Chapter 272

After breakfast, after Lu Lu made those tools, the sun had already climbed up the hill and cast warmth.

The two also led the horses to keep up.

The place where the club was found was several hundred meters away, and Lu Lu was worried that something would happen if the horse was left here.

Only staying within the range of what one's own eyes can see can be reassuring.

Don't worry about chasing the wind Lu Lu, you can safely eat around, Lu Lu can recall it with just a whistle.

Chen Xiuqing's horse couldn't do it anymore and had to be tied up, for fear that it would go crazy and run away without a trace, and someone would have to find it.

When he arrived at the place, Lu Lu immediately looked at the rotten wood he pushed down. Among the dead branches and grass leaves, the mallet tree was still growing alive, and there was even dew accumulated at night on the leaves, which looked pretty and lively. , fresh and refined, and very moist.

To Lu Lu's surprise, the string of money was still there.

Lu Lu had to fiddle with it lightly with a stick he repaired casually.

This stick was repaired with dry and straight walnut catalpa, and it was only used as a temporary tool, not suitable for a rope pick.

The function of the cable stick is not so simple, and the material selection and workmanship are also very particular.

This string of money is also fierce, when the stick touched it, it just raised its head to face Lu Lu, and when Lu Lu touched it for the second time, it bit the stick like lightning, After biting for a while, he finally let go.

Yuan Bao and several dogs surrounded him, whining fiercely at it, probably aware of the danger, it lowered its head, stuck to the ground, and swam to the side along the gaps in the grass.

Yuan Bao and the four puppies wanted to chase, but Lu Lv stopped him and let Qian Chuanzi go away.

Chen Xiuqing had already leaned over to look at the dead branches. When he saw the branches and leaves of the mallet covered by the bark of those dead branches, he understood why Lu Lu said that he didn't know how many leaves it was.

Following Lu Lu's example, he also took a wooden stick and gently moved the surrounding weeds. After confirming that there was no problem, Lu Lu inserted the wooden stick at a distance of about [-] centimeters from the mallet, and hit it with a stone. Knock to ensure that it is inserted securely.

The one in Chen Xiuqing's hand was also taken over by Lu Lu, and inserted firmly on the other side.

The two moved slowly with the knife to cut off the vines and weeds clustered on it bit by bit, and then removed the dead branches and bark fragments covered by the mallet stems bit by bit.

As the forks of the mallet were exposed little by little, the hearts of the two of them who had been looking forward to it began to beat wildly.

"Third grade leaf!" Chen Xiuqing called out happily.

Looking at the three branches on the mallet stalk, Lu Luque frowned slightly. He always felt that the branches were uneven, so he looked sideways at the notch of the branch, and Lu Lu suddenly laughed: " Qingzi, you are wrong, it is the fourth grade leaf!"

Unexpectedly, I was really guessed by myself!Lu Lu was overjoyed.

At the fork of the stalk, there is obviously a forked scar that has fallen off.

Chen Xiuqing also ran over to take a look, and nodded excitedly.

After Lu Lu cleaned up the bark debris under the stalk of the mallet, he saw that the fourth fork had been rotted, which should have been knocked off by the fallen bark.

Fourth grade, this is also a rare big product.

Without the mallet lock (the red string to hang the copper coins), Lu Lu could only ask Chen Xiuqing to take out the snakeskin bag from the hunting bag, pull off the braided thin thread, then wrap it around the stem of the mallet, and tie it to two sticks.

The mallet lock is said to be used to lock the mallet to prevent it from escaping. In fact, the purpose is to stabilize the stems and leaves and prevent the reed head from being tilted and damaged when the mallet is lifted.

If it is in the traditional process of lifting the stick, the cable pulls the stick and the lock of the stick, at this time it plays the role of Gu Bao.

A mallet is a treasure!

"Take a break!"

After Lu Lu tied it up, he sat down by himself. If he hadn't quit smoking, he really wanted to light a few sticks for himself at this time, so as to calm down his mood.

The first time I encountered a mallet in my life, it was the fourth grade, and this was the place where Zhao Tuanqing's Wuli Leng had been active.

Who would have thought that the mallet was so well hidden.

But, then again, if you don't hide it so tightly, it won't be Lu Lu's turn!'s called fate.

Chen Xiuqing also sat aside excitedly, gasping for breath, as if he had used a lot of strength in those cautious movements just now, even so, his eyes still glanced at the mallet from time to time.

Ginseng has palmate compound leaves in whorls.Depending on the age of ginseng leaves.

After the seeds are planted, the seedlings that grow out are annuals with only three small compound leaves, called "three flowers";
After growing in the second year, it is five leaflet compound leaves, which are called slap palms.Slap, corresponds to the number five, and five is close to no sound. When Fangshan people encounter this kind of ginseng, they usually do not dig it for the sake of good luck, and save it for later.

Three-year-old two-branched, with five leaflets on each branch, is called "Erjiazi", because it looks like the two horns of a deer or roe deer, more precisely, it should be called Erjiazi.

That is to say, in the third year, ginseng will bear fruit and produce ginseng seeds.

In the fourth year, there are three branches. Because it is similar to a lampstand, it is called "dengtaizi" or the homonym "dengtaizi".

In the fifth year, Shen has four branches, called Sipinye.

In the sixth year, the ginseng has five branches, which are called five-pin leaves, and there are six-branched compound leaves, which are called six-pin leaves.

After the sixth year, the number of branches of this leaf no longer changes.

Therefore, usually when you see Liupin Ye, it is a big deal.

Of course, how many years the ginseng grows has to be counted from the head of the reed, not just from the leaves.

This is still the garden ginseng that is artificially planted and managed.

Real wild ginseng cannot grow so fast.

The environment in which they grow is in nature, unlike garden ginseng or under-forest ginseng, which are artificially managed to ensure water and fertilizer. Grow fast.

They have to compete with the surrounding weeds and trees for the few nutrients and grow extremely slowly.

It takes wild ginseng more than five years to grow only one three-flowered compound leaf, and it takes five to ten years to barely grow into a slap; It is the "key to the mountain", which means that it is a clue to find the big goods, and there are likely to be many mallets nearby.

Ginseng blooms and bears fruit, some of the fruits are eaten by animals or taken to other places, and some of the fruits are not found, fall off, and are scattered around with the rain or other circumstances, and grow into new sticks.

It is precisely because of this that the surrounding areas are very worth looking for, and there are likely to be other big goods.

Because wild ginseng will break its stems due to animal contact or some abnormal conditions. Under such circumstances, wild ginseng will often go dormant for one to two years or even several years before sprouting new stems and continuing to grow.

The situation is very special.

This is also the reason why Lu Lu told Chen Xiuqing not to leave today when he guessed that it was a fourth-grade leaf mallet.

You know, such wild ginseng can only become a lampstand after 30 years of growth, and it can reach fourth-grade leaves after 80 to [-] years.

It is too difficult to accumulate the essence of so many years, which is also the preciousness of wild ginseng.

Over the past few days, Lu Lu also told Chen Xiuqing a lot about the rules of releasing the mountain and carrying the stick, but he didn't dare to do it, so Lu Lu could only do it himself.

Lifting the stick, the reason why it is called lifting, is also the desire to find a big stick, so the word "lifting" is usually used to loosen the soil far away from the stick.

Lu Lu began to dig the soil with a stick made of wood, and carefully distinguished whether it was grass roots, tree roots or club roots. While cleaning up the mud, he slowly approached the stalk of the club.

This process took Lu Lu more than two hours, and the wooden stick in his hand had to be re-sharpened several times, and finally the stick was revealed.

Thanks to the rain yesterday, the brown-black soil has softened a lot due to the moisture. It is not particularly laborious to move the soil. The main thing is that it is troublesome to distinguish the roots. Also, there is no quick scissors, so I can only cut them carefully with a knife. Cut off the miscellaneous roots that criss-cross around the mallet little by little.

Lu Lu just knelt and crawled to complete this task. Being so focused was quite exhausting.Just these two hours is more tiring than riding a horse for a whole day.

Seeing this small club riding on the rotten roots of the rotten tree in front of him, with more than a dozen long roots, estimated to be no more than four taels, Lu Lu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Finally took it out. Already!"

Compared with the wild ginseng with fourth grade leaves, this is already a very good harvest.

As the saying goes, seven taels are ginseng, and eight taels are treasures. This is the previous measurement method, half a catty and eight taels!
The four liang mentioned here by Lu Lu is based on the current measurement method, which is less than 200 grams.

But even this weight will take decades to grow.

This is still in the case of not being trampled by beasts and entering dormancy. If it is trampled and enters dormancy, it has to consume its own nutrients to slowly breed buds to re-grow, and the mallet will be smaller. This is the real reason why the mallet can "run".

The fourth-grade leaf club in front of him, Lu Lu knew at a glance that it was a bamboo-jointed reed. It has been a long time, and the stem marks have not yet grown flat, and there are ring-shaped protrusions at intervals. Can also count the years in the past sixty years.

The whole mallet is separated by the small tree roots, and the crotch is quite natural and well-proportioned. It really has a human shape and looks full of spirituality.

No matter the quantity or appearance, it is very good. If you take it home and sell it, you will get a lot of money.

What a stroke of luck!

Taking a short breath, Lu Lu picked up the knife, picked a birch tree nearby, picked a smooth place, made two horizontal and vertical cuts, picked the tip of the knife, and slowly peeled off a piece of birch bark.

Then let Chen Xiuqing find fresh moss and spread it on the birch tree, sprinkle some freshly dug fine soil, put the mallet on it, and then cover it with some moss, carefully roll up the birch bark, cover it with a nylon bag The braided thin wire is wound and tied into a sealed bun, and then the stems and leaves are cut off, and the ginseng seeds are put away.

Originally, according to the rules, the ginseng seeds should be rubbed off the red flesh and planted nearby. However, Lu Lu wanted to take these things back to plant, so he carefully hid them.

Next, the two pulled out the wooden sticks, separated by Zhang Xu, and began to pull the grass and leaves, and searched carefully to see if there were other sticks around.

The two of them didn't even eat lunch, and spent the rest of their time in this place. Not to mention, they found two more Erjiazi, which were also carefully carried out and sealed into buns.

However, it was precisely this search that allowed Lu Lu to see the original pits left by someone carrying a stick on a higher hillside, at a relatively far distance, and also saw the marks left on the trees. As shown, what was carried was a five-pin leaf.

The marks appear to be from last year and are almost healed.

Such a stick, after many years, the ginseng seeds produced and the new sticks are scattered into pieces.

If it is a sixth-grade leaf, it will be even more serious, and the newborn clubs can be measured by piles.

This is a group.

Therefore, there is another saying that the head of five is called a piece, and the head of six is ​​called a heap.

Although it has been searched by others, Lu Lu is already quite satisfied with such a harvest.

This search, until dark.

After dinner and a good night's sleep, the two of them searched again the next morning, but they couldn't find anything, so they had to end it.

After simply getting something to fill their stomachs, the two continued to ride their horses and headed towards the direction where Zhao Tuanqing's Wuli Leng was migrating.

I only hope that in these short two days, they have not changed after they are stationed.

(End of this chapter)

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