end of mystery.

Chapter 289 Broken Water Drop Necklace

Chapter 289 Broken Water Drop Necklace ([-] words)
"It's bad, I always feel like we've been fooled..."

The situation in Black Gate City has taken a turn for the worse. Everyone on the Lost Island is already a little aggrieved, and their hearts are filled with inexplicable anxiety.

It shouldn't be like this...

That crazy guy has indeed entered the level of dominance, and he also has a mysterious guide to betrayal to help him. In terms of personal strength, he has reached the highest level in the world.

But now we are not discussing these at all. Now he has done something that made the whole world have to stop him, putting himself into a dead situation. The Lost Island lost to him before because the Lost Island wanted to It was to recycle him and shut him down, but now, the Lost Island has made that difficult decision. It should have been a desperate matter to destroy him and Black Gate City together. Why are two mysterious things happening in the Lost Island now? In the case of Lu Yin, the situation became a little out of control?


The huge and twisted spiritual power, with Black Gate City as the center, quickly spread to the surroundings.

That is the power of the Whispering Snake. Originally, this power should focus on Xiao Xiao and radiate to the entire Black Gate City. However, unexpectedly, Black Gate City did the opposite and instead boosted the power of the Whispering Snake. As a result, the situation spiraled out of control, and Black Gate City turned into a source of pollution, greatly affecting everyone around it and the mysterious source. Whether it was the creatures wandering in the foggy sea, or the Hell Organization and the Dante Organization, they were all whispered Affected by the power of the snake, it was obvious that the camp was in panic.

A large number of mysterious sources, like headless flies, even began to attack them indiscriminately.

It sucks.

The people of the Lost Island were unable to get off the ground, and they could even notice that the Hell Legion had begun to trace their position faintly while boosting the twisted power.

This group of lunatics actually wanted to search for their traces in the opposite direction at this time.

What do you want to do?

Although at this moment, their mentality was still quite disdainful of those out-of-control experimental subjects, after all, they also had a sense of urgency. However, at this time, they were riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off.

The Whispering Snake's loss of control has become a fact.

But they didn't dare to forcefully control the Whispering Snake at this time, nor did they dare to recover it rashly.

Because of the danger and uncontrollability of the Whispering Snake, it has always been at the top of the list of mysterious guides. At this time, whether it is forcibly controlled or recklessly recycled, it may cause this guy to have a backlash.

"Even we have been affected, but Black Gate City..."

There are also Lost Island executives who realize a key question: "Why does it look like it is the least affected?"

With this question in mind, countless data were quickly collected and analyzed in a unified way. I was almost angry to the point of being stunned. When that guy lost control with the power of the Whispering Snake, he actually quickly transformed this twisted... The power spreads to the outside world. Today, Xiao Xiao still maintains the state of emotional resonance that affects the entire world. Therefore, he also uses this state to push the twisted power to the outside world. Therefore, the black gate that should be the target The city, in front of the Whispering Snake, has become the safest place.

"I can't drag it any longer..."

On the Lost Island side, apart from being angry, they also vaguely felt something was wrong.

They monitored the entire battlefield, and naturally saw some chaos caused by the influence of the Whispering Snake between the Hell Organization and the Dante Organization, and the fierce hostility in their hearts was fully revealed:
"Nothing good."

"Now that guy wants to drag the whole world into a nightmare, then the whole world is his enemy. Dante and Hell have clearly arrived, but until now, they are still on the sidelines..."

"What do they want to do?"

"Is it possible that we still want to take advantage of the fact that we are fighting with that lunatic until we both lose, and take advantage of it?"

"It's not that simple."

"Since they want to sit back and watch, let's just use the power of the Whispering Snake to drag them in..."

"Maybe we can solve all the problems at once!"


I don’t know if it’s due to their characteristics, but when the situation on the Lost Island was almost out of balance, they actually developed more ambitions. Moreover, as the people who knew the mysterious way best, they did formulate an insidious plan in an instant. , without hesitation, authorized the executor to use another mysterious road guide. Therefore, when the power of the Whispering Snake spread outwards from the center of Black Gate City like a nuclear explosion, with almost no warning, Then another mysterious power appeared...


Because the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization were too close to Black Gate City at the beginning and could not retreat fast enough, they were being affected by the power of the Whispering Snake.

At this time, he was busy directing his men to exit the radiation core, but at this moment, a slight breaking sound suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

The sound was like a piece of glass making a faint sound of breaking.

But the moment the voice appeared, the two presidents of the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization suddenly changed their expressions and almost roared: "No, get out of here!"

Their reaction was not unpleasant, but it was obviously too late.

With the twisting power of the Whispering Snake, this faint broken sound spread faster and wider than they imagined.

It can be said that not only everyone in the entire Black Gate City heard this sound, but most members of the Hell Organization and the Dante Organization also heard this sound.

Their expressions were also very similar. They were all slightly dazed at this moment, and then their eyes seemed a little hollow, as if something was quietly exploding in their hearts with this sound.

The next moment, they were still abiding by the orders of the people above and retreating quickly. Suddenly, many people attacked Black Gate City like crazy. The order they had received before to not take action for the time being was here. For a moment, it seemed to disappear, and more importantly, as they rushed forward, an imperceptible trace of fragmentation began to appear in one place on their bodies, and as they attacked Black Gate City , the broken traces are also spreading and elongating rapidly like out of control.

It seems that the countdown to destruction has begun.

"Has the opportunity finally arrived?"

At the same moment when the shattering sound sounded, Xiao Xiao from Black Gate City suddenly raised his head and tightened the corners of his mouth slightly.

The fourth mysterious guide has appeared.

[Twelve Mysterious Guide Sequence 10: Broken Water Drop Necklace]

【Level: None】

[Redemption Points: None]

[Note: She once had a drop-shaped necklace, which was not expensive, but her father bought it casually on the street to coax her.But she likes it very much. She wears this necklace and stands in front of the mirror every day, as if she is one step closer to her dream of becoming a little princess.However, my sister also liked this necklace. The adults didn't take it seriously. Instead, they just laughed because the necklace was too cheap and was nothing.But she really liked it and didn't want to give it to her sister.My sister didn't say anything, she just left silently. 】

[When it was time to eat, she reluctantly took off the necklace and put it in the top drawer. She also took a doll that she actually liked very much and prepared to give it to her sister]

[But just when she sat down at the dinner table, she heard the sound of a stool falling to the ground. The adults were startled and hurried over to comfort her sister.She was also stunned, because when everyone heard the sound of the stool falling to the ground, she was the only one who heard the sound of another glass breaking. She saw the drop-shaped necklace next to her sister's blue knee. Already broken.She cried loudly and went to pick up the necklace and blame her sister, but the adults reached out and slapped her. 】

[Ability: People who hear the broken voice will actively destroy the top reason in their hearts and destroy something important.At the same time, the countdown begins. If it cannot be destroyed, it will break itself into pieces] [...]

"Such a vicious ability?"

Xiao Xiao retracted his spiritual tentacles and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Every mysterious guide is a trait dropped from Patient Zero, and this one is no exception.

This is the most terrifying thing in her spiritual world: jealousy.

Jealousy can destroy all good things and transcend value. The destruction of other things requires reasons, and perhaps some corresponding reasons and some calculations of their value.

Only jealousy does not, jealousy can only destroy, and destroy everything without any scruples.

Of course, Xiao Xiao's insight ability can even make him feel more. This jealousy does not come from Patient Zero's accusations against his sister. The remarks about the water drop necklace are far less than what he realized. For Zero, For Patient No. [-], the broken water drop necklace was only the first time she felt the horror of jealousy. What was even more terrifying was that she later discovered that she could actually have this kind of emotion, be jealous of someone, and be jealous of someone. Occasionally, I have crazy emotions, taking or destroying other people's beautiful things.

She once suffered from low self-esteem and became more autistic.

However, in today's situation, it is not rational to consider this.

Black Gate City had just escaped a huge disaster because of the appearance of the Hell Legion, and it even had the possibility of a counterattack.

But immediately faced a huge crisis because of the appearance of this mysterious road guide.

The Dante Organization and the Hell Organization were the ones most affected by the water drop necklace, while Black Gate City was the biggest victim. Originally, the Hell Organization and the Dante Organization came here to stop Xiao Xiao, but after they arrived, they With a subtle mentality, they did not intend to take action immediately. They even gave strict orders to their subordinates and were not in a hurry to intervene in this chaos. However, the appearance of the water drop necklace made their strict order become a shackles for both of them. , attacking Black Gate City has become their biggest goal.

Or watch his subordinates suddenly go crazy and enter Black Gate City.

Or watch those affected die.


At the same time, Xiao Xiao felt even more troubled. At the same time as the sound of the water drop necklace breaking, he quickly stretched out his hand, as if grabbing an invisible curtain.

The tinkling music sounded, it was the record player lady.

The record player lady sensed his will and immediately cooperated unconditionally. She did not dare to be petty and immediately cooperated and handed herself... or Black Gate City into Xiao Xiao's hands.

Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Xiao was like the incarnation of Black Gate City. He transferred all the influence of the water drop necklace on Black Gate City to himself.

It was an extremely stressful thing to do, but he couldn't help but do it.

Because the water drop necklace has the greatest impact on his plan, at this time in Black Gate City, Mr. Ye is leading everyone to build Noah. Once the water drop necklace affects them, then they may immediately lose control and give birth to destruction. The idea of ​​​​getting rid of Noah will inevitably be in vain, so Xiao Xiao must fight no matter what at this time, using himself to replace the entire Black Gate City to bear the impact of the water drop necklace.


Countless glass-like cracks immediately appeared on his body, and his body seemed to suddenly become a fragile object.

But what's even more frightening is that in the distance, countless mysterious sources, as well as people from the Hell Organization and the Dante Organization, are also frantically killing themselves.

In this case, no matter how strong Xiao Xiao's dominance level is, it is just a vase facing the waves.

I'm afraid that with one impact, it will break into slag all over the ground.

"Is this really the end of it?"

In the sea of ​​mist at this time, even the two leaders of the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization were obviously startled, with complicated expressions flashing in their eyes.

The Lost Island is still very scary, they know the mysterious road too well.

But this President Xiao of Black Gate City really died so unexpectedly because of his own suicide attempt?

Even until now, he has not told anyone else why he created such a death-seeking situation...




As for Xiao Xiao, who was facing the dark enemy attacking him in front of him, he felt a low sigh in his heart for a moment.

I have long expected that this situation is bound to happen.

How could it be possible to fight against the Twelve Mysterious Guides without encountering danger from beginning to end?

It's just a bet on the odds of winning.

Now look, did you lose the bet?
But in this chaos, when even he felt a little depressed, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Get behind me."

The next moment, he suddenly saw Yang Jia's figure suddenly flying out of the flesh-and-blood Black Gate City, as if falling from the sky, and suddenly appeared in front of him. The next moment, she pressed forward with one hand, A door-shaped seal suddenly opened.

The mighty spiritual power that was squeezing towards Xiao Xiao was suddenly rebounded before those mysterious sources, Hell and the people from the Dante organization rushed in front of Xiao Xiao.

And with ten times and a hundred times the strength, it bounced back like a turbulent wave.

Xiao Xiaodu was suddenly shocked. He looked up blankly at Yang Jia in front of him and found that her waist was quite thin when viewed from behind.

"You have to apologize to me later!"

Yang Jia didn't look back, but her voice came over in a condensed voice: "I really don't like you hiding anything from me, but I don't know why you are doing this now..."

"We can't really see anything happen to you, right?"

 The word count should be smaller, so I’ll update it first.

(End of this chapter)

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