Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 364 Arms Dealer

Chapter 364 Arms Dealer

Maya paused for a second and said: "This NPC is the public relations manager of the hotel. He said that there is a very distinguished guest in room 2207 who will stay at the hotel later. In order to welcome his arrival, the hotel manager asked someone to send a flower basket and Champagne, and together with the housekeeping manager, conduct a comprehensive inspection of suite 2207 where the VIP will stay."

Maya: "But he couldn't determine how long the manager stayed. I speculate that even if there is no manager in room 2207, there will be information about the manager."

Shana: "You decide."

Maya: "Okay, you guys clear this floor first. Xuedan and I will send the NPC away first."

Lin Wu reminded: "Remember to take off your clothes."

Maya: "Got it."

Lin Sha then entered the human resources office next door. The office is not big, with four desks in total, and the desks are piled with paper materials. After rummaging through the cabinets for a while, I couldn't find any NPCs or valuables, but I found a dismissal letter.

Shana: "The hotel manager is fired."

Lin Wu took the dismissal letter and glanced at it: "That's not right. Although I'm not familiar with hotel operations, firing the hotel manager shouldn't be as simple as the HR department issuing a dismissal letter, right?"

Shana said: "The board of directors or the president no longer wants to meet with the manager, so they directly ask the human resources department to notify the hotel manager. This is indeed rare. The normal process should be for the senior management to interview the manager, and the manager voluntarily resigns, leaving everyone with a little dignity. The letter has been opened Come on, maybe the manager has read the letter."

Lin Wu: "After reading the letter, he went to the president to argue? Where is the president's office?"

The two went out and walked along the corridor without seeing the president or general manager's office. Shana called: "Maya, call Maya." Maya sent the NPC away without asking the right question.

But the distance was too far and there was no response.

Now the manager may go to VIP room 2207, he may go to the 17th floor where the riot occurred, or he may go to the president's office.

Before Maya came back, the two found an NPC. The NPC's answer to a series of questions was: "I am the deputy manager of the human resources department. It was the president who asked me to write the dismissal letter. The president is abroad, and the person who takes over the position of manager is named John." , he had checked into the hotel a week ago. He stayed in room 405."

Damn, there is another option.

Lin Wu asked: "In this case, where will the manager go?"

The NPC replied: "The manager is mentally prepared for being fired. He should focus on his work."

Shana asked: "Why didn't the president inform the manager directly, but through the human resources department?"

The NPC replied: "Perhaps you are worried about causing a conflict on the spot? The president specifically instructed that after handing the dismissal letter to the manager, he arranged for two security guards to send the manager to pack his belongings until he left the hotel."

Shana: "The manager read the dismissal letter in the human resources department and was sent away by security?"

The NPC replied: "Yes, they will send the manager back to the office to pack his personal belongings first."

Lin Wu looked at Shana and said, "There are photos of his family on the manager's desk."

Shana: "He went back to his office with the security guard, and then something happened that required him to deal with it. It could only be the incident on the 17th floor."

Lin Wu: "Could he use the incident on the 17th floor as an excuse to get rid of the security guards, and then kill the 405 John who was going to take his place? Or would he go to 2207 to attack VIPs and make the hotel notorious?"

Shana thought for a while: "It is undeniable that your idea is logical, but how could you have such an idea?"

Lin Wutan started: "The president was worried that such a high-level person would have a physical conflict with him, so he deliberately chose to fire him when he went abroad, and even arranged for security guards to escort him away. Either to humiliate him, or the president knew him well. If It's not necessary for a president to humiliate his subordinates like this, which will make other people feel chilly."

Shana: "After your analysis, I think what you said makes sense."

At this time, Maya came back. After the four of them were together, Maya also felt that Lin Wu's analysis made sense. There must be NPCs on the fourth floor. You can go and have a look.

The third floor work is completed, 4 NPCs were rescued and 5 knives were obtained. The total number of NPCs rescued is 16.


The elevator went up to the fourth floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, the two sides immediately entered a state of war. This time, the mourning party even added Big Mac as a bargaining chip in an attempt to defeat the Shadow Team in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, the Timber Wolf added a head lock, and Big Mac was knocked to the ground by Lin Wu before he had a chance to make a move. Compared to the Big Mac, the constant onslaught of zombies is a greater challenge.

At the end of the battle, the four shadows are intact, and there is not much ammunition left. If you are lucky, you can still hit two layers, if you are unlucky, you can only hit one layer.

Compared with the administrative work layer, the hotel residential layer is richer in content because you never know the identity of the guest. For example, the guest in one room turned out to be a member of the former Football World Cup champion team. After revealing his identity, he was stripped naked on the spot. Everyone knows that an idol’s fart is worth tens of thousands, not to mention the smelly clothes he wore next to his body. Shoes and socks.

I didn't go directly to 405 because the door of room 405 was locked and I left the emphasis at the end. During the search process, everyone was very careful. There were small-scale battles during the period, and the NPCs hiding in the corners of the 4th floor were dug out one by one. After counting, it was found that there were as many as 10 people.

The one who attracted the most attention was a fat man wearing a thick gold chain. He looked like a typical bad guy, but he claimed to be a visiting professor at a certain university and came to the local area to give lectures. Under the questioning of Lin Wu and Xue Dan, the other party finally revealed his identity. He was an arms dealer, and in response to the needs of the local gang, he transported a batch of arms to the parking lot on the first floor of the hotel. They were planning to trade tomorrow morning.

Lin Wu took out the car keys found on him: "This car?"

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Maya put the gun on his head: "Say." She didn't have any good impression of the arms dealer.

Lin Wu: "Maya, don't have such a strong sense of empathy. You have to consider the feelings of our people who stripped clothes." If you treat him as a real person, it will be difficult for us to attack.

The fat man told the truth: "The battery in the car key is installed backwards."

Pull out the mechanical key, open the car key, and return the button battery inside so that the car key can be used normally. Otherwise, all the cars in the underground garage can only be pried through. This is also a common street trick.

Shanna asked: "What's in the car?"

"Guns, bullets." Fatty asked, "What else can there be? Missiles? Haha."

Shana was unhappy at being teased by the NPC, but she lost her human identity by arguing with others, so Lin Wu flattered and assisted: "He has gold teeth."

Shana immediately showed a devilish smile. It's not that I want to beat you up, it's just that we need money. Although it is not worth a few dollars, no matter how small the fly is, it is still meat.

After taking several trips to send all the NPCs away, Maya decided to go to the underground parking lot on the first floor. This may be the only place in the whole building, except for the Leopard machine, where ammunition can be replenished.

Maya said: "The parking lot is different from the floor. It covers a large area and has four entrances and exits, which means it is not only parked for hotel vehicles, but also open to outside the hotel. Please choose silent guns as much as possible. Clean 405 first, and then go to the 32nd floor Take the knife and use Elevator 1 to go to the parking lot." Next is the important room 405. The door is locked and has an internal padlock, so Maya kicked the door open. Maya, who possesses extremely high tactical literacy, immediately retracted when she showed her face, and was greeted by two shotguns.

Maya leaned against the door and said: "Mr. John, we are human beings and have been ordered to take you to evacuate."

John was very excited. He held up a double-barreled shotgun and said, "What human being? Which department?"

department? We fucking don’t even know which country it is. Shana made it up: "We are the Rio de Janeiro special rescue team, under the direct command of the White House, and we are here to pick you up under the order of the Prime Minister. Please put down your weapons and we will safely put you on the evacuation helicopter."

There was no response from inside, Shana looked at Maya: Isn't that right?

Maya: I don't know.

Lin Wu shouted: "Put down the gun, otherwise we will leave."

"You go."

Come on, the hardest thing to deal with is not the Big Mac, but the armed hostages.

Lin Wu roared angrily: "Robbery, pay the money and not kill."

John: "I can give you money, but will you keep your word?"

Lin Wu: "We are robbers, do you think we will keep our word? Put down the gun quickly, otherwise I will let you fly happily."

Some people are not afraid of good people because they know that no matter how much they act like a monster, good people can't do anything to them due to their status. But the bad guys are different. If you look at a bad guy on the street one more time, he may KO you.

John was right. If Lin Wu and the others were good people, they would not hurt him and would have no choice but to retreat. Not so bad guys, they are here to rob, you can't protect yourself with a broken gun.

It sounds magical when you say it, but sometimes the reality is even more magical than that.

So John put down the gun and was beaten up by Fatty. He was quite happy and asked him why. He said that since he knew how to beat him, he would most likely not kill him.

Next comes interrogation time. The background of the story is this. John is the new manager and checks into the hotel in advance to understand the operation of the hotel. The manager did come to see him, and John persuaded him to resign voluntarily. The manager was very angry. He had paid so much for the hotel, why did he end up like this? John said that it’s not like the hotel didn’t pay you, there was no unilateral payment at all. The two sides almost had a physical conflict, but fortunately John hid a sawed-off shotgun.

John brought the shotgun not because of the manager, but because the local security was very bad. Even during the World Cup, a large number of security cases occurred. The most typical example is that the official invited reporters from various countries to investigate and promote the World Cup, but they were robbed. Faced with such bad public security, there is only one solution: give money to save your life. As long as you give money, your life can basically be saved. This was an important reason why John put down his weapons.

John revealed a very important piece of information. He said that the manager was a very angry person but also relatively self-disciplined. When he can't suppress the violent impulse in his heart, he will go to the gym to exercise, which is also his most effective way to relieve stress. The hotel gym is on the 10th floor, and John thinks the manager is there.

The more we investigate, the more we find that the manager can go to more places. The fatal clues lack event information and the manager's whereabouts cannot be arranged linearly.

"Go to the first floor first." Getting a gun is the way to go. As long as there are more guns and bullets, it is not impossible to bloodbath the entire hotel.


Send the NPC to the 32nd floor, pick up the knife, and take the No. 36 elevator to the negative floor. Everyone switched to silent weapons, or weapons that were not so silent. The main force is carbines, Gs and pistols. Timberwolves and Aka must remain silent.

The elevator dinged, the elevator door opened, and then the battle entered. In this battle, I used the snow egg of the light crossbow to watch the excitement, and the bow and arrow of Xiaodao played a great role. The fight lasted for half a minute and ended. Lin Wu and Maya searched along the wall, and soon Lin Wu reported: "Found it."

Because the main force of zombies in the parking lot had not been eliminated and no one was left in the elevator, Xue Dan locked the elevator and went to Lin Wu with everyone. There was a structural diagram of the underground garage on the wall in front of Lin Wu.

The underground garage is divided into eight zones ABCDEFGH, distributed in a clockwise direction, with Zone A to the north and Zone E to the south. Their location is zone D, in the 22-minute direction of the dial. Looking at the parking spaces on the ground, they are neatly written with D78 and D79. Each zone has a vertical elevator shaft.

Shana walked around in a small circle and said: "It is estimated that there will be 800 parking spaces. Calculated from the density of area D, there are about 300-350 cars in the entire parking lot."

Maya picked up the key and pressed it a few times, but heard no response. Xuedan took the key, put it on his head and pressed it, but there was still no response. Seeing everyone looking at him in confusion, Xuedan explained: "It uses the head as an antenna, which can enhance the function by about 15%."

Maya was dubious and continued to look at the picture: "Where will the arms dealer park the car?"

Shana said: "Since the key was tampered with, it means there is a certain amount of distrust in the transaction party. If I were him, in order to mislead the buyer and leave myself with a bargaining chip, I would not park the car under the hotel."

Maya said: "The BCDs are all downstairs in the hotel. Start from Area A and search counterclockwise."

"it is good."

Maya pointed in the direction of Area A: "Lin Wu."

Lin Wujian soldiers opened the fog. The distance of 10 meters is enough indoors, but it seems awkward in the wide hall. After walking for more than ten meters, Lin Wu approached a police car and used a computer to decode it. Not only did he find an MP5 submachine gun and some bullets inside, but he also found that the car could be driven.


Lin Wu looked at Maya. Maya was a little hesitant. Of course, she was very efficient in driving, but she was also very efficient in pulling monsters. A parking lot is like a maze, with many dead ends. In addition, if you drive, you need to use each lane. If you walk, people can walk in the parking space, and the signal coverage is wider.

Maya said: "Hell copy, walk the whole way."

Lin Wu nodded and continued exploring the path. When he found a zombie, he stopped and summoned a knife. Xiaodao stood next to Lin Wu and fired with a bow and arrow. Ten arrows and eight lives were used to clear out the ten zombies on the edge of A. Xuedan pressed the key, but still didn't hear any feedback, and Maya signaled to continue.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from under the car and grabbed Maya's right foot. Without any pause, Maya flew up with her left foot and stepped on the car. She broke free and flew backwards. Lin Wu helplessly took a step to the left and used his belly to support Maya. head to prevent her from hitting the pillar. Shana and Xuedan lay down and stabbed the zombies to death with blunt objects.

This kind of thing can happen if you are careless. Maya said: "Take a flashlight and look under the car. Also pay attention to the car, there may be zombies." Someone got into the car and turned into a corpse. He had been unable to open the car door before, and it was very strange to see humans. I was so excited that I accidentally pressed the door button, and then the door opened.

These events make sense logically. In this case, they are likely to happen. After all, Shuguang knows everything. But Shuguang didn't follow common sense. Instead of meeting the zombies in the car, everyone met an NPC in the car, a man hiding in the car.

Does he count as a copy NPC? Before everyone had time to study this issue, the man was very happy to see human beings. He lowered the car window and shouted: "I am here."

Grass! Everyone retreated immediately.

When the man saw everyone retreating, he actually honked his horn and raised his voice: "I'm here, help." At this time, the zombies had arrived, and he took his trick a step further, driving the car out of the parking space and heading towards the Shadow Team.

Maya said decisively: "Kill him." It would be strange if he was chased and shouted all the way.

The G36 and carbine fired continuously, and the car slowly stopped. The Shadow Team retreated another 20 meters, and the surrounding zombies had already started smashing cars, making a lot of noise. Maya gestured for a detour: "Save bullets."

(End of this chapter)

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