only god

Chapter 704 Judgment of the whole world

Chapter 704 Judgment of the whole world

Eden listened to the voice. At first, he thought it was Solamius who said it, but when he suddenly looked back, he realized that it came from his own mouth.

It is himself who speaks, not Solamius.

Eden's emotions suddenly became complicated. He discovered that his past thoughts were wrong. God did not seem to abandon him. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have turned back into the priest he was before.

After a while, after sorting out his thoughts, Eden faced these head-on, and then said slowly:

"Even if you are right, so what? None of this touches the fundamentals."

Yes, these are not fundamental.

Neither the existence of gods nor the company of gods described by Solamus touches upon the fundamentals.

These can affect Iden, but they cannot change Iden who has become the king of my kings, and they will not affect the judgment.

Judgment is still coming and it is still the truth.

As Eden finished speaking, the original scene slowly disappeared.

The colors of the painting are slowly being stripped away, forming a chaos. All the colors are sucked in, then spit out, and rearranged.

The scene in front of him became far more real than before. The mist shrouding the hall seemed to have been completely removed at some point. Eden looked up and looked around, and found that he seemed to be in the scene.

This time, Eden seemed to be a follower and witness.

"You brought me into the scene. What does that mean?"

Eden asked.

"This time, you are both a bystander and a witness."

Solamus said sadly,

"This is my last appearance."

Eden understood the meaning of this statement.

You will be victorious.

Solamus once said that after appearing three times, she would leave, and at that time, she would return to the world to fulfill the prophecies in the scriptures. After the decisive battle is over and the King of Kings wins, He will judge All over the world.

"I will remember you."

Eden said complicatedly.

Inexplicably, he felt a pang of pity for Solamius.

The sky was chaotic and unclear. Eden raised his head and saw countless pale showers falling, and the sky appeared sickly and unclear.

The whole world is dying, and the end has arrived at this moment. The world takes on a dark tone, and the sunlight that once illuminated the earth has become a luxury.

In such a world, no matter how prosperous the place was, it has become a desolate and desolate place.

Eden saw a man walking on the desert.

He is so independent.


Eden recognized Him.

On this land, God seems to have become a human being. He walks and becomes the savior of the doomsday.

The man was walking in the desert. There were blood stains and bones everywhere. The road he walked was covered with blood and bones. He lowered his head and walked silently, as if he was feeling sad for the world.

The world was so dark that there was almost no light. Looking at the man, Eden couldn't help but follow him. He followed him, but the latter didn't say anything, as if he didn't notice Eden.

Eden followed him, and not long after, they walked out of the desert. They didn't eat or drink along the way. They just kept walking like that. They didn't meet anyone on the road. When they got out of the desert, , just met a blind man.

The blind man had twisted and deformed horns. When he saw someone coming, he said:

"Let me guide you. I'll lead you in the right direction."

But Eden saw that behind the blind man, there were corpses of human beings everywhere. It seemed that they all believed the blind man's words and became someone's meal.

Eden was about to step forward to drive away the blind man, but the man touched the blind man's eyes and said:

"See your fault."

The blind man regained his sight, and then saw the corpses on the road. He burst into tears, knelt on the ground, kept repenting, and asked the man for a chance to forgive, so the man forgave. Him, let him go, leave here and go to hell to atone for his sins.

Looking at this scene, Eden was a little confused whether all these scenes were actually happening, or whether they were poetic and psychedelic symbolic meanings.

Eden just followed the man.

That man traveled to many places, and wherever he went, he brought something to the people there. In this sinful world, although everyone is hopelessly depraved, many people are Standing up and following him, Eden was shocked to find that the road he was walking on was getting narrower and narrower, making people feel particularly difficult. He had to avoid the ravines of desire and the quagmire of temptation. This road was narrow. , many people couldn't stand the hardship, or were affected by desire and temptation, so they fell from both sides. When they left the person, the person turned back and looked at those who fell silently, as if thinking about it. What are you wearing?

Although he is extraordinary and powerful, not everyone will follow him in these last days.

In some places the man was banished and loathed.

"We don't need you anymore," people say in abandoned churches.

There are those who once followed him but no longer do.

They said: "We once followed you and lived like you, but it was too difficult, too difficult. You didn't know how to sympathize with our difficulties. You kept going forward. Don't you know that the road is narrow? ? Don’t you understand that this world is over? At this time, you still haven’t tied us up with a rope and pulled us to walk with your strength. Although this will make us lose our freedom, so what? We won’t leave unless you tie us up with a rope.”

People who are particularly sad and angry and completely hostile to him also say: "Curse you, you are a fake, a hypocrite, and saying that you are miserable is all lies. You said that you have also been in pain, but we also endure it." We have suffered all kinds of pain, and we have endured far more than you, so who do you think you are? We have abandoned you, don’t come again!"

Eden followed the man and watched this scene.

Sometimes he looked at that person, and sometimes at those people.

The man didn't nod or shake his head. He just looked back from time to time and kept looking at those people. So he left, but he was still accompanying them silently.

Eden followed him. In this world on the verge of destruction,

He walked through the valley of leprosy and waded through the land of oblivion.


Walk to a court.

At this time, the scene suddenly changed dramatically, as if it was shaking violently.

The scene was spinning at first, changing at will, and finally stopped after a long time.

Eden lowered his head and realized that he was wearing the judge's gold silk robe, and he was actually sitting on the trial bench!

Became a judge myself…

I am...the king of kings who judges all heaven and earth!

At this time, the first person to be judged was brought up.

It was a dwarf, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, as if he had been tortured and beaten severely.

Eden recognized him. It was Verdo!

The pale jailer pressed Verdo onto the dock. Eden, wearing a crown and robe, sat on the throne. He held the hammer of judgment and stared at Verdo with a solemn gaze.

In an instant, Eden seemed to have regained a bit of divinity, and he seemed to become more perfect than before.

Eden stared at Verdo.

There is no doubt that Verdo is one of the most important people in his life. '

But judgment is righteous. He does not show favoritism or cheat. He judges all heaven and earth.

"I have heard all of your confessions, all of your defenses, and your final statements, with witnesses testifying."

Eden felt a little difficult, but still said slowly:

"You fake the name of a prophet and cause trouble in the world in the name of a prophet, just for your own selfish interests, just to save a person named Eden. Even if he has a special status, if his status is not special, you will cause a catastrophe, and Regardless of his special status or not, it is blasphemy for you to take the name of a prophet."

"In addition, you have committed arson, theft, and fraud, and your actions have constituted a crime. Therefore, I will make a ruling here - you are guilty!"

With that said, Iden knocked the hammer of judgment, and the clear hammering sound seemed not to hit the court, but in Iden's heart. Looking at Verdo, he felt that there was a crack in his heart.

This dwarf priest treats me like a parent, loves me like a parent...

Yet Eden will still judge, for He, the King of kings, is righteous.

Verdo raised his head in panic and looked at him with disbelief. Then, his lips trembled and he wanted to say something, but the guards of the King of Kings had already held him down. Finally, he bowed his head in resignation, He was escorted away and disappeared from the court.

Eden closed his eyes and comforted himself:

“Don’t waver…just hold on and you will overcome.”

This was the last appearance of Solamius.

She is doomed.

Eden calmed down and stared at the door of the court, waiting for the second defendant to come to the court.

The second defendant was very tall. She had silky hair and green eyes. She was extremely beautiful. Even a frown was enough to touch people's hearts. Eden was stunned. He knew who this was - Althea. .

Althea walked to the dock on her own. She raised her head and looked at Eden. Her eyes were firm, as if she believed that Eden would acquit her.

Eden looked at Althea blankly.

"She is fake, this is an illusion..."

Eden warned himself.


Even if it is an illusion...

But when he judges the whole world, won’t Althea be judged?

Eden was breathing rapidly, as if something was oppressing his chest, beating his chest indiscriminately. He lowered his head suddenly, only to realize that it was his love for Althea.

That love beats itself, trying to redeem itself, as if to persuade: Let her be found not guilty.

But how could she be innocent? !

She is a sinner.

Even if she put a garland on herself and married him at that time, even if she changed and was willing to listen to his words, sin is still sin, and it is an indelible claw in the snow and mud.

Eden endured the pain.

This is just an illusion...

Eden told himself.

Even after returning to this world, she will still be judged.

But as long as he wins, he will not feel the pain. The pain he feels now is just the pain of being a human being.

Just like what the scripture says: He is not anxious about the things that people worry about, and He is not panicked about the things that make people panic.

Eden held back, his fingertips trembling, and made a verdict,

"I...have heard all of your confessions, all of your defenses, and your final statements, with witnesses."

Eden tried hard to keep his voice from trembling:

“You have killed people, set fires, stolen, bent the law for personal gain, trampled on justice, poured out evil thoughts as you pleased, just for your own pleasure. You have ignored God, despised God, and secretly blasphemed God..."

Halfway through her words, Althea froze for a moment as if she was petrified, and then said in a panic:

"I saved you, I love you..."

The determination in her eyes disappeared, leaving only deep fear.

Eden endured the pain and insisted on pronouncing the sentence:

"His behavior has constituted a crime, so I will make a ruling here - you are guilty!"

He said, and after Althea left, he silently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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