end of mystery.

Chapter 15 Mother's Care

Chapter 15 Mother's Care

This is how I found my first job in my life.

Xiao Xiao arrived at the pier on time the next day, took his work clothes, a towel to wipe sweat on his shoulders, a pair of gloves to prevent his hands from being rubbed, and even bought a large teacup for drinking at his own expense.

It has to be said that he found himself in a job that was a good fit for him.

Here, they have to work twelve hours a day. In addition to helping to load and unload some special cargo that is not convenient for mechanized operations whenever a large cargo ship enters the port, they also have to inspect the container, load and unload the truck, and some cargo in the city. Shipping business, etc., the dozen or so huge warehouses on the port are the whole world where dozens of workers sweat and overload their bodies every day.

For ordinary people, this high-intensity job has reached the level of squeeze, but Xiao Xiao now has the pleasure of being stimulated to the potential of his body.

The power brought by the violent factor is a bit strange.

Usually it's not easy to control, or even detect, but occasionally when violence suddenly flashes in my heart, this power will suddenly burst out.

It's like a huge box that people can't lift up, but when the guy downstairs who gave him a cuckold was passing by, he picked it up and ran away with a "swish".

It can even be lifted high above the top and accurately smashed out of the window.

...Well, it's not very appropriate, roughly speaking.

And Xiao Xiao is a serious person.

He didn't allow such an uncontrollable force to exist in his body, but through the heavy labor on the pier every day, he felt carefully and tried to control this force in his body, even at the cost of Undertaking some seemingly exaggerated tasks, huge cargo boxes, heavy cables, he used his thin shoulders to carry those heavy cargo, as if he was fighting with huge monsters.

"Is this guy a lunatic?"

Xiao Xiao's urge to work even frightened the surrounding workers.

At the beginning, everyone thought that he was an honest kid who didn't know how to cherish his own strength and only knew how to work stupidly, but after a long time, they found that this guy was more like committing suicide.

As if he was trying to make things difficult for himself, he struggled desperately with those huge cargo boxes, and gradually developed a vague fear in his heart.

Xiao Xiao didn't care about other people's eyes, he enjoyed the feeling of trying to control himself.

Probably, this is also related to his four years of experience. During those four years, he even learned to forcibly control his attention in a state of panic.

In contrast, controlling the power in one's body has become a simpler matter.

Of course, there are also some new problems that he needs to adapt to.

As a newcomer, among a group of rough people on the pier, there would occasionally be a little friction, hearing a swear word, or some ridicule, Xiao Xiao is usually not a small-minded person, but occasionally he would suddenly develop an unusually strong feeling of disgust and anger. violent.

Such as the urge to stuff a certain yellow hair between two decks on the shore.

Xiao Xiao was very surprised: "Is this the side effect of the violent factor?"

It's just that when he gets nervous, his thinking speeds up, and countless thoughts flash through in an instant. His body is seriously unable to keep up with the speed of thinking, so he won't really do anything.

Similar violence often comes suddenly, and the body has already made some radical behaviors before the mind is ready.

But as long as you hold back, the impulse will gradually disappear, and Xiao Xiao will have enough time every time to digest this sudden negative emotion.

and so……

...This violent factor preparation seems to have no side effects?

... Just keep your emotions under control!
Xiao Xiao feels very satisfied with this job on the dock.

It’s just that sometimes when I look at these workers on the dock, watching them bragging together during breaks, playing cards, and going out for drinks at night, I often feel that I can’t blend in.

After working together for so many days, I can see that they look like monsters closely, and everyone has their own joys, sorrows and joys.

But Xiao Xiao still felt that there seemed to be a huge gap between him and them, and he couldn't get involved in his topics, nor could he enjoy the cozy atmosphere that belonged to them. He often just sat beside them silently.

And the workers on the dock also did not try to pull Xiao Xiao into their group.

In their eyes, Xiao Xiao also has a different temperament from people like themselves.

For the young people in this city, they prefer to wander the streets with nothing to do, or attract passers-by with exotic clothes, or enter bars, nightclubs and other places to serve and receive tips.

They fight fiercely, who is more daring to stab the knife than the other, but it is rare that this kind of person is willing to suffer with a group of middle-aged people at the pier.

At the beginning, Xiao Xiao was just a child who ran away from home in anger, and he took it for granted that life was easy, and he would leave after a few days of work.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, Xiao Xiao's enthusiasm for working frantically made the workers a little scared.

Even the foreman, who scolded the workers for being lazy every day, started to feel a little worried. He loves to scold others, and he only scolded Xiao Xiao once:
"Take it easy, this is the work of moving big boxes, do you think you are hugging girls?"


"Why can't these rough old men who are full of brains feel the joy of work?"

Xiao Xiao didn't get angry because of the foreman's reprimand. Firstly, he knew that he had good intentions, but also because he didn't intend to listen.

I work hard, can you still fire me?

That's how you don't take leaders seriously!

Anyway, now I am very satisfied with this kind of life. I have a full schedule of heavy work every day. Not only can I keep fit, but I can also receive those five colorful banknotes.

In just a few days, he has saved two to three thousand yuan, and his body, which has been improved by the genetic medicine, is also adapting a little bit.

And the usual dullness and depression, compared with the life he spent in the bedroom for four years before, was simply extremely interesting.

Listening to other people's conversations during the work gap, listening to the foreman telling dirty jokes, and looking forward to the size of the meat in the work meal like other workers, has already made him feel very satisfied.

Occasionally, he even went into a trance, feeling that this was the real world.

Workers in the false world also tell dirty jokes?
But after these few days, my mother began to feel sorry for him.

She watched Xiao Xiao go out early and return late every day, and sometimes he came back covered in sweat and a little bruise on his shoulders, and she couldn't help but persuade him while helping him wipe the medicinal wine:

"I scolded you before and asked you to go out to find a job, but I didn't tell you to fight against the big box."

"How long did you say you haven't gone out, can you do this kind of hard work?"


Until now, Xiao Xiao's concern for "mother" is still somewhat unacceptable, and he can only cope with it: "It's okay, I'm not tired."

Seeing him perfunctory and about to go back to the bedroom, my mother's eyes were a little red: "You come back later and later, and you don't even eat the dumplings made for you."

"A mother doesn't expect you to make a lot of money. If you are rich and powerful, you just need to be more stable. I scolded you before, but I just thought that you could go out more and find something to do."

"If you lack pocket money, just tell mom, I'll give you more..."


Looking at those familiar faces, Xiao Xiao had extremely complicated feelings in his heart. Her appearance didn't look fake.

Or maybe, it was true in the first place, but I just saw something more real.

The gap in his heart could not be eliminated, but he still sighed softly, softened his tone a little, and said, "It's not for making money, but for doing more work and exercising."

"But this job does earn a lot of money, hundreds of dollars per day..."

"I'll earn more, you won't have to work so hard in the future..."


Mother looked at the small stack of banknotes he handed over, her eyes were still red, but she smiled, pushed Xiao Xiao's hand back, and said: "You can save the money you earn yourself, and Mom can work for a few more years." Woolen cloth!"

"We should save more money. The little girl who came to our house last time looked like a child of a rich family. Don't be bullied by others in the future..."


This night, Xiao Xiao knew it was a lie, but he still couldn't help feeling uncontrollably moved.

It seems that I am not enough to control the sudden emotional impulse...

(End of this chapter)

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