end of mystery.

Chapter 52 I Killed People

Chapter 52 I Killed People

Ordinary people are not allowed to go up to the third floor of the Red Eye Club.

Those who are usually qualified to ascend the third floor are a few mysterious figures that often appear in the Red Eye Club. They have absolute privileges in this bar, and they also possess fatal charms. They can always do some ordinary things easily. Drinkers find it incredible that they can always catch every prey they fancy, sometimes women, sometimes men.

In this city, the Red Eye Club is a bar full of mysteries.

And in this bar, these people are the most mysterious existence.

But now, on this usual Friday, when they have already appeared, attracting all the drinkers to go crazy and spend an unforgettable night, unexpectedly, no one appeared on the first floor, but neatly gathered in the luxurious and exquisite living room on the third floor of the bar inside.

Usually they are always mysterious and confident in the eyes of others, but now they all have deep expressions on their faces.

They were sitting or standing, staring at the coffin placed on the expensive carpet in the hall in a daze.

It should be called a coffin. Although it was just a big cardboard box, it was tightly packed. Now the plastic tape on it has been torn off, revealing the person inside the box. There are already blood stains coming out of the box, wet Beautiful rugs.

The air seemed to freeze.

Everyone present stared at the person inside the box, without breathing for a long time.

On their faces with different expressions, you can see various expressions of anger, panic, disgust, fear, etc., but the only thing that is the same is that each of these expressions is very strong, with a direct heart. The sense of shock, no matter who sees his most familiar partner, but suddenly turned into this appearance and sent to him, he will feel this kind of unbelievable shock and anger.

"Ghost man, just died like this?"

After an unknown amount of time, an unbelievable voice rang out from the arena.

Suppressing anger and trembling in his voice, his voice rose sharply: "Who did this?"

"Who is so ruthless?"

"Brother Ghost Man..."

A girl's voice was crying: "He was tortured and killed at all..."

In addition, an old voice sounded, full of fear: "Is... is it a hell organization? Only they..."

"No, the hell organization just wants to kill people and kill them. Why did they do this on purpose?"

"This...is it made by someone with a special hobby?"


And amidst the furious roar, only the leader of the Red Eyes Club was silent, his face sinking like water.

He was wearing thick white fur, leaning on an ivory cane in his hand, and sat on the leather sofa in the middle of the hall. Even the companion in the box just glanced at it at the very beginning, and then stopped looking, just Looking down, thoughtful.

"Captain, do you know something?"

Beside him, a furious young man in a jacket growled, "Tell us what to do."

"Who actually did such a thing?"

"We...we want to avenge the ghost man, no matter who the opponent is, we have to..."


Hearing his inquiry, all eyes followed, but the man in white fur remained silent.

He only raised his head slowly when everyone was getting impatient.

A pair of bright red eyes, almost bleeding, looked towards the stairs outside the hall on the third floor with a strange aura.

"Let's greet the guests first!"


"Anyway, it's the first official appearance, so be cautious."

At this time, Yang Jia was leading Xiao Xiao, circling up the stairs, ignoring the no-go sign at the top of the stairs.

Instructed softly, with a calm expression: "But don't show fear in front of these people."


Xiao Xiao agreed, but was also a little curious: "Why?"

"Because of being afraid of this kind of emotion, the instinct is to arouse the sympathy of others, to express one's surrender and harmlessness to the opponent, and to hope to be forgiven by the other party, but in our world, nothing will forgive us, so fear is useless. "

"It will only affect our judgment and reduce other people's evaluation of you."

"Once others see you as weak, it will be difficult for them to develop respect for you."

"The survival rule of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is useless here. It will only bring you more trouble and miss more opportunities."

"So, pretending to be a tiger and eating a pig is the iron law of our survival."


Slowly explaining, but she suddenly shook her head and said with a smile: "Of course, maybe it's superfluous to tell you this."

"How can this be considered redundant?"

Xiao Xiao thought to himself, he is a newcomer, he has to learn everything...

During the soft conversation, they had already walked up the stairs. As soon as Xiao Xiao looked up, he saw a luxurious hall with two doors wide open.

I also saw seven or eight people sitting or standing in the hall, including a man with a fierce look, an old man in low-key clothes, and a girl in a miniskirt. There are looming red lights.

"Is this the person from the Red Eye Club?"

Seeing them, Xiao Xiao felt slightly nervous.

It is easy to determine that they are foreigners, and every stranger has a special temperament.

You may not be able to see it normally, but compared with the aborigines, it is very clear.

They are all foreigners, people who are rejected by this world just like themselves.

If Xiao Xiao had seen them before, he might have been excited and felt that he had found the same kind.

But now, I know that these people have no good intentions towards me, and each of them controls a strange power...

The pressure in his heart suddenly doubled, but he still overcome it calmly and followed Yang Jia in.

"Miss Yang Jia..."

After Yang Jia entered the living room, it was obvious that everyone present was slightly tense.

There were vigilant or hostile expressions on their faces. It seemed that everyone present knew Yang Jia, but they were not friendly.

Only the man sitting on the sofa in the middle and leaning on a white cane, his eyes sank slightly:
"What brings you here to us?"


Yang Jia met all the different eyes around her, and just smiled politely, her eyes seemed to sweep over the middle cardboard box:
"I heard that someone died in the Red Eye Club, so I'll come and have a look."



When Yang Jia said these words easily, the faces of the people present changed drastically.

Someone suddenly jumped up from the sofa, tense all over, someone suddenly pulled out two daggers from the back waist, and someone pulled out a gun in an instant, holding it tightly in their hands. Because Yang Jia's words detonated.

The people present were not stupid: people like the ghost man's body had only just seen it, so how did Yang Jia know?
The incident undoubtedly had something to do with her.

At the moment when everyone around became tense, the man on the sofa in the middle also tightly clenched the ivory cane in his hand.

His bewitching red eyes showed a gloomy and cold light, and he looked at Yang Jia firmly: "So, you killed the man?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more surprised.

When he asked this sentence, Ling Ping's eyes jumped from behind Yang Jia to behind her.

He looked at the pale man in blue overalls who was following Yang Jia, and asked this question.

They were all attracted by Yang Jia just now, and no one dared to relax in the slightest. It was only at this moment that they noticed the young man who followed Yang Jia. out:

"Who is this person? Never seen..."


And Xiao Xiao was really nervous when he was suddenly watched by so many eyes.

So he slowly raised his head, met those strange red eyes, and said with a smile: "It's me."

I was a little nervous, and my thinking was fast.

Human instinct determines that we often subconsciously deny things that are not good for us, even if the facts are in front of us.

But it doesn't help at all, it just makes you look flustered and disrespectful.

Xiao Xiao also wanted to understand this point, and simply admitted it directly.

Not only don't panic, but also show a little polite smile.


But these two short words, heard by the members of the Red Eyes Club, caused a violent explosion. The members of the Red Eyes Club, who were already saddened by the death of their companions, felt invisible anger like Volcanoes usually detonate instantly.

"It's him?"

"Is he the one who brutally tortured and killed the ghost man?"

"He just admitted it like that, and he even has a smile on his face?"


Not only were all the people present furious, but a man in a jacket sitting sideways had bloodshot eyes. He walked two steps quickly with a bang, and raised the gun in his hand, pointing at it. On Xiao Xiao's temple, he clenched his teeth:
He shouted, "How do you want to die?"

This scene made the people present slightly startled and worried.

After all, this person came here with Yang Jia...


Xiao Xiao was really taken aback. Since he was a child, he has never been pointed at by a gun...

...The only few experiences I had were referring to others myself.

When he made up his mind, he would look at Yang Jia, but even Xiao Xiaoxuan remembered what Yang Jia told him.

Anyway, this is the first time I have seen so many foreigners, or in other words, it is the first time I have entered the circle of foreigners.

Do you really want to show that you need Yang Jia's help right away?

So he turned around slowly, staring at the black muzzle of the man in the jacket, with a calm face and a smile:

"Are you going to shoot?"


The man in the jacket was startled for a moment.

Looking at that unusually calm face, somehow he thought of the ghost man in the cardboard box, and his heart was terrified.

"Ha ha……"

And Xiao Xiao looked into his eyes, and slowly took out a pistol from his pocket.

Then he gently pulled the bolt of the gun, and under the gaze of everyone, slowly raised it up, pointing at the jacket man's face as well.


The man in the jacket stared wide-eyed, he didn't understand, why did this person do this?

Can't you see yourself being held at gunpoint by me?

Xiao Xiao's ignorance and calmness caused him great psychological pressure, and he was impulsive again and again, but until he saw Xiao Xiao raised the gun and finally pointed it at his face, he couldn't do anything. After doing it, he became more and more nervous, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

"If you don't dare to open it, what are you pointing at with a gun?"

And Xiao Xiao, who raised his gun, formed a situation where he and the man in the jacket pointed at each other, and then he frowned.

Suddenly the trigger was pulled.

(End of this chapter)

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