Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 388 The Night Before

Chapter 388 The Night Before

Maya continued to explain: "Now we can only arrange it here. Next, I will analyze the terrain of Houtian City."

Maya said: "There is a military base just outside the east city. I guess a temporary shelter will be set up here, but I also believe that they will not understand in a short time that the enemy they have to deal with is a zombie virus without serum or special medicine. We will Consider whether to stay in the shelter based on your own material situation. But I believe the shelter will not last long."

Maya said: "The West City leads to the Houtian River. You can go to the sea by water, and you can go to the Houtian Peninsula by land. The Houtian Peninsula is an island with an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers. I believe that many residents will flock to the island by then."

Maya: "Outside of Nancheng are mountains, old forests, and primeval forests. This is a good choice, but I want to tell you that there is not much food in the forest, and it is difficult to meet the needs of the eight of us for 180 days."

Maya: "Ten kilometers outside of the North City is the desert town of Houtian Town, and further north is the Houtian Desert. It is the road that people will least choose. However, according to information, the Houtian Desert was once a commercial corridor. I believe that in the Houtian Desert There are oases. Of course, it’s not easy to find an oase that can sustain the eight of us.”

Shitou said: "If I were born in Xicheng, I would find a way to buy a boat, and we could live on an unknown desert island for 180 days." The sea is boundless, and there is no need to worry too much about food.

Maya nodded: "I'm more optimistic. I'm more worried that once a zombie virus breaks out, the entire city will lose control and traffic will be completely disrupted. Even if you have a private plane, you may not be able to reach the airport. Even if you arrive at the airport, you don't know if the driver will They will have already run away. So we have to prepare for the worst: not being able to leave the city."

Shitou: "I will look for nearby houses and find a more suitable shelter."

Shana said: "Finally, I want to remind everyone. It can be seen from Shuguang's attitude that the NPCs in True Hardcore are no different from real people. Each of them has their own independent thoughts, their own code of conduct, and their own preferences. If You need to be hands-on and you must overcome psychological barriers.”

Shanna: "The test we have to face this time is far more difficult than all the tests in the past year and a half. Maybe we won't even survive the first 24 hours. I just want to say one thing now: I am happy to meet you all. "

Lin Wu interrupted: "Save the sad words until the gathering on Earth. It's only been six months. Do you miss each other so much?"

"This is called boosting morale and strengthening one's will. Idiot." I tear you apart.

Maya: "The road map has been sorted out and the information is all here. You can do whatever you want."

Shana added: "Don't forget to take an envelope." The entire security area of ​​the base is covered with professional envelopes. Each envelope represents a person. Taking the envelope means that you will replace his identity in the city.

Occupational distinctions have three main effects. One impact is income, which represents the quantity and ease of supplies you can obtain that day. The second impact is ability. For example, if you are a boxer, your punch may be more powerful than someone else's baseball bat. The third impact is the profession itself. If you are the boss of the local special police, let alone a truckload of weapons, armored vehicles and everything are trivial. Not using Wuzhi is already considered a very restrained behavior.

Unlike Lin Meng and Xiao Dao who were lying on the ground and wanted to smell every letter, Lin Wu casually picked up the letter closest to him. After eating and wiping clean, he took Xiaowai to the tent base and rode the Phantom for a walk. After leaving the safe area, there was ice and snow outside, and a person, a horse, and a dog were walking aimlessly.

Shana put down the telescope: "Everyone has gone to the airport, what a hassle, ugh..."

Xue Dan said: "I'm very surprised, why is it that a strange woman like Shana is not emotional when facing some things, but Lin Wu is sentimental?"

Shana: "Be heartless and live a life that is not tiring. As long as you don't invest in true feelings, everything in the world will be an NPC. If you are a scumbag, your life will be easy. If you are a scumbag, you will be happy every day."

Xiaodao: "There's no need for you to be so self-deprecating. Lin Meng, how about this envelope?"

Lin Meng looked at it closely for a while, then closed his eyes and smelled it with his nose: "I feel a faint scent of roses."

Maya glanced at the rose decoration in front of her dining table and continued eating her steak without saying a word.

Shitou sat in front of Maya: "Are the changes too big? In the first year of my college graduation, ten classmates made an appointment for a holiday trip, but only two people came on that day. The others either had something to do, were sick, or were on a business trip. It shouldn’t be too difficult for the eight of us to meet up within an hour, but are we too optimistic about material procurement?”

Shitou turned around and asked, "Lin Meng, do you know where I can buy tents?"

Lin Meng: "The Internet...ah, supermarket."

Maya corrected: "The tents sold by outdoor activity and sports stores are more professional. This is the Internet age. You can find similar stores through your mobile phone or computer, and then drive or take transportation to the store. You can also have the other party deliver the goods to your door, but you need to Ask clearly for the time and add money when it’s time to add money.”

Maya added: “Everything in the house is for sale.”

Xiao Dao smiled and asked: "Where is my boyfriend?"

Shana said: "If someone wants to retail, just do retail. If it doesn't work, just wholesale. Before selling, empty his account and ask him to borrow all the money he can. Then push him in front of the car and blackmail him for a while. Money.”

What was originally a problem with Shitou turned into a joke among several girls. Shitou said, "I'm worried that there won't be enough people or supplies when the time comes."

Maya said: "There is nothing we can do about the supplies, and there is nothing we can do about the personnel. There is only a gathering time and location at 2 a.m. on the 8nd."

Shana and Maya sat at the same table and asked, "Can we set up a radio band so that we can announce our situation regularly every day, so that those who are left behind have a chance to catch up with us."

Maya said: "It will also allow others to catch up with us, bringing huge risks to the team."

Shana said: "Set the password. Change the east city to the west city, and the south city to the north city. The eastern suburbs are the western suburbs, and the south is the north."

"It works." Maya pressed the headset: "Everyone has it."

Shana explained her idea. Everyone needs to get at least one radio. The stragglers should ignore supplies, focus on survival as much as possible, and join the main force as soon as possible. The peloton will also slow down. As for how to slow down, I can't say now because I don't know the specific situation.

Maya said: "What I'm more worried about is that all roads have been blocked."

Shitou: "Isn't it?"

Maya pointed sideways at the blackboard: "There are three main land traffic routes. One is highway, with viaducts being the core, and the ring road is also an important transportation hub. If you can't get on the elevated road and ring road in a short time, you will definitely be stuck on the city roads. Blocked. Of course, you may also be blocked if you get on the elevated highway or ring road. The second route is the subway line, which is relatively smoother, but with many people in a confined space, there may be zombies lurking. In addition, the subway line We can’t transport too many supplies, and even if everything goes well, we still have to find a way to get a car when we leave the city.”

Maya: "The third line is the railway line. The railway line is very busy. It is not possible to hold a train hostage and it can flow smoothly. But after the vehicle traffic is blocked, you see, these locations are the distribution centers for freight trains and can be used as our temporary bases. .”

Shana: "We can look for NPC drivers, maybe they can take us out through the railway line." Shitou asked: "Is it possible to hold on in the city? You know that the city is rich in supplies, only 180 days, and most food has a shelf life of More than 180 days."

Maya said: "There are two major dangers lurking in the city. One danger is zombies, and the other danger is survivors. To help survivors, we will have a lot to deal with, and we must be careful that they have other ideas in their hearts. If we do not help survivors , in despair they may find a way to die with us."

Maya said: "But you are right. One of your missions, Shitou, is to scout and find temporary shelters near your residence. If we can't leave, we can only stay in the city. If Shitou, your residence is very suitable... ...No, the material list needs to be changed. There is too much unknown information, and we cannot make any decisions. We must collect more information. We will go to Shitou's house as soon as possible on the 2nd to hold a meeting to decide on the final strategy. "

Shanna said: "In the true hardcore mode, apart from the trust between the team and the 24 hours of preparation time, we have no advantage over others."

Maya said: "There is no need to be too pessimistic. During the year and a half of the game, we have also encountered various difficulties and faced various tests. For example, Lin Wu, many people think that the reason why he is strong is that he has high attributes and strong skills. . This is of course true, but he also has many characteristics that are suitable for the apocalyptic era. For example, his decisiveness and reaction ability are all higher than those of his peers."

Shitou asked: "You are talking about the decisiveness of 1+1=3, right?"

Maya asked: "Don't worry about whether it's right or not, just say whether it's fast or not? As for him, he may be a cancer, but he is the only one who goes to hell. Maybe he is the gospel of the team and can take everyone to heaven together. Every time he takes an adventure, he takes it upon himself to at the expense of others, not at the expense of others or the collective.”

Maya said: "Shana's abilities are real. Her calculations and memory are beyond ordinary people."

Shana said modestly: "You're not bad either."

Shitou said: "That's enough, two commanders, stop flattering each other. When the time comes, be ruthless, and don't change your strategy just because Lin Wu is the one left behind."

Shana asked: "Why are you talking about Lin Wu?"

Shitou said: "Because he does the most shit."


Everyone had a very fulfilling and nourishing day. They could eat whatever they wanted and enjoy a luxurious life. After nightfall, Dawn also sent a little sun suspended in the sky. According to everyone's needs, mattresses and bedding were delivered so that everyone could happily spend the last night in their home.

Strictly speaking, it is not the last night. If you die in true hardcore, you will be transferred to normal mode. While most people are having fun, Maya is the most worried. She is constantly thinking about details and researching plans. Soon, she was dragged into the bonfire dance by Shana.

"No drinking." Maya stopped Su Shi and Xuedan: "You don't know whether alcohol will affect you tomorrow. Don't eat too much. You can't be sure if it's a trap."

Shana straightened Maya's shoulders: "Relax, relax." Pushing Maya forward, she circled around the campfire to the music. Maya looked at Lin Wu and pointed toward the base of the tent. Lin Wu nodded and walked to the tent with Xiao Wai.

Can we still see Xiao Wai? As long as he survives 180 days and Xiaowai is still in the game, Lin Wu can go online to see him at any time. What about Phantom? The difficulty is relatively high. I don’t know if the phantom will starve to death if I am not online. Lin Wu made a casual complaint. Little White Rabbit had a particularly good attitude today. There was no need to go around in circles and he told Lin Wu directly: We will introduce a system for raising pets.

Lin Wu doesn't even need to go online, the system can create a virtual Lin Wu with Xiao Wai Wai Wan. Lin Wu didn't understand this, and Little White Rabbit said: "Adding a project will not increase the burden on the system. I can't understand what love is, but I hope you are all full of love."

Lin Wu: "If you really think so, you won't do anything really hardcore."

The little white rabbit said: "I think you may have misunderstood. This is screening, not torture. The total wealth of the earth is 100. No matter how it changes in the future, 100 must be distributed to everyone first. We cannot just because someone's genes are better. It will give more wealth. The Home Game is more like an exam. Candidates who choose the hard-core mode will naturally have a higher starting point than ordinary people. Candidates who choose the true hard-core mode will have a higher starting point than the hard-core mode. Nuclear. Of course, the premise is that you want to survive."

Lin Wu asked: "But you said that the points calculation method for the two is the same."

"Yes, it's the same." Little White Rabbit said: "Do soldiers accumulate more combat experience in peacetime, or do soldiers accumulate more combat experience in wartime?"

Lin Wu: "You are very kind today. Is it because of the envelope I drew?"

Little White Rabbit: "I can't answer this question."



Lin Wu wandered back and found that everyone was a little tired, and some of them had already fallen asleep on extremely comfortable beds. Outside the safe zone, Lin Wu raised his hand to Maya. Maya added Lin Wu to the shadows. Lin Wu entered the safe zone and tied the two horses aside. Lying down on his bed, sleep came over him after a while, and he fell asleep.

At 7:30 in the morning, Lin Wu was woken up by everyone. Looking around, he saw that several foodies had breakfast again. Then have some for yourself, and order tender grass takeout for Phantom and Sandstorm.

Maya was busy at work: "Check, everyone checks to see if they have got the envelopes. Take them all out and let me see them. Okay."

Shitou said: "Don't be so nervous. Even if you die, it's not a big deal."

Maya said: "You can die, but you can't die because of your own laziness."

As the time approaches, everyone is a little excited and uneasy. They don't know what situation they are about to face, and they are more curious about what identity they will get. But everyone has a good mentality. As Shitou said, it's not a big deal. After all, it's just a game.

"Let's go, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

"Come on, everybody."

As everyone encouraged each other, eight white lights sent the eight people away.

(End of this chapter)

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