end of mystery.

Chapter 22 300 Points

Chapter 22 300 Points
"Forget it, let's get out of here first..."

Xiao Xiao and Ruan Ruan didn't stay here for too long, they just made sure that there were no other omissions in this incident, and they quickly got on the motorcycle and left.

As for this kind of suffocation nest, Ruanruan also shared her experience. As a subsidiary body of the suffocation nest, those dead bodies who died due to suffocation are usually unable to escape the suffocation nest.

Only the source of the Nest of Suffocation, the Suffocation Doll has the ability to move.

However, the smoothness of this incident is that the suffocation doll does not seem to have a strong desire to escape, and it has not even resisted fiercely.

But every suffocating doll is a little different, and Ruanroubian didn't think too much about it.

But when he drove Xiao Xiao out of the warehouse, he looked back at the warehouse that was about to be burned into ruins, and couldn't help sighing in a low voice:
"The explosion is so big, the people around will definitely be alarmed, maybe the Security Office will send people over to check."

"We're moving slowly, maybe we'll be caught."


"We are replacing the city's will to solve the problem, and we still have to worry about being caught?"

Xiao Xiao pulled away from the previous gloomy mood, and felt a little outrageous when he heard Ruan Ruan say this.

"Of course, you just burned a warehouse..."

Softly said: "We are just foreigners, not privileged people. The deal between the city and us has been completed in the process of performing tasks and issuing points."

"If you are caught by the Security Agency, it's a different matter. You need to spend points to buy special immunity again."

"Of course, if we escape in time, then everything that happens here has nothing to do with us..."

"Mr. Ye will communicate with the city's will, create an alibi for us, and erase the traces of our presence in some subtle places to eliminate unnecessary troubles."


"Mr. Ye?"

Xiao Xiao thought of the guy who got the information wrong, and couldn't help being curious about him.

Even if I am a newcomer, I know how important intelligence work is, so I have to remind this person to pay more attention in the future...

"You'll see him later."

When Ruan Ruan talked about them, his tone seemed a little proud, and he said, "He and sister Jia Jia are the most powerful among us, and they are also our hearts and brains."

"It turns out that Yang Jia is also so powerful..."

Xiao Xiao thought to himself, and then thought, this mission, I don't know how many points I can earn, is it enough to pay back Yang Jia's debt...

In other words, I was so generous to Yang Jia in high school.

Now, she shouldn't be in a hurry to let herself return her points, right?

Just as the locomotive slowly drove away from the area illuminated by the fire under the cover of night, Xiao Xiao's mobile phone rang a notification tone. He took out his mobile phone and saw a new email entered his mailbox.

[Congratulations, the suffocation puppet cleaning task has been completed, and the settlement is now in progress! 】

[Point reward: 300 points]

[Reminder: Please leave the scene immediately to avoid being arrested by the Security Office]


"How many points?"

Ruan Ruan drove the car and asked without looking back.


Xiao Xiao said, "It's much higher than what I said at the beginning."

"It seems that the hazard of the incident has been increased, and Mr. Ye also communicated with the will of the city and helped us win more points..."

Listening to Ruan Ruan, she was also a little happy, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Brother Xiao, you will soon become a veteran."


Xiao Xiao reacted for a moment, thought of a question, and hurriedly said: "Since they are all foreigners, they all seem to be a little crazy... No, they have great abilities."

"So, do we people also have some, levels or something?"


"Of course there is..."

Softly smiled: "From the point of view of points, our level is still very obvious..."

After listening to her detailed explanation, Xiao Xiao immediately understood.

What Yang Jia said before is correct, in this world, points are everything.

The division of rank among foreigners was actually simpler and clearer than he thought.

Those in the range of 1~100 are novices.

Those with 100~1000 points range are veterans.

Those in the range of 1000 to 1 points belong to the masters among the foreigners.

As for those in the range of 1 to 10 points, according to Ruan Ruan's words, they are big thighs, super masters, and already have specific titles:


As for those with more than 10 points, they still exist, but that already represents a new field.

"Brother Xiao, you must remember that each level represents a real gap, and there are very few that can be bridged. The more points you have, the stronger your strength."

"Basically, veterans who have reached the 100-1000 point range have already found a route that suits them, and the farther they go on this route, the more inestimable their strength will be."

"I've been awake for so long, and I only know that only the brander and collector routes are possible for cross-level confrontation..."



It wasn't until the collector's route was mentioned by accident that Ruan Ruan suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously, "Where are your three dogs?"

"I just watched you rush in with three dogs, what happened to them?"



In fact, Xiao Xiao had thought about the views of these three dogs a long time ago. After all, Ruan Ruan saw it, and he couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

But he didn't mention it on purpose, just hoping that Ruan Ruan, a little head, would forget about it. Unexpectedly, she thought about it again after seeing that she had left.

Just when he left the warehouse and went to find Ruan Ruan's locomotive parked by the side of the road, the three loyal and cute hounds seemed to have been inspired by something and didn't follow him.

Xiao Xiao vaguely saw that there seemed to be faint tentacles gliding across the night in the marsh, and he understood that they should have a special way to leave here.

Just like their sudden appearance.

——In the previous introduction, it was said that they appeared on the battlefield in a reasonable way?

Ha ha!

And he didn't say much, he just waved to the three hounds and thanked them when he got back.

Now hearing Ruan Ruan mentioning it, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. After struggling for a while, he had to confess frankly: "I bought them, and I think they are still very useful..."


Ruan Ruan's voice suddenly raised a lot, and she even wanted to turn her head to look at him.

Xiao Xiao hastily turned her head back, told her to look at the road carefully, and said in embarrassment, "Is this a bit..."

Just about to criticize my abruptness, Ruan Ruan suddenly laughed: "Brother Xiao, your taste is really different from other people..."

"When foreigners get Fuyu's points for the first time, they often think about buying something. I have seen people who buy relatives around them and get rid of nightmares forever. I have seen people working hard to save points to buy something on TV A little celebrity fulfills his wish, and he has seen many people who have bought many people and let them work as slaves for him to earn money... But you, the first one you choose to buy, is actually three dogs?"



Xiao Xiao was in a state of confusion when he heard this, is there still such an operation?

I felt a lot more at ease in my heart, isn't co-authoring myself the most unreliable type?

It is understandable to buy relatives or slaves, but it feels a little weird.

What can buy stars do?
He reacted for a while, and then suddenly understood: Oh, celebrities make a lot of money...

Hearing what Ruan Ruan said, the worries in my heart finally dissipated, and she said with a smile: "So, you won't blame me for buying them?"

"Why should I blame you? The points belong to you. Even if I am an enhancement designer, I am only responsible for giving you suggestions."

He smiled softly: "Also, although this kind of behavior seems a bit wasteful to some extent, it is still human nature, and we usually acquiesce in it."

"Of course, your taste does..."


Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a little embarrassed again, and quickly changed the topic, saying: "Listen, there are still many foreigners like us in this city, and even formed an organization?"

"of course."

Ruanruan immediately replied: "We are a very powerful organization."

This made Xiao Xiao suddenly ask with some concern: "So, how is my performance this time?"


Ruan Ruan was suddenly stopped by his question, and after a long time, she sighed: "Okay, very good."

I thought to myself: "It's just too good..."

Xiao Xiao didn't know what was going on in her heart, but felt relieved: "Being able to get the approval of these veterans seems to be one step closer to my joining the organization."

Being in a foreign land, having an organization of one's own people will bring a great sense of security.

I just hope that as a newcomer, no one will bully me...



Half an hour later, Ruan Ruan sent Xiao Xiao home, and after driving away from the block, she dialed Yang Jia's phone: "Sister Jia Jia, the task has been completed."

Yang Jia's voice seemed a little tired: "How is he doing?"

"It can no longer be described well."

After organizing his words softly, he said: "His performance is simply exaggerated. This mission has been upgraded unexpectedly, at least it is C-level."


Yang Jia was a little surprised, and said, "So you solved this mission?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me."

Ruan Ruan denied it, and said: "He completed this task alone, earned three hundred points, and even... was not injured."


Yang Jia was suddenly silent, and her breathing was a little short.

"Sister Jiajia, I know what you mean by asking me to design a strengthening route for him."

The Ruanruan voice seemed a little serious, and said: "I can assure you that he has no signs of being strengthened before, and there is no strengthening element except for the violent factor."

Yang Jia was silent: "But you also said that he even completed the C-level mission with [-] points without injury..."


After a while, he replied with a wry smile: "Perhaps, being strong is indeed an innate instinct?"

 Asking for a ticket, there are still eleven months before the Chinese New Year, it is not too much to give the New Year's money in advance

(End of this chapter)

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