From one person to nine to five

Chapter 176 Assassination of Ninja, who will be responsible?

Chapter 176 Assassination of Ninja, who will be responsible?
There is a solemn and quiet atmosphere in the wing room. There are simple calligraphy and paintings on the walls, and the ink-colored calligraphy and paintings are dotted among them. The delicate landscape and the outlined characters are particularly vivid under the weak light.

There is a rectangular table with carved patterns in the room, and on the table is an incense burner, exuding a touch of sandalwood.

At this time, a group of well-dressed elderly people sat around the long table without speaking, each of them had a solemn expression, each was making plans and calculations in his heart, and did not choose to speak at this time.

The heads of various factions sat around the table silently, they were dressed in plain clothes, with serious and dignified expressions on their faces.

The light came in through the window, and the faint light illuminated their faces, reflecting a gloomy and solemn atmosphere.

Silence permeated the room, only the slight sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves came into the room. The heads seemed to be immersed in their inner thoughts. They stared at the map on the table, and their thoughts shuttled back and forth in their respective worlds.

This silent atmosphere exudes a kind of depression and tension, and every head can feel the weight of it.

They knew very well that this meeting was related to the fate of the entire Inhuman World, and everyone shouldered the honor and responsibility of their sect.

Although there were no words, in this silent confrontation, each other's eyes intertwined, conveying messages that did not require words. The heads understood each other tacitly, respected each other's position and authority, and at the same time showed their wisdom and determination.

Sitting at the top is a sturdy old man in blue robe. His tall figure is eye-catching. The Taoist robe is embroidered with delicate white cloud patterns, exuding a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

The beard stretched out along his broad chin, giving him a majestic and powerful look.

There is a trace of clarity and wisdom in his brows, and a trace of indescribable expression in his sharp eyes.

There are traces of time on his resolute face, but it looks more deep and calm. The corners of his eyes are slightly raised, and his aura is like a deep sea, filled with a unique force.

When he walked, every step was full of confidence and stability, as if he was stepping on the solid earth, and the majesty and serenity he exuded made people feel awe.

This Taoist priest in a blue Taoist robe displayed an otherworldly charm both from the outside and the inside.

His existence makes people feel a deep and mysterious power, representing the essence and wisdom of Taoism. His appearance is majestic and his temperament is unique.

This person is Zhang Jingqing, the leader of this generation.

Zhang Tianshi's face is slightly angular, and his strong and powerful jaw line shows his firmness and decisiveness. His beard is neatly trimmed and stretched out in a meticulous and orderly manner, adding a vicissitudes and mature charm.

His eyebrows are thick and long, slightly curved, showing his thoughtful side.

Those eyes were deep and bright, like two jewels shining with starlight, emitting wisdom and determination.

Whether it is observing the world or gaining insight into people's hearts, his eyes reveal a kind of deep wisdom.

His nose bridge is high and slightly raised, giving people a noble feeling. His lips are strong and powerful, slightly raised, exuding a trace of confidence.

His figure is burly and strong, with broad shoulders, and he seems to contain infinite strength.His back is straight and straight, as if carrying the weight of the world.

He exudes a faint fragrance, as if blending with the nature of heaven and earth, his manner is elegant, calm and dignified, reflecting his inner peace and self-cultivation.

No matter what situation he faces, he can remain calm and rational, deal with it calmly, and will not easily fall into emotional fluctuations.

His existence is like a high mountain, awe-inspiring, and at the same time arousing the deepest respect in people's hearts. When he speaks, his voice is like a clear spring in the morning light, with a magnetic charm.

His words are concise and precise, full of wisdom and deep thinking, and each word is like a fine string, striking the audience's inner resonance.

"Everyone, since the matter has taken a big step forward, it is at least a good thing. Since no one has spoken, let the old man take the lead..." Zhang Jingqing finally spoke first after being silent for a long time.

He knew what everyone was worrying about, because he still had this worry, so he didn't choose to speak until this time, and how many lives would be involved if the two petals of his mouth touched lightly.

This burden is not light, it is not just about one's own life, but about the lives of the whole sect.

In this quiet and dignified environment, time seems to be frozen, everyone is caught in their own thinking, the atmosphere in the room is full of tension and anticipation, every head in the hall knows that their choices will lead The future of the entire alien world.

In this indoor environment, the faint light shines on the heads through the windows, reflecting a faint halo.

The blue brick walls exude a quaint atmosphere, and the cigarette smoke rising from the incense burner curls up, permeating an atmosphere of tranquility and peace.

The faces of the masters are dignified and solemn. They are sitting at the table. At this time, they just slightly raised their heads to look at the old heavenly master above. Echoes with this quiet space.

Each head frowned, staring at each other intently, eyes shuttled across the face, contemplating countermeasures and decisions.

In this quiet atmosphere, time seems to be stretched, and the masters are deeply trapped in their inner world.

This turn of events was too strange, and this is the biggest concern of everyone. The strange Japanese army suddenly arrived. After sacrificing so many people to no avail, a person suddenly appeared and gave so much important information to After taking it out, it is natural to make people suspicious at this time.

Some even suspect that this is a smoke bomb deliberately released by the enemy, so the actual credibility of this news is estimated to be less than [-]%, but even this [-]% credibility is enough to reduce a lot of sacrifices.

At this time, there needs to be someone among the crowd who really makes a decision and takes on this responsibility. After all, one word of mouth may result in the spilling of dozens or hundreds of lives, and these are elite figures from various factions.

Everyone is not afraid of death, but it is meaningless to be afraid of death, so at this time, someone needs to be the leader.

"Now we have a piece of information about the ninja in our hands. Although it is not detailed enough, it is enough for us to take action."

Zhang Jingqing glanced at everyone when he came here, and then continued, "Although these two righteous men are unwilling to reveal their identities, I am willing to believe them."

"Tianshi, but it's not good to let people go just like that?" A tall and thin man couldn't help but said, there was still a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone at this time.

Two people with unknown identities and origins, who are unwilling to explain the source of the news, just let them go away, and it always feels a bit inappropriate.

No matter what, you have to control it in your hands, lest it is really a conspiracy, so that you can respond in time.

Zhang Jingqing glanced at the other party when he heard the words, and then he couldn't help but look a little cold, and continued, "Why, I don't know how much they paid for the information for us, do you still have to detain him?

Believe it or not is up to us, but don't chill people's hearts. "

The one who spoke before also shut up after hearing this. Since the words have reached this point, there is really nothing to say. I don't understand this truth.

Although this alliance was established due to the situation, it is still too loose after all, and there should not be too much suspicion inside.

If people are really detained for no reason, the impact will still be a bit bad after all, and it may even easily affect the internal unity, but even so, we have to guard against it.

Silence enveloped the entire wing room, but the tacit understanding between the heads did not need words to express.They communicated with each other through their eyes, knowing each other's inner worries and hopes.

This silent dialogue conveyed deep trust and unity, and each head integrated the interests of his own sect into the overall consideration.

The air in the wing room seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere was full of tension and solemnity. The heads knew that the decision at this time was very important.

Yet they sat there firmly, waiting for a consensus to emerge, a decision that would protect the land.

In this indoor environment, the atmosphere in the wing room is more silent and dignified, and the weak light shines on the ground through the windows, reflecting faint spots of light.

"In this case, I, Longhushan, are willing to take full responsibility for this trial and continue to confirm this information." Zhang Jingqing finally made such a decision.

The only thing I can represent is Longhushan, and the credibility of this information is not very high after all, but it can also be used to re-plan the spying mission against the ninja.

The heads sat around the table, their eyes revealing a trace of thought and anxiety.

Their faces are shrouded in shadow, reflecting inner struggles and the weight of responsibility.Silence became the main theme in the room, and time seemed to stand still at this moment, as each sect leader fell into deliberate consideration of his own position.

An old man observed these documents intently, brushing the words lightly with his fingers, expressing his attention and thinking on details.

Then he said slowly, "Old Master, we are not afraid of death, it's just that there is something wrong with this matter and we have to guard against it."

"We're running out of time, and we can't delay this matter." Zhang Jingqing waved his hand, then said in a deep voice, "The deeper this army is involved in the frontal battlefield, the more difficult it will be to remove it.

They planned to go deep into Mianshan for this trip, and this time and it was the last mobile phone opportunity. "

The air in the room seemed to freeze, and the silence revealed tense emotions. Every sect leader deeply understood that their decisions would directly affect the life and death of many disciples.

They carry a heavy weight of responsibilities and trade-offs, while also constantly seeking the best solution.

The eyes of the heads intertwined, and they conveyed profound information tacitly to each other. Even without words, this tacit understanding was condensed in silence, revealing their high recognition of each other's wisdom and decision-making ability.

In this quiet and dignified environment, the masters transcended the boundaries of personal interests and factions, focused on the interests of the whole, and took the peace of the martial arts as their mission.

They continued to remain silent, carefully weighing the consequences of each choice, seeking the best balance.

The wisdom and determination in this silence will become their strength and support in the face of difficulties. The atmosphere in the wing tends to be silent, and the depressive silence envelopes the entire space.

Faint light filtered through the tulle curtains, casting the interior in a hazy and dim light.The calligraphy and paintings on the wall hang quietly, as if they are watching the moment when the heads are facing important choices.

Then in the silence, an old man stood up slowly, and then said with a faint smile on his face, "Tianshi, you don't have to worry, since we are here to discuss countermeasures, don't always think about it." left us behind.

If everyone's consensus cannot be reached, then the first test is still to be voted on, and my farmer is willing to join this action. "


Zhang Jingqing glanced at the old man, and then there was silence in the wing room until another hand was raised.

"The Wang family is willing to join the action." Wang Ji also smiled lightly, but he was only pretending to be relaxed.

I have no idea about this action in my heart, but I also understand that the Wang family, as the four families, cannot retreat at this time. This time is not only a resistance to foreign enemies, but also a reshuffle for the future.

If he chooses to quit because of concerns at this time, then the top class in the Inhuman world will not have a place in his royal family in the future.

In addition, I am worried about another thing, which is probably the reason why most of the family sects present are unwilling to start, that is, who is responsible for this matter.

After understanding the structure of the ninja, one thing has become very clear, that is, it is not cost-effective to completely destroy it by assassinating the ninja head, and there is no need for it.

The ninjas only obey the orders of the ninjas, as long as one party is willing to show their identity and kill the ninjas, then the follow-up will naturally be the revenge of the ninjas like a tide.

But even under such circumstances, it can be extracted from the battlefield, and this is actually enough.

The frontal battlefield became stiff because of the joining of the ninjas, but as long as the ninjas and their party can be drawn out at this time, then it will return to the battle in the alien world.

But in this way, the leader will inevitably become the main target of revenge, and a large-scale talent is needed to do this.

And once this decision is made, it means that a generation will actually be ruined. Even if it is as powerful as Longhushan Tianshi Mansion, it may be completely destroyed under this storm.

But what I need to take care of is only the Wang family. Tianshifu will naturally help if it can, but it will not damage my own vitality.

Following the statement of the Wang family, more representative figures at the scene slowly raised their hands to express their attitude.

"Lu family, willing to join."

"The Gao family is willing to join."

"Shangqing faction..."

(End of this chapter)

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