Mountain driving career since 1982

Chapter 261 Family Success

Chapter 261 Family Success
After the ginseng is "lifted", a piece of birch bark is peeled off nearby, moss and lichen are spread inside, and the ginseng wrapped with an appropriate amount of original pit soil is placed inside and tied up, which is called a bun.

This is a way to store ginseng temporarily.

This was the first time Lu Lu saw someone selling ginseng after his rebirth, so he wanted to go up to see the quality and listen to the price, so that he could know the price.

This is a big product, and each wild ginseng is extremely rare, and the young buyers dare not speak easily for fear of saying the wrong thing, so they have to ask the masters who know all kinds of wild ginseng to identify and price it.

Coming out of the buying station was an old man with gray hair and glasses. He arrived at the table, looked up and down at the man selling ginseng, and stretched out his hand to signal him to open it.

The man glanced at the old man, and slowly untied the twine from the bun, and unfolded it on the table.

After peeling off the moss covering it, a fresh ginseng tree is exposed.

"It's Dengtaizi, the real wild ginseng."

The man whispered, afraid that the old man would not know.

The so-called Dengtaizi is a ginseng with three palmate compound leaves.

"I know..." The old man looked at the ginseng without reaching out to touch it. After looking at it for a while, he said, "You should take it away! I won't talk about it!"

The man blushed, hurriedly rolled up the bark and put it back in his arms, turned around and left.

Things are a bit inexplicable, and everyone is talking about it.

Lu Lu also shook his head slightly, turned back, and called Chen Xiuqing and Chen Xiuyu to continue walking towards the market.

Although the two of them didn't go over to look, but seeing the man blushing and walking away in a hurry, they also knew that the business was not successful.

"Brother Lu, what's the matter?" Chen Xiuqing asked curiously.

"How can you use forest ginseng to pretend to be wild ginseng!"

Lu Lu smiled: "The old man at the purchasing station is a formidable person, he recognized him immediately."

Of course, Lu Lu also saw it.

The ginseng brought by the man has a white main root and is relatively fat. The immature reed is slender and sparse, with only three whiskers, and it grows very long. From the appearance, it can be seen that it is artificially planted rather than natural wild.

I don't know what this guy was thinking, so he ran to the buying station to show off the buying staff.

It's done well, but it's a pity that others are not blind.

Ginseng, known as the goblin, the god grass, and the king of all herbs, has always been the elixir of the holy land of China.

Because of the belief in the magic of ginseng, for thousands of years, countless ginseng pickers have been waiting in the mountains all their lives. Many people even lost their lives in it because of getting lost or being attacked by poisonous insects and beasts. The crazy digging has never stopped. Ginseng is very rare these days.

It usually takes months for ginseng harvesters to find ginseng.Especially on the Changbai Mountain side, during the peak mining season, many young men in the village follow the elderly to go to the mountain to collect ginseng, leaving only the young women at home with their children.

Ginseng is too difficult to get, so people began to move the under-aged ginseng to the big tree for cultivation, and then dug it out after a few years. Over time, this more time-saving and labor-saving ginseng planting method began to be sought after and emerged in the Northeast.

Lu Lu is very aware of the situation at this time. Even this year, some ginseng planting areas in Jilin launched a ginseng production contract model, contracting ginseng fields to villagers.

At this time, the ginseng planted can be sold for 40 yuan per catty, which is equivalent to a worker’s salary for a month. In order to get a higher price, the ginseng even traveled thousands of miles to Shanghai and Zhejiang for sale. .

However, this is a six-year harvest, not a one-year harvest.In the event of a disaster, there may be no harvest.

Guarding the three-zhang land, he slept in the hut next to the land for half a year, and when he got up in the middle of the night, he had to go to the hut to have a look.

In the era of economic difficulties, ginseng farmers could make a fortune, and some even became households with ten thousand yuan. This greatly stimulated the enthusiasm for planting. For a time, ginseng fields in the wilderness blossomed everywhere.

As a result, there was a large backlog of ginseng, which led to a sharp drop in the price of ginseng a few years later.

However, the price of real wild ginseng has not been low in the eyes of knowledgeable people.

At present, ginseng has not been listed as a protected plant and is strictly prohibited from being excavated, but it has not been many years.

This is also the last few years of going to the mountains to dig ginseng.

As long as you can get a big product, if you are not satisfied with the price at this time, you can definitely keep it. In the next 20 years, if you change hands, it will be a lot of money.

Lu Lu is aware of the ginseng trade during this period, so he can plant some in the meadow forest, and more importantly, go up the mountain to dig real wild ginseng.

Such a big mountain, not everyone can break through, there are always people who have never been to, or places that dare not easily set foot in, which means that there is still a chance.

Also, Lao Maozi's Far East region cannot be let go.

After nearly a month of marksmanship practice, Lu Lu's confidence in going out into the mountains has greatly increased.

He thought of Jiang Zewei, Uncle Jiang, and it seemed that it would not be difficult to lead him into the mountain, as long as he was careful enough.

Skill, must learn!

Temporarily suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Lu Lu led Chen Xiuqing and Chen Xiuyu to start shopping at the market.

Chen Xiuyu was as excited as a child, walking happily ahead, and stopped to look at everything new and favorite for a long time.

Lu Lu also let her give advice on what she likes, and then she decides whether to buy it or not.

Gradually, more and more things were placed on the carriage, gradually piling up.

Chen Xiuqing seemed to have become the most reliable porter. She put in a lot of effort and sweated a lot, but she always seemed very excited.

How can he be unhappy that his sister can live a good life.

Of course, he is even more excited that in a few days, he will be able to travel with Lu Lu.

After the shopping was over, the three of them went to Tian Youcheng's restaurant to have a meal. By the way, they resold some wild game that they got during this period to him, earning another dozens of dollars.

Back in Caodianzi, the three of them worked together to move the things they bought into the woodcut log at a glance.

The first thing Chen Xiuyu did was to tidy up her big kang.

For a home, the big kang is not only a bed, but also a place to entertain guests and eat with the family.

However, according to Lu Lu's request, the living room, master bedroom and second bedroom were still divided.

Chen Xiuyu was busy spreading the kang mats on the big kang in the living room, put the big kang table, and then went to the master bedroom. Chen Xiuyu arranged the kang inside the master bedroom very carefully, spread the kang mats, and carefully spread the bedding luggage on it, Pull level.

Looking at the room that suddenly became warm, she couldn't help rolling on it like a child, and when she heard Lu Lu's footsteps coming in, she quickly turned over again, pretending to be making the bed.

Chen Xiuqing also followed Lu Lu, walking from room to room: "It's so beautiful, it's comfortable to look at!"

"If you like it, make one yourself!" Lu Lu laughed.

"When I save enough money, I'll build one like this. When I'm at home, I'll cut down and drag trees when I have free time..." Chen Xiuqing started her own little plan.

Just that night, a fire was lit in the woodcut stove, and under the push and pull of the handle of the bellows, the flame happily licked the bottom of the pot.

The house's first smoke rose from the house.

Together, the three of them made dumplings in the house and ate to their satisfaction.

On the auspicious day of the third day, Lu Lu ignited a series of firecrackers, causing red paper to be everywhere in front of the woodcut.

They didn't go to Tunli to invite people to the banquet when they moved into their new house. Although they were low-key, many people came.

Moreover, the number of people who came was no less than when they announced their marriage.

Fortunately, Lu Lu hunted a lot of wild game during this time, smoked them and hung them in the cellar.

I also bought a lot of rice and noodles.

In the green vegetable field in the vegetable garden, a few side dishes are also quite gratifying.

When I went to the market, I had already expected that there would be people coming, and I had a lot of preparations when I went shopping.

It's no problem to use these things to hold a banquet.

Aunt Duan, Wang Demin, Zhang Shaofeng and a few familiar militia brothers needless to say, Chen Xiuyu's playmates also came to help, Wang Yan and Zhao Meiling also came, even Liang Pao specially got two roe deer Here, his injury has completely healed.

There are Wang Dalong and a group of people working here, as long as there is a little wind, the news will spread quickly.

Those who are willing to come will come, those who are willing to stay will be there, and they will not be demanding.Lu Lu has such an attitude now.

But it seems that more and more people recognize Lu Lu and Chen Xiuyu.

When everyone comes here, the first thing they do is to go into the house and take a closer look, and they are all envious.

The big guys are busy helping out, and the sumptuous banquet is prepared quickly, and the meal is still lively and beaming.

A happy event, the picture is lively and festive.

There is not so much to talk about, as long as everyone in Zhang Luo eats and drinks well.

However, this time, Lu Lu didn't accept anyone's gift money, and the succession of happy events, even though they were only three or five yuan, was not a small burden for many people.

In the evening, after the banquet was over, Lu Lu specially asked Chen Xiuqing to bring some delicious food home when he went back.

Today, Lu Lu and Chen Xiuyu once again saw Ma Jinlan hiding in the woods on the ridge and looking at the woodcut.

On the meadow, there was less neighing of horses, less rowdy children, and less chattering of adults, and gradually returned to calm.

Lu Lv and Chen Xiuyu, who were finally free, sat on the wooden pier in front of the wooden carvings. The setting sun was slanting and the mountain breeze was blowing. They looked at each other and smiled without saying anything. good times.

After the people left, the five dogs finally found a chance to surround them, wandering around for a while, Yuan Bao lay down next to them, and the four puppies played in front.

The three lynx cubs are served with meat every day, and they have grown up a lot. They are almost like house cats. They are already familiar with Lu Lu and Chen Xiuyu, and they are no longer afraid. They were released from the cage a few days ago. Come out, bouncing around all day after Chen Xiuyu who feeds them the most times.

After the two moved into Mukeleng the day before yesterday, they followed into the house at night and never returned to the wooden cage.

Seeing the four pups making a fuss, the three lynx cubs also approached, stretching out their paws from time to time to paw the pups.

Wandering on the grass in front, as well as the group of chickens wandering around with the hens, are pecking at the occasional meals scattered by the guests, chirping.

The house, the big kang, the smoke, and the puppies and chickens jumping around in front of them, chasing the wind on the grass... Who would have thought that the meadow, which was rarely visited by anyone four months ago, would be like this now A place full of life, warm and beautiful.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Lu Lu rubbed Chen Xiuyu's head: "Daughter-in-law, our family is finally finished!"

With a daughter-in-law, a field, and a house, Lu Lu's roots have already taken root here.

"En!" Chen Xiuyu nodded gently in Lu Lu's arms.

"There is only a lack of children!"

Lu Lu's sudden words made Chen Xiuyu's face turn red.

But Lu Lu had already stood up and pulled her into the room.

Soon, the wooden door was closed, as was the door of the master bedroom, and rustling sounds could be heard through the window.

"You or me?"

"How about from behind?"


 The first volume is about starting a family, and this is the end!

  Immediately into the second volume.

  Thanks for the rewards from book friends 20230101083307600, Brother Xiao Ma Ai Tiantian, and Guan Gongzi LK.

  Thank you for your continued support!

  sincere gratitude!

(End of this chapter)

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