Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 455 The Last Supper

Chapter 455 The Last Supper

Move all materials such as buckets, coal stoves, kitchens, excess coal, water pipes, etc. to the left and right sides of Car No. 1, completely blocking the passage.

There's something of an art to sealing the front and back doors. Drill holes on both sides of the carriage, pass through a steel cable as thick as a little finger, then wrap it around the front and tie it to the protruding part of the locomotive. There are ten wires in groups, some of which are fixed to the wheels of the locomotive. After the completion, the passageway to the front door, which was only one meter long, was blocked by tightened steel cables.

The gap between the steel cables is relatively large, but you can't turn your head over. There are many advantages to this arrangement. Zombies must deal with the corpses of their companions in a small space. Whether you eat on the spot or drag it to the back, it will cause congestion.

In addition to food, weapons and water, the transported materials also removed the generator, converted Car No. 1 into an independent space, and installed searchlights at the front and rear of the car. Simple chimneys were installed for three more coal stoves.

Going to the toilet is no problem. There are two toilets in the carriage, but they are directly on the rails, so they couldn't be used before.

After the food, drink, and toilet were all prepared, it was already dark, and the mountain deer meat soup cooked by the cook Lin Meng was ready. Shana called back the sentry Xue Meng at the tractor and the scout Lin Wu near the water source.

The two entered Carriage No. 2 from Carriage No. 1. After Shana confirmed that there was no need to carry additional supplies, Xuedan, with the help of a knife, sealed the rear compartment of Carriage No. 1 with a steel cable. Since then, the Shadow Man has been trapped in a cocoon and can never get out.

The kitchen is in the middle of the carriage, and Lin Meng is filling everyone's bowls with meat and soup. There is a coal pile on one side of the kitchen. Next to the coal pile are several barrels of diesel, which are used for lighting and power generation. Bullets, firearms, and sleeping bunks are all arranged in an orderly manner.

Everyone took the hot soup and thanked them, then sat on the carpeted floor. Lin Wu raised the bowl and said, "Thank you, Xiaorou, for giving us our last supper."

They used daggers and sticks, or other things to make long spears, and several of them stood in front of the door and stabbed outward. The disadvantage of zombies is that they can't grab weapons. A group of zombies were stabbed to death, and the attack stalled. A new batch of zombies were stabbed to death, and the attack stalled again. The zombies are unable to move under the squeeze and cannot avoid the sharp weapons thrust at them.

Everyone has basically figured out the situation, and the front door will basically not be breached. Whether the rear door will be broken through depends on the overall hardness and strength of the car.

Since there were no sentries at the broken bridge, the zombies had successfully stacked up and climbed onto the broken bridge one by one. They began to gather within a few hundred meters between the broken bridge and the train. The surveillance camera at the front of the car has captured scattered zombies. The zombies approached a hundred meters ahead of the car and stopped. It seemed that they were waiting for the zombies to gather later.

"Mourning." Lin Wu said, picked up the gas mask beside him and put it on. Everyone wore gas masks. Following the explosion of the two explosions, the entire carriage was filled with green gas.

Xue Mengjing: "Are you kidding? Can alcohol wash your eyes?"

At four o'clock in the morning on D178, the final battle began. The first batch of zombies that rushed into the locomotive were stopped by the steel cable, and the zombies behind were then squeezed. However, because the locomotive was narrow, the impact of the zombies was insufficient and the structure was not damaged. Lin Wu, who was sitting on the sandbag, used his pistol to name the zombies who were only two meters away.

Xiaodao: "No, I just can't breathe."

Xuedan was busy rummaging around and got a new gas mask for Xiaodao. Xiaodao put on the gas mask and continued fighting: "That's it."

Shana said: "I don't know, is it possible?"

Xue Meng was knocked down by the question, and after a long time he said: "Wash around your eyes and hold your breath."

After dinner, Lin Meng boiled muntjac bones and used them as stock. Others lay down or rested. Lin Meng opened his laptop and looked at the two surveillance screens.

The roof is a big hazard, there are already Big Macs jumping up and down on the roof. In addition, Kuangmeng tried to find a breakthrough in the debris pile in the side channel.

But within five seconds, Xiao Dao said: "My eyes hurt."

Damn it, I didn’t close my eyes when I changed my gas mask. Shana said: "Lin Meng, get a knife for treatment and rinse your eyes with alcohol."

The situation at the rear of the car was even worse, because the sound of the steel cables could be heard as the zombies were squeezing, and some zombies were even squeezed so hard that the steel cables cut into their bodies. The main firepower was concentrated here. Once there were more corpses, the zombie offensive was forced to slow down or even stagnate. They dragged the zombie corpses behind and threw them to the party's corpses, while they continued to squeeze forward.

"Brothers, I find this is faster." Lin Wu held up the Lee-Enfield rifle with the bayonet attached, and stabbed through the net, one after another. This was discovered because Lin Wu burned out the magazine. Or say that social progress cannot be separated from lazy people. If everyone loved carrying water, there would be no waterwheels.


Snow Egg: "Don't take it off, stabilize your emotions."


Knife: "I can't breathe."

Lin Meng also checked the sandbags on both sides. The sandbags were not used to block zombies, but were used as tables and chairs to provide the Shadow Man with a more comfortable shooting place.

In the morning, no one knew how many zombies had been killed. After three hours of fighting, Shana took stock of the major causes of Shadow's death.

The first cause of death: The roof of the carriage was damaged.

The second cause of death: the rear door steel cable is broken, or the overall structure is deformed.

The third cause of death: running out of ammunition and food.

The fourth cause of death: death from exhaustion.

Xiaodao's condition is very bad. There is no other abnormality in her body, but her eyes are completely blind. She sat on the side, groping for the empty magazine that was brought to her side, and filling the magazine with bullets. Although the bayonet is the main weapon, when facing huge pressure, you still have to switch to a gun and quickly kill a group of zombies to force the zombies to stop their attack.

At one o'clock at noon on D178, everyone was exhausted. Shana gave the decisive order: "Lin Wu's front door, Xue Dan's back door, press the bullet with the knife, and the others eat and sleep."

Xuedan was worried: "Can you withstand it?"

Shana said: "We must divide the classes, otherwise we will be exhausted."

During the break, the three of them boiled noodles with soup stock and fed the staff on duty. Lin Wu tilted his head to suck the noodles, and accurately killed every target with the gun in his hand. He then took the time to drink a bowl of noodle soup and was immediately resurrected with full health.

After feeding, the resting group ate quickly, then put on earplugs and lay down on the ground, and soon fell asleep.

One round, two rounds, three rounds, the pistol jammed. Lin Wu let go of the pistol, pulled out a new pistol from his waist and killed the two zombies. Then put the pistol on the sandbag, pick up the pistol bullet in the basket and press it into the magazine.

Xuedan used a rifle. He was under great pressure and didn't have much rest time. The knife was completely at Xuedan's service. The two chatted while working. We recalled the happy times in Beishang Town, talked about the majesty of the sawmill, and the commercial street base that helped everyone survive the extremely cold weather.

Lin Wu couldn't hear the two chatting, not only because he was at the other end of the carriage, but also because he was wearing earplugs. In Lin Wu's world there are only zombies, pistols and bullets. When the bullets in the basket ran out, I picked up the cardboard box on the ground and tore it open, then tore it open again and filled the entire basket. Killing zombies, pressing bullets whenever he has time, he is like a machine that has lost the ability to think, tireless, and completes every step of the work accurately.

He didn't know how long he had been killing. There were piles of bullet casings around him. A hand patted Lin Wu's shoulder. It was Shana. Shana said, "Go and rest."

Lin Wu looked at the time at this time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. The shift worker had dinner and fished out the noodles. Lin Wu sat down and ate while looking at the zombies at the back door: "How is it?"

Xuedan glanced back: "It's easier to use a rifle. However, there are only more than a thousand bullets left for both rifles."

Lin Wu shouted: "How many pistol bullets are left?"

Shana replied: "Less than five thousand rounds."

Lin Wu laughed and scolded: "That guy is sleeping, I probably won't be able to sleep for a few hours. It's time to sharpen two knives." Listening to the sound of sharpening the knife, Xiao Dao said: "I didn't expect to be back to the beginning. I remember that I could use it at that time. A small pistol would make me happy as hell.”

Lin Wu asked: "Do you miss your head-stomping skills?"

Xiaodao laughed: "There's no way you can step on it now."

Xue Dan said: "The window glass is broken."

"what happened?"

Xue Dan said: "Although there are obstacles outside the window, there happens to be a hole that can be drilled through."

Lin Wu said: "The Houtian River has thick ice, and there are zombies underneath."

Xue Dan said: "Can we hide and seek with the zombies?"

Lin Wu asked: "Are you talking about the bridge cave where we cool down in summer? But there are two problems. One problem is that this location is a bit far away from the bridge cave. The other problem is that the bridge cave is not safe, and the beast will climb up along the bridge."

Xiaodao: "The third question is, a bridge can accommodate up to three people."

Xuedan said: "But the bridge hole seems to be the only way to survive."

As soon as the words fell, there was a strange sound. Everyone looked around and saw that a steel cable at the back door collapsed. Fortunately, it was not the key cable, so there was no problem for the time being.

Lin Mengdao: "This feeling of being forced into a desperate situation and unable to stand up is super uncomfortable."

Lin Wu said: "Humanity has lost in the first place."

Blood Dream: "If they knew that True Hardcore had the Doomsday Horn mission, players should unite together from the beginning and build a steel fortress."

Shana asked back: "Would you give up your own interests for other players?"

Blood Dream: "No." The word unity is simple to say, but difficult to practice.

Lin Wu took a deep breath: "My eyelids have been fighting. I'm going to sleep for a while. Remember to wake me up before you die."


At midnight on D179, Lin Wu was woken up by a snow egg. Lin Wu felt dizzy and asked after a while: "Have you eaten?"

"No, get up and watch the fireworks."

The bullets were gone and the sharp blade had turned into a dull knife. As the zombies squeezed, the steel cable squeaked, and some of the perforations had cracked. Everyone sat on the ground. Xue Meng took a bottle of whiskey and poured six glasses. And Shana was on the phone: "Yes, okay, the harder the better, thank you Xiaojun, thank you."

Shana hung up the phone: "In three minutes, the east base will shell the railway bridge."

Lin Meng asked: "Does it count as ours?"

"Forget it." Shana raised her glass.

Lin Wu was still dazed, so he also picked up the cup, drank the whiskey in one gulp after everyone else, and asked: "Three minutes?"


Lin Wu: "Can you hurry up? I want to go to the toilet." Defecating after a deep sleep is good for your health and becomes a natural habit.

Shana laughed angrily: "You are really the king of atmosphere destruction."

"go Go."

Lin Meng taught: "Pull it once and pinch it off. Come back quickly and have a second cup, and then be heroic with everyone."

Everyone looked at Lin Meng. Lin Meng laughed and stretched out his cup: "This wine is really terrible. Give me another glass."

Bathroom time is so awkward, go ahead and you won’t be back in three minutes. Don't go, Xiaohe has already revealed her sharp corners. I originally wanted to get over it quickly, but I didn't expect to fart first, which completely dissipated my urge to defecate. Lin Wu felt like he had taken off his pants and had to squeeze out a little bit, but the gas still came out. In desperation, he could only stop going to the toilet, stand up and put on layers of pants upwards.

Just as he put on his pants, the train shook violently. Lin Wu hit his head on the wall and fainted.


When Lin Wu woke up again, it was already dark. He first regained consciousness and connected his memories, and then he was confused as to why he was still alive. Then he knew the answer.

After the railway bridge base was bombed by heavy artillery, part of the bridge deck broke, one bridge collapsed, and the 12 train carriages were shattered. Four of the carriages were still on the railway bridge, and one of them was hanging upside down. Lin Wu was in the upside-down carriage, hanging upside down in the air.

Lin Wu was leaning on a sixty-centimeter car body, with a two-and-a-half-meter-wide hole on the side. After all kinds of garbage and zombies slipped from the top due to gravity, they fell all the way through the hole and were eventually beaten to death. On the ice of the river.

Lin Wu clearly saw the situation he was facing. He stretched out his hands and felt pain all over his body. He checked his body first. All the limbs were there, and there were many strange things inserted into the body, including iron pieces, screws, ceramics, and a fragment of mountain muntjac bone. There were skin wounds all over his body. The most serious injury was in the waist, which caused excruciating pain whenever I moved. Next is the right leg, which has completely lost feeling. Finally, there is the left arm. The left arm is bloody and bloody, especially on the outside, like minced dumpling stuffing.

A zombie jumped down from the top, and stretched out its hand while falling. The nails on its hand caught the outside of Lin Wu's left arm, and half of Lin Wu's flesh was taken away by it. Only then did Lin Wu know where the injury on his left arm came from, so he squeezed to the right.

Another zombie fell down, this time it was just a hair’s breadth away from the left arm.

What does this mean?
Another zombie, and another zombie. The zombies have completely occupied the railway bridge base. They climbed onto three carriages and lined up to jump towards the fourth carriage.

The next person to appear was Kuang Meng. Kuang Meng jumped down and scratched his claws on the floor, changing some of the trajectory of his fall. But in the end, he just grabbed Lin Wu's left arm. The flesh was too rotten and there was no point of focus. Kuang Meng There was no accidental death on the ice.

The zombies on the ice are just waiting for the pie to fall from the sky, eating one after another, looking up eagerly. Some unlucky zombies had their necks broken by falling zombies.

Dawn! Your sister. Lin Wu admitted that he had offended Shuguang, but he never expected that Shuguang would resort to blunt-knife revenge.

Lin Wu touched his body with his right hand and found a piece of beef jerky, a pistol, and two magazines.

With a groan of pain, Lin Wu moved his body another 10 centimeters to the right. This time, Linwu discovered that it was even worse. The place where his back rested was not complete, and his back was pierced into a jagged crack. This movement is equivalent to changing the position and piercing the fracture. Lin Wu did not dare to move anymore. He could feel that his spine might be severely fractured. If he pulled hard, the nerves near the spine would be broken.

So be it!

(End of this chapter)

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