end of mystery.

Chapter 294: In front of the gate of hell

Chapter 294: In front of the gate of hell (finale)


Looking at the huge ship that jumped out from the Black Gate City, it suddenly became heavy and solid, as if it was suppressing the entire foggy sea. The whole world was suffocated for a few seconds before slowly screaming. out its name.

Regardless of the scattered mental turbulence, it stirs back and forth in this world, squeezing out a terrifying atmosphere.

In the previous world, there was a spiritual ocean, and the spiritual ocean had been opened, but only a very small number of people could see it, and this group of people showed some side effects because they were under the terrifying pressure brought by the spiritual ocean. .

After all, when you see the spiritual ocean, you will have some abilities brought by the spiritual ocean, but because of this, you will bear the pressure it brings.

But now, people all over the world have seen the spiritual ocean, and in this despairingly huge ocean, they have seen the story of that woman and felt everything she has experienced.

Therefore, the spiritual ocean at this time is the most depressing and sad in history, and seems to contain endless despair. This makes this ocean look particularly deep and dark. Every individual sees what that woman has experienced. Afterwards, the intense emotions generated in my heart were expressed in the spiritual ocean, and huge waves of anger appeared, and the terrifying undercurrent of sadness appeared, and the unstoppable force that could tear everything apart appeared. A vortex of despair.

All kinds of raging waves appeared simultaneously in this ocean, which was extremely spectacular.

All of this had been expected, so Xiao Xiao was not surprised.

Everyone in this world will think about it, feel sad, and show various emotions when they see what that woman went through.

This ocean will make waves.

So he didn't even lower his head to see the horror shown in the ocean at this time. He just boarded the ship, looked forward quietly, raised his hand gently, and then lowered it gently.

set sail.

"You let the whole world see your inner world."

"You plunged everyone into a nightmare, and added a heavy despair to this nightmare..."

"For what you call redemption?"


And when the big ship started to sail forward against the waves of the spiritual ocean, the two presidents of the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization looked at Xiao Xiao from a distance, as if they were struggling to ask their questions. .

"Are you really going to risk the world being destroyed to open that door?"


Yes, they still couldn't understand it until now.

Because behind that door, there is a possibility that the world will be destroyed. Even if this possibility is only 1%, then the person who opens that door will be a sinner of this world.

What's more, after that door is opened, the probability of the world's destruction is definitely not just 1%, it may be 50%, or even more.

So, no matter what the reason, opening this door is wrong.

They are sure.

Every normal person will understand!
Therefore, until now, when they saw the legendary Noah, they still tried their best to ask Xiao Xiao such a question.

But in response to their inquiries, Xiao Xiao, who stood at the bow of the ship, just looked at them quietly.

No explanation.

At this point, he no longer needs to explain anything to anyone.

Once Noah sets sail, anyone who stands in front of Noah will be their enemy.


And when Xiao Xiao stood at the bow of the ship, calmly looking at the undulating ocean, figures appeared one after another behind him. They were all his companions in Black Gate City. Among these people, there were Yang Jia, Xiaosi, Ruanruan, Lingping with red eyes, Old Zhou under the bridge, the Big Snake sisters, and the newcomers they trained, and even the butcher, the three-headed hell dog, and on this ship There is also a brain stored in a glass jar in the cabin of the big ship, which connects all parts of the big ship.

Now, everyone in the world is feeling everything about that woman and starting to form their own opinions.

But as strangers, they didn't.

Until then, Yang Jia was the only one in Black Gate City who understood why all this happened and who was willing to help Xiao Xiao.

Among the other Ruanruan and others, some just wanted to follow Black Gate City because they believed in Xiao Xiao, and some just insisted on following because they still believed in what the old president had said.

But it didn't matter. They stood on the boat and were ready to fight everything under the boat.

"Looking up at the stars, all living things are like ants."

"Looking down at the earth, the mind of an ant is as bright as a star..."


I don’t know who moved Miss Record Player onto the ship, or rather, she sneaked aboard on her own while Miss Destiny left Black Gate City.

And as it played some dull and low music, scattered shadows began to appear on the deck. Among them were dismembered figures covered in blood, women with bandages on their bodies, and some with long hair. The chained prisoners all smelled of pain and looked at everything in confusion, but because the ship had a resonance that made them feel at ease, they stayed. Among them, one of them who looked at Xiao Xiao in a daze was a man wearing A very beautiful girl in a white skirt, with bare feet and long hair.

Xiao Xiao felt her gaze, turned around, and said with a smile, "Are you here too?"

The woman bit her lip, her eyes shrank, and she was a little dissatisfied.

"I know you've always wanted to come out and help me."

Xiao Xiao walked to her side, squatted down gently, stroked her hair, and said: "But a child in pain should not continue to be involved in those torturous things."

"I have no reason or confidence to call you out."

"Only at this time, when you are fighting for redemption, is when you should exist."


The girl nodded shyly, and after thinking for a moment, she smiled sweetly.

Xiao Xiao looked at her and sighed silently in his heart. Destiny is really magical. A little girl who was once so rotten that everyone avoided her could actually have such a sweet and lovely smile.

"He has already started to leave. Should we stop him or leave immediately?"

The president of the Hell Organization suddenly turned his head and looked at the old man in a platinum robe from the Dante Organization. He said solemnly: "There is more than half a chance that this world will be destroyed soon. We have to go now." To build heaven?”

They have now lost the power of the mysterious guide.

But it doesn't matter, for them, it is actually more calm than the Lost Island, because they did not rely too much on the power of the mysterious guide from the beginning.

"There is no point in us trying to stop him."

The old man wearing a platinum robe sighed in a low voice: "Compared to the power of this world, our power is so insignificant..."

"And if we just leave and build a paradise that only we believe in..."


He paused slightly, looked around, and whispered: "We can no longer take everyone there."

The president of the Hell Organization looked down and became furious.

I am now worried and making the final decision for the fate of this world, but there are actually many people on the big ships under my command sneaking out and sneaking towards Noah.

It is not for the purpose of attack. Now Noah is opening the hatch. Anyone who can see Noah and is willing to board Noah can go up.

"You bastards, you rebelled without even saying hello?"

The president of the hell organization yelled: "You also want to follow that guy and go crazy?"

"Isn't it that your team concept is too bad?"

The president of the Dante organization could only sigh: "Perhaps some of them boarded the Noah because they saw the fate of that woman and couldn't bear it, so they were willing to save her. I'm afraid some of them did it because I usually shout about destroying the world every day, so when I saw the opportunity to destroy the world, I hurriedly followed him on the ship, right?"

The president of the Hell Organization said: "Aren't you the same?"

The president of the Dante organization looked back and said with emotion: "That's probably because there are many people in our Dante organization who really want to know what the mysterious gate to hell looks like, right?"

They understood that when the whole world saw the woman's situation, something like this was bound to happen.

When these countless confused souls felt the woman's pain and knew the woman's situation at this moment, naturally countless people began to hate the Black Forest, or wanted to save the poor woman. , want to release her from hell, want to comfort her... Of course, this world will never lack rational, calm people, people who always maintain objective and efficient thinking, and they will have a certain influence on the fate of that woman. A different understanding from others...

Some people think that she should continue to stay there. If there is something that may threaten the world, why would you let her out?
There are even people who directly feel that such hidden dangers should be dealt with.

This ocean allows all thoughts to exist.

Xiao Xiao also agreed.

So at this time, he didn't care at all how many people supported him and how many people wanted to stop him, he just set sail and moved forward.

He saw many people boarding the ship, and he could even feel that not every one of these people was so simple-minded, but he felt it didn't matter.

There should be all kinds of creatures on the ship, half of them clean and half unclean, right?


"Where are the mysterious guides? Why haven't you regained control yet? Is there... any hope of regaining control over them?"

But when this huge ship had already set sail, there were still people on the Lost Island side who didn't understand, thinking it was a temporary defeat, and were screaming desperately.

"Don't you understand?"

At this time, the shepherds on the Black Gate City side sighed in a low voice: "The mysterious guide has changed." "Now, it is the real will of the world that has replaced the role of the mysterious guide."


The previous mysterious guide was based on the characteristics of Patient Zero, using her emotions as weapons to influence the entire world. But now, these characteristics have been integrated into the will of the entire world, just like , the world came to life, and like a normal person, he looked at the woman's experience, looked at the big ship that was determined to save her, and began to think about whether he should stop the big ship from moving forward. The right thing is to push this ship forward...

The two presidents of the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization were too lazy to give orders to stop Noah. That was it.

They are too insignificant compared to the will of the entire world.

Of course, from an objective perspective, they believe that there should be many rational people in the world. These people will know that letting that woman out is dangerous and Noah should be stopped.

However, there are also many irrational people in this world...

From a distance, Noah was struggling to move forward on the black sea, which occasionally stirred up terrifying waves.

But from time to time, people would come out from various places and voluntarily join Noah, making this tiny ship move forward bit by bit.

Under the boat, the countless waves and raging waves actually turned into human hands. They poked out from the ocean, one by one, hundreds of billions, densely packed, and they pushed Noah hard. Move forward, and in front of Noah, there are also countless hands stretching out to stop Noah from moving forward. So, as soon as he advances, and then blocks, the huge force sandwiched Noah in the middle, but it seems like two huge waves, Attacked by two phases, Noah's hull was almost torn apart by this huge force, but it still persisted.

From time to time, there are strange creatures in the sea, raising huge tentacles to attack people on the boat.

But there are also many new teammates on the ship from time to time, some they know, some they don't, and they are struggling to fight against the monsters attacking Noah.

There is always someone in this world who is willing to save that woman.

Moreover, the number is far greater than imagined.

They were all angry, yelling at each other, telling each other what they thought about Patient Zero:

"Stop these madmen, they are destroying the world..."

"Go help them, Noah should exist, and that poor woman should not be locked up in hell..."

"Don't use your innocence and childishness to determine the fate of this world. For such dangerous hidden dangers, we should completely clean them up..."

"Yes, what you said makes sense, but..."

"...But if it were me, I would want someone to come and save me!"


Everyone has their own perspective, their own standpoint, and their own opinions.

Normally, the voices of these people would be ignored, because the fate of this world has always been in the hands of powerful people like the Black Forest, or in other words, the Lost Island.

But this moment is different.

In the spiritual ocean, everyone can only represent himself, no more, no less.

Therefore, each of them formed a weak force, and this weak force of the same nature began to condense and superpose, and finally turned into a violent and powerful force. Because of different ideas, some It turned into a force that supported Noah and pushed it forward, and some turned into a force that crazily blocked Noah and wanted to destroy Noah. These two forces started a confrontation in the spiritual ocean, and Noah With Ya as the core, it formed the most powerful and terrifying spiritual impact in history.

As for Xiao Xiao, he was just standing on the ship, firmly protecting the ship from being damaged.

He doesn't know how the will of this world will eventually reach a unified decision, allowing him to succeed or fail.

But he wanted to make sure the ship existed.

Just like, when someone wanted to escape and someone wanted to destroy, he stubbornly represented a humble thought: "Why doesn't anyone want to help her?"

Today's Noah represents this idea.

This ship faces a huge spiritual ocean and has no power to resist, but it must exist.

"The final Noah plan was not executed by him..."

The presidents of the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization finally decided to leave. Before they left, they looked at Noah, who was suffering everything alone in the terrifying ocean, and sighed in a low voice:

"He just left his fate to the world."

"If the world finally allows him to do that, he can reach his destination."

"If the world finally decides to stop him, then he..."


The president of the hell organization was silent for a long time and whispered: "Then he will admit that he is a madman and a pervert, and die amidst the ridicule of everyone!"

"But why?"

The president of Dante's organization said hesitantly: "Why would he do this for a woman he has never met?"

The president of the Hell Organization was also slightly startled and said, "Maybe it's because he is the only one in the world who has experienced the same pain as that woman?"


The leader of Dante's organization approved his answer, but suddenly thought of another terrible result: "If he has experienced it, he must save that woman."

"Now, everyone in this world has experienced the same pain as that woman..."


"if that……"

The president of the Hell Organization was startled for a moment, then suddenly started to laugh: "Perhaps this is just proof that this world is stupid, but not so annoying."



There are people in this world who want to save that woman, some who want to kill her, and some who think objectively and rationally that it would be better for that woman to be locked up forever.

However, there are many people in this world.

Fortunately, not everyone is rational and calm.

When the woman's pain and despair were felt by herself, there were many people who didn't care about other issues at all and only thought about saving the woman. They didn't calculate the possibility of the world being destroyed after saving her. How much sex, they just think, she didn't break the law, she didn't make any mistakes, she didn't even try to harm anyone, so why do all the bad things in the world have to happen to such a poor and innocent person? On people?

Why can’t other people share some of the misery in this world?
Like my neighbor who always piles garbage in front of the door?

With such simple thoughts, in the huge spiritual ocean, Xiao Xiao's Noah has been moving forward bit by bit despite difficulties.

But today's world will is a unified whole.

Therefore, when different thoughts emerge in his mind at the same time, he will be entangled and painful, but he will slowly make a choice, just like between saving or not saving. Originally, the proportion of both is equal. It's very big, but when we think about it, the proportion of one of them will become larger and larger, and eventually it will become 100%. The same is true in this world. When more and more ideas are agreed to redeem the woman, the more and more things are blocked. Coming less and less, Noah, caught between the two, drove faster and faster on this ocean...

Xiao Xiao sailed through every place in the entire spiritual ocean and saw all kinds of weird and fantastic giant elephants.

He travels in the ocean as if he is traveling in the concrete image of the human heart.

The deepest part of a person's inner world is hell.

And he, his Noah, and all the companions on Noah who were willing to stand by his side, bit by bit, forced themselves into the deepest part of this spiritual ocean, in front of the mysterious door.

When Xiao Xiao jumped off the boat, he felt eyes everywhere looking at him.

Probably, tens of billions?

Even at this level, he felt a little nervous. He breathed slowly and looked back at everyone.

There were pairs of eyes that encouraged him and looked forward to seeing the woman in hell. Xiao Xiao looked at them for a long time and found the most special pair among these eyes.

That was his mother, and she gently raised her hand, signaling him to go quickly.

Xiao Xiao was curious. Not long ago, when faced with his decision to help that woman, his mother was firmly against it, wasn't she?
And his mother seemed to see his doubts and said disdainfully:

"If it's someone I don't know, what do I care about her?"

"But if it is my son who is imprisoned, I will try my best to rescue you!"


She was always so simple, and of course, she was worried about the celery she just bought in the morning: "Go quickly, come back quickly, bring dumplings filled with celery and meat for lunch, you can bring Jiajia back to eat!"

"They actually think so simply?"

Xiao Xiao laughed dumbly.

My original self, because I wanted to do this, was regarded as the biggest lunatic in the world.

But now, there are so many people supporting him. Doesn't that illustrate the most critical issue?
...I'm not crazy!
I have always been normal...

Thinking about these pleasant things, he slowly walked towards the mysterious door. Once, this door was the most mysterious and terrifying existence in the world.

There are countless ambitions, greed, and sinister plans surrounding this door.

But at this moment, Xiao Xiao looked at the door as if looking at hope. He quietly stepped forward, arranged his clothes, slowly raised his hand, and knocked lightly on the door.

The voice was very gentle: "Is anyone here?"

(End of this chapter)

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