end of mystery.

Chapter 79 It's Real

Chapter 79 It's Real

"Back to reality?"

Because of the sudden words from the man in the suit, it was as if a powerful earthquake had occurred in Xiao Xiao's mind.

The longing that he thought he had long since forgotten, unexpectedly returned at this moment.

I used to despair because I discovered the truth of this world, and even thought in my heart to defeat this huge monster and regain my due life, but now I suddenly realized that this unattainable goal is only one step away away?
"Yes, Mr. Xiao."

At this moment, the man in the suit looked very serious: "We can cure you."

"This huge and mysterious pollution force is indeed terrifying, but we are also fighting against it all the time. We have developed many medicines to treat this illusion, and now you, you still have a chance to come back of……"

"Before, once captured by the mother body, we would be completely helpless."

"But now, we have a new type of medicine that can help you at this time..."

"Really, it's not just you. In Black Gate City, there are already many people who have been captured by the mother's body long ago and are willing to accept the treatment of this medicine. Maybe you have heard of the organization code-named Red Eye Club? There is Old Zhou at the bottom of the bridge... They have fallen deeper than you, and they are willing to believe that we can cure them, but you, don't you really want to try to cure yourself?"

"You are still young, do you really want to be trapped in this huge hallucination and pain forever?"



Xiao Xiao seemed to be a little panicked.

He subconsciously agreed, but at the same time, his mood became extremely tense.

The heartbeat began to slow down, and the whole person fell into a deep thought storm, and everything around him seemed to be far away from time.

Countless various bizarre ideas poured into his heart.

Sometimes he seems to see hope, which is what he has been looking forward to and yearning for for four years, a normal life.

Sometimes I feel vigilant, all the experiences are so real, how could it be false?

He was thinking quickly in his mind, recalling everything he had told about the man in the suit he just met.

It must be admitted that what he said was actually very tempting to me.

Because I have already endured four years of pain and suffering, and I have endured the feeling of being too confused between reality and illusion?

During those four years, I had already lost confidence in myself...

Until before, from that class reunion, I felt the ability to understand the world again.

But now, the man in the suit overturned everything he had realized during this period of time.

So, did it take me four years to heal myself, or did I completely collapse after four years of torture?

Am I really crazy?

Everything I feel, these unreasonable monsters and abilities, are actually fake?

I haven't changed back to normal at all, I'm still imprisoned in the bedroom...

... No, you can't think like that!


Time seemed to have stood still, only Xiao Xiao stood there silently, as if entangled in a huge mystery.

And in this long silence, the surroundings were oppressed.

The four people holding strange black guns in their arms did not know whether it was because of nervousness or the same action of maintaining high alert for too long, their legs were already trembling slightly, but they still did not dare to let go, while the man in the suit He had already put down his raised hands, and he could see the young aunt holding the child beside Xiao Xiao, trembling all over, trying to escape.

But he cast a look in the past, cold and ruthless, ordering her to never do anything unnecessary.

The atmosphere in the entire underground parking lot seemed to be frozen. For some reason, no one came down from the surrounding area.

It seemed that there were only a few people in their room left in the whole world.

Only the man in the suit was tentatively approaching Xiao Xiao slowly and carefully.

"Mr. Xiao, we are the guardians of reality."

"The power of the mother body is indeed very powerful. Weird hallucinations hang over everyone's heads, bringing endless unreasonable and weird phenomena, which almost makes anyone who faces the mother body feel hopeless. However, no matter how powerful he is, don't we To fight?"

"We can't just sit back and watch the real world get swallowed up by this twisted illusion, so we keep fighting."

"I have been working hard to find a solution to the problem..."

“And, we believe we will succeed in the end.”

"After all, we have already researched many effective countermeasures, even new medicines, haven't we?"

"We believe that everyone can be cured, and the world can be freed from the distortion of the mother's body..."

"We will bring this world back to the original truth."


As he spoke, he took a step forward slowly and whispered, "Are you willing to come back?"

"Because the mother's control over you is not so deep..."

"Get away from that crazy and illusory world, and return to the normal world you are familiar with?"


In this low and heavy voice, he already carried a little sense of oppression, wanting to really convince the person in front of him.

He could feel Xiao Xiao's emotional ups and downs.

I couldn't help feeling a little hopeful in my heart. After all, this is just a newcomer. After experiencing that incident, he stayed at home for four years. His experience is still very shallow, and he is not deeply influenced by those people, so, The explanation given to him in front of him should be enough, as long as he can be persuaded and brought back, then the situation in Heimen City will not deteriorate to an irreversible level...

He calculated all these subtle emotional traces, only half a meter away from Xiao Xiao.

However, he didn't notice that Xiao Xiao's eyes were slightly out of focus at this moment, as if he only paused for a few seconds.

Then he looked up.

At this time, he saw the man in the suit, so he took a step back silently.

In this step, refuse.

Da Baa.

The man in the suit was stunned and stared blankly at Xiao Xiao, not knowing what he did wrong.

Just now, this person was obviously about to be persuaded by me, and he could even feel his emotions, but he didn't expect that when he wanted to strike while the iron was hot to persuade him, his expression changed instantly, as if he became calm all of a sudden get up...


Xiao Xiao looked at the man in the suit, and said slowly: "You said that everything I experienced was just an illusion, and it was all false..."


When he said these words, the twisted and terrifying rat man, the suffocating puppet, and the painful vines suddenly flashed in his mind, and then he slowly asked himself Deep down, the most critical question:

"But why, instead, I can feel the reality only in these hallucinations?"



The man in the suit suddenly went dumb, he didn't understand what Xiao Xiao was talking about.

But looking into his eyes, Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a great sense of loss and dullness.

He didn't know why, the Dog of Pain hadn't been summoned, but the sensitivity brought by the Insighter's route was still there.

He saw a lot of things he didn't like in the expression of the man in the suit.

So he pondered, and slowly expressed his thoughts: "Why did you find me?"

The man in the suit pursed the corners of his mouth, he was stunned for a moment and couldn't answer.

"You suddenly told me so much, it made me doubt everything I've experienced..."

Xiao Xiao spoke slowly, as if he was still thinking incessantly while speaking:

"Is it because in the past four years, I seemed to be sick, and I have been doubting the truth of this world?"

"You've seen the medical records I thought of, so you suddenly appeared in front of me and told me what's there?"

"You said so much just to make me admit that I'm sick?"

"Make me confused again between true and false?"


The man in the suit suddenly became wary, and took a step back slowly. Xiao Xiao's reaction was different from what he expected.

And the change was too sudden.

How can a person change his mood so much in such a short period of time?

Or is it true that his own situation is worse than everyone, including himself, imagined?
Facing his astonishment, Xiao Xiao suddenly smiled: "I don't know how to refute you..."

"But I believe in everything I perceive..."

"You said so much, just to prove that I was already sick, so I was targeted by Yang Jia..."


His pupils also seemed to shrink slightly, and he fixedly looked at the man in the suit: "I've always been normal..."

"I went for an examination four years ago, and the doctor told me..."



The man in the suit suddenly became confused, he never thought that Xiao Xiao would say that, and his efforts just now didn't work.

And Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes, and slowly backed away, but suddenly remembered something.

The gun in his hand was aimed at the mother and child suddenly, and the trigger was pulled.

"呯" "呯" "呯"

The violent gunshots suddenly trembled in the underground parking lot, sparks flew around the women and children, and their panicked voices shook the eardrums.


The man in the suit was obviously taken aback by the way Xiao Xiao shot.

At that moment, he didn't even dare to look at the woman and the child, for fear that they would be shot into a sieve by Xiao Xiao. If that was the case, it would mean that he would never come back. Kneeling and holding guns, the four team members in white protective clothing watched Xiao Xiao vigilantly. When the gunshot sounded, they also hugged the guns in their arms tightly as if they were facing a big enemy.

But they didn't shoot, and there was a faint blue light flashing in the headset position, as if there were strict instructions coming in.

And Xiao Xiao carefully felt their panic and screams, and closed his eyes as if savoring the taste of fine wine.

Then he opened his eyes, and there was even a little smile on the corner of his mouth:

"I've felt the pain of those deformed beings, so I know it's real."

"And now I feel the joy of the mood..."

"It's also true..."

(End of this chapter)

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