end of mystery.

Chapter 77 Hallucinations, All Hallucinations

Chapter 77 Hallucinations, All Hallucinations

"Mr. Xiao, you must have met that woman named Yang Jia a month ago, right?"

Seeing Xiao Xiao's silence, the man in the suit lowered his voice slightly, as if afraid of alarming Xiao Xiao, he whispered:
"We have conducted an investigation on you before. You suffer from severe headaches, and sometimes you can't even distinguish between reality and hallucinations."

"However, according to our doctor's analysis, it's just that you are under too much pressure, which has caused some sensory disturbances at the mental level. This is a disease that can be easily controlled by taking medicine and psychological counseling, but such a person, But it is precisely their favorite target, the weaker the spirit, the easier it is to be captured by the mother, and she induced you and hypnotized you at that time."


"how is this possible?"

Hearing what the man in the suit said, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but interrupt him, feeling a strong sense of resistance in his heart.

The scene where he met Yang Jia before clearly appeared in his mind.

At that time, I was in a severe panic, surrounded by monsters.

Driven by the will of the city, they all have endless malice towards themselves, and even want to eat themselves.

If it wasn't for Yang Jia's appearance, he would have been eaten already, right?
Obviously it was Yang Jia who took him to see all of this and understand the world, but the man in the suit wanted to tell himself...

...Did Yang Jia hypnotize herself?
"Mr. Xiao, I have studied your case, and I know how you felt at that time..."

Seeing that Xiao Xiao's silence was a bit abnormal, the man in the suit could only slow down his voice, trying to persuade him:

"I know that the biggest characteristic of a person captured by the matrix is ​​that the entire city has turned into a monster..."

"But, please think about it..."

His voice was trembling slightly, as if he was seriously nervous: "If this city is really a huge monster..."

"Why didn't you see it at first, but only saw it after she reminded you?"



When Xiao Xiao heard this, he couldn't control himself anymore, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the man in the suit.

"I've never tried to discuss this with Aboriginal people."

He looks very calm, but it is more like a calm shell, and there is already a little more persuasion in his voice:

"But, you say that everything I encountered was fake?"

"Actually, at the beginning, I doubted whether the monster I encountered was real or not."

"After all, I have too much experience of not knowing the truth..."

"But, until now, I've been through too many things..."


While talking, Xiao Xiao calmed down, and the huge panic just now was slightly relieved.

He even found it a little funny.

It is true that this stranger who suddenly appeared made him a little surprised and a little incomprehensible.

But I can go to Yang Jia to ask about it afterwards.

As for his saying that everything he encountered was just a huge hallucination, isn't this... a joke?

From the time I left the bedroom where I lived in the house for four years, until now, I have seen terrifying and mutated deformed creatures, realized the painful substance, earned those points that can make me stronger, and even have my own Dogs of pain and old record players, even butchers who sell meat on the street have bought them all. You call all these vivid things an illusion?


But facing Xiao Xiao's calm and questioning eyes, the man in the suit was also slightly silent.

Then, he whispered: "Mr. Xiao, would you like to read some information about you that we have collected?"


Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows, but did not refuse.

The man in the suit pursed his lips, and quickly contacted someone. After a while, he took over a huge metal box from a person in white protective clothing behind him, opened the box, and operated it a few times. There was a projection, falling onto the wall.

Looking at those projections, Xiao Xiao's expression gradually became a little horrified.

"Mr. Xiao, look at what you have done..."

The man in the suit operated the equipment in the metal box, and said in a low voice: "In the No. 9 subway station, just near your home, there has always been a group of homeless people gathered there. They belong to the forgotten people of the city, and some people even regard them as Dirty rat."

"Sometimes, one of them will die of old age due to illness, but because of the city's indifference to them, they have not been discovered for a long time. We investigated this surveillance, which shows that you once had sex with that woman named Yang Jia, Going to collect the body of a homeless man who died of illness...it seems like a good thing, but from then on, you began to sink into the mother's body."

"We also found out that there is an abandoned factory in the lower city, where desperate people used to commit suicide by burning carbon. We found out that you once went there with another member of the fleeing organization to hold funerals for the corpses that had begun to decompose."

"As a result of the funeral, that warehouse was set ablaze."

"I don't know what happened in your imagination, but..."

"That block was originally a paradise for bankrupts, and it was the most normal thing for someone to die there."

"And Uptown..."


While operating, he projected another image, in which he could vaguely see the chaotic streets and coffee shops: "There was also a chaotic incident here. Someone falsely reported that a bomb was installed, which caused panic among everyone. Even here In this panic, there was also a heart-wrenching incident, a woman who was deeply bullied, just after she was discharged from the hospital, she found her former bully."

"It was a clerk in a coffee shop, she killed the clerk, then shot herself..."

"This was originally a sad accident, but it seems to have deeply affected you..."

"and also……"


While talking, he released various surveillance videos and explained them one by one, but Xiao Xiao already felt a faint headache.


He suddenly stopped, even if he didn't recognize these aborigines at first, he couldn't help but want to refute him now:
"You want to explain that this is all our delusion?"

"So, what's up with the twisted and terrifying rat man? I even shot it..."

"What about the suffocating puppet?"

"That swamp of despair is again..."


"Mr. Xiao..."

But before Xiao Xiao finished speaking, the man in the suit suddenly spoke, interrupted him, and said in a low voice:

"The matrix is ​​a symbiotic collective illusion."

"Being under the influence of this huge hallucination all the time, you will show strong delusional symptoms. You will see something that does not exist, and you will quickly weave a huge set of illusions for yourself based on some details that have appeared in reality. , even a logical lie for you personally, and you share the same set of illusions with them, and each other deepens this lie..."

"We have studied a case at hand. There is an ordinary middle-aged man with a clear mind, calm and rational, but he is convinced that he is a political figure of a certain country, and he hides in a mental hospital just to avoid the assassination of his political opponents. The surrounding nurses He and the doctor are his bodyguards secretly protecting him, and when the doctor was treating him, he also thought about breaking his logic, but found it difficult."

"Because he will continue to weave some reasons for himself to explain all this and form evidence for his other identity."

"And you, have the same characteristics as him."

"It's just that you are symbiotic, and even built another set of survival rules for each other..."

"For example, you mentioned that a monster named Ratman appeared in the subway station, and you shot and killed it..."

"But, have you ever been there, found any bullet holes or casings?"


Xiao Xiao was stunned suddenly, and found that this question was difficult to answer.

In the subway station, of course, there was no trace of it, because it had been swallowed up by the flesh and blood of the city and restored.

Even the suffocation doll couldn't find evidence, because everything was burned to ashes...

"Mr. Xiao, you can carefully distinguish whether the things you experienced really existed..."

As for the man in the suit, he has switched to the last set of projections. It is a hotel box, and he can see familiar faces. Xiao Xiao can even see himself in it, sitting silently and vigilantly among the crowd. In between, it appears introverted and timid.

"We investigated your first encounter with Yang Jia..."

The man in the suit summoned up his courage and looked into Xiao Xiao's eyes: "Through some inquiries, I also learned what happened at that time. You have a classmate named Jiang Cheng. He tried to hide it at first, but later told us , he said that he did say some threatening words to you in the bathroom that day, because he also likes Yang Jia, I hope you don't wishful thinking..."

"You were very excited at the time, and even smashed the mirror with a punch, which made him feel scared, so you didn't mention it again."

"It's a pity that there is no surveillance in the bathroom, otherwise we can let you see these pictures."


"Jiang Cheng..."

Xiao Xiao's body suddenly trembled slightly.

Didn't it mean that after repelling the city's malice, these aborigines would lose their memories of that period?
However, Jiang Cheng still remembers?

It's just that what he remembers is the truth of another situation?

A certain sense of uncertainty about being questioned made him more and more panicked, and suddenly remembered something, thinking of the weird experience he had in that pink office when he saw the video on the pier, subconsciously Then mobilized the three eyes.

Yes, through these three eyes, the truth can be seen.

However, before he could turn his three eyes to the projection position, the monitor on the man in the suit flickered violently.

His expression changed, and he hurriedly stopped: "Mr. Xiao, stop..."

"Are you trying to mobilize the power of the mother body?"

"That will only exacerbate the distortion of your perception, making you see what she wants you to see..."

(End of this chapter)

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