end of mystery.

Chapter 8 Creepy City

Chapter 8 Creepy City

The subway station is only about one kilometer away from the block where Xiao Xiao’s house is located, but it needs to pass through a bustling square in the middle. The school uniform was tied at the waist, some had dyed dazzling white hair, some wore huge silver earrings, and some trouser legs were rolled up high, revealing dense tattoos.

They shared cigarettes with each other, passed the wine bottles in their hands, and when they saw Xiao Xiao and Yang Jia approaching, they all stopped laughing at the same time, and turned to look at them with expressionless faces.

Neither Xiao Xiao nor Yang Jia looked directly into their eyes, and walked slowly in front of them.

The teenagers in this city are full of anger, even adults can't just look at them directly, otherwise it will easily lead to unnecessary fights.

And after they walked away for a while, there was a burst of jeers and whistles behind them, as if those people were announcing their victory.

Yang Jia walked out of the subway station accompanied by Xiao Xiao who seemed to be in a daze, and followed him quietly all the time, without trying to interrupt the turbulent sense of fear and distortion in his heart.

It wasn't until she was far away from the angry and aggressive young people that she slowly took out a cigarette and lit it, and looked at Xiao Xiao lightly.

When Xiao Xiao, a non-smoker, saw the cigarette, he subconsciously wanted to reach out, but Yang Jia handed it over to him after lighting it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Xiao Xiao, stimulated by the mint-flavored cigarette, coughed for a while, but his numb head seemed to turn again because of it.

"What exactly is this?"


His voice was hoarse, and he asked non-specific questions.

"As you see it."

Yang Jia said softly: "We live in a living city, and its will is watching us all the time!"

"Some people say that we are pulled into this false and crazy world by a powerful, indescribable being, which has everything we remember familiarly, but is alive in essence."

"It is also said that our world was invaded by this unknown life form, and it swallowed our cities."

"There are people who believe in either statement, and have found their own evidence, but we believe in the former, so we call ourselves foreigners."

"At least, if we understand it this way, our hometown still exists, but we can't go back."


Xiao Xiao didn't understand why Yang Jia pointed out these two theories. In his opinion, no matter what the reason was, it changed this crazy and terrifying fact.

The city is alive...

How can there be a living body that exists in the form of a living city?

"For some high-level life forms, it is possible to exist in any form, but we can't understand it."

Yang Jia seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said softly: "Of course, our goal now is to learn how to survive in such a city."


Xiao Xiao was a little irritated by these three words, and felt it was absurd.

"How to survive?"

He even felt a little absurd: "We are in a world full of monsters, even the city we are in is just a monster..."

"Of course, suicide is not ruled out as an option."

Yang Jia smiled, and said softly: "The gun is still in your hand, whether you are willing to kill yourself or keep yourself for self-defense, that is a path you can choose freely."

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised by this answer, and seemed to have thought it through carefully.

Yang Jia seemed to be waiting seriously for a while, and seeing that Xiao Xiao didn't try to shoot himself in the head, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he nodded slightly: "It seems that you chose to live."

"Yes, live."

"Even if there is no reason to live, wanting to live is our most precious quality!"

"After all, as long as you are alive, you can always find reasons slowly."


"I really don't want to die..."

Xiao Xiao answered this question calmly, looked at Yang Jia, but also said in a low voice, "But how should I live?"

He looked back at the group of middle school students who played truant, and saw that they seemed to be surrounding a homeless man, beating him playfully in a circle, and kicking his snakeskin bag with his belongings everywhere for fun.

"This city is full of monsters, how do we live?"

He picked up the pistol Yang Jia gave him: "Is this the way to do it? Can it do it?"

"That's another question."

Yang Jia said with a smile: "As long as you decide to live, then of course you have to work hard for this goal."

When she was talking, she had already turned slightly, and came to an old cash machine on the street, looked at Xiao Xiao and said with a smile: "What's more, we can still think of ways to please 'him'?"

"To please?"

Xiao Xiao couldn't believe it, and looked at the city's tall and uneven buildings and the lights like the deep sea.


Yang Jiadao: "As living beings, everything we usually see, including those who play various roles, is part of this city."

"The city sometimes gets sick, breeds some deformed creatures that are prone to disasters, or is affected by other mysterious wills, which affects the city and the 'people' in the city."

"And 'he' needs us to help him solve these problems."

"As long as we are willing to exercise his will and help him heal his illness, then we can gain his kindness."

"His malice will make it difficult for us to move in this city, full of monsters, and his kindness will allow us to have everything."

Xiao Xiao followed her and looked at the cash machine in front of him.

There are many traces of beatings on the old cash machine, as well as exaggerated graffiti. The camera on it scans itself like an eye.

He waited for two seconds, and suddenly saw the screen on the cash machine, flickering as fast as the power was unstable, and soon there was a dark red figure intertwined and reorganized with messy lines, forming a piece of text.

【Name: Xiao Xiao】

【Age: 21 years old】

[Contract: Low Level]

【Points: 30】


Xiao Xiao was a little surprised, and suddenly raised his head: "What is this?"

"It's the city's kindness to you."

Yang Jia smiled softly and said, "Maliciousness cannot be measured, but kindness can be counted."

"Just now you took out a mouseman for this city... well, you were the one who made up the shot in the end, so it's considered you solved it."

"...So I have gained his kindness, and this kindness is usually reflected in the form of points."

"Until these points are exhausted, usually you will no longer feel the hostility of this city. In this way, everyone you meet around you will continue to play their roles..."

"...you can even pretend your life hasn't changed."


Xiao Xiao felt a little absurd for a moment, and wanted to ask how to treat the existence of a group of monsters under the appearance of humans as if nothing had happened.

But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly closed his mouth again: Could it be that he knew what they looked like before?

"Just get used to it."

Faced with his hesitation to speak, Yang Jia acted very relaxed, and helped Xiao Xiao click on the cash machine, saying: "Go home and have a good sleep."

"Remember this point, it's the most important thing for us."

"Tomorrow, I will arrange more professional people to teach you how to use these points to strengthen yourself."

"But I hope you're prepared."


She turned her head, looked at Xiao Xiao seriously, and said, "In this city, the only way for us to survive is to solve his problems and heal the city's diseases."

"But I have to say, there are some things that are really scary. Neither you nor I can guarantee that I can survive in front of all kinds of nightmare-like monsters in the future."

"That's why if you just chose to shoot yourself in the head, I wouldn't stop you."

"For us, being alive is no easier than shooting ourselves."


In the cash machine, a dark red card surface was spit out, with the texture and touch of flesh and blood tissue on it.

Xiao Xiao held it in his hand, and stood at the entrance of the subway station, watching Yang Jia's figure slowly disappear into the misty light of the street lamps. After a long time, he turned around slowly and walked home.

When he came to the dark and deep alley, he looked up.

When he walked out of the alley with Yang Jia, he didn't feel any special.

But now when he came back, it seemed as if he was about to walk into a huge mouth.

The three vicious dogs in the neighbor's yard looked at him faintly as if there were will-o'-the-wisps in their eyes.

The old record player behind the white curtain on the second floor is screaming hoarsely, like a painful soul struggling in hell.

At the end of the alley, a butcher wearing a blood-spattered apron was three meters tall, holding a chainsaw covered in blood and flesh in his arms, staring at the prey on the meat rack.

Xiao Xiao stood in the middle of the alley, letting the countless cold eyes and strange feeling intertwine on him, feeling the substantive fear penetrated into his heart, but remained silent for a long time.

He just stood silently in the darkness, not saying a word, just a stubborn existence.

I have been struggling with fear and pain for four years, lingering in a small bedroom.

I have endured countless sufferings, endured countless nightmares, exercised my concentration, and forced myself to adapt to normal thinking under such tremendous pressure.

Do all this just to return to this world.

But now, I finally did it, and I can finally step out of the house and walk on the street normally.

But the world has already been stolen?

At this moment, a flame of annoyance suddenly rose in Xiao Xiao's heart. Facing the huge and wriggling city in front of him, there was an urge to let him return his own world...

...But after a long time, he just lowered his head and walked slowly towards his bedroom.

 Haha, I saw the comments before, many readers think it is a bit similar to the setting of Alien Beast, but it is not. I have prepared this book for a long time, and I just want to bring you a little freshness and play something different. of.

  ... Having said so much, can the Golden League give it?Otherwise, a monthly ticket recommendation ticket is also fine.

(End of this chapter)

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