end of mystery.

Chapter 59 The Painful Butcher

Chapter 59 The Painful Butcher

Reinforcement should be cautious.

In such a weird world, it seems that the only person who can be trusted is himself.

Like what Yang Jia said.

Although she agrees that she hides behind her in times of danger, she also emphasizes that she can't trust anyone too much.

So, besides ability, what else do you believe in?
The more powerful you are, the more secure you feel.

However, now I have more than 700 points left in my hand, where should I use them?
It is far from enough now to carry out the next step of strengthening.

Now that I have completed the strengthening of the Eye of the Seeker with [-] points, if I want to further strengthen it, I need to prepare at least [-] points to buy a unit. If I want to complete the third stage of overall strengthening, I need to prepare Six thousand points.

What I have in my hand is not enough.

Moreover, Xiao Xiao also asked Ruan Ruan before about the habit strengthened by others.

According to Ruan Ruan, for other abnormal people, the distribution ratio of points is often at a certain stage, taking out 60% to strengthen their own routes, and the remaining 40% is used to exchange some special points with the city. Items, or Abilities.

For example, a man with red eyes, who seems to be called a ghost man.

His method was to use [-] points to strengthen the hunter route, and another [-] points to buy a unit of violence factor.

Others are miscellaneous, and I used some, so I call myself a veteran of a thousand points.

But it's not clear whether it will actually arrive or not.

When it comes to myself, I have strengthened the primary and intermediate elements of the insight route in a short period of time, so it is not easy to continue to exchange for other things. Therefore, Xiao Xiao also analyzed that it is probably best to start with special items. Exactly...

What should I buy?
Take out five hundred points to strengthen the old record player?
But the description of this record player is clearly introduced. After strengthening, it is possible to learn to speak pornographic jokes.

After spending [-] points, not to mention whether it will be distorted, the result is quite impressive...


It's really tempting for someone to coax you to sleep with dirty jokes, but the key is that you can't waste your points like this.

Of course, Xiao Xiao himself also knows in his heart that the introduction belongs to the introduction, it is really strengthened, and there is a high probability that it will not just be a change of talking about dirty jokes, there may still be other magical abilities, but it is not easy for him to take the risk directly This risk.

"Look at the ready-made..."

Xiao Xiao thought to himself, he still didn't strengthen the old record player directly, and gave it a chance to work hard on his own.

The information card was placed on the main box, flipping up and down in the exchange list.

[Special Item Name: Beautiful Lie Phone]

[Exchange amount: 300 points]

[Effect: Every time you take a photo, you can temporarily increase your own charm value, and in the eyes of outsiders, your appearance value will increase by 100%]

[Defect: No vision or physical contact within a distance of three meters is allowed, otherwise the charm will fail]

[Remarks: There was once a beauty-loving girl who was obsessed with the self that appeared in the camera. She liked the feeling of being sought after and praised, and indulged in an illusory life. She planned everything for herself based on the standards in the camera, which led to the collapse of reality. broken】

【I am so beautiful, who can match me? 】


[Special Item Name: Change Your Own Glasses]

[Exchange amount: 400 points]

[Function: Put on this pair of glasses, you can scan the target you selected, and get the same personality and behavior habits as him in a short time, get rid of your different appearance and identities, in a short time, you are him, at least you I think it is]

[Remarks: He has always envied him, thinking that he can easily have everything, career, and that beautiful girl. On the other hand, his words and deeds are so obscene and hideous, so he tries hard to learn from him and wear the clothes he wears. Glasses, learn everything about him, way of thinking, and gestures, he firmly believes that in this way, he will also become an attractive person, and that girl will also like him]

【Kill him, can I play him all the time? 】


[Special Item Name: Deep Night Solace]

[Exchange amount: 800 points]

[Function: This is a living doll, you can imagine her as anyone, and satisfy yourself in the middle of the night]

[Remarks: It can move! 】


When Xiao Xiao closed the page, his face turned dark.

What the hell is this all about?
The camera that temporarily improves the charm, I am already like this and still need to improve?
If the glasses of a rich man can change the appearance of another person, it seems to be useful, but only the same personality and behavior?
Why don't you just be yourself?
Especially the consolation in the middle of the night, how can this city understand the loneliness in the middle of the night?

The most important thing is that these crap things are actually very expensive, costing [-] points at every turn.

If you think about it in detail, it seems that it will have some effect, but these effects are really worth paying such a big price for yourself?
In short, he opened the page excitedly, but after seeing these ready-made special items, Xiao Xiao felt very disappointed.

The first two are completely useless!
He didn't like the first two very much.

For the first two, he didn't even think about it.



"Forget it, you can't count on the ready-made special items prepared in these cities."

Xiao Xiao thought to himself, in fact, Ruanruan also told himself that the advantage of directly exchanging real special items with the city is that you don’t have to bear the risk of possible distortion when strengthening, and the most basic functions and side effects are already clear in chest.

However, there are other foreigners in the city, and these things will not be mass-produced.

Therefore, if there are really good things, there is a high probability that they have been snatched away.

If you want to really get useful and powerful special items, you can only spend a lot of points to buy more expensive ones.

Or, just like yourself, to discover and strengthen.

Speaking of which, the special items I found can actually be recycled by the will of the city, right?
I just don't know if it can be sold separately, such as that Erha...



After struggling for a while, Xiao Xiao finally made a decision: "It's not reliable, only this..."

Buy that butcher who always likes to hold a chainsaw first.

This butcher was originally the most risky among the three things Xiao Xiao scanned for the first time.

Not only the risk of strengthening, but also the risk that he may be taken away by the Security Office at any time...

However, once I have enough points on hand, it is not a big deal to exchange one hundred for this butcher.

Secondly, after buying the butcher, he can immediately see his enhancement amount.

In case, he is like the three vicious dogs, if he only needs one hundred or two hundred points to strengthen, then he can immediately bet... No, try this, once he succeeds, he will have two Enhanced unit of special things.

And when it fails...

...It is unlikely to fail, and I am not a gambler, I just trust my intuition.

"The compensation is only [-] points, so it should be returned to Yang Jia..."

Thinking silently in his heart, Xiao Xiao opened the page again, and saw rows of words appearing on it:
【The Reclusive Butcher】

【Status: Tradeable】

【Price: 100 points】

[Introduction: Ever since he lost the most important thing, the pain is like ants gnawing at his heart day and night]

[Remarks: In my own eyes, he is not worth much...]


"What does it mean to be worthless in your own eyes?"

Xiao Xiao thought silently, anyway, he is quite valuable in his eyes, a whole hundred points.

It is said that in the cities, these aborigines can almost buy through points, and the normal price is only [-] points. If the status is special, or has a stronger influence, then the price will also rise, just like the red eye club, For their own enjoyment, they have already regarded buying aborigines as a norm, but this is the first time they try to buy.

...is still a big man!
Sighing helplessly, Xiao Xiao still followed his plan and chose to buy.

There was a painful sound of ding zero points being deducted, and Xiao Xiao saw the prompt that the purchase had been successful on the screen.

Immediately a new page popped up:

【Transaction complete】

[The butcher who lives alone already belongs to you, he will have a special bond with you, and is willing to dismember all enemies for you]

[Friendly reminder: If you buy meat from him, you can enjoy a 95% discount]



Xiao Xiao's expression was a little confused, didn't he say that if you buy it, it's yours?
Some people buy ordinary people and let them work part-time to earn money for themselves, so why do they buy butchers themselves and spend money to buy meat?

95% off...

Xiao Xiao remembered that as a neighbor, he always enjoyed a 8% discount when buying meat there.

Is it still expensive now?
I complained in my heart, and saw another set of information appear:

[Item: The Butcher Living Alone]

[Status: can be strengthened]

[Amount: 1000 points]

[Remarks: After strengthening, he will understand the essence of pain, and the form will undergo fundamental changes. 】

[Warning (red, bold and underlined): Are you sure you want to release the demon? 】


"Why is there a warning for this?"

Xiao Xiao's heart sank inexplicably. He was used to the unreliable style of this introduction before, but now he suddenly saw his seriousness, even a serious look. Trembling.

The appearance of this butcher when he was in deep panic appeared in his mind again.

Wearing a black leather apron, holding a chainsaw in his arms, his eyes are empty and cold, like a demon from hell...

I seem to have bought something amazing...

However, strengthening requires a thousand points, isn't that too exaggerated?


Xiao Xiao himself didn't know, at the moment when his transaction was completed, at the street, in the butcher's shop.

The butcher, who was already drunk, was lying on the messy and dilapidated sofa and fell asleep. In his sleep, he had a ferocious expression, as if he was in endless pain.

Suddenly, he woke up suddenly, and looked around in horror.

In the corner of the room where the street lights were not lit, it was as if an invisible girl's voice was calling: "Dad..."

"It hurts so much..."

(End of this chapter)

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