end of mystery.

Chapter 39 Extreme Sensitivity - The Insighter

Chapter 39 Extreme Sensitivity - The Insighter

Extremely sensitive - the clairvoyant route!
After a day and a night of hard thinking and meditation, and in the midst of a sudden vicious fight, Xiao Xiao determined the choice that suits him.

In this fight, his record was not good, and he suffered a disadvantage.

But it was also because of a small loss that he pointed out his biggest problem at this time.

Insufficient sensory information gathering ability.

Until now, Xiao Xiao doesn't know whether his state of mind explosion is a curse or a kind of ability.

But there is no doubt that this ability has played a big role in facing danger.

But even if I can think more than others in the same amount of time, I still need to have enough information to support it, just like in this fight, in the face of some visible attacks, I can plan in time How to dodge and counterattack.

But what about the unseen?

Whether it's a baseball bat swung from behind or a dagger swung from a corner, it's deadly.

As long as such information blind spots are still there, even if you walk on the path of the brave and become a monster with quick response and terrifying power, you cannot absolutely guarantee your safety. Any sniper bullet shot from the blind spot will They can easily kill themselves. To put it simply, it is the route of the brave, which only improves their ability to destroy, not their ability to protect themselves.

But in such an absurd world, the ability to protect oneself is undoubtedly the most important.



After sneaking back home, Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his mother hadn't left work. He changed the bloody clothes, bandaged the wound himself, put the bloody clothes into a garbage bag, and hid them in the garbage bag. Under the bed, take it to work the next day and throw it away.

In a world full of monsters, it doesn't seem necessary.

But Xiao Xiao found out that his "mother" was very involved in playing the role. If he found out, he would inevitably be worried again.

He didn't want to face that situation, so he might as well be more careful.

After doing this, he took a deep breath, took out his dark red card, and put it on the main box.

This old-fashioned computer immediately began to hum, vaguely mixed with some weird tones.

Invisibly, it seemed that there were a lot of hair-raising things in this dimly lit bedroom.

But Xiao Xiao was used to it, he just opened his eyes wide and looked at the computer screen in front of him.

At this time, the corresponding redemption page appeared on the computer, and lines of dark red handwriting blurred and jumped.

It has to be said that when he first got this card, Xiao Xiao was only shocked by the fact that the whole city would be a living thing, and ignored many details, but now he discovered that there are indeed many mysteries in the will of this city. The place:
For example, if foreigners want to communicate with this city, they all need this card bound to themselves.

To put it simply, all transactions of foreigners are bound by this card.

But let's talk about trouble, this card has an unusual convenience.

Whether it is any electrical appliance, whether it is an ATM, a computer, or a mobile phone, you can directly use the card to bind it.

You don't even need a card slot, just put the card close to the information processing center.

One account per person, no login and password required.

[Extremely sensitive: 20 points/unit]

【Keep a glimpse of the malicious heart under any smiling face, and see the truth under the disguise】

[Oh, don't hide, I saw you. 】


"Huh? I feel that the introduction looks a little different from last time..."

Xiao Xiao was curious for a moment, but he didn't think too much. He just kept silent for a second and struggled for more than a minute.

Then, his eyes became firm, and he directly clicked on the buy button.

There was a very humane "ding zero" sound, and the corresponding points were deducted.

Xiao Xiao's total points changed from 580 three points to 520 three points.

And these three points of 520 are also the reason why Xiao Xiao has enough confidence to carry out this strengthening.

This time, he is not only planning to buy the [Extremely Sensitive] element, but also another long-awaited item.

Of course, after buying, he still intends to keep the points in his hand.

When you have accumulated more than [-] points again, you can complete the strengthening of your veteran stage at one time.


After it seemed that the purchase was successful, Xiao Xiao immediately held his breath, wondering how the item was delivered to him.

The last time he completed the purchase outside, all the things were already in the bedroom when he came home, and he didn't know how to deliver them, but this time, he planned to take a good look at the things traded with the city How was it sent here.

"Boom bang bang..."

Just as he was thinking about this question, there was a heavy knock on the courtyard door outside.

In this quiet night, it is very clear.


Xiao Xiao straightened up abruptly, his ears pricked up.

The knocking was still going on, and it seemed to be getting louder, almost violently.

But correspondingly, the bedroom and the street outside were unusually quiet, and even the three dogs in the neighbor's house did not respond.

The whole world was so quiet that only the whining of the fan in the computer case was left.

But the knock on the door rang again and again, getting louder and louder, as if the whole house was shaken.

Xiao Xiao saw that the light bulbs hanging in the air seemed to be shaking.

He took a deep breath, came out of the bedroom, and walked slowly towards the courtyard door. After gathering his composure, he pulled the door open abruptly.

The moment he opened the door, Xiao Xiao held his breath, tensed his nerves, and looked out.

But there was no one in the dark alley.

Only the three hounds from the neighbor's house stood up at this moment, staring at something deep in the alley.

But Xiao Xiao looked up, but still couldn't see anything.

It's just that one can vaguely feel that in the deep darkness, out of sight, there seems to be something wriggling away.

After a long time, Xiao Xiao slowly withdrew his eyes and looked at his feet.

It turned out to be a box of old-looking video tapes, lying quietly in front of the iron gate, with a label on it:
"Patient No. 000 asks for saved images!"


Watching the video tape, Xiao Xiao fell into a slight silence:
"The last time I exchanged the violence factor, it was sent to me in the form of a basic genetic enhancement drug from the Black Forest Biological Laboratory."

"This time I exchanged the sensitive factor, but I was given such a video tape?"

He felt a little weird, and hurried back to the bedroom with the video tape, and saw a line of reminders displayed on the computer screen:
"This image contains mysterious influences, watch with caution."

"After purchasing, you can watch it three times. After three times, the video will be automatically destroyed."


"You only need to watch this video tape, and the corresponding strengthening will be completed?"

Xiao Xiao couldn't understand the reason, but after a long silence, he got up and found the multi-function player at home, connected it to the computer, locked the bedroom door, and stuffed the video tape inside.

"Crack, crack..."

The old-fashioned multi-function recorder made a hard clicking sound, and soon a video began to play on the computer.

It looks like the picture looks a little bit like a hospital.

The camera is aimed at a gentle-looking and thin woman in her thirties. She is wearing a hospital gown, but she still has an outstanding temperament and a good face. However, in front of the camera, she looks awkward, her hands They kept mingling together, and occasionally raised their heads to look forward, but they were not looking directly at the camera, but at the side of the camera, it should be someone who was asking her.

"How are you doing recently?"

A voice started to appear on the screen, it was a middle-aged man about 50 years old, he should be the interrogator.

After a while, the woman nodded silently: "Very good."

The voice of the inquirer sounded very patient and gentle: "Are there any hallucinations recently?"

The woman raised her head slightly, then lowered it again, and said softly, "No more."

The inquirer continued patiently: "Then do you still think that everyone around you wants to harm you?"

"Including your mother, she has been waiting outside."


The woman's body trembled imperceptibly, tried hard to control herself, shook her head and said, "No more."

"Mom won't hurt me, and others... won't either."


There was the sound of the tip of Salsa scratching the paper. It seemed that the inquirer was recording something. After a while, his inquiry sounded again: "So, can I arrange for you to be discharged from the hospital today?"

The woman's body trembled violently, she shook her head again and again, and shrank her body on the chair.

"You're ready, aren't you?"

The inquirer patiently said: "When you first came here, you thought that everyone around you was going to harm you, and they all had bad intentions. You still had countless wounds on your body. You said that others stabbed you, and even said that you once Killed your mother..."

"But you see, your mother is just fine outside now."

"The wounds on your body are only scratched by yourself."

"As for you saying that the people around you have lost their human skin and turned into monsters, I've already shown you the surveillance, haven't I?"

"There are no people who turn into monsters, they just want to send you to the hospital with good intentions..."


The woman lowered her head and did not speak, as if forcing herself, she nodded.

The inquirer seemed to see through the reluctance in her heart at this time, slowed down her voice, and said, "Don't be afraid, it's not a big problem."

"Sometimes we get so stressed out that we do get cranky."

"As long as you take the medicine seriously and cooperate with the treatment, you can be discharged from the hospital soon."

"You can still go back to the city and go about your normal life..."



Before the inquirer finished speaking, the woman shook her head vigorously. Her movements became larger and larger, and her shoulders trembled violently:
"I don't want to go, I just... just stay here..."


The inquirer asked patiently: "After you are cured, you always have to return to the normal world, especially since you are still so young..."

"There is no normal world anymore..."

The woman suddenly yelled in a crying voice, and suddenly raised her head, full of thick and substantial fear:

"A huge monster is devouring our world..."

(End of this chapter)

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