end of mystery.

Chapter 32 Special Danger - Dogs of Pain

Chapter 32 Special Danger - Dogs of Pain


The gaze of that mysterious gaze instantly triggered some kind of qualitative change in the three vicious dogs.

I could only hear crackling sounds inside their bodies, some invisible force distorting their bodies.It made them thicker and more powerful. At the same time, all the hairs of different colors quickly faded away at this moment, exposing the solid and ugly skin.Thick and twisted blood vessels can be seen all over their bodies, hideous like terrifying spider webs.

Some kind of abnormal substance is being transported through the blood vessels, and it is pouring into their hearts quickly, like a drum.

The three vicious dogs let out low-pitched roars at the same time.

The air around the body was distorted by a strong and dangerous atmosphere, and the body began to be unrecognizable, only the dark red eyes were extremely fierce.

Even the long canines turned into a strange dark red at this time, with a bloody smell, almost doubled in length.

"This effect..."

At this moment, Xiao Xiao was surprised and felt a strong sense of familiarity.

It was the nightmare of those four years.

These three dogs, after receiving this strengthening, no longer look like things that would appear in the real world, but more like distorted monsters that would only appear in nightmares.

This strong visual impact made Xiao Xiao's movements stop for a moment.

In my mind, there seemed to be some kind of connection, and new lines of information clearly appeared in my mind:
【Special Dangerous Things: Dogs of Pain】

【Hazardous Level: Class C】

[Ability description: The violent painful substance caused them to undergo extremely distorted changes. From then on, they are no longer dogs, but special dogs]

[Note: Damn, the dog is poisonous...]


"What the hell?"

Xiao Xiao, who was a little frightened by the appearance of the three vicious dogs at this time, was suddenly a little confused by this unserious introduction.

But he immediately turned his head again, facing the three vicious dogs, or in other words, the three dogs of pain. With their strange and terrifying eyes, suppressing the discomfort of the frantic beating of the heart, he ordered with a completely expressionless indifferent face:
"Tear off these things..."


The three vicious dogs reacted at the same time and rushed towards his surroundings immediately.

The force of this collision was so strong that in an instant, the distorted figure dangling beside Xiao Xiao was thrown upside down, and countless flesh-like substances were directly torn into pieces and swallowed by them.

Goo-dong, goo-dong...

Under their crazy and terrifying collision, the intertwined and surging dark red tentacles in the coffee shop were instantly torn to pieces, and the crowded figures were also knocked away by them, like a group of people. The monster was being torn apart by them. Even the tentacles outside the coffee shop, which had spread out for 40 meters, seemed to be induced by some kind of sensation and began to shrink towards the center rapidly.

"How long has it been?"

Outside the coffee shop, Xiaosi, who was quickly looking for the traces of those people while cutting off the spreading vines of despair, suddenly noticed the contraction of the fleshy vines, and was immediately surprised and delighted.

He knows that the core of pain is threatened, so he withdraws the spreading substance in order to protect himself.

But, how strong is that newcomer, to scare this deformed creature in such a short period of time?


In the coffee shop, the space in front of Xiao Xiao has suddenly become spacious.

There are three nightmare-like vicious dogs around to help him guard, and even those crowded, crazy dark red flesh and blood substances cannot spread to his body for a while.

Like the center of the storm, he actually got a moment of peace at this moment.

And as he walked forward slowly, he saw and saw the shivering woman curled up on the sofa by the coffee table by the window.

The woman looked non-aggressive, just trembling, her body had already shown a lot of distortion, her skin was torn, and strips of dark red matter burst out from her wound, sticking to the wall, sticking to the wall. The tables and chairs kept wriggling and spreading outward. All the people in the coffee shop, as well as the panicked and painful crowd outside, were all affected by this dark red substance.

When he looked at her directly, Xiao Xiao could feel that the boiling of painful memories in his mind had increased tenfold in an instant.

Some kind of invisible spiritual power affected his brain, as if he saw scenes of phantoms flashing before his eyes.

I saw the picture of being bullied in school, despair, pain, dropping out of school, living in a mental hospital, taking medicine day after day, making myself numb, and mustering up the courage to return to the real world.

She avoided everything that made her nervous, and still planned to forget the pain and return to reality.

She picked up the coffee and looked at the world outside the window. It was a rare and peaceful afternoon, as if all disasters would pass, and the sun finally began to shine into her life.

When she was in a rare sense of happiness, she suddenly saw the face of the devil appearing in front of her, occupying her entire field of vision.

It smiled and greeted itself friendly, as if nothing had happened.




Xiao Xiao tried his best to shake his head to wake himself up from the deep despair and fear.

He looked at the woman at the core of pain in disbelief, and couldn't imagine that such a twisted and terrifying swamp of despair originated from such a poor woman.

For some people, it is probably the cruelest sentence in the world, to meet and smile and wipe away all grievances and enmity?
Taking a step back, he held his gun in his hand.

In the process of rushing in before, he knocked people unconscious as much as possible, or let the three vicious dogs bite people, but did not kill anyone.

But when faced with this core of despair, there is no other choice.

Only to kill her.

In other words, she is already dead, and her reason and humanity have long since been wiped out, leaving only a twisted, crazy memory, spreading wildly like vines of pain.


Xiao Xiao had already raised his gun, but he didn't pull the trigger.

Slightly looking sideways, she looked at the terrified shop assistant in front of the woman. She was still rational, and she was still trembling with fear even though her body was wrapped in a dark red substance.

At this time, he was using his eyes to keep asking himself for help.

Feeling the painful core memory, Xiao Xiao can naturally recognize who this woman is.

The former instigator, the source of nightmares.

However, the painful substances emanating from the core of the pain made countless people inside and outside the coffee shop feel the pain, and even fell into deep chaos.

Only the closest instigator remained rational.

It's just unimaginable...

But feeling the aura emanating from them at close range, Xiao Xiao vaguely understood the answer.

Painful substances can affect people's spirit, making people think of painful things involuntarily and suffer attacks, but there is only one kind of person who is an exception, such as this clerk.

She and the core of pain had a shared experience, but she had no similar experience at all.

For her, those desperate and even crazy experiences at the core of the pain were just some small jokes in the past, not worth mentioning, so naturally she couldn't feel them.

She didn't even understand how she suddenly encountered a monster.

No wonder I didn't like this woman at the time, it turned out that she was a monster...

Xiao Xiao suddenly felt ridiculous.

The difference between people is too great, even if you become a monster, you can never let the other person feel the pain you once felt.

She silently clenched the gun in her hand, looked at the clerk, and saw that her mouth was sealed, but her eyes were begging, begging him to shoot quickly, to finish this monster and save herself.

Xiao Xiao looked at her and suddenly smiled.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled her over, pushing her onto the broken woman's body.

Countless hostile painful substances instantly plunged into the female shop assistant's body, and a muffled roar of despair and fear rang out from her throat.

And Xiao Xiao pointed at her and pulled the trigger one after another.

Bah bah bah bah!

Xiao Xiao had a total of six bullets with him, and now he emptied all six bullets without hesitation.

The bullet penetrated into the clerk's body, then flew out in front of her, nailed into the body of the core of pain, destroying the remaining physiological functions of her broken body.

All the painful substances let out desperate cries as if they were alive, they swelled to the extreme, and then began to slowly die down.

In the coffee shop, all the wriggling dark red matter stopped at this moment, and those almost crazy people who were being tortured by the dark red matter also felt relieved at this moment.

Although, these dark red substances still exist, and their bodies are still trembling because of the pain.

But it seemed that this pain had reached its peak at this moment, and it was no longer more intense, but slowly began to fade from his mind.

Xiao Xiao didn't care about the changes around him, he just looked at the core of the pain through the clerk.

At the moment when her life was about to die, she seemed to regain her senses for a short time. She saw the clerk dying tragically in her arms, and saw the fear and despair that froze on her face.

The pupils opened slightly, as if a kind of relief quietly appeared.

The way to relieve one's own pain is not only to heal in silence alone, but also to let the other party feel one's own pain and despair...

She may not have empathy and never know how much hurt she has caused herself.

But that's okay, there are other ways to make her feel pain.

all the same.




Just when Xiao Xiao emptied the bullet and slowly retracted the gun held in the air, Xiao Si's voice sounded behind him.

Seeing that the vine of despair had shrunk rapidly, he rushed back to the coffee shop, but happened to see the scene where Xiao Xiao slowly retracted the empty gun.

Looking at the female shop assistant who died convulsingly, he was a little confused: "Why did you kill her too, points will be deducted..."


Xiao Xiao regained his composure, looked at the female shop assistant whose body was about to be smashed by himself, and thought of many reasons.

In the end, he just smiled suddenly and said: "It's nothing, I just want to test whether the bullet can penetrate a person's body..."

Xiaosi froze for a moment, looked at Xiao Xiao's pale and relaxed smile, and moved back...

Oh my god, what a pervert...

 I'm in a good mood today, even better if you give me tickets
(End of this chapter)

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