only god

Chapter 594 Performance at the Execution Ground

Chapter 594 Performance at the Execution Ground

Although this princess has no taboos, she still knows the importance of it. She will not use her status as a princess to force the opportunity to be executed. Firstly, this will embarrass the royal family. Secondly, once the local governor or the emperor's Paladin knows about this matter, she will definitely be punished. Every effort will be made to prevent it.

Therefore, Althea's method of snatching away the executioner was simple.

It means that after dressing up in disguise, he buys the execution opportunity from the executioner at a high price.

This method is fast, effective and leaves little to worry about.

However unexpectedly...

At the executioner, Althea received a serious rebuff.

"No, this matter cannot be left to inexperienced people."

The executioner spoke righteously,

"The families of those prisoners paid money and asked me to give them a happy death. If they die unhappy because of you, it will be troublesome. Those people will not let me go."

Althea pondered for a moment and then said:

"I'll pay three times the price."

She thought that such a high price would be enough to sway others, but once again, Althea was ruthlessly rejected.

"It's not about money, it's about life."

The executioner emphasized:
"Can you understand? The matter of collecting money from my family members is not big or small. Once I am reported to the governor by those family members, I will be exiled."

After that, even though Althea offered to pay ten times the price, the executioner not only refused them all, but also invited them all out.

"This kind of person is crazy. I can't understand it. He won't be tempted even if the price is ten times higher!"

Althea complained, twirling her fingers and looking resigned.

Eden looked at the executioner's house. This house was located on the edge of the town, surrounded by overgrown weeds, almost far away from secular society. Not many people were willing to get close to it, as if there were thick invisible walls on all sides of the house.

“In other places, ten times the price is enough to make people tempted.

But the problem is that he can't afford the guilt after paying ten times the price. "

Eden spoke slowly.

"Oh, guilt, what's there to blame for? Those people are going to die anyway, so what's the difference between a cruel death and a happy death?"

Althea looked nonchalant. She glanced at Eden and continued:
"Priest, you always talk about sin and punishment as if they were important.

But in my opinion, no matter what crime or punishment, as long as it is not investigated, it does not exist. "

Eden turned his head, stared at Althea, and said seriously:

"Your Highness, you are a true believer."

Althea spread her hands,

"I didn't say I wasn't. I pray every day and go to the cathedral for mass on important festivals every year. But I just don't care about the crime or punishment."

Eden stopped talking, he had nothing to say to Althea.

He felt that they were like people from two worlds. He who had cultivated since childhood could see good and evil, valued human souls, and looked forward to the world after death, while Althea, who had grown up in prosperity, was keen on pleasure. Love the beauty of this world, even if it is all based on the pain of others.

"Forget it, Princess Executioner, let's wait and see the execution."

After a while, Eden said that he did not intend to continue arguing with Althea.

Althea nodded slightly, looked at Eden, and hesitated to speak.

She thought Eden would say something to refute and ridicule herself, but Eden didn't say anything like that, which made Althea a little uncomfortable.

Inexplicably, Althea was a little unwilling, and she deliberately asked:
"What is sin in your eyes?"

Soon, a message came from the priest,
"What sin is, you cannot understand."

Althea choked on these words, and her tall body trembled angrily twice.


In the afternoon, when the execution time came, the executioner who refused to accept the bribe rushed to the town square, and the condemned prisoners were already pressed onto the wooden platform.

Nearly half of the town's residents gathered here. People rubbed shoulders and looked around. There were heads everywhere.

Althea and Eden stood on the outside. Since they arrived relatively late, the front position was already occupied by others, but it didn't matter. With the height of the princess, even if they stood on the outside, they could still see the scene of the execution ground clearly. .

The town residents on the side, in addition to focusing on the execution ground, also looked at Althea from time to time. It was the first time they saw such a tall woman, and they couldn't help but marvel at her.

The executioner sharpened the blade on the execution ground, and the rhythmic clattering sound was like a death curse, summoning the arrival of death.

Althea clenched her hands, her eyes widened, and there was a slight smile on her lips, like a murderer, eager for death.

If possible, she wished she could seize the knife and execute him herself.Eden frowned and looked at the scene on the execution ground. He could see good and evil clearly and knew that none of the prisoners on the stage had been wronged. Among the five death row prisoners, three were convicted of murder and two were convicted. Individuals were convicted of robbing and raping women and children, poisoning farmland, and maiming and maiming others. None of these people seemed worthy of mercy and forgiveness.

Eden hated these people from the bottom of his heart and believed that they deserved their sins and that their souls would fall into hell after death.

However, when he watched these people being executed and the bloody scene of their heads falling to the ground, not only did he not feel a trace of joy, but he also felt unspeakable sadness.

Eden felt extremely conflicted.

When a person commits a sin, he must pay the price for his sin. This is a matter of course.

The wages of sin is death.

However, Eden still felt sad.

"Why can't people not sin? If people don't sin, they won't bear death."

Eden thought in his heart,
"God, why did man become so corrupt?"


The sound of blood spurting sounded on the execution ground.

The whole place erupted with a burst of "Oh". The sound contained neither pleasure nor disgust, just a neutral exclamation.

A head fell down and rolled onto the wooden platform. The executioner raised the head and gestured to everyone on the field.

Althea was so excited that she couldn't control herself. Her heart was beating so fast that she almost cheered wildly.

At this time, she turned her head. She turned her head very unintentionally, and her whole heart suddenly became cold.

"Why did you close your eyes? Are you scared?"

She saw Eden close his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to look at the bloody and cruel scene.

For some reason, Althea felt disappointed. Eden's look made her lose all interest in an instant.


The sound of blood bursting out again fell. Althea turned around and took a cursory glance. Her heart felt cold for some reason, and there was no excitement at all.

"You're such a turn-off."

Althea said slightly dissatisfied.

She looked at the wooden platform again and saw the executioner holding the head and displaying it to everyone.

Her Royal Highness the Princess no longer felt any excitement, as if the novelty had passed. She suddenly felt bored, especially Eden's performance, which made the boredom worse.

Soon after, all five condemned prisoners were executed. The five heads were placed neatly on the wooden platform. The residents of the town slowly dispersed. The entire execution was like a thrilling performance.

Althea and Eden were the last to leave. They watched the executioner clean up the execution ground hastily, then pressed a prisoner onto the wooden platform and fixed it with shackles.

Eden looked at him from a distance. He felt that the man looked familiar, so he couldn't help but walk closer.

After getting closer, he saw that the prisoner seemed to be a hybrid of Faun and human. When he got closer, Eden looked surprised for a moment.


Eden recognized him as a mixed-race man whom he had met once in prison.

"How did he..."

Althea looked at Eden and couldn't help but said:
"You know him?"

Eden nodded slightly,

"It's an acquaintance."

Timian was fixed to the wooden platform with wooden shackles. He kept shouting, claiming that he had been framed and wronged. When Eden and Althea approached, he shouted even more vigorously.

"Save me! I was wronged. God knows how wronged I am!"

Due to his disguise, Timian did not recognize Eden's identity, and he just helplessly asked for help.

Eden silently entered into a spiritual state, staring at Timian's soul.

Although Timian swore that he was wronged, Eden saw that he was arrested for robbing other people's property.

Eden let out a breath and glanced at Timian with disgust.

"Two good people, don't leave! Come on, come on, give me something to eat! I've been hungry for two days!"

Timian shouted in panic, trying to save Eden who was about to turn around and leave.

After hearing this, the priest pursed his lips and sighed at last. He wanted to leave just now, but he couldn't bear it. After all, they had met once before.

(End of this chapter)

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