end of mystery.

Chapter 75 Toys for Big Kids

Chapter 75 Toys for Big Kids (Part [-])
Xiao Xiao didn't care about anything else at this time, and it was the first time he let his emotions go after those four years.

What he learned before was to control his emotions, because the suffering he suffered was too painful, so he didn't dare to indulge, but until this time, he unexpectedly felt at a loss and felt the attack of guilt deeply.

I don't want to distinguish whether this is real or just a monster's play.

Or, even if it is acting, you should play your own role.

After all, he is also his mother's son.

He has no patience for his father's obstruction, and he doesn't even have the desire to communicate, because the extremely sensitive factor of the insight route can make him read too much confidence, just like a person living in this world, all the time They are sending out signals to the outside world, but sometimes they also conceal and argue, after all, they all know that the nature of the world is not good.

But for sensitive people, it's not necessary.

Because, I have already seen these signals too clearly.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao just fulfilled his responsibility, turned around and walked towards the elevator entrance.

Until the elevator door closed, those three eyes were still dancing around him, like three dark red suns.


But Xiao's father stayed in the corridor, and he stood there blankly as if struck by lightning.

It is impossible to describe the look in Xiao Xiao's eyes when he turned around just now.

Cold and indifferent, it seems that the whole real world has been pulled away in an instant, leaving only an abnormally crazy distortion.

In the back waist, the flashing instrument was even more frantic.

He could see the peak of the curve on the instrument, and it had even reached a terrifying level that he couldn't even imagine.


His Adam's apple rolled violently, and he muttered to himself, cold sweat oozing from his forehead crazily: "You are actually..."

"... Are you really crazy?"


Standing there blankly for a few seconds, he suddenly jumped up as if on fire, and hurriedly grabbed his mobile phone:
"Run, run, Xiao Xiao is going down to find you..."

"He's crazy, he's crazy..."

"Don't ask, run quickly, take the child with you, and leave the hospital immediately, the farther you run, the better..."


Listening to the people on the phone still asking what was going on, looking impatient, his voice was already hoarse, and he suddenly realized that it was useless to just tell them, his scalp was numb, and he hung up suddenly Dropped the phone and immediately dialed another number.

He yelled desperately: "Doctor, it's my son..."

"It turns out that my son is really crazy, he has become the same as those monsters..."

"Quick, come and stop him, hurry up..."




When his father called nervously, Xiao Xiao was taking the elevator to the parking lot.

His head was dazed, as if the world around him had a serious sense of falsehood, distorted and changed.

Countless strange and cold sensations came to his heart, but he didn't have the heart to distinguish them.

"That's my mother, she has a mother's face after all."

Walking slowly towards area D of the parking lot, he said to himself in a very low voice: "Maybe she is a monster, but she has been taking care of me, even, in her cognition, before the malicious attack , she is my mother, she is full of only me..."

"Maybe it's fake, but the feeling is real..."

"She takes care of me wholeheartedly, how can I be so indifferent and let her be bullied?"


As he walked slowly from the parking lot, it seemed that he brought a strange world.

The cars parked around were disturbed by some kind of interference, the lights of the cars suddenly flickered, the radio in the car was turned on inexplicably, and all kinds of sounds mixed with chaotic signals rang together. Moaning in pain.

And at the far end of the parking lot, in Zone D, Dad's wife put down the phone in surprise.

In the back seat, sat her child, Xiao Xiao's half brother.

Sitting in the driver's seat was a man wearing only a small black vest with a scar on his face, and said impatiently:

"What does brother-in-law say?"


"Why does he look crazy?"

The woman frowned and said, "When I got on the phone, I yelled for us to leave quickly. Before I could say anything clearly, I hung up again."


The man in the driver's seat said: "Didn't you say that we will have dinner together later?"

"Now that we are leaving, he will go by himself?"


"What do you mean Xiao Xiao is down, let us hide from him..."

When Xiao Xiao was mentioned, the woman pursed her lips, obviously not having a good image.

The man in the driver's seat understood the words and sneered:
"What's the matter, that kid feels sorry for his mother, and wants to come down to settle accounts with us?"

"Brother-in-law still loves the eldest son, probably because he is afraid that I will teach him a lesson... Sis, what shall we do?"

"If you really beat this kid up, my brother-in-law will probably be angry."

"Why don't we just hide, go to the restaurant and sit down, and wait for brother-in-law to come?"


"What if you beat him up?"

Aunt Wang said with a cold face, "The last time I had a meal, I just looked at it and felt angry. I didn't have any manners at all."

"It is said that he was sick four years ago. Really, he was sent to the hospital when he was sick. Why do you have to keep him by your side?"


The two of them were somewhat dissatisfied as they spoke, but they still started the car.

Thinking of giving Xiao's father some face and avoiding that child.

However, the car started to move slowly, and just when they passed a corner, they suddenly felt a trembling feeling. On the car display, a dark red phantom appeared inexplicably, as if blood had seeped into the display In the interlayer of the screen.

It just seemed that the voltage was unstable, and all the lights around seemed to be shaking.

The surrounding vehicles and load-bearing pillars cast strange shadows under the changing lights.


Feeling inexplicably nervous, the man driving the car was about to speak when his eyes suddenly swept forward, and he was startled.

The headlights shone straight ahead, and at the end of the passage, he saw a teenager in a hoodie.

He was walking slowly into area D of the parking lot, twisted his body slightly, and looked at the car.

Today, the distance between the two parties is at least three to forty meters, and they can't see each other's face clearly with their eyes wide open.

But the other party just glanced in this direction indifferently, as if he had confirmed something, he turned around and walked towards the car.

The speed doesn't look very fast.

But as he approached, there was an invisible pressure that enveloped everyone in the car.

"What the hell?"

The man in the driver's seat was taken aback and cursed.

He couldn't describe the feeling, even though there was so much distance, he was still sitting in the car.

But the other party just glanced here, and he felt that his whole body was seen through by the other party, and the pressure in his heart increased sharply.

"Yes...it's that kid..."

Aunt Wang on the co-pilot was also slightly startled, her voice trembling slightly: "He actually came here."

"What is he thinking?"

The man in the driver's seat cursed: "Revenge? He crushed his head."

But as he said that, he still frowned, shifted back to the gear, and the car backed up, backing away.

I thought to myself: "It shouldn't be!"

"How did he manage to see us sitting in the car at a glance from such a distance?"


The car turned around and drove to another passage. He felt a little nervous and subconsciously increased the speed.

It is very simple to bypass a person.

But no one expected that the car had just turned into another passage, and the headlights shone straight ahead, and they were suddenly startled.

Xiao Xiao, who was wearing a hoodie, unexpectedly got stuck in front of the car again at some point.

He still just walked forward slowly, not in a hurry, but the distance from the car has been pulled to only about 20 meters.

sigh sigh...

The car audio-visual system began to become chaotic, and illogical noise kept ringing, making people upset.

An invisible panic had shrouded the car at some point.

Even the child in the back seat had noticed it, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Where's Dad?"

"Why didn't Dad come over? He said he would take me to buy toys..."


"Let's go..."

Aunt Wang in the co-pilot didn't even have time to pay attention to her son in the back seat, she just kept urging her.

The man was actually a little anxious, but the car didn't listen to him, and the gears didn't even work. He was so irritated that he suddenly slapped the steering wheel hard, then stopped the car, took off his seat belt, and said, "Damn it, let them It's annoying..."

"Look at my nephew, don't be scared, I'll ask this kid!"


As he said, he pushed the door and was about to go down, but Wei Wei hesitated, turned around and opened the tool box, and took out a wrench from inside.

"What do you want?"

In Aunt Wang's terrified vision, he rushed forward angrily as soon as he got out of the car, measuring with the metal wrench in his hand. Compared with him, who was five big and three thick, Xiao Xiao, who was wearing a hoodie, had a thin figure, pale face, and Like a child who hasn't grown up.

"You pushed my mother down?"

She saw, seeing her younger brother going out, Xiao Xiao also stopped in her tracks and raised her head to ask.

"So what?"

My younger brother raised his chin and said, "Do you know, that house doesn't belong to you at all?"

Xiao Xiao nodded, took out a gun from his pocket, and pointed it at his face.

Inside the car, Aunt Wang was suddenly taken aback. She suddenly felt that the gun looked familiar. She seemed to have seen it on her birthday last time.


Even the younger brother who rushed out of the car was obviously taken aback.

But immediately, he sneered and said, "Still holding a gun? How old are you still playing with children's toys?"

While talking, he went forward.


Then just then, gunshots rang out.

Aunt Wang in the car was startled and her body trembled, and the children who were making noise in the back seat were suddenly shocked by the gunshot.

They all looked forward blankly, and saw that the man wielding a wrench had froze on the spot.

He reached out to touch his stomach, looked at the bright red color, raised his head in disbelief, and looked at the boy in the hoodie.

Xiao Xiao has already walked forward and put the gun on his forehead.

Half of his face under the hood was hidden in the darkness, only the corners of his mouth could be seen, and he suddenly grinned:
"This is a big kid's toy..."

(End of this chapter)

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