only god

Chapter 397 Not Giving, But Taking

Chapter 397 Not Giving, But Taking
Enos's eyes were terribly cold.

She no longer has any emotions, and at this moment, she can't even feel the anger she should have.

The queen just stood motionless.

Mira looked at Enos.

That familiar yet unfamiliar face would still smile from the bottom of my heart six years ago.

At that time, I rescued Ainos in distress. There are thousands of places in the world, and it is very unfortunate that I fell by Ainos's side just like that.

At that time, I didn't understand anything, I was just a child, and I didn't know that ordinary people's emotions were so tortuous, but she was full of heroic spirit, leading me to see all kinds of things in the world, what was in my heart, but I didn't know how to say it, instead, she She fell off a cliff when she was most vulnerable
I should have figured it out a long time ago, it was a stupid temptation under her indifferent voice, but I couldn't be sure of anything, as the daughter of Venus, I didn't know what to do.

Enos was silent and stood still, the pale long steps under her feet were stiff and cold, the starry sky that was about to obey her orders was so silent, she embarked on a road that was impossible to turn back, and that road would never end .

She has no joy, anger, sorrow, or joy. Up to now, she can't even be angry or regretful, and she can't shed a tear in her eyes. She is like a dancing shadow behind the curtain. Everyone is amazed by her, and they guess what it is like. What a great and lofty status a moving dancer will achieve in the future, but when the illusion is cut off, and it is not until the curtain is lifted at this time that it is discovered that it is a lonely and useless puppet.

Enos stood where she was, her lips trembling, but she couldn't say anything.


Yet that heart of gold has no fuel to burn with rage.

The sad thing is that she can't even feel sad.

After a while, the co-ruling emperor's hand trembled slightly,
"What the hell did you and your"

Thunder and lightning flickered again.

She's going crazy.

She couldn't face the current situation, so she could only frantically throw everything away.

Mira looked at Enos with pity,
"Did what we were supposed to do."

Enos moved.

And turnaround, turnaround...

She told herself in her heart.

as long as... as long as...

No matter what she told herself, it wasn't long before all that was left in her eyes was desperate madness.

Ainos raised the thunder gun in her hand high, and threw it towards Mira with all her strength. The huge thunder flashed in the night sky, and the Celestial Kingdom fell into a slight whine at this moment.

The thunder is so fast, it is impossible to catch.

Because of this, Mira turned into a streamer and passed the lightning step by step.

She dodged the lightning that hit her directly, and the latter exploded on the steps. At this moment, the entire long steps to ascend to the gods shook endlessly, as if it would shatter and turn into nothing at any moment.

Ainos no longer cared about it, she didn't want to think about anything, she was completely indulging in madness.

For a long time, Ainos's life has been a life of chasing. At first, she chased the family and regarded the glory of the Delosis family as her own responsibility. Logically, she began to chase power and ascended the throne of the co-ruling emperor. Until now, she Gamble everything, abandon all emotions, and accept the mission of the original messenger, just to ascend to the golden palace at that moment and become the god of the old order.

And the sentence "You are destined not to get everything you pursue." Unveiled the only truth, sharp enough to pierce a heart made of gold.

The thunderstorm exploded randomly, and the co-ruling emperor was surrounded by lightning. She struggled like a trapped animal, but an invisible cage slowly tightened her fate, suffocating her little by little.

Mira shuttled through the lightning, the thunderbolts were like huge thunder whips, smoke and dust billowed everywhere, and even the golden palace in the distance seemed to be shaking.


As the old saying fell, the thunder in the midair became slow.

Enos' eyes were red.

Even if it is slow, lightning is still lightning.

She uttered a howl that almost wounded a griffin, her hands gathered thunder guns, and a mighty pale lightning storm rushed over like crazy, the celestial kingdom was torn apart, and the ancient chaos on the periphery kept pouring in from the cracks.

Mira tried her best to dodge the huge lightning storm. She held her breath and tried her best to let go of her mind. She couldn't think too much, otherwise she would be completely torn apart by the lightning if she was not careful.

She went into a flow state.

Countless bolts of lightning struck, almost every one of them passed her by.

Many people often fall into a kind of extremely focused flow, they are immersed in it, and only see what is in front of them.

However, in the flow of heart, it is not like thinking about nothing.

In her mind, there are pictures that seem to be chaotic but orderly.

Mira recalls Ainos's identity.

It was the princess of the Delosis family.

Seduction, betrayal, killing, and conspiracy are all words that are deeply involved with her.

When she is in front of him, she often hides something, even if she treats it with sincerity, she still has a lot of calculations.

Her life is one of law of the jungle and machinations, not a conscience.

Until the end, she was still pursuing supreme power, for which she would rather abandon everything.

That is such a fallen person, since he was born, he was constantly falling, like a falling cloud, until he fell into fog.

In the same fire, gold shines and grass burns; in the same squeeze, there is oil and oil in the corn.In the same way clouds fall into mist and fire rises into smoke.

So, as she said, she forsook herself.

It was as if she was doomed in the dark, she was a person who was doomed to forsake, doomed to fall down.

Who would pray for such a person?It's as if... In the past thousands of years, no one would pray for King Sabo in the scriptures.

A huge thunderbolt rushed over, carrying an unstoppable force.

What followed was Ainos' almost crazy roar:

"What the hell are you?
Messenger of God? ! "

"Not to give me, but to take everything from me!"

It's like... taking the last ears of wheat from the hungry instead of growing them, and emptying wells from the eyes of the thirsty instead of letting dry wells spring up.

"Your god has regenerated all peoples, your god has made wheat grow on the ground, and springs have sprung from dry wells, what are you doing?!"

The co-emperor went crazy, she wailed incoherently, and even forgot that she had no faith at all, the lightning became more and more chaotic, it no longer seemed to encircle Mira, but more like venting powerlessness.

Her madness disturbed Mira's mood.

Mira walked through the lightning.

I am not a god. God can make wheat grow from the ground, and springs spring from dry wells. God can give everything freely, but I can't do it.

 In order to prevent being blocked, it will be published in two chapters
(End of this chapter)

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