Chapter 340
At eight o'clock in the evening, Maya and Shitou arrived at the camp on foot, and the armored vehicle was abandoned ten kilometers away.Shitou Ben was thinking about taking some oil from the pickup truck, but Maya rejected it. The pickup truck had some remaining fuel to take care of tomorrow's siege.

Seeing the two of them arriving, Su Shi announced that dinner would be served. He would cook today and cooked some home-style dishes through the system kitchen.The beauty, smell and taste were all there, but Maya didn't have the time to think about it. She and Shana went to the campfire outside the tent, and the two began to discuss work matters.Compared with the previous hilltop churches and sawmills, they lacked the intelligence of the commercial street and were more like a gamble.

Lin Wu particularly admired Maya. Shuguang brand robots did not need to rest.From the moment I met Shana in the morning until I came back pushing the cart in the evening, I immediately got into work without taking a breath.When looking for a nanny or hiring a worker, you have to look for someone like this.

After dinner, Maya greeted: "Lin Wu, let's go."


People can slip into Lemmon Town from any point on the U-shaped highway, but for horses and vehicles to enter Lemmon Town, there are only two ramps from the north to the south.Lin Ma took the south ramp near the tent base this time.

Walking along the roadside by the ramp, the two cautiously entered the town, and then were blocked by an automatic bar lift system.Maya said: "I will try to steal two license plates later." There was not much space left on one side.People can pass, but cars can't, and even horses can't pass.

"The deck is illegal."

When Maya didn't hear, she pointed to the side, and the two of them bypassed the automatic checkpoint and continued moving forward.As soon as you pass the automatic checkpoint, zombies start to appear.There are also street lights in the small town of Lemmon, but compared to the bright lights in big cities, the local street lights are mainly dim.Crouching on the side of the road and looking at the villa area, I couldn't see any lights.According to the rule that the large iron gate must be opened when someone is at home, Maya estimated through visual inspection that the occupancy rate of the villa group was about 20%.

They continued along the southern road of the inner U for about ten meters and touched two zombies during the process. Then the two stopped and there was a camera in front of them.Maya looked at the camera, paying attention to the surroundings from the corner of her eyes, and said on guard: "The Silent One."

Lin Wu picked up the Silent Man and fired at the camera. The bullet hit the camera accurately.There was a small popping sound, and the bullet bounced off the bulletproof glass outside the camera.

Maya said: "Stealth."

Lin Wu said: "You go back first." Don't get in the way.The latter sentence is said to the roundworm in the stomach.

Maya retreated along the same path, while Lin Wu advanced in stealth.As the flash light came on, Lin Wu ran away, and the two of them ran to the ramp to wait.After a while, a drone arrived over the surveillance sky and scanned and searched the nearby area.

Maya said: "The red light of the drone represents infrared heat. The principle of camera photography should capture moving objects. Why are the zombies not photographed?"

Lin Wu said: "I walk slower than zombies."

Maya said: "But your movements are different from zombies."

Lin Wu asked: "Try again?"


The drone left after 5 minutes, and Lin Wu and Maya returned to the original place.Lin Wu stood up and released his stealth, opened his mouth and showed his teeth, his eyes were dull, his hands were stiff, and he walked forward step by step.It’s not a very good performance, but after entering the camera area, the camera’s flash did not come on.Lin Wu looked back at Maya and said it was feasible, and then the flash light came on.The two immediately fled again.

Zombies don't just turn their heads, they either turn around or turn their upper bodies.Since Lin Wu's actions were not consistent with zombie behavior, he was judged as a human.

When the two came back again, the NPC who was a resident of the monitoring side villa went out to throw away garbage, and the flashlight flashed. The NPC faced the surveillance camera and raised his left hand to his ear. The surveillance camera took pictures again, and then the NPC returned to his home as if nothing was wrong.This time no drones are here to search for suspicious persons.

Maya explained: "Raising your left hand to your ear is a sensor action. After the surveillance camera takes another photo, it will compare the identity in the database. There should be a car license plate in the database. As long as the license plate is stolen and installed in our car, we can take the car." It can successfully deceive the small town's surveillance system." It is basically confirmed that the surveillance system is an ordinary video surveillance system.

Lin Wu asked: "Inference or guessing?"

Maya replied: "Speculation." She couldn't help but curl up her lips, feeling proud of her answer.

childish!Lin Wu: "Detour."

The two walked around from the middle of the two villas to the back, touching a few zombies during the process, and then walked out of the surveillance coverage area before walking onto the road.A jeep parked five meters ahead.Maya waved her finger.

Lin Wu sneaked forward, checked the door lock and found that it was not a mechanical lock, so he used a personal computer to access the system. After a while, Lin Wu stepped back and said in Maya's ear: "Biological lock, you need to go to the server to download the biological records."

"Fully networked." Early electronic locks in automobiles used individual systems, and the data was stored locally. The lock could be unlocked after matching the key, secret key or fingerprint.Later, cars became fully networked, and some data were no longer stored locally.This system is very convenient. If your car runs over a small stone, you can contact customer service to conduct a remote inspection of your car.

However, there are many controversies surrounding the whole process of networking.Car manufacturers and car service providers can control your car and fully understand your vehicle's information.Once the most terrifying bad guy succeeds in invading, he will control your car and your family's wealth and life.Some vehicles purchased with loans may be directly locked once the repayments are not made on schedule, and there may even be some extreme cases where the vehicle is locked while driving.

"It's not that complicated. It's just that Shuguang won't let it be used." Lin Wu said: "But it didn't say it wouldn't be demolished. After we settle down, we will let all the NPCs walk to work."

"License plate."

Lin Wu removed the license plate and saw Maya taking a flashlight to shine inside the car and reminded: "Theft is illegal."

Maya: "I'm looking for a radio frequency device. I don't rule out that the vehicle is pre-installed with a radio frequency identification system. I didn't find it. It should be license plate recognition."

After stealing two license plates, the two continued to move forward, relying on the method of circumnavigating the villa, and arrived at the right side of the second horizontal line of the word "Qian" smoothly.The situation on this lower right road is a bit complicated. It is an open road with commercial buildings on both sides.The buildings are all close together, with the highest being a five-story hotel and office building, and the lowest being a two-story shop.

The density of outdoor zombies has increased, but because there are no mutated zombies, it still does not pose a threat to Lin Ma.But this area is fully covered by surveillance.

The commercial street is in the upper left corner of Qian. If they want to reach the commercial area, they must cross the lower right road to the center of the cross, then walk up and turn left.The closer you get to the center, the higher the density of zombies is, not to mention the ubiquitous surveillance.

Can you advance by climbing over buildings?It's very difficult, and you still need to cross the intersection at first.Secondly, the heights of the connected buildings are different. It can be climbed from the fifth floor to the second floor by rope. How to climb from the second floor to the fifth floor?This is a wall without even a point of strength.

Maya said: "It is impossible to move forward on foot. This means that even if we occupy the commercial street, there is only one upper left road in the walking area,"

The top left of the word "gan" is the upper left road, the top right is the upper right road, and the vertical line in the middle is a straight road.Their current position is in the lower right lane.

Lin Wu said: "Our only chance is to cheat the entire system by relying on the license plate."

Maya said: "No. If the pickup truck cannot fool the system after installing the license plate, then we have to lie dormant for a few days, collect enough gasoline, and use an armored vehicle to forcefully break through. However, the armored vehicle is basically useless."

Although the armored vehicle can keep moving, sooner or later drones will surround the armored vehicle with no way to go and no fuel to burn. When the time comes, faced with the siege of suicide drones, the armored vehicle can only turn into a ball of scrap metal.

"The sad stone is not us. Taking the opportunity to get rid of this big oil burner may not be a bad thing for the base."

Maya looked at Lin Wu: "It makes sense."

Lin Wu said hurriedly: "I said it casually. Don't tell Shitou, he will strangle me to death."

"No." Maya said: "Have you noticed that in addition to the villas where NPCs live in the villa area, there are no shops or apartment buildings without any lights." Lin Wu said: "The commercial street most likely does not have electricity. At that time, we must use the only outpost card to go to the park to connect the electricity."

Maya looked at Lin Wu: "We have met several suitable substations along the way. Why don't you use the outpost card? You know I will never refuse, and I won't now."

Lin Wu said: "The tent has electricity, but the base has no electricity. At night, won't everyone come to the tent? How can I hide in peace?"

"Really?" Maya asked: "Maybe you think that a tent where one person lives is not worthy of an outpost card, and the light should be left to everyone."

Lin Wu denied: "That's not true."

Maya did not argue and said: "The basic situation is already understood. We can only try with the license plate first. It is best to do it before the NPC goes to the airport in the morning. Let's withdraw first."


Retreating to the camp along the original route, Maya got rid of Lin Wu, and Shana and she began to arrange plans, allocate ammunition, and clarify everyone's responsibilities.Finally call everyone to a meeting.

The departure time is eight o'clock in the morning. After getting the single-day gasoline from Dashuang, I immediately made an incendiary bomb.Then Dashuang drove a pickup truck to the commercial street.In the first round, a driver drives into the town to avoid being wiped out by the group without understanding the game mechanics.

After Shadow disbanded, Dashuang and Mian Mian divorced and got married.

If Da Shuang dies, everything must be considered in the long term.Maya's plan was to camp in place for the winter. On the one hand, Lin Wu and others would enter the town to search for supplies, on the other hand, they would farm and fish, and then connect the tent base to electricity.

If Dashuang returns successfully, Shitou will drive and take Maya, Lin Wu, Mian Mian and Shana to the commercial street.After arriving at the commercial street, divide into two teams to clean up the zombies.

The reason why the big double is not arranged to participate in the siege is because the big double has poor actual combat experience.The pickup can only seat five people, and that doesn't change anything even in hardcore mode.

Overall, it lacked some combat effectiveness. Fortunately, no mutant zombies were found in Lemon Town, and bullets were relatively abundant. Maya was relatively confident in the entire combat plan and personnel arrangements.

After Maya finished speaking, she asked: "Does anyone have any questions?"

They all spoke in great detail. Everyone looked at each other without saying anything. Maya said, "Are there any questions?"
Lin Wu said: "No problem."

Everyone then responded: "No problem." Indeed, no problem, but in recent months everyone has become accustomed to silence in meetings.

Maya: "Last two questions. First question, what is the name of the new base?"

"Shadow." Everyone answered.

Maya: "Second question, individual system or leadership system, or collective system?"

Shana added to explain: "The individual system has the least restrictions. It has less restrictions on you and less restrictions on others. You believe in your own self-discipline, can you trust others' self-discipline? The collective system may create factions. In order to veto the proposal or pass the proposal, and Temporarily win over others. Needless to say, the commander-in-chief has absolute power and can appoint and remove two deputy commanders to assist in the management of the base. There are pros and cons among the three models. Please consider them carefully before answering. "

Su Shi asked: "Shana, what do you and Maya think?"

Maya replied: "I support the collective system, and Shana supports the individual system. Neither of us rejects the command system."

Su Shi looked at Lin Wu, who said: "I am affiliated with the branch base, and I have a mobile base." Even under the command system, allies will not have their weapons confiscated when entering the base.

Shitou, who had been the mascot throughout the meeting, finally said: "Form the individual system and drive out the collective system. For example, Xuedan knew that the item he took was a necessity and one of the core components for upgrading the third-level command, but In order to make his lover happy, he did it anyway. This kind of behavior must be subject to a collective vote to decide whether to expel him. In another example, Cuiyu caught Dashuang's playing seagulls. Seagulls are not personal or collective assets, so the conflict is limited to the two of them. People, they should handle this kind of thing on their own, and others will at most take a conciliatory attitude and not hold a collective vote to decide who is right or wrong.”

Shitou said: "Those who deliberately harm the collective interests must accept criticism and even expulsion from everyone. Conflicts that do not harm the collective interests are private conflicts. For example, Lin Wu and I dislike each other, and what should we do if we really can't get along? One solution, One of them left the base voluntarily. One solution is to leave the decision of who leaves the base to a collective vote.”

Shitou: "I know there will be cliques, but this also means that this person has certain advantages in the group, whether it is connections or capabilities. The last way is for Lin Wu to pick one of the people to go to the tent. The camp is also the sub-base.”

After Shitou finished speaking, Su Shi raised his hand: "Support."

Everyone agreed: "Support."

Maya said: "The topic is over. It's getting late. In order to ensure the fighting capacity in the morning, everyone should rest on the spot and don't whisper to each other. Even if you can't sleep, please don't make too much noise so as not to disturb others' rest." This is the disadvantage of the tent base. , even if additional dormitories are built, there will only be three beds, and others can only open bunks.

Maya didn't explain why she said this. If you can understand it, just understand it. If you can't understand it, just execute it.If anyone had a question, she would explain it to them.But generally speaking, even if people have questions, they will ask Shana: Why does Maya even have to take care of her private rest time?

 Suddenly I discovered that medical treatment is very cheap now.

  My younger daughter went to the doctor with a high fever and was called an emergency room. After taking a X-ray, she was diagnosed with mild tracheitis.At this time, I finally found a parking space and accompanied my wife to check out and get medicine. I was shocked at that time, it only cost a few dozen yuan.

  What is the concept of tens of dollars?Suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling that made me want to cry.

  After leaving the hospital, my wife walked towards the opposite parking lot.I reminded her and she said she was going to buy medicine.I asked: What the hell?My wife explained that it was recommended by the doctor and the hospital did not carry this medicine.

  I was heartbroken and told my wife that this medicine was probably very expensive, maybe hundreds, and it should be an important medicine for treating bronchitis.

  My wife asked, why?
  I said it would be cheaper to see a doctor this way.

  It turns out I'm too smart.

  This time, in addition to praising the hospital for its cheap charges, I also want to praise the school teachers for their professionalism.

  My youngest daughter is in fifth grade, and more than a dozen people in her class called in sick today.At about seven o'clock in the evening, the teacher's concern came: parents of students who asked for leave today were asked to go to the school gatekeeper to pick up the homework for class XX.

  It's raining today, and all the kids who are on sick leave have fevers.At this time, parents have to cook, wash clothes, take care of sick children, and get homework.

  But it won’t work if you don’t take it. The children are making trouble and are afraid of the teacher.Then go get it.

  When I got it back, I realized it was an exercise book for copying sample essays.

  Copy the model essay, copy the model essay, copy the model essay...

(End of this chapter)

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