only god

Chapter 562 The Miracle of My King

Chapter 562 The Miracle of My King

Even if he was severely punished, Jon still wanted to escape from here.

The beacon tower in the wind and snow overwhelmed him with endless loneliness. Even though he struggled desperately, he was still unable to extricate himself.

He will stay in that place for a full 40 years.

How many people in this world can endure this kind of torture?
And how many people in this world commit suicide because they can't stand loneliness?
There is no doubt that there is very little of the former and very much of the latter.

Jon wanted to die too.

Death is an escape from loneliness.

But now, he has been cursed and unable to end his life through self-commitment. Now he cannot wish to die and can only endure the pain caused by his life span.

In order to get rid of this pain, Jon began to plan his second escape and made full preparations for it.

He knew that the last time he was caught, the main reason was because of the tracking mark placed on him by the mercury priests. That mark could always locate his location.

Of course, Jon himself cannot remove this tracking mark. Although he is designated as a disobedient, he does not have the power to create the path of creation like the disobedient. He is just a mortal.

So Jon had no choice but to save the country. He guessed that this tracking mark had a limited range. If he escaped from this range, he could get rid of the Mercury Priest.

If the tracking mark has no range limit, then there is no need to panic. As long as you can escape to the ends of the earth, will the mercury priest chase you to the ends of the earth?

In terms of cost, pursuing it to the ends of the earth would be a waste of time.

In order to ensure that he can escape to the ends of the earth, transportation is indispensable. In this regard, Jon has prepared a sled.

The last time he ran out on foot, he couldn't escape very far with his legs alone, so this time, he removed the wooden boards and built two pairs of simple sleds, one for escape and one for backup.

Everything is ready, just waiting for a suitable season to escape.

Jon waited patiently from summer to winter. What surprised him was that he didn't feel that this period of time was as long as before.

It seems that once a person has a goal, it will not be so painful.

As soon as the snowiest winter arrived, Jon climbed over the wall of the beacon tower. The reason why he chose to escape when the snow was the most was because the wind and snow could interfere with the pursuit of the mercury priests to the greatest extent, and because of the strong wind Heavy snow can easily create avalanches, and falling snow as heavy as a mountain can end one's painful life.

With everything ready, Jon began his escape again.

This time, he escaped for about two months before being captured again.

Jon's escape went smoothly at first. The strong wind and snow were as he expected, which caused a lot of trouble for the quicksilver priests to hunt down. However, he misjudged the capabilities of the quicksilver priests. Those people were either given grace or mastered the divine creation. Along the way, even the power of nature was frightened in front of them.

Unfortunately, although there was heavy wind and snow along the way, Jon did not encounter an avalanche, which shattered his dream of seeking death.

The most unfortunate thing is that after two months of escaping, Jon met an Orion on the road. He asked the Orion to point him in a direction away from the border, but the Orion backhandedly sold him to the Mercury Priest.

So many misfortunes followed one after another. Perhaps, in this process, no god protected him, and fate also spurned him.

When he was captured for the second time, as expected, Jon's punishment was increased. The mercury priests were kind enough to extend his lifespan by 40 years, and his sentence of guarding the beacon was only extended by 20 years.

From the perspective of others, this is equivalent to Jon being able to live 30 years longer than others and enjoy 30 more years of life after he is released from prison.

But in Jon's opinion, what's the difference between living ten more years after being released from prison and living another 30 years?
What's the point of having too much life? Even if he is given a life span of 1 years, he will have to spend several difficult decades to enjoy it.

Those are all in the distant future, and the punishment of Watching the Beacon Tower is the reality.

Jon's plight is not without sympathy.

The servant who came every seventh day to bring Jon food and firewood had great compassion for Jon.

Over the years, that servant developed a good friendship with Jon, and he could be said to be Jon's only friend.

Although this friend has to go through seven torturous days just to see him.

"You always say you are lonely, but I have experienced the same thing.

I am used to that kind of life, but I am not used to communicating with so many people. "

During a meeting, the servant said this.

"By the gods, how can you understand me? You can't understand me.

I’m not just going to stay here for two years, I’m going to stay here for 60 years!

I will still stay here after you die. "

Jon retorted excitedly.

“I think it’s the same whether it’s two years or 60 years.

Loneliness is not unbearable, boredom is. "

The servant expressed his opinion.

After Jon heard this, he was stunned, as if he had caught some key point.

The wind and snow hit his face through the iron fence, and Jon asked desperately:
"Why aren't you bored?"

The servant thought for a while, recalled it, and then said:

"I'm thinking about... the orcs who may invade the border at any time."

Jon looked puzzled. He didn't understand why the servants couldn't get bored thinking about the group of orcs who might invade the border.

The borders of this kingdom have been stable for many years, and the orcs have nothing to worry about. Coupled with the ice and snow, even if they want to invade, the orcs are unable to attack from this direction and will definitely find another place.

In Jon's opinion, it is impossible for the orcs to invade.

After a brief exchange, the servant bid farewell to Jon, and Jon must return to his solitude.

The night had completely darkened, and the stars had disappeared in the cold sky. Jon sat by the fire, in complete silence, as quiet as a dung beetle pushing a ball of dung.

Jon was silent and thinking in this extremely common silence. He was wondering why the servants would not get bored thinking about the group of orcs who might invade the border.

"why is that…

It was obviously impossible for the orcs to come and attack.

Why wouldn't he be bored like this? "

Jon closed his eyes and tried to imagine that tomorrow there would be a black mass of orcs crossing the ice and snow, raising their weapons of aggression.

Farmers were robbed, women and children were violated, and the territory was poisoned. Everywhere you looked, life would be devastated. The flag of the kingdom slowly drooped and stopped flying. The dignity of the entire country was trampled to pieces.

Jon shuddered, how terrible this was.

After being frightened, he suddenly felt a surge of heat and a sense of noble mission that came from nowhere throughout his body.

He had an illusion in a trance that guarding the beacon was no longer a form of torture, but a mission to protect his family and country.

"I have to assume they're coming any minute."

Jon murmured to himself,
"I have to assume they'll be coming any minute!"

He repeated it again.

Jon suddenly understood something.

He once thought that he could not bear loneliness, but at this moment, he felt that loneliness did not seem so terrible.

Loneliness is not the biggest enemy...the biggest enemy in life is boredom!

It is to live idle and without any goals.

You must assume that they will come and invade at any time. Only in this way, you will not be watching idle and you will not be bored. You must constantly imagine that those orcs will come at any time.

Jon finally realized that he couldn't escape from this beacon, because no matter how he escaped, the mercury priests could catch him, so he couldn't escape, and he couldn't escape from the watch like before. Just set out, he must Embrace watching and regard it as a mission given by God.

He stood up suddenly, rushed out of the house, and climbed to the highest point of the beacon tower in the wind and snow. He looked far into the distance. Under the thick darkness, it seemed that a steady stream of ferocious orcs would be ushered in from the distance at any time.

His eyes suddenly became moist, and Jon knelt down on his knees. He kept praising the gods and thanking them for their mercy. He finally found a way to spend 40 years.


Just like that, Jon stopped running away. He watched the beacon, waiting for the orcs who would never come.

Even though every day is still difficult to get through, he is no longer as desperate as before. On the contrary, he thinks about his great mission, and he is full of expectations every day.

After getting rid of boredom, loneliness is not unacceptable.

Like the servant who had served as a sentinel, Jon had grown accustomed to solitude.

Time passed day by day, and before he knew it, Jon had been watching here for 20 years.

Twenty years of wind and snow have hit the beacon tower again and again, polishing the building into a haggard state. Over the years, Jon has never been invaded by the orcs.

Despite this, Jon still convinced himself time and time again that watching was a great mission, and it had supreme significance.

Slowly, Jon regarded this beacon as something important to his life. He secretly swore again and again that as a sentinel, he would defend this place to the death.

Watching the beacon tower and staying here for decades is no longer meaningless.

He fought against the meaninglessness of life and gave it new meaning.

Even if this meaning is just imaginary and hypothetical.

Just like that, another ten years passed.

There are less than ten years left before the end of his sentence.

In the past ten years, the servant who had been close to him had passed away, and a new servant was sent over to take charge of the delivery of supplies.

Jon had communicated with him several times, but the latter ignored him. After asking around, he learned that his parents were killed by disobedient people. He had a deep hatred for the disobedient people and was unwilling to talk to Qiao. Well, such disobedient people communicate too much.

After learning about this, Jon stopped saying anything more to the new servant. After so many years of punishment, Jon, the former son of a noble, no longer feared loneliness, and he continued to watch the frontier persistently.

While watching, Jon felt a little afraid.

What is he afraid of?
He was afraid... that he was about to be released from prison.

"I'm going to be released... in less than ten years..."

Being released from prison should be something exciting.

But Jon felt deeply worried.

For so many years, he has been watching here day and night, and has long regarded the beacon as a part of his life.

But once he is released after serving his sentence, he will leave this beacon tower and he will also lose a part of his life.

"No, I can't leave...I shouldn't leave, the orcs may come at any time!"

Jon muttered to himself somewhat crazily,

"Not only that, but most importantly...

I put my whole point here. "

He can't leave from here. This is his life and his soul. Once he leaves this beacon, he will be almost like a walking zombie.

In this terrible situation, Jon once again chose to run away.

Because he knew that as long as he escaped, his punishment would be increased.

Soon after, Jon was deliberately caught by the Mercury Priests, hoping full of hope that the Mercury Priests would increase the punishment.

But to his surprise, Priest Mercury seemed to see through his ruse.

Jon's sentence was not increased; on the contrary, the Priests of Quicksilver reduced his sentence, reducing his watch time by five years.

The original sentence of ten years was now shortened to five years.

When Jon found out about this, he was about to collapse.

After being returned to the beacon tower, Jon knelt on the ground. He first praised the gods, praised and praised, and then suddenly his emotions collapsed and he cursed the gods loudly.

Hypocrisy, filth, depravity... Jon exhausted his vocabulary and almost cursed most of the gods in the Celestial Kingdom.

Then, the curses became weaker and weaker, and Jon knelt on the ground weakly, crying bitterly.
"I put all my meaning here...I put all my meaning here..."

He kept repeating this sentence, curling up into a ball.

The voice was getting lower and lower.

Suddenly, Jon looked up to the sky and shouted insanely:
"Those gods who have not been insulted by me! Help me! Save me!

I beg from you, I want you to beg, have mercy on me!End my pain! "

The cold wind is still howling, and the wind and snow are mixed in the beacon tower.

Jon knelt there as if dead.

I do not know how long it has been…

In the ice and snow, Jon suddenly felt a strange warmth.

He couldn't describe the warmth in words.

Jon felt this unparalleled miracle, and he said repeatedly:
"O gods! O great gods!
Free me from pain and let me watch here forever! "

As he finished speaking, it seemed as if someone had answered his prayer.

Jon only felt that his body was slowly freezing and he could no longer move.

He lowered his head slightly and found that his lower limbs had turned into a tree stump at some point.

When he came back to his senses, his hair straightened and slowly turned into a tree crown, his hands turned into branches, his ten fingers turned into branches, and his fingernails turned into new leaves.

Time seems to freeze here.

Jon turned into a big tree standing in the wind and snow. The roots of the tree continued to extend, occupying the entire beacon tower, and buried it deeply in the ground, using it as its own soil.

A righteous man begged the gods in helplessness, but was despised by the stars.

In the stormy sky, He was the only one who showed His mercy, and none of the wishes of the people were in vain.Finally, he turned into a giant tree and stood forever on the border as a witness to the miracle.

This is the story about the "Watching Tree" in the "Book of Miracles" taught by the Giant King in later generations.

(End of this chapter)

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