only god

Chapter 526 The Philosopher and the Plan to Leave

Chapter 526 The Philosopher and the Plan to Leave

Whether Verdo and Gomu want to believe it or not, life in the town will continue after death.

The people who died here had the same pale white soul state as the two of them, and their daily life was to sigh in this afterlife.

"There are no theaters, no taverns, and no brothels here. Oh, gods, how come there is such a boring place."

One of the deceased complained.

Life in the town after death is rigid and day-to-day, just like the Plains of Sighs described in myths and legends. There is almost no entertainment here except for self-amusement.

Because this is a place reserved for ordinary people. Here, everyone does not have many worries, but there is also not much happiness.

Every month, Vali will send someone to distribute money in the afterlife to each deceased person, so that they can trade with each other or buy the necessary items from the shops of Nakbet's servants.

Most of those items are books, musical instruments and other things that can provide people with happiness. Since demand exceeds supply, long queues are often required.

The world after death does not allow people to form associations at will, nor does it allow people to seek too much happiness. Nakbet's guards are patrolling every corner of the town at all times, leaving suspected pubs, theaters and other places The place closed down.

This kind of behavior is like reminding the dead repeatedly that this is the underworld and it is different from the human world.

Although life in the afterlife is monotonous and boring, Verdo observed that the dead still adapted to this life.

"We are already dead, and it is natural to live this life."

One of the deceased said:
"Who keeps us from doing good deeds as much as possible or being a great hero while we are alive?"

Verdo could understand this idea. When he was alive, he had to accept the living life, and after death, he had to accept the life after death, but he still found it hard to believe that he was really dead.

"Lord, I have prayed for so long, am I still going to stay in the underworld?"

Verdo couldn't help but sigh.

Although it was hard for him to believe that he really died and came to the underworld, he had to admit that this afterlife was really too real, just like the one in myths and legends.

Moreover, he and Gomu are slowly adapting to life after death.

Life in the small town after death is boring, but life in the cult is often the same, and there is actually no difference between the two in terms of boredom.

After the first month of running around, Verdo and Gomu, who did not find many suspicious points, had to settle down in the small town.

Among the two, Gomu was the first to be shaken. He believed Vali's rhetoric.
“Obviously, this is really the underworld, and everything Wally said is true.

If this is not the underworld, then why do so many people believe that this is the underworld? "

Verdo looked at his friend in surprise,

"Have you given in? Have you been tamed?"

Gomu sighed and said:
"I don't want this to be the underworld, but... too much evidence shows us that this is really the underworld."

Gomu's reaction made Verdo feel completely frustrated.

Under the influence of his partners, Verdo also became discouraged. No matter how much he didn't want to believe that he was really dead, he had to admit that it was all too real.

"Is what Vali said true? People who convert to Christianity must first stay in the underworld for a period of time?"

Verdo chewed on what Vali said over and over again.

The soul does not need sleep in the underworld, and there is no change between day and night here. Verdo cannot feel tired. He began to recall all the experiences since entering the town, trying to find out more doubts day and night.

But no matter how hard Verdo searched, he could never find any more doubts.

In this small town after death, there were sighs and sighs everywhere, and every voice was telling him that it was time to give up and wait for arrangements.

Verdo couldn't hold on any longer.


After death, a new deceased suddenly came to the town.

"No, I'm not dead, I'm definitely not dead!

When I die, I will definitely not end up here. I will definitely go to the great plain where heroes and the best are! "

The deceased's name was Oren. He was an old man in his 70s when he died. He was a human being. When he was taken to the town after death by Vali, he was still shouting unyieldingly and repeatedly claiming that he was not dead. And I shouted for more than two months.

After his death, some residents of the town sympathized with him at first, but two months later, they all regarded him as a madman.

Even though he has been dead for more than two months, he still refuses to accept the fact that he is dead. What is this other than a lunatic?
But it was this madman who ignited hope in Verdo.

Verdo felt that he had finally found a like-minded person, even if he was of a different race and belief than him.

So, in his spare time, Verdo found this old human being who was two heads taller than him.

"I heard that you also think you are not dead?"

As soon as Verdo said these words, the old man cast an expectant look.

The old man murmured:
"I've heard about you, Verdo, and you think so, don't you?"

Verdo nodded heavily and was secretly glad that he had found a like-minded partner.

So the old man introduced himself to him.

"You must be wondering why I don't believe I'm dead.

Because I am sure that after I die, I will go to the great plains to enjoy happiness and happiness. Why?Because I am a philosopher, a great philosopher! "

Verdo nodded slightly and then asked:

"What kind of philosopher? Which one?"

"You see, my appearance is so unattractive, I died in plain clothes, and I am an ascetic; I also long for beauty, love beauty, and respect the gods, so I am also an ascetic; at the same time, I am willing to do good. , I devote myself to worshiping every god, so I am a Jonar sect. Finally, I am willing to spread knowledge and praise the truth. As long as you are a little curious, I can tell you all morning, so I am also a Forgotten sect. …”

The old scholar named Oren talked a lot, almost making Verdo, who didn't know much, faint.

"In other words, you don't have a fixed school of thought?"

Wildo asked.

Oren nodded seriously,
"Yes, you are really discerning. As the saying goes: Pursue wisdom, who cares what school it is."

Oren spread his hands,

"It can be said that I combine the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought."

Verdo was frightened and exclaimed:

"Then you are indeed a philosopher."

After a while, Verdo decided to ask the question he was most concerned about. " have been here for more than two months, have you found any clues?"

The dwarf was eager to find clues that he was not dead. As for the old man's origin, knowledge, or anything else, he didn't care at all.

Verdo really doesn't believe that true believers like him who have converted will have to stay in the underworld for a period of time after death. This kind of thing is not mentioned in the sacred scriptures, nor in the creeds, nor in the doctrines. Said.

Verdo would rather go to hell than stay in the underworld. Anyway, he has not committed any crimes such as murder or adultery in his life. At most, he has committed petty theft. After his conversion, he sincerely repented for a long time.

Oren coughed, puffed up his human chest, and said proudly:

Verdo was shocked. He thought that the old man was so sure that he was not dead, so he must be confident, but he didn't expect that the old man didn't find any clues.

"But I can be sure that people like me will definitely go to the Great Plains after death,"

With that said, Oren explained,

"You know, the Great Plains is the place where the most good people and heroes go, and as for me, even though I am so old, I am indeed a good person and a hero.

I have been charitable since I was a child. When I became an adult, I met a pregnant woman giving birth in a cave when I was traveling. I obliged and delivered her baby. This saved two lives. She was also grateful to me and dedicated herself to me. to me.

But more than ten years later, she passed away. I buried her. My daughter also got married at this time. I gave her all my savings and a box full of dowry.

After that, I went to lecture and travel around. If I met poor people along the way, I would help them. I would give them all my most precious possessions, which can be said to be a waste of money.

When I was 60 years old, I went to the battlefield and became a priest with my sacrificial knowledge. I made prophecies for the army and preached divine revelations. Under my leadership, the army was victorious in every battle without any defeat, even that The commander of the army was in awe of me and said he wanted to build a statue in my honor, but I refused. I left the army the next day and hid my merit and fame from then on.

You say, am I not considered a benevolent person and a hero? "

Oren kept talking about his life experiences. Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Verdo nodded one after another.

"He is indeed a good man and a hero."

Oren was satisfied with Verdo's answer.

Then, he said slowly:
"I know you are as eager to find clues as I am, but you have also seen that everything here is normal, just like the legendary underworld."

Verdo nodded. He and Gemu searched for a long time, but couldn't find any clues. Instead, they found that this afterlife town was more like the underworld than they imagined.

"It seems that the creator of this place has made sufficient preparations. If we search like headless flies like before, we will find nothing."

Oren said.

"You mean?"

"We took the initiative to create trouble, so that those people had to deal with it, and in the end we took the initiative to expose our flaws."

Oren came up with a bold idea.

Verdo was shocked at first, and then suddenly realized.

Yes, this town was obviously carefully designed and built. The creator of the town must have expected that some people would not believe that he was dead, so he made the town perfect.

Instead of continuing to search like before, it would be better to force the town managers, such as those underworld servants and guides, to take the initiative to expose their flaws.

Oren's proposal almost woke up the dreamer, and Verdo couldn't help but get excited.

"Then what shall we do?"

Verdo continued to ask:

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Ideas? Of course I have ideas. The most important thing for philosophers is ideas."

Oren said loudly,
"Have you ever heard that in the underworld, a hero once returned from death to the world?"

A hero who returns from death?
Verdo was stunned for a moment, it was the first time he had heard of it.

"It seems that your news is not well-informed."

Oren said, and then explained briefly,
"Baird, the hero who appears in the scriptures of the True Religion, is said to have made a bet with the judges of the underworld. If he completes nine trials in different places in the underworld, then the judges of the underworld will Let him return to earth.”

Verdo nodded, now he had heard it.

"So...what does this have to do with our plan?"

Oren held out a finger and said:

“It’s very simple, we want to cause destruction in the town, so that the judges of the underworld have to come out to see us, and then we propose a trial.

You know, Baird completed nine trials in different places, so if we also participate in the trial, we can use it to leave the town as required. If there are no other underworld areas outside the town, that proves This is not the underworld, so we are not dead yet. "

Verdo understood Oren's suggestion.

In short, to participate in the trial, they have to go to different places. If the so-called "Judge of the Underworld" does not allow them to leave the town and go to different places, it proves that other places do not exist, so this is not the underworld.

Verdo had to admire Oren's plan.

"We'll start taking action in two or three days. The sooner the better. I don't want to stay in this hellish place."

Oren stood up and said resolutely.

Verdo clenched his fists and nodded solemnly.


After leaving Oren, Verdo told Gomu this plan. To Verdo's surprise, Gomu had no reaction at all.

You know, when he first came to this so-called "underworld", Gomu's reaction was almost as intense as his own, but now he
"Is this so? May the Lord bless you."

Gemu's reaction was neither salty nor indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"Aren't you excited?"

Verdo was stunned.

"What's so exciting about this? I already believe that this is really the underworld."

Saying that, Gomu paused.

"On the other hand, you have been doing useless work. Verdo, listen to my advice and stop. That Vali said, sooner or later, we true believers will go to the kingdom of heaven."

Seeing Gomu like this, Verdo was angry at first. He clenched his fists and murmured, "The Lord sees all your deeds." After a while, he calmed down and saw that he could not change Gomu's mind. , and said, "May God forgive you. No matter what you think, I will try it."

Gomu had no reaction to this. He stiffly blessed Verdo and told him that he would pray for him. As for how sincere this prayer was, I am afraid only God knows.

(End of this chapter)

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