Chapter 66

I obviously didn't summon it, and I didn't encounter any danger, so it took the initiative to follow me?

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised by this sudden surprise.

Of course, I can't see this old record player, but I can be sure that its influence has appeared in this bar. After all, whether it is cheerful or explosive music, it can play a strange and deep feeling. Style, too obvious.

In addition, Xiao Xiao never expected that its strengthening amount is also decreasing?

Although the reduction is quite small...

Is there any painful substance in this bar that can be provided to the old record player?

Looking up and looking around, I saw that the atmosphere of the whole bar was surprisingly high.

The DJ on stage was already about to collapse.

He didn't know how the good music turned into this tune, and he kept gesturing to the equipment maintenance personnel below, but when he collapsed, he unexpectedly found that the guests' reactions were even more enthusiastic and excited. Overjoyed.

Simply rubbing harder.

In an instant, the bar became a style that no one could have imagined. Under the mottled lights, the music was hoarse and resentful, and the young faces were covered with a spooky and strange smell. From a distance, it looked like a group of demons dancing wildly , and it seems that some kind of mysterious and cult ritual is being held in this bar, and the restless bodies are like queuing up to sacrifice their own sacrifices...

【Strengthening Points: 476】

【Strengthening Points: 475】


And as the old record player, with its own unique characteristics, added a layer of weird temperament to the hotness of the whole bar, more and more guests, as if possessed by a demon, were forcibly immersed in this cult In the atmosphere, the reduction of points is also non-stop.

The speed is actually very slow, and it will be reduced by one or two in one minute.

Just like a clumsy child, working hard, collecting beer money and selling it bit by bit diligently, to support the unsatisfied master.

"Is it because of some substance in their bodies that helps strengthen the old record player?"

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised: "But there are no deformed creatures here at all, and the monitoring instruments have not sounded..."

"Could it be..."

He thought of another question: "Painful substances are not only found in abnormal creatures, but in fact, everyone has them?"

"It only needs to reach the critical point before it becomes a deformed creature."

"And that old record player, working hard, is absorbing their painful substances from these people who have not yet been deformed?"

"...What is this painful substance?"


He thought about it, looked at the bar where people's heads were crazily surging, and various speculations floated in his heart:
"Depraved? Crazy? Indulgent? Or depressed?"

"One thing that is certain is that the old record player and the painful substance needed to strengthen the dog of pain are completely different. These two special items have different effects when facing the enemy. This proves that There are many types of pain substances.”

"But there's no doubt that an old record player can get what it needs in this atmosphere."


While pondering, Xiao Xiao gave his own opinion: "Isn't it too slow?"

"Those three dogs all got ten points in one bite. When will you finish bit by bit?"


Inexplicably, the moment he uttered this thought, the sound of the surrounding music seemed to hoarse.

On the dance floor, many young, indulgent and confused girls turned around and looked at Xiao Xiao inexplicably.

With puffed cheeks, his expression seems to be resentful...

[I have been forced to work by myself, the hateful capitalists still think I earn less...]


"Forget it……"

Xiao Xiao sorted it out carefully by himself, and shook his head generously.

It’s fine if the enhancement points can be reduced by itself, and we can’t place too much hope on this old record player with poor music aesthetics.

Although the points decrease slowly, it is still working hard, isn't it?
It's better than some butcher who only knows how to hide in the store and sleep, and even buys meat by himself and only gives a 95% discount...

Sighing slightly, he began to observe the surrounding situation with more peace of mind.

I saw that under the rendering of the hoarse but evil music of the old record player, the lights in the bar exploded more and more, the crowd became wilder and wilder, and in the corners of the bar, there gradually began to It was full of different guests.

The waiters shuttled between the booths, and all kinds of drinks were delivered to the guests, which turned into a catalyst for excitement.

A certain hearty sense of vent surged wildly in this bar.

And when these people became crazy under the influence of the old record player, some kind of whole has appeared, and a kind of substance that should belong to the emotion is being born among them, and it is integrated into the old record The music brought by the record player also became the substance needed by the old record player, and it began to accumulate bit by bit, reducing its strengthening amount.

Xiao Xiao didn't feel much about this, he just looked at the carnival crowd calmly, like a different kind who couldn't blend into the world.



On the other side, when the atmosphere in the store was getting better and better, the store manager was looking around worriedly.

A cross is also worn around the neck, and a mahogany sword is wrapped around the wrist.

He didn't expect the bar's business to be so much better today than yesterday, probably because of Friday. As for the change in music style, he didn't think about it. Good enough is enough.

In normal times, when the business in the bar improved, he would only be happy.

But today, after all, I have been worried about those strange people appearing in the bar. The more customers there are, the more panicked I am.

Most of the girls who were lost before were the staff of the store.

But if it was a customer, it would be stolen by that ghostly guy suddenly, and the store might not even be able to find it.

I couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Xiao's direction again, and saw him sitting in an empty booth with a smile on his face.

It seems to be the freshness and excitement when entering the bar for the first time.

I just feel a little helpless in my heart.

too young...

I don't know who Sister Gao sent over, but it doesn't look like a professional big brother.

If Ma Zi doesn't bring one, can this problem really be solved?

Time passed by second by second, more and more people came to the bar, and he became more and more nervous.

That weird person always appears abruptly when the bar is the busiest, the lights are the most dazzling, and it is hardest to be noticed.

He was already hesitating, should he remind Xiao Xiao.

But in fact, Xiao Xiao didn't need their reminders. He just glanced at it and read a lot of information from the store manager's face. He knew that the time was almost there. If that strange person would appear, it would probably be such a period of time. ...

So he slowly passed through the crowd and walked upstairs, but the surface of his body suddenly began to crack.

One after another, dark red eyes squeezed out from his skin.

Under the flickering and blurred lights, it slowly floated in mid-air, spinning around, staring at every corner of the bar.

"Peel off, coconut peel..."

"You fucking gave me a pear..."


Following Xiao Xiao's body, the three huge red eyeballs flew out and hovered in various positions of the bar. The guests in this bar also clearly felt the indescribable pressure, but, following the music in the bar There was a high-pitched sound, and a strange feeling that could not be described in words permeated my whole body, but it was intertwined with this pressure again into a wonderful experience.

The atmosphere became crazier, and the enhancement points of the old record player decreased faster and faster.

During the busy time, a waiter walking among the seats was busy delivering wine, when he turned around, he was suddenly shocked on the spot.

Soon, more waiters were frightened, and they looked at the store manager who had been guarding the first floor as if asking for help.

The store manager was like falling into an ice kiln. When he looked up, he saw that there was no one seat in the corner closest to the edge. At some point, there was already an extra person. He was wearing a black windbreaker and a black wide-brimmed top hat. Almost merged with the darkness.

The heart beat suddenly, and the hairs all over his body exploded one by one.

The store manager hurriedly grabbed the cross on his chest, begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to pray, and at the same time quickly looked at Xiao Xiao.

However, without his reminder, Xiao Xiao turned around and looked in one direction.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, showing six standard teeth, and slowly, he passed through the crowd and walked towards a place.

As if to match his movements, the music in the bar was turned upside down, with an inexplicably eerie flavor.

The surrounding crowd became more manic, and the rhythm became more enthusiastic.

Xiao Xiao seemed to be walking in a forest full of man-eating trees, with three dark red eyes floating and spinning around him, the vertical pupils were cold and cold.

And he walks with ease and demeanor.



"Why does the atmosphere feel a little weird today?"

Under the bright and flickering lights, a man wearing a black top hat sat on an empty seat in the corner of the bar.

The eyes under the wide brim of the hat flashed a strange light, looking with appreciation at the young faces and vigorous bodies around.

Although he felt that the atmosphere in the bar today was different from usual, he didn't care too much.

On the contrary, I think this style suits me better.

Of course, he also knows that this bar has noticed him, and even found people to stare at him and try to catch him, but he doesn't care, or rather, he enjoys casting a shadow on the bewildered crowd. pleasure.

In fact, I should have changed places a long time ago, but I still have to come here just to enjoy their feeling of fear.

Thinking of this, he stretched his legs comfortably, and proudly chose the person who was suitable for him to take away today.

Just like a rancher picking the fat sheep for dinner tonight, the eyes of the man in the black hat are also full of pickiness and appreciation.

Until, a smiling face appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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