Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 400 First Aid Department

Chapter 400 First Aid Department

Xiaojing found that Lin Meng was the easiest person to get along with among humans in the future, so she tried to chat with Lin Meng. Lin Meng was not stupid and did not reveal the truth from the game. Seeing that Xiaojing was worried, she took out her trump card: "Let me tell you quietly, the world after death is not that bad."

Xiaojing asked in surprise: "Have you cracked the mystery of the soul?"

Lin Meng nodded: "But Shuguang refused to announce it, but from the information it revealed, it can be seen that death is just a new beginning. For example, if you learn car repair skills in this life, you will not have car repair skills in the next life. But you still remember the skills in the previous life. It's okay, but you are not in the same world as your previous life."

Xiaojing doesn't understand.

Lin dreamed for a while: "You treat your world as a game. After you die, your attributes and skills are cleared, and you go to the Novice Village. However, the Novice Village can no longer go to the world where you died, and can only go to the new world. In You may be able to meet friends from the original world over there."

Xiaojing opened her eyes wide and asked, "Is it so magical?"

Lin Mengdao: "Any secret is possible."

Xiaojing asked: "What is the dark particle theory?"

Lin Meng: "Do you know quantum?" It's over. It seems that his nonsense skills are getting better and better, and he can even foreshadow it.

"Molecular sublimation is quantum, and quantum sublimation is dark particles, dark matter. Commonly known as dark particle theory." The more he talks about it, the more he feels that something is wrong, and he feels that his tone is more and more like someone else. He had to admit that Lin Wu's method was simple and practical, so he was affected. No, it was obviously him who lied, and he was forced to make up the lie.

Some of the buildings on both sides of the street have lights, and some do not. From observation, there are zombies wherever there are lights. If there are any survivors, they should be in places without lights.

The key point is that large power generation reservoirs continue to store water, and it is necessary to manually enter the reservoir operation room to open the gate and release water. Otherwise, there will be a risk of the embankment breaking in the future. Once the embankment breaks, floods may submerge most of the city.


There were not many zombies in the parking lot, and they mainly gathered at the gate. Nightmare drove around the scattered zombies, honked at the gate, pulled away the zombies at the gate, and drove the car in a circle out of the gate. Then it’s nightmare show time.

At the camp, Diandian Radio is broadcasting the latest information: the power system is expected to last for about 48 hours, and the possibility of local power outages in the future cannot be ruled out. There will be heavy rainfall tomorrow. The good news is that it can reduce the spread of fires in the city, but the bad news is that it may lead to infectious diseases in the city. Even worse news is that zombie viruses have broken out in major cities around the world, such as Maestro City and Maestro City, posing unprecedented challenges to human survival. Humans are building quarantine zones on Earth's southern islands to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Lin Wu said helplessly: "Let's do it one by one. Looking at it optimistically, the breach of the embankment may not be a bad thing. If you prepare ships in advance, or can temporarily make your own ships, you will be less threatened by zombies when moving around the city. .”

The southern prison in Houtian City is only 20 kilometers away from the dam on a mountain road. Shortly after the virus outbreak, a riot broke out in the southern prison and inmates took control of the prison. Now the top officer of the asylum, the colonel of the military base, is communicating with the southern prison by sending a helicopter. If the southern prison inmates can solve the dam crisis, all criminals will be pardoned, and he has promised to provide at least tons of supplies to the prison. If the Southern Prison does not agree, the first victim of the embankment breach will be the Southern Prison.

This resulted in the emergence of a zombie swarm as dense as a city within a three-kilometer radius centered on the dam after the virus outbreak. It's okay to say that the zombies outside the perimeter can be eliminated through artillery fire or avoided by rappelling. The more difficult thing is the zombies in the machine room. The military base has only 2,000 soldiers in total. It has to receive a large number of citizens who have fled the city, maintain temporary shelters, and transport supplies. We are already stretched thin in terms of manpower.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the five of them had dinner. The thought of leaving the shelter at night and going to a world full of zombies made Xiaojing frightened for no reason. Even if she could bear it, she kept crying. She couldn't eat at all, so she just said "eat". Okay, go aside and wipe your tears. Lin Meng brought his food and sat next to her to chat with her.

Xiaojing replied: "I know."

Diandian broadcast inserted an important message before the end. There are two reservoirs the day after tomorrow, one is a drinking water reservoir, which has been confirmed to be contaminated. Please do not drink tap water and collect rainwater as much as possible. Due to the continuous fires, the air quality is low and the rainwater is extremely polluted. I can barely drink it, but at least there are no viruses.

Until now, Lin Wu was still a little strange. It should be beneficial for Xue Meng for Nightmare to seek out Xue Meng, but Xue Meng had no plan to join forces with Nightmare, and did not even consider this person at all. Does Blood Dream really owe Nightmare money?

Nightmare said: "Maya may be charged into the death squad."

Lin Wu's driving skills are B-level and his road-finding skills are B-. Nightmare's driving skills are quite good, even better than Maya's, at least at an S- level. Cars travel on the streets, changing lanes back and forth on motor vehicle lanes, sidewalks and non-motor vehicle lanes. Nightmare knew the speed of the car very well. He didn't drive very fast, giving himself enough time to turn and observe, but he didn't drive very slowly either, which was enough to easily get rid of the zombies.

Lin Wu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was thinking that if the true hardcore set was placed in the hardcore mode, it would be extremely difficult for players to survive.

After dinner, everyone went to bed. I don’t know if they fell asleep. At 10 o’clock in the evening, everyone was ready.

Why are you offering such a high price? This is because the Houtian Dam is an open reservoir. The day before the zombie outbreak, a global freshwater fishing competition was held there. The fishing competition lasted for three days, and the rankings were calculated based on the total weight of the fish caught. More than 10,000 people participated in the fishing competition, and more than 20,000 people provided services for the event. Fishing tournaments are also the reason why the reservoir is filled with water.

A zombie lacks muscle and will float if the water depth exceeds a certain height. Although it will not drown, it loses the ability to run and exercise.

When Nightmare was driving, Lin Wu was in the passenger seat, Xiao Wu was in the left seat in the back seat, Lin Meng was in the right seat in the back seat, and Xiao Jing was in the middle seat in the back seat. Lin Wu put the M4 on his back and agreed with Nightmare Junzi that his things should be put in the trunk first. Nightmare scoffed at Lin Wu's agreement. She looked down on the Aka rifle. The decent submachine gun only has a few bullets.

First of all, the water is polluted, which is a big problem. You can only dig your own well or watch the weather to drink water. Secondly, there are too many NPCs and too many variables. Even if the base is located in the suburbs, it is basically impossible to sleep well. In addition, there are issues such as farming.

Nightmare looks at the central control screen map package navigation: "There is still one kilometer left, everyone is ready."

Lin Wu and others checked their weapons again, and Xiao Wu took a deep breath, obviously still a little nervous.

The vehicle turned left after crossing the bridge and broke through the ordinary fence to enter the park. Lin Wu said: "Be careful."

Nightmare swerved, the left rearview mirror was scraped off by a tree, and then the car drove onto the grass. There are many facilities in the grassland, including stone benches and fitness equipment, one in the east and one in the west. There is no way to avoid it but to hit the zombies directly, and three of them in a row. One headlight was shattered and the hood began to bounce up and down. "Unbuckle your seat belt." Nightmare said, then drove another hundred meters and stopped at a forced parking position near the first aid station.

The four people got out of the car first, in front of Shuang Meng's car and behind Lin Wu's car. The four of them held pistols and shot each zombie running towards them. Lin Wu and Nightmare had night vision goggles. Facing zombies running in a straight line, they would hit their heads with almost every shot. On the other hand, Lin Meng and Xiao Wu were worse. Xiao Wu was even approached by zombies. Fortunately, he had good physical fitness and strong fighting ability. He kicked the zombies down with one kick, and Lin Wu used his gun to resolve his crisis.

As fast as they come, they kill quickly. After each person destroyed a muffler, the car stop was turned into a temporary safety zone. Xiao Wu took out Xiao Jing and Lin Meng and escorted them away. Nightmare pointed forward with both fingers, and Lin Wu, who was carrying weapons in the trunk, separated to the left and right, and walked towards the first aid station eight meters apart.

A zombie ran out from behind the big willow tree and rushed towards Lin Wu howling. Xiao Wu was a little anxious when he saw Lin Wu didn't respond. When the zombie ran five meters away from him, Lin Wu turned his gun and shot it in the head. After watching the entire process, Xiao Wu knew that he should not worry about Lin Wu, but should focus on his own work.

After advancing a few dozen meters, Nightmare raised his fist and pointed forward. There was an iron gate over there, the iron gate leading from the first aid department to the park. The iron door was ajar, and there were four zombies inside and outside. Nightmare was worried that zombies would make a loud noise when they hit the iron door, so he asked Lin Wu to come up.

Lin Wu looked back at Nightmare: I have no wind thorns, no agility, and no stealth.

Only then did Nightmare react. He pointed left and right, and Lin Wu nodded. The two of them walked around the wall and followed the bushes beside the wall towards the iron gate. The two of them couldn't see the location of the zombies, so they looked at Xiao Wu and the others. Lin Meng was confused, but Xiao Wu realized first that there was a light at the iron gate and he could see clearly, so he waved his hand to tell the two that they could not move.

Xiao Wu stared at the zombies, raised his hands, and suddenly put his hands down. Lin Wu and Nightmare stepped forward together. At this time, the four zombies happened to have the backs of their heads facing them. Each of them put a dagger into their head, hugged them, put them on the ground, and hid them in the bushes on the side. After waiting for about a minute, Xiao Wu signaled again. Lin Wu struck first, crossed the iron gate and took down a zombie. Nightmare then took down another zombie. With perfect cooperation, he successfully broke through the level.

Just based on this cooperation, it is not a waste of time for the two of them to cooperate.

Sheathing the dagger and replacing it with a pistol, Nightmare waved the three of them over.

15 meters ahead is the main door of the emergency department, and you can see the four-story emergency department lights all on. Zombies dressed as nurses, doctors, and patients abound. Although the density is not high, the zombies here seem to be more energetic, moving around from time to time, and without any pattern.

Nightmare threw a muffler to Lin Wu and replaced it with the last muffler. The two moved forward, first assassinating and executing the four zombies outside, and then expanding the temporary safety zone at the door through assassination.

When entering the emergency room lobby, the first thing you notice is the reception room on the right and the pharmacy on the left. Lin Wu's left side and Nightmare's right side each shot two zombies. After the zombies fell to the ground, they attracted nearby zombies to watch. Lin Wu took the opportunity to lean against the wall, pulled out the iron stick from the side of his backpack and held it in his hand. The zombies onlookers began to disperse. Nightmare, who was 5 meters away from Lin Wu, made a gesture. A zombie came to the corner. Lin Wu penetrated its skull with the iron stick in his hand, pulled out the iron stick, grabbed the zombie's clothes with his left hand, and slowed it down. Place it slowly on the ground.

This scene surprised Nightmare. Isn't it without attributes? Why is this guy so strong? Even if he becomes a zombie, he will maintain at least 50% of his body weight. Lin Wu grabbed the 30 kilogram weight with one hand and placed it silently on the ground. Nightmare thought he couldn't do it.

Nightmare made a gesture, Lin Wu flicked the wall with his index finger and made some noise. Another zombie came over and was taken down by Lin Wu again. Behind Lin Wu is the elevator area, and behind it are the stairs to the second floor. Staying here is equivalent to cutting off the first floor from the other floors. After Lin Wu killed two more zombies, Nightmare also started to act. Neither of them used pistols and slowly cleared one floor through assassination.

Lin Meng and the other two controlled the elevator area and the door to avoid being surrounded by zombies after making a loud noise. Lin Wu and Nightmare first cleaned the emergency ward and emergency clinic, and then cleaned the zombies in small rooms such as bathrooms and maternal and child rooms.

After cleaning up, no survivors were found, and no Blood Dream zombies were seen. The five people met at the reception desk, and Lin Wu asked: "Up or down?"

The second floor is the examination area, which houses X-ray, CT, ECG and other departments. The third floor is the special care ward. After rescuing, the vital signs have been stabilized, but the cause of the disease cannot be determined and it is not known which department to send. Patients are temporarily admitted to the ward while waiting for expert consultation. Most of the fourth floor is occupied by offices, a rest area for ambulance drivers, a conference room for expert consultation, and a family talk room. Another small area is a warehouse where first aid supplies are stored.

Downstairs is the morgue. However, there is no direct staircase from the emergency department to the morgue. One way is to use the white elevator to go to the lower level. One way is to go around to the back door, where there is a slope to the negative floor.

When Lin Wu and Ximeng were thinking about it, they heard the sound of a drawer. Everyone turned around and saw that it was Xiaojing who opened the drawer at the reception desk. Seeing everyone looking at her, Xiaojing was frightened and explained in a low voice: "I want to find a weapon."

Lin Meng walked over and said, "You don't need weapons." He saw the lost and found wooden box, rummaged through it and took out a certificate: "It's Blood Dream."

Nightmare walked over and took the ID and took a look at it. It was Xue Meng's police officer ID.

Lin Wu came over and looked at the certificate and said, "Xue Meng's certificate and gun are placed on the bottom of his feet. Does this mean that the medical staff changed Xue Meng's clothes and the hospital was in good order during the operation? That's why the certificate is stored here. "If there is chaos, no one will pick up the documents and send them to the lost and found office.

Xiao Wudao: "No, this is lost and found. There will be a special place for storing IDs and guns. The most likely situation is that Xue Meng's ID was accidentally dropped, and Xue Meng has left the emergency room. The person who picked up the ID can only put it away. Hand the certificate to the reception desk and put it in the lost and found box. I think Blood Dream is still alive at this time, otherwise it should be considered a relic and will not appear in the box."

Xiao Wu: "I suggest going to the second floor." For example, in the CT room, the door is difficult to break through, the small door is a solid iron door, and the external window is also equipped with steel guardrails, which can provide survivors with more living space.

"Okay." Nightmare said, "Lin Wu, Lin Meng, stay on the first floor."

Lin Wu asked: "Are you sure?"

Nightmare said: "I need someone to deal with zombies approaching and entering the emergency room."

Xiao Wu agreed with Nightmare's proposal to leave Lin Wu behind and said, "The number of medical care and patients above the second floor is small, so we can handle it."


Nightmare said: "Save the muffler as much as possible."

"This is the first time I heard someone say that." Lin Wu took out a box of bullets from his backpack and placed it on the table. He loaded the empty magazine with bullets: "Go ahead and pay attention to safety."

(End of this chapter)

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