only god

Chapter 538: One more tear, one more sacrifice

Chapter 538: Another tear, another sacrifice
That deadline is getting closer and closer.

Is this the day of Xilan's death, or is it the day of salvation?
Among the three, no one dared to be sure.

Both Helis and Utus decided not to kill Sealand, but Laren still hesitated.

He paced around the shallow lake in a daze, sometimes running fast, sometimes sitting in the lake, sometimes mumbling to himself, as if he was mentally disturbed.

Today is already the third day. After today, as long as one of them wants Xilan to die, then Xilan will die.

And God will not remember their sins, let alone take revenge.

Laron once said to Herlis with great determination: "Is a sin a sin if there is punishment and revenge?"

At that point, Lahren was certain he was going to kill Sealand.

Because there is neither punishment nor revenge for killing Sealand.

Just like there is a vault in front of a thief, and there is a gatekeeper in front of that vault. The thief could only watch the shining gold, but now, the gatekeeper is willing to be killed by him.Let him go to the treasury and retrieve all the gold and silver.

But the thief hesitated at this moment, he was confused.

"I must kill him, not only for my sake, but also for the sake of the gods."

Laren clenched his fists and stared at Xilandao.

He seemed to have finally made a decision.

But in the blink of an eye, he gave up again,

"No... no, if you kill Xilan, wouldn't it prove that what Helis said is true, and that I really only care about my own dignity?"

If you insist on killing Xilan, then who do you think you are?He has become a despicable and indifferent existence, a person who values ​​dignity more than heirs. How can such a person be called a god? !
Are you really that kind of person?Someone who doesn't deserve to be called a god? !
Laren held his head in pain. Before he came to this room, he never thought that he would struggle like this, and he never thought that after peeling off his many coats, his mind would be so twisted and ferocious.

Pieces of bitter grass drifted along the water waves.

No matter what he was struggling with, no matter what he was suffering from, the lake remained calm.

"My Father, you see us tortured!"

Laren roared and threw himself on the lake, lying in the wet mud as if dead.

Harris looked at Laren with pity. After a moment, he walked over and helped Laren up.
"Have you considered?"

Laren was wet, his hair tangled like seaweed, and he shook his head subconsciously.

But when he realized that the person next to him was Herris, his eyes suddenly turned fierce. He pushed Herris away and shouted:

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!

If it weren't for you, why would I be in such pain and must kill that person! "

Facing the abnormal Lahren, Herris looked calm.

Here, no matter who it is, they have tortured themselves.

Some people become calm after being tortured, some people suddenly become fanatical after being tortured, and some people cannot accept the cruelty of torture and become crazy.

Laren stepped on the shallow lake, heading towards the edge of the room, trying desperately to escape. He beat the blank wall and shouted frantically, but no matter how exhausted he was, the room remained motionless. Finally, Laren Lun slipped weakly into the lake, twitching and crying.

It only takes one thought to kill a righteous man, but it makes the thief's soul tortured.

There is obviously no cost to killing him, so why do people still suffer so much?


Is it because there is no price to pay that people suffer?

"'We have harmed angels, and men have sinned, but there is no way to atone for their sins.'"

Harris murmured softly.

Laren seemed to be irritated again. He stood up tremblingly, pointed at Xilan and said:
"Heris, you are pretending to be a prophet or a shepherd again!

Do you think I'm still struggling?
No, I won't struggle anymore, I'm going to kill him because you angered me!I'm going to kill him! "

Harris raised his eyebrows and said:

"So, you've accepted yourself?"

Laren laughed maniacally,
"Yes, I am a despicable villain. I am indifferent and ruthless. I value my dignity more than my children. I killed him just to avenge myself!

In this room, I would rather admit that I am human than admit that I am God! "

Laren seemed to have finally regained his determination. His eyes were full of anger, and he was determined to kill Sealand.

Harris felt a sense of panic, and he noticed that Laren seemed to no longer hesitate.

Father...have you made a mistake?

You put Sealand's life in our hands. You showed the past and future so that we can know ourselves. You probably feel that after this, we will never kill Sealand again.

However, have you forgotten about Laren, this god who is beautiful in appearance but corrupt in appearance? This man who keeps saying he wants to avenge his children is actually a hypocritical villain who wants to avenge his own dignity.

Father, why did you do this, why did you hand over Xilan's life like that?
Do you hope to build a good heavenly city in the hearts of us people?
Xilan is really going to die. Father, what are you going to do?
Seeing that Laren no longer hesitated, Herris couldn't help but tremble with his fingertips. Maybe he had done something wrong and he should not further provoke Laren. As long as Laren continued to hesitate, sooner or later he would give up killing Xilan.

But all of this seemed to be ruined by his own hands.

Laren was about to destroy the miracle, blow out the candles, and they failed to stop Laren. They were watching this tragedy happen, and they were going to be complicit in it.

Thinking of this, the uneasy Harris wanted to say something, but he felt like he couldn't say anything.

At this time, the blank room suddenly fell into silence again.

This has happened many times. In this place where lies and falsehoods are impossible, silence is always the best response.

The quarrel just now disappeared, and the three of them fell silent again. At this moment, everything was silent, the swaying water plants rippled, and the delicate water waves spread outward.

Looking from top to bottom, no matter how noisy or fighting they were, the shallow lake was always extremely calm.

Laren sat down, he no longer hesitated, trying to maintain his angry attitude so that he could make a decision at the last moment.

Utus knelt on the ground, his eyes immersed in the quiet fanaticism.

As for Herris, he remained silent, suffering and waiting for the last moment.

The shallow lake is still calm,

It was as if God accepted their decision.

I do not know how long it has been…

Wutus suddenly said:

"There is still a future that has not been shown..."

As soon as these words came out, the other two people looked at him.


Upon hearing the question, Utus further explained:

"Sealand once told us,

He will show the past and the future, and what we have seen before seems to be scenes from the past. "

This sentence seemed to suddenly wake up the other two people from their confusion, and they all cheered up in unison.

"What are you excited about? Do you think I will change my decision?"

Looking at Herlis, Laren said coldly, "Here, I would rather be a human than a god."

Harris looked at him and suddenly said:

"Don't you long for it?

Are you really willing to be a person who is not worthy of being called a god? "

Laren was suddenly at a loss as Herris's words hit his weakest point.

Of course he wanted it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't value dignity so much, wouldn't be angry when mortals offended him, and he wouldn't struggle like that.

"But even if I long for it, what can I do?"

Laren said to himself.

The voice just fell.

As if in response to Laren, a blur of whiteness suddenly appeared in the eyes of the three people.

The familiar feeling came again, and the world was spinning again.

The difference is that this time the spin seems to last longer than any other time.

When their consciousness slowly woke up, they had arrived at a desolate land.

"Where is...where?"

Helis looked around and said in astonishment:

"A ruin..."

The sky in the distance was extremely gray, and a large hole opened in the sky as if it had been hit hard. The surrounding earth was fractured, and the trees were covered with a thick grayish white color. The smell of corruption filled the air, with collapsed marble buildings and charred wooden houses. The darkness revealed signs of destruction.

Herris felt that it was not just this place that had fallen into ruins.

The whole world has been reduced to ruins!
"What happened here?"

Laren said in panic.

Everything in front of them was ashes of life, there were scenes of destruction everywhere, darkness seemed to have enveloped the entire earth, they could see neither the sun nor the moon, and all the stars in the celestial kingdom had lost their traces.

Lahren couldn't find any other words to describe it other than the end of the world.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he suddenly panicked. In front of him was the scene of the future. Everything was destroyed. The world was coming to an end. The temples of the gods were destroyed and there were not many mortals left. At this time, there were Who will sacrifice himself?Who else will sing praises to the God of beautiful dreams?
The sky is completely dark, and the stars in the sky cannot be seen from the ground. This doomsday seems to have beaten all the gods with great divine power to pieces. If no one has seen this scene in person, no one would dare to believe that this world has turned into a disaster. Such disasters will occur.

Utus and Helis were also panicked. They looked at everything in front of them in disbelief. Before this, they could not imagine that the world would once again usher in the end of the world.

The darkness was almost overwhelming.

There seemed to be evil and filthy voices in the deep distance, and heavy pale rain poured down, drowning everything.

"Another apocalypse?"

Harris trembled.

Laren looked extremely pale.

The three of them walked forward on the collapsed land, and the broken road extended to the distant mountains. When they looked up, they saw an extremely desperate scene.

High on the mountain, the glory is no longer there.

The three people's faces suddenly turned pale. They had become accustomed to their father's presence, and they could not imagine what it would be like in the days when the glory was gone.

Lives are devastated and mourners are everywhere. After thousands of failures, the darkness finally wins at this moment. It has expelled the light. The vast ancient chaos spreads from the sea and is about to engulf the entire world.

The three of them stood there as dumb as a hen, they were at a loss as to what to do.

For a moment, Helis seemed to see something and shouted:

"Look at that!"

Both Laren and Utus looked up. In the distant sky, in the thick darkness, there was a glimmer of hallucinatory light, like a candle burning through the sky. The golden light seemed to be coming across the sea. Return to its throne high on the mountain.

"Did you see it?!"

Harris said excitedly.

The world was completely silent, and the world once again filled with darkness seemed not yet ready to welcome the light. The three of them watched the light return to its throne, the darkness began to burn, began to struggle painfully, and the magnificent light illuminated the entire land.

The three people were stunned for a moment as if struck by lightning, and then they began to tremble all over. The miracle in front of them was more magnificent and more brilliant than all legends, all epics, all myths, all miracles recorded in writing or passed down by word of mouth.

Khris knelt down, he couldn't help but cry bitterly, Utus also knelt down, shouting wildly, Laren couldn't help but bend his knees, and his knees touched the ground. He knelt on the ground and stared blankly. This is a miracle.

"Father, what are you going to do?"

Laren murmured shakily.

At this time,

The whole sky resounded with mournful voices,

He seemed to be answering the three of them, and also the whole world.

"You have destroyed my miracle...

For you,

I shed another tear and sacrificed again. "

As the words fell, the earth shook, the sky was moved, the distant stars returned to their original positions, nine kinds of strong winds arose on the ground, 33 major waves rolled up on the sea surface, the darkness receded like the tide, and the glory once again stood on the top of the mountain.

The devastated land began to regain its vitality, dead trees grew new leaves, dry wells gushed out springs, the land filled with salt and coke grew wheat and various grains, and the kings, servants, people, slaves, villains and people on the earth Righteous people, at this moment, they all have a new life from their slumber, the darkness has receded, and the sun still rises.

The three of them stood on the new land.

Bursts of singing came from the high mountains. It was like a beautiful and high-pitched chorus composed by countless angels. This singing was full of the joy of the aftermath of the disaster and the melody of final victory.

All the new things on the earth seemed to be filled with spiritual light, and the darkness was cracked open. Groups of angels sang hymns. They flew through the sky, and pairs of wings offered blessings to the earth.

Laren shuddered.

Destroying a miracle is as easy as blowing out a candle.

Didn't the Logos kill the angels so easily back then?
But now, the choice has fallen on them after the passage of time.

A single thought can determine the survival of Xilan.

That magnificent miracle seemed to finally make Laren understand something.

They can blow out a candle, but the sun still rises.

It was at this time that the three of them looked up at the sky,

Laren knelt on the ground and cried:

"How we suffer!"

"The sky is so clear..."

The mountains stand tall on the earth, and the vast sky reveals a bunch of golden and magnificent rays of light.

(End of this chapter)

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