end of mystery.

Chapter 26 The Sense of World Collapse

Chapter 26 The Sense of World Collapse

Xiao Xiao was still a little uncertain about how to do it.

The main reason is that my understanding of the world and the strengthening route is still too shallow. If I don't understand the logic in it, I don't dare to take risks.

Help these three cute dogs to strengthen, to what extent will their strength be improved?
Can it strengthen the internal core factors of success?
All of this is something that Xiao Xiao doesn't understand now, so he really feels that every point he spends now has a natural gamble.

However, such a question is not easy to ask Ruanruan.

These enhancement designers obviously hated this kind of dog-gambling route, and it was inappropriate to ask Yang Jia.

I still owed someone a hundred points, but came here to strengthen the three dogs with a hundred points, which sounds a bit excessive.

How is it different from borrowing money to wash your feet! !



When I arrived at the work place, I changed into the overalls and started another day of earning money and training.

I just lent 2000 yuan to Nuonuo, which is four days' wages for me, and I don't know if she will pay it back.

But it doesn't matter if she doesn't return it, I can bring her dogs here. Although these three demolition dogs are a bit silly, they are really pure in appearance and worth a lot of money...

While Xiao Xiao was thinking wildly, he suddenly discovered a new way to get rich.

These three dogs are so obedient, or I will steal them, sell them, and then secretly order them to run back, and find another seller to sell...

... This snowball is rolling around, and you will soon become rich, right?
With this thought in mind, he dawdled until noon, and after lunch, Xiao Xiao sat on the sofa in Warehouse No. [-], blowing on the air conditioner.

The foreman walked past him with a temporary container dispatch list in his hand, and squinted at him.

If he saw someone blowing the air conditioner here, he would probably scold him immediately. Although the air conditioner was always on when he was not around, he just couldn't bear the way people came here to cool off the air conditioner.

But seeing that it was Xiao Xiao, it was all right.

This kid who worked so hard finally learned to rest, and he actually felt a sense of relief...

"Hey, kid, there is a delivery job, you can follow along!"

Huang Mao, on the other hand, couldn't understand Xiao Xiao's lazy look, so he flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, and ran over to talk to him.

There are also some delivery orders on the dock from time to time, but they are all extra money, and most of them go into the pocket of the foreman, so no one is willing to do it, preferring to stay here and rest.

It was Huang Mao's turn to run the delivery order, but he ran over to order Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the temporary dispatch list left by the foreman on the table, and then silently followed out the door without saying a word. Just after he followed the goods onto the truck, he saw the foreman walking over with people.

Seeing Xiao Xiao get into the truck, he asked curiously, "Why are you going?"

Xiao Xiao said: "Huang Mao said that his foot hurts, and asked me to run this order for him."

"Are your feet?"

The foreman sneered and stopped asking, and waved to the rest of the people: "Come on, come with me, there is a temporary transfer of goods at Xicang, and the move will be completed in three hours."

All the stevedores were taken aback. They thought they would be free this afternoon, playing poker and bragging. Who would have thought that there would be a temporary transfer of goods, which would be exhausting.

Huang Mao immediately ran towards the truck: "Foreman, it was agreed in the morning that I will go out to deliver the goods..."

"Mother Gan Lin..."

The foreman grabbed him back: "Didn't you just say that your foot hurts and you can't deliver the goods?"

Huang Mao screamed: "I can't move the container because my feet hurt..."

"Gan Linniang, if you can't move it, let Uncle Wang of the Ni family come over and move it for me..."

The foreman grabbed him and threw him into the crowd, cursing: "I think about being lazy every day, do you really think my wool is so easy to squeeze?"

"I am also a half-capitalist after all..."


Under the envious eyes of a group of workers, especially Huang Mao, Xiao Xiao followed the truck and drove out of the dock.

Xiao Xiao didn't need to think about where to deliver the goods, he just followed the past to the place and unloaded the goods.

And although the errand that ran out this time did not have much money, it was very easy compared to those who stayed on the pier for three hours to handle a batch of emergency cargo dispatch.

Soon, they had already arrived at a shopping mall in the lower city. The goods were unloaded, signed, and the work was done. It took less than an hour.

It was still early, so Xiao Xiao rested on the side of the road with the truck locomotive and another stevedore.

Everyone has the same idea and will never go back before the job at the dock is finished.

Although Xiao Xiao went to work on the dock for the purpose of exercising himself, he also felt that he should respect this job.

When you have the opportunity to fish, you must fish. This is the most basic respect for work.

The street is very lively. For the decoration workers who face the tall and cold warehouses and a group of gentlemen on the pier every day, it is an untouchable world of flowers and flowers. They look at the exquisitely dressed girls Walking proudly through the street, the elegant lady with a satchel on her back spent the afternoon in a coffee shop, smoking a cigarette and sighing: "Damn that woman's legs are really long..."

Xiao Xiao couldn't fully integrate into a topic circle with them, but he couldn't help thinking.

The same scenery may indeed have different results in the eyes of different people. For example, I just thought, if I tear off those glamorous human skins...

... Is there a slimy tentacle monster hiding underneath?
While thinking wildly, a group of coolly dressed girls, some with tattoos up to their necks, walked across the street, crossing each other's shoulders, laughing loudly and walking past them.

The smoking stevedore hurriedly looked away from them. They dared to look at the elegant lady in the coffee shop with hot eyes-you come out and hit me if you have the ability?
But I dare not look at these younger girls who are more cool and sexy at close range - because they really dare to do it.

Xiao Xiao, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the group of young girls. Nuo Nuo, who was wearing a white skirt, was walking among them with a girl with two flowery arms holding her neck.

He cast his eyes over, ready to say hello.

Unexpectedly, when Nuonuo saw him, his face was suddenly embarrassed, and he deliberately turned his gaze to one side, pretending not to see him.

Xiao Xiao's greeting was also taken back, watching them giggling loudly while walking into the alley behind the mall.



In the coffee shop, there was an exquisite woman wearing sunglasses and decent clothes. She was sitting by the window, and the sunlight was shining quietly on her body, forming the most pleasing scenery in the city.

She was also holding the coffee, watching the group of young girls laughing and walking past the glass window, especially seeing the panic on the faces of the girls among them.

The coffee brought to his lips, froze slightly, thoughtful.



"It's another group of little bastards who play truant..."

Outside the coffee shop, the stevedores waited for the group of laughing girls to disappear before cursing in a low voice: "I had the conditions back then, so I must study hard."

The person next to him smiled and said, "Didn't you come here to do this because you didn't study hard?"

"If I knew I was doing this now, I would have read it well back then..."

The driver smiled and said: "But we said it was too late, Xiao Xiao still has a chance, hey, where is Xiao Xiao?"

When they were chatting, Xiao Xiao always felt a little strange in his heart, so he followed the group of girls to the platform on the second floor next to the shopping mall. If he followed them, he would inevitably be discovered, especially since Nuonuo didn't want to be there. It would be unseemly for him to recognize himself on the street and show up again. Therefore, he stood silently on the second floor, listening to the group of girls below, laughing and talking about something.

"Didn't you say two thousand?"

Nuonuo's voice now sounded like a flustered little animal: "I've already given it to you, let me go back..."

"Who said it would cost two thousand?"

The girl with a high ponytail with tattoos reaching her chin said with a smile, "Besides, isn't your family rich? Two thousand is nothing to you?"

"I'm really out of money..."

Nuonuo begged: "My mother only gives me money once a month, and I borrowed the money from my neighbors this time..."

"Then borrow it again..."

The voice of a girl next to her became fierce: "Don't you want to apologize to us? Shouldn't the apology be a little sincere?"


"Is it just kids bullying?"

After listening for a while on the second floor, Xiao Xiao understood what was going on below, shook his head, and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, this world has become a paradise for monsters, and he can still see such things, and he is somewhat lacking in interest in it. He has seen even his mother wanting to raise a knife to chop himself up, and he has seen The appearance of his high school classmates coming out of the human skin has also endured four years of torment. In such a twisted and absurd city, he even subconsciously felt that this was just a trivial matter.

"Please, please forgive me..."

At this time, Nuonuo's crying sounded from below: "I agreed to everything you said, why don't you just let me go..."

This voice made Xiao Xiao stop silently.

Perhaps it is really just a trivial matter, and they are all monsters, part of this huge city, and even everything that happens between them is just some objective law of operation.

But the despair and pain in that little girl's cry made Xiao Xiao unable to sit idly by.

It's the only thing that feels real to him right now.

 Routinely shouted a voice to vote, in case someone really voted...

(End of this chapter)

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