From one person to nine to five

Chapter 495 Ghost in the Mountain

Chapter 495 Ghost in the Mountain (6)

A glimmer of light flashed in Xu Fu's eyes, and he immediately seized the opportunity.

He jumped up suddenly, and the ChangGe in his hand stabbed at the mandrill's weak point like lightning, trying to defeat it.

The mandrill felt the threat of death. It made an earth-shattering roar and tried to break away from Xu Fu's attack.

But Xu Fu's Chang Ge was already following him like a shadow, stabbing at the mandrill's body.

At the moment when Chang Ge was about to hit the mandrill, the mandrill suddenly released an even hotter flame, completely blocking Xu Fu's attack.

Xu Fu's attack failed again, and his body was exposed to the mandrill's flames.

Xu Fu felt the heat of the flames, his body trembled violently, and he could hardly bear the burning pain.

But he did not give up, but continued to fight with an even stronger will.

He concentrated his energy and used his body skills to flexibly avoid the mandrill's attacks, always looking for ways to break through the fire defense.

Xu Fu remained alert at all times. He constantly observed the mandrill's movements and tried to find a way to break through its defenses.

The golden Chang Ge carried infinite power and headed straight for the raised scales on the mandrill's body.

The mandrill was not to be outdone, and its flame attacks became more frequent, as if it wanted to completely devour Xu Fu.

In the intertwining of flames and golden light, he continued to fight without fear and never gave up.

A firm belief burned in Xu Fu's heart. He knew that he must overcome this powerful opponent, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

In such a confrontation, every moment is a matter of life and death. Xu Fu kept dodging the mandrill's flames while looking for ways to break its defenses.

Xu Fu always remained vigilant, looking for opportunities. Suddenly, he noticed that one of the mandrill's scales seemed to be slightly raised and not covered by the flames.

There was a cunning light in the mandrill's eyes. It sensed Xu Fu's tenacious will and was very wary of his fighting skills.

He knows that this battle is far from over, and he must be prepared to face more difficult tests.

Time seems to have lost its meaning in this battle, only the fierceness of the battle and the tension of the atmosphere.

With a loud noise, the mandrill's body trembled a few times, and finally fell to the ground, and it let out a final cry. The mandrill's disappearance was only temporary, and soon it reshaped itself in front of Xu Fu's eyes.

The earth and wood recombine, as if nature itself has given it new life. This time, its eyes were more cunning, indicating that it had a new strategy for this battle.

Its body kept flashing in the air, trying to avoid Xu Fu's attack and looking for opportunities to fight back.

Xu Fu felt the changes in the air. He clenched the golden Changge in his hand, preparing to face the next challenge.

The mandrill let out a huge roar, and its flame defense suddenly had a flaw. Xu Fu couldn't miss this opportunity. He attacked with all his strength and poured his strength into every blow.

Flames and golden light intertwined in the air, and the atmosphere of the battle became increasingly tense and fierce.

The battle entered a fierce stage, with both sides going back and forth, sometimes fighting fiercely, and sometimes falling into short stalemates.

It made a low roar and tried to scare Xu Fu, but Xu Fu did not flinch, but resisted even more tenaciously.

Although his attacks were blocked by the mandrill's flames every time, he was not discouraged. Instead, he adjusted his rhythm and tactics more calmly.

He took a deep breath, gathered the strength in his body, and tried to find the mandrill's weakness.

Suddenly, Xu Fu sensed a glimmer of opportunity. During the gap between the mandrill's attacks, he seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack with Chang Ge.

With a roar, the mandrill rushed towards Xu Fu, flames surrounding its body, forming an impenetrable defense.

Xu Fu's skills are extremely flexible. He is like a nimble cheetah, always looking for the mandrill's weaknesses.

The trees in the mountain forest kept swaying in the fierce battle between the two, as if they were witnessing this life-and-death battle.

The mandrill is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Its attacks become more cunning and violent, trying to force Xu Fu into a desperate situation.

In this mountain forest, the battle between Xu Fu and Mandrill became more and more fierce. Both sides tried their best to defeat the other side completely.

Flames and golden light intersect, and each collision brings violent energy fluctuations, making the entire environment feel the tense atmosphere of this life-and-death battle.

His heart was filled with concentration on the battle, and every attack was accurate and powerful. Although his body was suffering from fatigue and pain, he still stood firmly on the battlefield and refused to give up easily.

This is an opportunity! Xu Fu made a quick decision. He moved like lightning, dodged a blaze, came to the mandrill, and hit the raised scales with a precise attack.

The mandrill showed its power again, flames shot out from its mouth, and its fiery breath distorted the surrounding air.

Xu Fu stepped forward calmly, Chang Ge turned into golden lightning, and brought up strong winds as he waved, trying to break through the mandrill's defense.

The speed and power of the flames are constantly increasing, as if they are going to swallow up the entire mountain forest.

His eyes flashed with determination, and he faced the powerful enemy in front of him without fear.

But Xu Fu always remained calm, and his eyes revealed a hint of unyielding will. He knew that as long as he persisted, he would have a chance to break the sea of ​​​​fire.

Every confrontation between Xu Fu and Mandrill is a matter of life and death, and the hope of victory seems to be fading away little by little.

His eyes shone with determination, and he was determined to defeat this powerful opponent and protect the peace of this mountain forest.

However, Xu Fu did not give up. His heart was still full of desire for victory. He knew that as long as he persisted until the end, he would be able to win.

In this mountain forest, a fateful showdown is taking place, and who will tilt the balance of victory depends on the final result.

The battle between Xu Fu and Mandrill became more and more intense, and the surrounding mountains and forests seemed to be shaking.

The mandrill's attack became more and more fierce, and it continuously released flames, turning the surrounding trees into ashes.

Xu Fu stood calmly, waiting for the best opportunity.

The mandrill sensed the danger, but it was too late. Xu Fu's attack was like a sharp sword, accurately hitting the mandrill's weakness.

There was a loud noise, and the mandrill's body trembled again, and it let out a roar of pain, but this time it did not fall, but readjusted its posture and prepared to fight back.

Xu Fu knew that this battle was far from over, and his opponent was still full of strength and desire to fight.

He held the Chang Ge tightly in his hand, preparing to face the next more intense challenge.

In this mountain forest, his battle with the mandrill will continue, and the outcome of victory is still unknown. The mandrill's violent roar echoed in the forest, and its eyes were full of anger and challenge.

As it roared, the ground deep in the forest began to tremble, and countless rocks surged underground, turning into tall stone giants.

These stone giants were tall, with skin as hard as rock and holding huge stone hammers. They seemed to be the guardians of the mountain forest. They were summoned by the mandrills and gathered together, preparing to attack Xu Fu.

Xu Fu was secretly surprised when he saw the scene in front of him. He did not expect that the mandrill had such a method.

But he was not intimidated. On the contrary, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and concentrated, determined to fight these stone giants.

The stone giants took heavy steps, made deafening roars, and rushed towards Xu Fu.

Xu Fu did not dare to neglect. He quickly rose up and nimbly avoided the stone giants' attacks while trying to find their weaknesses.

His Chang Ge turned into golden lightning, and each swing brought up a strong wind, trying to hit the key parts of the stone giants.

However, the bodies of the stone giants were extremely hard. Xu Fu's attack did not cause much damage, but instead aroused their more violent desire to attack.

Xu Fu realized that he had to come up with more clever ways to deal with these stone giants.

He thought calmly, trying to find their weaknesses. Suddenly, he noticed that the stone giant's joints seemed a little loose, which might be their weakness.

He quickly adjusted his tactics, no longer attacking blindly, but trying to target the stone giant's joints.

His long sword slashed through the air, and each attack was aimed at the joints of the stone giants, trying to break their armor.

In such a battle, every duel is a matter of life and death. Xu Fu remained alert at all times and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

The stone giants were not easy to deal with. Their attacks became more and more fierce, as if they were going to crush Xu Fu into powder.

However, Xu Fu was not intimidated. On the contrary, he became more determined. He knew that as long as he could find the weakness of the stone giants, he could defeat them and win.

Xu Fu kept thinking about countermeasures during the fierce battle with the stone giant. He observed the actions of the stone giants, trying to find their weaknesses.

Suddenly, he noticed a subtle change: During an attack, a crack appeared in the joints of a stone giant, which seemed to be caused by Xu Fu's previous attack.

This discovery made Xu Fu's eyes light up, and he realized that this might be their Achilles' heel. So, he began to concentrate his firepower on the joints of the stone giants, and every attack targeted this weak point.

As his Chang Ge danced, he brought out golden rays of light one after another, hitting the joints of the stone giants accurately.

With the continuous attacks, cracks began to appear in the stone giants, and their movements became sluggish.

Seeing this, Xu Fu increased the intensity of his attack, trying to defeat these stone giants one by one.

The stone giants roared loudly and fought back angrily, but Xu Fu had mastered their weaknesses, and his attacks became more and more targeted. Each blow made the stone giants more exhausted and vulnerable.

With a dull crash, the stone giants fell one after another and turned into gravel and dust.

Xu Fu stood on the battlefield, the joy of victory filling his heart. He knew that he had won and successfully defeated the stone giant army summoned by the mandrill.

However, he had no time to let down his guard because the mandrill was still waiting for him. He held the Chang Ge tightly in his hand, ready to face the next challenge.

In this mountain forest, the battle between him and the mandrill continues, and the victory is still undecided.

Xu Fu took a deep breath, stared ahead, and determined to continue fighting. No matter what challenges he faces, he will unswervingly defend the peace and tranquility of this mountain forest.

As the stone giants fell, the mandrill's angry roar sounded again in the forest.

It seemed unwilling to fail. Taking advantage of Xu Fu's distraction, it suddenly launched a fierce sneak attack.

The huge body rushed towards Xu Fu like lightning, and its huge claws brought up a violent storm and slammed down on Xu Fu.

Faced with this sudden attack, Xu Fu could only react quickly and dodge the mandrill's giant claws with his body.

However, the mandrill's attack was merciless, and its speed and power made it almost impossible for Xu Fu to deal with it.

Although Xu Fu managed to dodge the punches one after another, his body was beginning to feel exhausted. Every dodge was a thin line between life and death.

There was a cunning light in the mandrill's eyes, and it didn't intend to give Xu Fu any chance to breathe.

It continuously launched fierce attacks, trying to completely defeat Xu Fu in revenge for his previous victory.

Xu Fu was anxious, and he knew he had to find a way to reverse the situation. Before the mandrill's next thrust, he watched calmly, trying to find a way to crack it.

Suddenly, he saw an opportunity. In the gap between the mandrill's attacks, he quickly jumped back and avoided the fierce attack of the giant claw.

Then, he stabilized his body, gathered the strength in his body, and prepared to face the next challenge with a new attitude.

Seeing this, the mandrill did not miss this opportunity. It launched another attack, but this time, Xu Fu was ready.

He nimbly avoided the mandrill's attack while looking for opportunities to crack it.

With a loud noise, Xu Fu's Changge turned into golden lightning and stabbed the mandrill's body accurately.

The mandrill let out a scream and its body trembled a few times, but it did not fall down. Instead, it readjusted its posture and prepared to continue fighting.

Xu Fu was anxious, knowing that he had to overcome the predicament at hand. The mandrill's attacks became more and more violent, and each strike of its huge claws brought a devastating threat.

Xu Fu kept avoiding and trying to find opportunities to crack it.

In the gap between a huge claw slamming down, Xu Fu quickly dodged out, then turned around in an instant, and Chang Ge stabbed the mandrill's eyes like lightning.

This is the weakest point of the mandrill. Once attacked, it will cause great pain and fatal threats to it.

However, the mandrill seemed to be prepared for it. It waved its giant claw quickly and blocked Xu Fu's attack.

Then, it let out a thunderous roar, and flames spurted out, rushing towards Xu Fu.

Xu Fu knew that this time the attack was so fierce that he had almost no time to dodge. He calmed down, used his body skills, and tried his best to avoid the mandrill's attack.

The blazing flames brushed past his side, bringing with it a scorching breath, but he did not want to be swallowed up by the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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