end of mystery.

Chapter 19 The Nest of Suffocation

Chapter 19 The Nest of Suffocation
Xiao Xiao couldn't accept or understand the phenomenon of the resurrection of the dead from the bottom of his heart.

Not scientific at all.

But when he saw the nerves and flesh and blood tissue connected to the corpse, he immediately remembered that the city itself was also a huge, wriggling monster.

That's acceptable.

It's just some kind of monster and will similar to the city, manipulating these suffocated corpses.

clack clack clack...

While thinking about the rationality of this phenomenon, there was a tooth-piercing sound of joint dislocation, and more corpses twisted and struggled to get up from the ground in a strange posture.

They twitched in pain, and their chests seemed to have huge air pressure, constantly rising and falling.

The convulsed ten fingers desperately scratched at his neck, as if he wanted to tear a hole in his neck so that fresh air could be poured in.

And under their feet, or on their backs, without exception, there is a kind of weird flesh and blood tissue with a hint of madness, twisting and wriggling, like a spider web spreading out from the warehouse, growing under their feet, making The entire warehouse looks like a huge cobweb, dark and oppressive, and the desperate suffocation, together with the dead arms waving around, turns the warehouse into a gloomy hell where dead bodies dance around.

"This is the nest of suffocation!"

Ruanrou followed far behind, his small face tensed, and he looked obviously nervous: "The suffocation doll has upgraded its surrounding environment, turning this warehouse into a suffocation nest."

"That is... a C-level mission?"

Xiao Xiao came to his senses in an instant, cursing inwardly who did the intelligence work?

The level can also be wrong, do you have a brain?

But also amidst his curses secretly, Ruan Ruan also quickly stepped forward with a wrench on his shoulders, looked at Xiao Xiao with a delicate face, and said in a serious way:

"Now you can quit the mission and let me take over."

"The upgrade of the Nest of Suffocation was our mistake, we just monitored it two hours ago..."

"Alas, we are weak now, and the monitoring of the city has declined..."


"Not only that..."

Listening to Ruan Ruan's explanation, Xiao Xiao, who was standing in the middle of many distorted corpses, had already thought of many questions:
"I still don't know how the alien organization monitored and discovered the abnormal creatures that can be seen everywhere in this city, and how the intelligence work is collected..."

"However, judging from the city's attitude towards the old city, we know that the city's own logic of operation has also gone awry."

"The security department usually doesn't dare to patrol here casually, so there is a warehouse that eats people here, and so many people have been 'drowned', but no one else has discovered it..."

"Even the city's own operating logic has problems. It seems normal for foreigners to make some mistakes in monitoring."

"Just, just give up the mission like this?"


Seeing Ruan Ruan's reaction, even if I give up, I won't lose face...

But the points still have to fly..."

Now I am seriously short of points, even about to be cleared...

In a very short period of time, Xiao Xiao realized that he still had to continue with this task.

In addition, there are writhing dead bodies everywhere in front of him, which looks dangerous, but in fact, doesn't this just give him a key clue to solve this problem?
If the warehouse at this time turned into a huge spider web of flesh and blood, then the suffocation doll was the source of the spider web.

Follow those squirming flesh and blood, you can definitely find it!

He shook his head immediately, and said to Ruanruan: "There is no need to give up now, you help me watch, I really can't stand it anymore, let's help..."


Ruan Ruan looked at Xiao Xiao with a serious face, his expression was a little dull: "Brother Xiao's side profile is so good..."

"...No, did he overestimate his own strength, he has already confirmed the escalation of the crisis, and still wants to solve it by himself?"

"Now the rookies are starting to take the lead?"


The two didn't have much time to communicate, and the wriggling corpses had already swarmed in front of them.

They were in agony, their chests were constantly squeezed like a pressure pump with no outlet, their bodies unconsciously tore apart, but they stumbled and surrounded them from all directions.

And as they approached, it brought not only a visual shock, but also a sense of suffocation, which became stronger and stronger.

Because of the lack of air, everything around is covered with a misty and distorted temperament, and the staggering figure is like a painful soul in an oil painting, staggering closer.

"The choking doll must be found as soon as possible..."

Xiao Xiao quickly made a decision, rushed to the depths of the warehouse, and calculated the most critical elements in his mind.


Even before he found the suffocating doll, his life was counting down.

Normal people can hold their breath for about one to two minutes. If they have undergone exercise, they can even last for ten minutes or twenty minutes.

However, being affected by the nest of suffocation now is not just as simple as being unable to breathe.

This feeling of suffocation seems to be able to continuously increase the intensity.Let yourself feel that your body is getting heavier and heavier, like being pressed down by a mountain.

Only breathing can relieve this feeling, but not only do they no longer have the ability to breathe, even the only air in their bodies is being forcibly drawn away, forcing them into suffocation.

In this case, how long can I live?
40 seconds, or 30 seconds?

Ruan Ruan was obviously not as meticulous as Xiao Xiao thought, but she knew the danger at this time.

He waved a wrench at will, and he flew out a suffocating corpse that was close to him. The huge force directly smashed the corpse's head and even half of the chest cavity, and the rotten flesh fell off piece by piece.

Watching Xiao Xiao rushing towards the depths of the warehouse with some anxiety in his heart, he tried to persuade him but couldn't persuade him.

Although this task was given to Xiao Xiao at the beginning, and there was also the intention to observe Xiao Xiao's potential, but it is undoubtedly inappropriate now.

The difficulty of the task exceeded the tolerance limit of a novice, now Xiao Xiao should escape here before he fainted due to suffocation, otherwise he would not be able to help him.

You can't give him oxygen mouth to mouth, right?

But he didn't expect that Xiao Xiao moved so fast, and rushed forward without listening to his explanation at all.

Is this the rhythm of having to give him artificial respiration?



"Time is running out, I can only assume I have 40 seconds left to move..."

"This is because my body has been strengthened, otherwise I might not be able to last for 20 seconds..."


In the midst of extreme tension, Xiao Xiao's thoughts ran around like a group of runaway huskies, bringing him all kinds of judgments and thoughts, and there were some uncontrollable distracting thoughts in his head.

Along with his thinking process, those distorted corpses around him rushed in front of him one after another.

Someone suddenly looked up at Xiao Xiao, his neck swelled like a frog, and in his dark eyes, it seemed that due to the influence of the air pressure in his body, blood was continuously pouring into his retina, turning blood red.

Someone raised his convulsed arms in pain, as if he wanted to vent the pain to other living creatures around him because he was too painful in suffocation.

The route was blocked, and Xiao Xiao was about to be submerged.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao realized his situation, and felt dull and oppressed. Nervousness and less panic were pouring out from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably, and were about to fill his whole body.

Sure the suffocation dolls are in there, but the dead bodies aren't easy to deal with.

The ability to think explosively allows Xiao Xiao to do many things that others cannot do in a short period of time, such as analysis, planning, and looking for opportunities.

But there are also some that cannot be done.

Such as math problems.

If you can’t, you won’t. If your thinking explodes a hundred times, you still can’t do it.

The same is true of the scene in front of me.

The dead bodies surging in front of him almost blocked all the routes. Although his body had been strengthened, he was still a bit weak in the face of the palms stretched out from all directions.

Of course, deep down in his heart, Xiao Xiao actually didn't want to fight these dead bodies in close quarters.

So disrespectful to remains...

But, is there really nothing you can do?
Apart from turning around and calling Ruan Ruan for help, how else can I solve the problem?

With the tension in his heart, Xiao Xiao's ability to explode his mind was stretched to the extreme, and everything around him seemed to have stopped, including those desperate palms that were waving and catching in front of him.

He tried his best, observed every detail, trying to find a solution.

The air in the chest cavity is rapidly decreasing, and probably can only support him for tens of seconds of action time.

In such a short time, is there any chance to solve the problem?
Must have.

All the surrounding information elements were reflected into Xiao Xiao's mind at this moment, and he kept planning, trying, deliberating, trial and error, and finally...

... A bold idea appeared in his mind.

"Summon—the house demolition dog!"

Having confirmed the plan in his heart, Xiao Xiao silently recited these words in his heart without hesitation.


Seeing Xiao Xiao rushing forward was blocked by a black shadow, although Ruan Ruan behind him had already clenched his fists, but because Xiao Xiao chose to continue, he could only frown and watch him rush forward head-on.

Although it has been strengthened, it still looks a little clumsy with obviously inexperienced skills.

Unexpectedly, just as those dead bodies stopped in front of Xiao Xiao, stretching out their convulsive palms and pulling towards him, there was a sudden ferocious whimpering sound.

Xiao Xiao, who was running forward, was illuminated by the flashlight in Lianrou's mouth behind him, showing a few scattered shadows.

And among these shadows, three are becoming darker and deeper, as if they have formed a substance, and the cloak is spread around the body.

A ferocious and deep whimper sounded in his shadow, and immediately, three strong and swift vicious dogs jumped out of the shadow, and ran forward together with Xiao Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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