end of mystery.

Chapter 90 Distortion Seed

Chapter 90 Distortion Seed
Xiao Xiao was slightly surprised and looked at her.

I saw this powerful BOSS, when he talked about this topic, his face was only calm: "I was raised by them, and I know their lives, and I also understand their thoughts. This kind of life experience was ridiculed by others, so I beat him back, and the result became more and more violent, and the trouble became bigger and bigger, but I gradually made a little bit of fame and got mixed up to this day."

"Of course, there used to be many... good people!"

She seemed to put an emphasis on the word "good person", and there was more sarcasm in her voice, and said: "They asked me, since I was raised by such people, and since I understand their pain, why don't I help them get rid of it?" The sea of ​​suffering? Hehe, it is precisely because I understand that I know that they cannot escape the sea of ​​suffering, and are even forced to jump into such a sea of ​​suffering by some reasons."

"The only thing that can help them is to let them earn this money safely."

"That's why I have my own ability... After I have power, I have been involved in so many industries and managed so many people."

"Essentially, Jin Biao and I are walking together, but our methods are different. His methods are too bad. He plunders girls everywhere and locks them in his underground kingdom. He tortures them with all means. I've gone crazy too..."

"...Fortunately, I found your help."


While Xiao Xiao was listening, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Unintentionally, I heard about the life experience of this BOSS, and also learned a little more about my job.

This city is really amazing...

All the memories and characters of the aborigines are endowed by it, that is, he controls the most fundamental things in this city.

But why did he make this city look dark and chaotic, desperate and crazy?
It stands to reason that as long as the will of the city is willing, it can easily eliminate all injustices in the city in an instant and make the city a happy and happy city without suffering and disparity, as well as a paradise without bullying and violence. place?
This city also seems to be afraid of painful substances and those deformed creatures, so it needs foreigners to clean it up.

But if there is no such desperate environment, where will these painful substances be born?

... Xiao Xiao vaguely guessed a more terrifying answer, but in his heart, he was still not quite sure.


"Ding ding ding..."

At this moment, the phone on Rabbit's headset rang again. She picked it up and looked at it, then hung up again.

"what happened?"

Xiao Xiao saw the guilty look on her face, so he asked calmly.

"The man is urging me again..."

The rabbit's ears pouted, and he said unhappily: "Really, who is the boss..."

Xiao Xiao didn't care about these things, and asked another question: "You just mentioned that there are still many people like that woman?"

Around, the sound of music brought by the old record player has been ringing lightly.

Even the tempo has sped up, which seems to be a little urging.

[Stingy master, one is enough? 】

[They want more, ten more! 】


Xiao Xiao frowned, deliberately ignoring the urging of the old record player.

In fact, not only did she want it, but she also wanted to give it.

Just now, just cured this woman, and the old record player got forty points of painful substance.

This can't help but make Xiao Xiao tempted, if I can find some more for her...

...Can't you go whoring again?
The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the most important thing.

Everything about this city appears chaotic and disorderly, but it seems to be heading towards a certain purpose.

But after all, I'm just a newcomer, and I know too little about this world, so it's useless to think so much.

No matter how many unnecessary guesses, it will only lead to greater panic and confusion.

At present, the upgrade of the old record player is the most important thing, right?


When Rabbit Ears heard Xiao Xiao mentioning this topic, he also nodded solemnly and said: "There are many more, all of whom are in a daze."

"The group of sisters rescued by us are all like her."


Xiao Xiao got up immediately and said, "Take me there."

Rabbit Ears was startled by this unquestionable tone of command, looked up at Xiao Xiao, and suddenly smiled sweetly:


Just at this time, the phone rang again, and he answered it directly, saying, "I'm at the Bingshan Bar!"

"You really are there, I'll be right there!"

Gao Ning's roar immediately rang out on the phone: "I warn you not to mess around. That person is very powerful. He is the talent we recruited. If you play around with the unspoken rules and lose your popularity, see how you turn around and turn to so many people." My sister confessed..."

"Mess with unspoken rules?"

Xiao Xiao was listening beside him, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

This city is not very serious in nature, I have learned all these bad things...

And it's really not friendly to ordinary people like myself.

"All right, all right, how could I mess with unspoken rules?"

Rabbit ears said: "Anyway, I'm such a freshman boss, can't I just spend money on it?"

"But you don't have to worry. I came here to talk to him about business. Now you happen to be with us and go to the nursing home."



When Xiao Xiao and others went downstairs, they saw Gao Ning's car had just arrived at the door of the store. The rabbit ears just waved to her, without saying a word, and came over politely to help Xiao Xiao pull away. After entering the back door, and then stood aside and waited stammeringly, Xiao Xiao was about to go directly to the passenger seat, but seeing that the boss had opened the car door for him, he had no choice but to obediently sit in the back seat.

Rabbit ears closed the car door for him, and ran to the other side to get in the car.


Gao Ning was numb looking at it, stared blankly at the rearview mirror and said, "You are our boss after all, do you need to lick like this?"

"It's all for our sisters."

Rabbit Ears replied seriously: "He can cure the group of sisters we rescued."


Gao Ning was really taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Xiao Xiao who was sitting upright from the rearview mirror again, and said in a low voice: "The group of sisters are all driven crazy by those demons, now at least one of them must be given Find three men, otherwise you will hurt yourself, self-mutilate or even commit suicide, all kinds of troubles... There are not enough male public relations in several stores, but you say he can do it alone?"

Rabbit Ears nodded: "Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes."

Gao Ning suddenly looked at Xiao Xiao in the wrong way.

Xiao Xiao could only sit in the back seat helplessly, thinking that Gao Ning must have misunderstood something.

But he also discovered from the details that Gao Ning didn't seem to know anything about foreigners, so he didn't take the initiative to mention it to save trouble.

After all, it was the boss who spoke, so Gao Ning didn't say much, and the car turned into the main road.

Several cars behind followed at the same time, and the group of people drove to a place in a hurry without looking at the traffic lights.

At first when Xiao Xiao heard them mention the "nursing home", he thought it was similar to the place where Yang Jia worked, but when he arrived, he realized that it was actually just a private clinic with a large scale and complete categories. With an aura that is not very professional but has a few brushes, they have already walked out from a distance to welcome their arrival.

"This is our own hospital..."

Rabbit Ears excitedly explained to Xiao Xiao: "The most professional ability is to treat bruises and slash injuries, and to suture severed hands and feet."

"Burning people is also a good hand."


Xiao Xiao understood, and nodded: "The profession is very suitable."

He didn't have time to say more, so he just got out of the car indifferently, and walked to the hospital accompanied by Gao Ning and Rabbit Ears.

Accompanied by a row of tall bodyguards behind him, the momentum really came out.

And as he walked into the gate of the hospital, a strong rotten smell rushed over him, as if he had entered the world of the dead.

Everyone else looked normal, as if they couldn't smell this smell.

Only Xiao Xiao frowned slightly, and then he still pretended that nothing had happened, but secretly thought in his heart:

"This is going to be sent..."



"What the hell are they doing?"

Also when Xiao Xiao entered the clinic, a cold wind suddenly blew on the empty street.

Everything that seemed normal on this street became slightly distorted at this moment.

On the wires across both sides of the street, a graceful orange cat suddenly showed a human expression on its face.

A newspaper blown by the wind was quietly covered on the electric pole across the street.

The photo of a serial murderer in the newspaper actually came to life, with sinister eyes staring at the left and right vigilantly.

In the gap between the two trash cans, a pair of red eyes flashed.

And in a certain attic opposite, the woman who was making out with her husband was pushed to the side of the bed, her face turned back suddenly appeared confused for a moment, then her eyes sparkled, she let her husband work hard, but she remained calm stared at the clinic across the street.

"These people who were rescued by them from the rotten kingdom, it is reasonable to say that they will cause the spread of distortion."

"It's just that Mr. Ye should have taken action to force the painful substances in these infected people below the critical point, but this is only temporary. When he can't suppress it anymore, these rescued people will suddenly die. Become a deformed creature..."

"At that time, the whole city will bloom everywhere..."

"No matter how strong the black hand Yang Jia is, he will be helpless and can only let the will of the city obliterate everything..."

"But why did she send such a guy over?"

"He has a way to solve these distortion seeds?"


Invisible mental fluctuations flowed between them, and there was a bit of confusion in the accident:
"What can he do..."

"The pain substance has not been eliminated at all. I think he just has a special item of the same origin in his hand, and he has absorbed the pain substance in the woman's body. There is a limit to the absorption of matter, is this guy really not afraid that the painful matter contained in the special item in his hand will reach the limit and collapse instantly?"


Everyone was puzzled, and no one could ask each other the answer, until someone suggested:

"It's not an option to keep guessing like this, follow up and have a look?"



"No problem, you should go in and have a look."

"What the hell is he doing, you can see it at a close distance..."

Everyone agreed, but after talking for a while, no one moved, and an awkward atmosphere appeared among them.

It took a long time before someone tentatively asked, "Why don't you go?"

"Why don't you go?"

"How dare I go, the black hat old Cui was almost fed to the dog by him last time, my ability is not as good as old Cui..."

"Aren't you afraid of me?"


You pushed me for a while, everyone fell silent again, and quickly reached a consensus:
"Then let's take a look outside..."

"Anyway, if you can go back and give the boss a job, that's fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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