Chapter 344
  "Should be dead." Maya stood up, making herself a target, ready to dodge at any time. If you can't dodge the first bullet, you can dodge the second bullet.

Shana remained alert and said: "Is it possible that Fortress has issued a mission to Fortress agents? We are neutral in the eyes of NPCs. They have no reason to attack us directly, but they can issue missions for Fortress agents to do dirty work. A non-hard worker The town supplies in nuclear mode are exchanged for being chased by fortress agents, which sounds fair."

Maya said: "The first priority right now is to turn on the power. Lin Wu's drone can effectively prevent us from being attacked by sneak attacks." We are not afraid of the other party breaking into the base, because an alarm will sound as soon as they enter the safe zone. But there are many buildings on the opposite side, so you have to worry about the other side taking a cold shot. However, the terrain is favorable to Shadow. There are so many zombies indoors that the fortress agents can only go to the rooftop and catch them with the help of drones.

When I think about it, there are so many things I have to do. Don't think that Maya will sigh from fatigue because of this. In fact, Maya really likes this kind of challenge. As long as she doesn't lose all her chips and reach a desperate situation, she will do her best to make things develop for the better. At the sign of Highway 77 in Fantasy City, that was the first and only time she felt tired.

For Maya, the impact of losing Dashuang and Cotton was the loss of two human beings. The remaining few people are different. No one can be replaced by others. Maya is still relatively optimistic about the situation, and the Shadow's strength has not been compromised. She has already considered Snow Egg and Starlight. Her concern is not whether these people will cause infighting in the Shadows. Her concern is gasoline.

Shadow basically burned up all the gasoline, and without Da Shuang, a major oil producer, he could only rely on looting to stock up on gasoline for a trip to Zuoxian County. Judging from what she and Shana had gained in the morning, gasoline shouldn't be a big deal. She just didn't want to waste gasoline.

So for Maya, although there is a lot to do, a lot of things missing, and not much time, everything is still controllable and moving in a good direction.

If Shitou comments on Maya's hormones, as long as Maya still has faith and confidence, Shana will not be decadent. If the emotional Shana is not decadent, no one will be. Lin Wu is heartless, and with the tent in hand, he can make his home everywhere. Shitou and Su Shi originally planned to live in seclusion until they died.

Trouble comes from Bastion agents, causing Maya to leave Shanna at a secret outpost at the base to monitor the highway bridge for the rest of the day. Since she was working alone, she became more cautious and cautious, and her efficiency was naturally greatly reduced.


At eight o'clock in the evening, the pickup truck with the new license plate returned to the Shadow Base with the two horses and three people.

Maya called for dinner. Tonight’s dinner was fried chicken and beer. Maya wasted no time and talked about the situation during the day while eating. She said that someone must be on duty 24 hours a day to keep an eye on the highway bridge. Because of the lack of manpower, it was necessary to work hard. Shitou said it didn't matter.

Maya continued: "Lin Wu, I have already chosen the location for your tent. There are two better options. The first option is to build it on the edge of the safe zone in the west of the base, which is the open space near the food street. Put the two The safety zones of the two bases are all connected together, the surveillance on the road in the middle area is abolished, and half of the upper left road is turned into a safety zone."

Maya said: "The second plan is to build it at the museum opposite. I have seen the terrain. The museum has two floors, each floor is about 7 meters high. The stairs lead directly to the rooftop, where horse racing can be done. One location is on the first floor of the museum, and the other is Museum rooftop.”

Lin Wu, who had full decisiveness and never knew what hesitation was, said: "Choose one. The second option requires cleaning up the museum. I don't think I have this time recently."

Maya said: "Okay, build the base after dinner. Lin Wu, you and Shana go to the park, we will solve the power problem, and wait until the tent cools down tomorrow before completing the alliance mission." While others were eating, Shana was on guard duty. Keep an eye on the highway bridge.

Shi Shi explained: "The pickup truck is probably out of gas."

Maya said: "I got two barrels of fuel at the fried chicken shop this morning. Opposite the fried chicken shop is a hardware store. I believe there are a lot of building materials. At present, Shadow needs two things the most: building materials and food. Food is not a problem, but only through the With electricity, we can use refrigerators to preserve food.”

Lin Wu said: "I can go alone."

Maya said: "The pickup truck has a license plate, so the danger is not great. The purpose of Shana's trip is to draw a map of the buildings in the core area. We need to search systematically. In addition, there is good news. There is no need to build a laundry room in the laundry room. Washing machine. However, the laundry room needs a water source. Since the water source in Lemon Town is in the direction of the airport, I am considering a trip to Zuo County after getting the new outpost card."

Shitou said: "Okay, I'll stop by the Angel Alliance and bring back the knife and the snow egg."

Maya asked: "Where are Starlight and the others?"

Shitou said: "Let them forget it."

Maya said: "But we don't have a doctor."

Stone: "Cut the blood zombies."

Maya: "The town of Lemmon has no heart."

Shitou: "Then let Lin Wu bring a tent and live in Zuoxian County for half a month."

"That's not what I meant." Maya said: "Xuedan and Xiaodao, Xingguang and the others, the situations of these two groups are the same. Why did you choose the group of Xuedan and Xiaodao?" Obviously, Xingguang and the others are not interested in the base. has a greater effect. As for the impact on unity, it is not among Maya's considerations.

If work is arranged, you do it. If no work is arranged, you take a rest. If you have any opinions, speak up. If you don't have any opinions, just work. For no special reason, those who are passive and slow down due to emotional problems will be dealt with by Shana once, publicly warned twice, and expelled three times.

The stone came out and the king exploded: "I am HR."

Maya was stunned for a few seconds and said: "Okay. But I still have to go to the lumber mill. Shana said that there was an outpost card in the Shadow Base. She didn't take it when they separated, and you didn't take it either. Either it was lost or it was snow. Either the egg is taken, or the starlight is taken. But we don’t have any supplies worth trading on hand right now.”

Shitou: "I'll handle it. When the time comes, Lin Wu and I will just go on a trip."

Maya nodded: "Okay." Send Lin Wu, Maya can rest assured that at least Lin Wu will not push the stone.

The stone face put on a flattering smile: "Since there is fuel, Maya, look..."

Lin Wu interrupted: "Old man, do you still remember whether I should say something or not?"

Shitou asked: "Is it related to armored vehicles?"

Lin Wu nodded.

Shitou said: "Tell me." Disgusting thing.

Lin Wu said: "I have never seen fighter jets, tanks, or armored vehicles with license plates in movies and TV shows. Have you seen them?" Shitou's vehicle is not a special police wheeled armored transport vehicle, but a tracked armored transport vehicle equipped with machine guns. Military chariot.

Lin Wudao: "As long as the artificial intelligence is not mentally retarded, I don't think armored vehicles can use the license plate loophole to drive into the town."

Shitou was stunned for a while and said, "Maybe? Maybe during the war on Earth at that time, tanks and armored vehicles also had to carry license plates."

Lin Wu asked: "Why are you showing the license plate? Points will be deducted for illegal parking? Points will be deducted from the armored vehicle?" The two armies were fighting fiercely, and suddenly a man ran in and knocked on the door of the armored vehicle: "You, show me your driver's license. Do you know it's overloaded?" Come down here.

Maya said: "Lin Wu, what you said is too arbitrary. There are also anti-riot armored vehicles with license plates."

Lin Wu asked: "Are they also equipped with machine guns?" "That's not true." Maya said: "This type of vehicle is prepared to deal with urban thugs, and of course it will not be equipped with machine guns."

Stone: "But there is hope."

Lin Wu nodded: "Yes, there is still hope." It would be better to let it rot in the suburbs than to be blown into scrap metal by drones. At least you know where it is.


After the meal, Lin Wu and Shana went out to work, and the others were also idle. The stone became a secret sentinel to monitor the highway bridge. Su Shi demolished the garbage that the day shift brought from the surrounding area, mainly small kitchen appliances, microwave ovens, fryers, ovens, etc., in preparation for upgrading the headquarters. Maya took advantage of the safe zone with the help of street lights and cleaned the two-story minimart next to the museum.

The license plate was valid at night. Lin Sha reached the park easily and drove the car into the park. There were camping tents scattered around the park. The two of them searched while driving and got a lot of charcoal, as well as a crisper, a boning knife, a grill and other items. This is the most exciting time the two of them have searched since entering the hardcore mode. Throw whatever you get into the back of the pickup truck.

Shana forgot the purpose of her trip for a moment, and drove over whenever she saw a tent. It wasn't until Maya asked about the progress that Lin Sha and the two got down to business. By this time, the back of the pickup truck was already filled with supplies.

There are no risks in the connection process. This journey is like two max-level bosses entering a novice village, where chickens and dogs are dead, and not a single blade of grass grows. Soon Lin Sha successfully occupied the park's substation and connected the power supply to the Shadow Base.

They didn't leave immediately after they were done. Shana was drawing pictures of the surrounding apartment buildings. While looting the park is fun, it still benefits from the lack of zombies. Relatively speaking, supplies are mainly indoors, especially in apartment buildings with dense residents.

Because of the airport, the tallest building in Lemmon Town is only five floors, and the same is true for the apartment buildings.

"This is the pigeon house." Shana looked at the apartment building a hundred meters away with a telescope. It was densely packed with zombies. Its density had exceeded that of Zuoxian City. Due to the small space and crowded zombies, they were unable to gather a patrol of zombies. Shana said: "Once we get close to the apartment, the zombies downstairs will run out, the zombies upstairs will jump down, and the zombies on the left and right will surround us. It is almost a sure place to die."

Lin Wu asked: "What is a pigeon house?"

"Oh, in the early years, housing prices in some cities on Earth were very expensive. Some families lived in houses of fifty square meters, and the per capita living area was less than ten square meters, so they were called pigeon houses." Shana said: "But I I think it would be nice for the family to live together, even if the house is smaller.”

Shanna drew a picture as she talked. She drew the location of the apartment building visually and the distance between the two buildings. If you want to start building apartment buildings in the future, you can refer to the pictures she drew to make your selection.

Lin Wu asked: "How do you feel when Mian Mian and Da Shuang leave?"

Shana paused, continued painting, and asked, "I'm actually curious, why do people think they are my cronies?"

Lin Wu asked: "Isn't it?"

Shana said: "As far as Da Shuang is concerned, my fault is that I did not punish her mistakes. In fact, since Shadow established the base, there is no reward and punishment system. It relies entirely on self-consciousness. I have nowhere to punish her. From this aspect Generally speaking, I think Xingguang's proposal makes sense. Cotton is another case. She has relatively high obedience and resolutely executes orders. On the other hand, she firmly supports the deputy commander and the commander. Therefore, among everyone, including From their own perspective, our relationship is the best.”

Lin Wu suddenly realized: "Let me tell you, you are not a clique person."

Shana said: "When people's hearts are not strong enough, there will be a need for recognition. Slowly, because the group gathers for a long time, people with similar views will form a group to join the group for warmth. Suppose this group finally drives out other people. Groups, they will continue to fight among themselves and expel those with distant views from the group.”

Shanna: "I know that my personality is prone to cliques, so I always remind myself not to do so. I don't deliberately favor anyone, but people are different. Peanut and the others will carry out my orders even if they are unhappy. , and Dashuang knows that I will not punish those who do not carry out orders, so there is a situation of sabotage."

Shana said: "In the conflict between Qian Qian and Xiao Dao, Xiao Dao was the old shadow man, and she also had the support of Xue Dan. I was emotionally biased toward the weak and did not treat this matter fairly. It also made Qian Qian misunderstand my original intention."

Lin Wu said: "I admire it, I admire it. You know it's wrong, but you don't make changes. You see it clearly, but you go with the flow."

Shana: "I'm not used to, nor do I like to interfere with other people's ideas, nor am I willing to impose my will on others. They can think that I am in the same group as them, but as long as I don't think so, it's okay."

Lin Wu said: "But you have no objection to the big devil Maya imposing his will and orders on you."

Shana smiled: "Didn't I say it? I don't interfere with other people's thoughts and will."

Lin Wu: "You don't object if I beat you up, right?" He rolled up his sleeves, he didn't dare to hit Maya, and he didn't dare to bully you?
  "I can't beat you, what else can I do? I can only complain afterwards." Shana said: "I think you described Maya incorrectly. Maya's orders do not contain will, but are simple work orders. She is brave, but never Asking others to be brave. She is strong, but never asks others to be strong."

Lin Wu nodded: "Such a wife is good. She is hardworking and does not require her husband to be hardworking. She cares about hygiene and does not require her husband to be hygienic. She makes money and does not require her husband to make money. She is loyal and does not require her husband to be loyal..."

"Haha." Shana smiled and patted Lin Wu's shoulder and asked, "Have you decided to fake it and do it for real?"

"No, I prefer you like this. If I become a scumbag, you won't interfere with my thoughts and will. She might kill me with one shot, because she really has a gun."

"It's a beautiful idea." Shana smiled sinisterly: "I don't have a gun, but I can poison you and your lover and turn you and your lover into a conscious vegetative state. I won't extubate the tube, I will feed you and prick you with needles every day. Singing and tying at the same time.”

"You are so perverted." Lin Wu took two steps away and asked, "What if my crush is Maya?"

"Then work with her to turn you into a vegetative state. I'll give you acupuncture on [-], and she'll cut off the flesh on [-]."

"What about Sunday?"

Shana said dissatisfied: "I've given you six days a week, so of course you have to go out and have fun on Sunday."

Lin Wu could only sigh.

"Okay." Shana put away the pen and paper: "Shall we search all the way back?"

"No problem." Lin Wu said: "When I was searching just now, I remembered that I entered every building and touched every inch of the land. Do you remember the air conditioner? Did you carry the air conditioner back from the Highland Villa?"

Shana said: "The moon is bright in the sky and the breeze is gentle. Why do you insist that I beat you up on this beautiful day?"

"Haha!" Lin Wu changed the subject and pointed to the side: "It looks like there is a campsite."

Lighters, matches, cigars, beer, cakes, lipstick, sunscreen, grills, chicken wings, children's dolls, crisper boxes, hammocks, tents... take them, take them all. A gust of wind blew by, and it was completely impossible to tell that there was a camping site here.

(End of this chapter)

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