only god

Chapter 676 The Death of the King

Chapter 676 The Death of the King

The situation changed so rapidly that almost no one could react. In an instant, the guards on duty in the palace came over with spears and spears. When Althea turned her head in surprise, the guards had already taken her accompanying Surrounded by people.

The nobles on the scene were also shocked. None of them could understand the situation. Many of them turned pale and looked at the Deschanels in the palace with confused eyes, and then at Prince Devine.

Prince Devane stood in the palace. He slowly walked to the steps in front of the throne and announced to everyone the crimes of the Deschers.

"Under the witness of God and after royal interrogation, Prince Flo has confessed. His evil and despicable plan has been completely exposed. He himself is just a pawn, and the murderer of my father is someone else. .

My father was in the situation he is in today because he was poisoned in wine, and the wine my father drank was all wine produced by Deschanel. By contrast, the murderer is self-evident. "

At Prince Devine's words, the palace guards pressed forward step by step. Among the princess's entourage, many people were frightened and their faces were as pale as paper. Only Sister Cassandra and Eden were stunned. Afterwards, calmness was restored.

Eden looked at this scene and he immediately retorted:

"No, even if the wine is produced by Deschanel, his cook, the servant who looks after the wine, and even people close to him can also poison it!"

"Oh, you're right,"

Unexpectedly, Prince Devine did not refute. He walked down the steps and watched Eden like a hawk.

"But just a few days ago, you, the knight of Althea, met with my father and asked him to arrest the Last Shaman.

If my father hadn't gone to arrest the Last Shamans, Prince Flo would not have been found. Prince Flo would not have been found, nor would he have let down his guard, nor would he have been assassinated.

Knight Eden of Althea, we have every reason to suspect that it was you who murdered His Majesty the Father by making false accusations in the east and west! "

Prince Devine's voice echoed in the palace.

The nobles on the scene took a breath, and those exquisitely dressed people showed uneasiness and fear. After they reacted, they immediately looked at Deschanel and the others with hatred.

"No, that's just a coincidence!"

Althea stood up and refuted loudly. Her hands trembled nervously, but she quickly suppressed them and continued:

"Your Highness Osenko, if you doubt him, it is better to doubt me. He is the one who followed me to see His Majesty."

The meaning of these words is self-evident.

If Prince Devine doubts Iden, then he is doubting Althea, the imperial princess, the emperor of the empire, and even the entire empire.

Could it be that the emperor who tried his best to promote this marriage would participate in the palace conspiracy to assassinate the king of the country of brothers?

Prince Devine turned around with a look of pity and said:

"My fiancée, you are such a pure and noble person, as brilliant as an angel. At this time, you are still fulfilling your oath as your patron. But everyone knows that you are just deceived. This also reflects that he What a evil conspirator."

Then, he turned his face sideways, facing not only the princess, but also all the nobles present.

"My testimony against them is not groundless speculation, but conclusive evidence has been found!"

As Prince Devine finished his vowed words, all eyes turned to the prince.

"Flo, the sinner who betrayed his father and plotted to assassinate his father, has been confessed,"

Prince Devine pronounced his verdict in an extremely serious tone:

"Eden is a member of the Last Shaman Society. It was he and the organization behind him who assassinated my father through covert means!"

Eden's hair suddenly stood on end and he looked at Prince Dwayne in disbelief.

Prince Flo said... He is a member of the Last Shaman? !

At this time, he suddenly understood something.

The only person who could add chronic poison to Cassius V's drink without being suspected was Prince Devine.

At that time, he went to meet the king and happened to bump into Prince Devine. The latter only needed to ask his father to understand his purpose.

He reminded Cassius V, but was instead used by Prince Devine and framed and slandered.

Prince Flo was definitely caught on purpose, it was a trap!

Eden suddenly remembered the shaman who resolutely committed suicide by taking poison in prison.

A chill surged up from the soles of my feet.

Everyone thinks, and even themselves mistakenly think that if they are abandoned, they will abandon the Final Shaman Society. No, no, they are still loyal to the Shaman Society, and they still long for the arrival of a great miracle!

That prince did not betray the Last Shaman Council! Even if he faces death, he is still serving the Last Shaman!

The reason why he was framed was that in the process of tracking down the Ultimate Shaman Society, he had been targeted by the Ultimate Shaman Society.

He couldn't be a member of the Ultimate Shaman Society. He had already found out the truth, but how many people present believed it?



Three days passed in a flash.

"Your Highness... Your Majesty has fallen asleep."

A maid said respectfully to Prince Devine.

"Okay, you go back."

Prince Devine's voice is gentle, which undoubtedly makes people feel like they are taking a breath of spring breeze.

"I will go over and keep vigil for my father later."

When the maid heard this, she exited the prince's room.

Prince Devine stood up and was about to go to the palace of Cassius V when another servant came outside the door.

"Your Highness, Her Royal Highness the Queen will let you pass."

The servant said in a reporting tone.

"I see."

So, Prince Devine changed direction and headed towards his mother's auxiliary bedroom.

Not long after, Devine saw the old queen with a sad face next to the brazier.

When Prince Devine came over, the old queen said directly:

"Dwayne, your fiancée said a lot of...muddleheaded things."

Prince Devine smiled lightly and slowly sat next to his mother.

"I know, but Deschanel's pearl was just angry for a moment. When she realizes the truth, she won't be obsessed with the sinner."

The old queen let out a long sigh and said worriedly:

"No matter what, he is the knight of the princess... You should handle it better and calmly."

Prince Devine took his mother's hand,

"I've sent someone to apologize." "That's good..."

The old queen turned her head and looked at her children with benevolent eyes. Among her and Cassius's children, Dwayne was the most beloved to her.

"Dwayne, although God has arranged this unfortunate incident, you must not expand it. If it affects our friendship with the empire... Oh, your father will not be willing to see this when he wakes up completely. Seeking trouble."

Prince Devine immediately took over the words and deliberately said in a gentle voice:

"My poor old mother, believe me, I have arranged everything. Most of those who were captured with Iden have been sent back after their suspicions were eliminated. The emperor who is far away cannot do this. He is just a small night watchman who turned against us. What's more, we have found evidence that he assassinated his father, and the evidence is conclusive.

That emperor only cares about his daughter and this sacred marriage, and I assure you, Althea had nothing to do with it, she was just deceived. "

What happened at that time was that the guards arrested Althea's entourage, but Althea herself was not offended. Prince Devine sent the maids in the palace and the knights loyal to the king to send the noble woman back Soon after, many of her entourage, including Sister Cassandra, were released. Only a few people, such as Eden, were still in custody.

Hearing Prince Devine's words, the old queen nodded stiffly. Somehow, she was always uneasy and always afraid. She woke up from nightmares several times in the past few days, thinking that there was a ghost, but when she woke up , but all I could see was starlight shining through the window, as if God was expressing His wrath through the stars.

But thinking back carefully, these feelings were like dreams. In the end, the old queen thought that she was neurotic.

"In that case, you should go back first."

The old queen said so.

Prince Devine kissed the back of his mother's hand, then turned and left the dormitory, heading towards his father's palace as planned.

When the guards guarding the palace saw the prince, they quickly made way for him. The leading guard nodded to Prince Devine and opened the door of the palace for him.

As soon as I entered the door, I first smelled the strong smell of medicinal soup, and then there was the faint scent of incense floating in the air. The palace doctors said that this incense helps to regulate the balance of body fluids for His Majesty the King.

"You go."

Prince Devine turned around and said.

The servants in the palace hesitated for a moment, but under the serious gaze of Prince Devine, they slowly exited the palace and closed the door for the prince.

Prince Devine slowly walked towards Cassius V on the bed.

Today, the king of Osenko woke up briefly for a while, and then continued to fall into a long coma.

Prince Devine stood beside his father's bed, patiently arranging Cassius V's messy hair.

While he was sorting it out, he said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty Father, in a while, it will be my birthday again.

That day will also be my wedding day. The princess you chose for me is indeed noble enough and touching enough. Even if she rejects me now because of her knight, it is not up to her to choose, is it? For a woman like her, the choice lies only with her powerful father. "

Under the light, Cassius V's face was pale, and his face was bloodless.

“Everyone longs for power, and those who hold it will often hold it in their hands, even if they die, for fear that everything will escape their control.

But... you are different, my father. Although you hold power, you are kind beyond imagination. You have converted to the true religion, but you have never forced others with strong means. You are in charge of a hundred thousand soldiers, but you have never let them Apart from crushing that noble's territory, what else can prove your kindness? That is - you have always given me the power to choose. "

Prince Devine stated slowly while grabbing the weak hand of Cassius V.

He lowered his head and kissed his father's ring, and finally kissed the back of his hand.

"My beloved father, I still remember the days when you taught me how to hunt many years ago. It was also my birthday. You asked me to choose between going into the forest to track the prey, or waiting for the servants to bring the elk. The answer you chose I know that I broke into the forest and almost lost my life there, but... I don't regret it, because my reward was rich, and the gods gave me the elk."

"Now, there is another forest standing in front of me. It is dark and mysterious. Even the midday sun cannot penetrate its shadow, but I always know what to choose. I always know."

When he said this, Prince Devine's voice rose a little higher and he became excited.

"You once told me that hunting is a gift from the gods, but why did you become a true believer and betray the gods?

Father, you are addicted to the illusory salvation. You have been influenced by the empire and tamed by the filthy nest. You have actively become the ignorant people in the dark age.

Ah, you have forgotten the rewards of the gods and the many favors. If you were awake, you might say that the Lord's gifts are spread to everyone, but how can the gifts given to everyone be called gifts? Everyone gets it, but no one gets it.

The gods are different. The favors given by each of them are completely different. People can receive unique gifts that others do not have. However, these gifts disappeared because the dark age came.

The shamans told me that the gods were not unified, and many of them accepted the existence of the Dark Ages. However, another group of gods, the pale gods, appeared to them and revealed to them new ones. The way, the new truth. "

When he said this, Prince Devine's voice trembled, sounding so heartbroken and sad.

"My father, you never doubted me. You promised me this kingdom so early. This made me feel guilty about staining your blood. My father, you don't know. Your son is not satisfied with his feet. In his kingdom, there are no more things on the earth than dust. Only the power of great miracles is enough to make him equal to the gods, and he will become the King of Ghosts."

After all the words were said, Prince Devine shed tears and lowered his head to kiss the back of his father's hand.

Then, there was a long silence in this room, until there was some movement in the darkness.

Theoretically, only Prince Devine and his father are left in this palace.

But actually…

Prince Devine's eyes fell on the shadow behind a tall vase in the palace.

After a while, a man in black robe slowly walked out of the shadows. On his shoulder, there was a crow made of bones.

"You have been watching my one-man show."

Prince Devine spoke.

The man in black robe was silent and did not speak.

There was no trace of resentment in Prince Devine's words, he just smiled.

Then, he slowly picked up a pillow, walked forward, and handed it to the man in black robe.

"When the rooster crows for the second time and the sun is about to rise, then do it. Do it cleanly."

After placing the pillow in the man's hand, Devine turned his head and took one last look at his father.

After explaining this, Prince Devine slowly opened the door of the dormitory and left the room.

Everything went smoothly according to his plan.

On the second day, a shocking news spread like wildfire in the palace.

The king is dead.

After turning around, his face was pressed against the pillow, and he died of suffocation due to being unable to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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