, walking forward along the railway track for about 30 meters. Lin Wu stepped on the small gravel, retracted his left foot at the speed of light, and a large animal trap bounced under the gravel.

Under the illumination of the car lights, the people at the front of the car could clearly see the process of closing the animal trap, and everyone broke out in a cold sweat.In other words, Lin Wu was quick to change his attitude, and anyone else would definitely fall into the trap.

Lin Wu put the animal trap into his backpack. If it can't catch me, it will be confiscated from you.If you catch me, I'll tear you apart.

Maya leaned against the front of the train, picked up the intercom and said: "Turn off the headlights! Wait."

So Lin Wu squatted on the spot and waited quietly.

The people hiding in the woods saw darkness and reported through the headset: "They turned off the lights!"

Nightmare's voice came from the headset: "Why didn't you shoot?"

Man in the Forest: "He seems not to have been punished by death. His stealth level is very high, and the distance is too far. When the train turns on its headlights, he can only be seen vaguely."

Xue Meng was beside Nightmare and asked, "What do they mean by turning off the lights?"

Nightmare said: "He has a hound and wants to have a dark attack. Three eyes!"

The so-called three-eye refers to a night vision device.The man in the forest put on the night vision goggles and still couldn't find Lin Wu, but he could see Maya with half of her body exposed next to the locomotive. The man in the forest asked: "Kill Maya?"

Xue Meng asked back: "Did you hit it?"

"The distance of 70 meters is a bit difficult." The man in the forest added: "I have tried this crappy gun, and my hit rate within 40 meters is still very high."

Just as he said this, the Oriental train's searchlight suddenly turned on. The man in the forest was almost blinded by the flash, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the bright light.Maya saw the movement clearly and shot. The bullet hit the tree one meter away from the man in the forest, and the branches were broken.

Maya kept her eyes on the man in the forest and loaded the bullet quickly.Knowing that he was exposed, the man in the forest immediately pushed up the night vision device and stood up to prepare to escape.The second bullet flew in front of him, and the sound of whizzing bullets really startled him.At this time, the man in the forest's vision had not yet recovered, and his shoulder hit a small tree.When he grabbed the small tree with his right hand and walked around to the left, the third bullet arrived and hit his back.The man in the forest fell down immediately.

The man in the forest reported: "I was shot and lost 80% of my mobility. I will die within 3 minutes if the bleeding stops."

Blood Dream and Nightmare shouted at the same time: "Kill yourself."

The man in the forest was stunned: "Why?"

Blood Dream, Nightmare: "Lin Wu will not let you go, kill yourself now."

Man in the forest: "No, I'm asking why?"

The voice from the nightmare came slowly: "Lin Wu is an old thief who touched corpses."

Lin Wu summoned Xiao Wai while waiting. When Maya hit the man in the forest, Lin Wu followed Xiao Wai and sprinted towards the woods 50 meters away.As soon as the nightmare finished, Lin Wu and Xiao Wai rushed to Lin Zhongren. Before Lin Zhongren could speak, Lin Wu shot him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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