i'm really only human

Chapter 17 Fear

Chapter 17 Fear
"stop it!!"


Before Xia Chuan entered the training ground area, he heard Isamu Kondo's trembling and screaming, his voice was shrill, and it seemed that something had broken his psychological defense.

Which weirdo is so powerful?


Before Xia Chuan could think about it, a figure of a knight flew upside down from the woods in front of him. After rolling and hitting the ground, he slid several meters away before stopping the impact.


Seeing the whole picture of the knight clearly, Xia Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Kamen Rider Lance, one of the trio of Kamen Riders in the "Blade" movie version that relies on the man-made A-type card "Hell Three-Headed Dog" to transform. Lance is one of the green Kamen Riders.

Although it was transformed using artificial Class A cards, the "Three-headed Cerberus" itself was created by combining the data of all other undead creatures.

If the influence of the wearer is excluded, Lance and the other two knights can almost be called the strongest knights in "Blade" simply based on basic strength.

But now Lance is beaten like a dog.


Xia Chuan looked head-on into the depths of the woods in the evening wind, but he could only vaguely see the faint fire that was gradually disappearing, and there was not even a ghost in the woods.

What are you doing?
"Hey, Kondo, what kind of weirdo is this?"


Isamu Kondo barely maintained his transformed state, huddled on the ground and babbled non-stop, as if he had been frightened out of his wits, and had no intention of replying at all.

Xia Chuan had no choice but to pick up the gun-type exclusive weapon dropped by Isamu Kondo, and when he was about to notify the base, there was another commotion in front of him, and people kept screaming amidst the dense gunfire.

The base ant soldiers seem to have bumped into the invading monsters.

"There are two weirdos?"

Xia Chuan looked at the woods, then turned to the chaotic front, and after a while, a long-haired Gu Langji waving a chain broke into his sight.

Tiger Grunge.

I don't have much impression, I only know that this guy seems to belong to the Mei group above the Zi level, good at hand-to-hand combat, his overall ability exceeds that of Rhino Gulangi, but his defense doesn't seem to be good.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunfire continued.

Xia Chuan held the Lance spear tightly in his hand, and quietly observed the tiger-shaped Gulangi hiding from the rain of ant soldiers' bullets. When he found that the tiger-shaped Gulangi intended to protect his abdomen, the spear was ready to go.

There are so many people, he can't transform into a battle, and Isamu Kondo can't count on it, so he can only rely on himself to fight.

But lv2 is still too reluctant to deal with level 3 monsters.

If you want to solve the Tiger Gurangi, you must seize the opportunity to kill it with one blow.


Taking a deep breath to get rid of all the noise, Xia Chuan moved his footsteps, his center of gravity sank, and at the moment when the tiger-shaped Gulangi was about to attack an ant soldier, he accelerated and threw the Lance spear.

Isamu Kondo recovered slightly.



The spear pierced through the air, piercing the tiger-shaped Gurangi's abdomen with lightning-like accuracy, and the tiger-shaped Gurangi who was roaring and preparing to kill a moment ago immediately entered a state of painful struggle.

As a Level 3 Kamen Rider Lance Awakening weapon, the power exerted by precise strikes obviously exceeds the limit of the Tiger-type Gurangi.


Xia Chuan had just stood firm when he saw the tiger-shaped Gurangi exploding in the encirclement of the ant soldiers.

It's just that, unlike when attacking with the power of the sky, the tiger-type Gurangi after the explosion did not die, but turned into a black mist and reorganized in another place.

"So that's the case, it can only be eliminated with the power of the empty self?"

Xia Chuan watched as the tiger-shaped Gurangi fled in the pursuit of the ant soldiers, and did not continue to make a move. He just glanced at Isamu Kondo, who was in the knight state, and turned and left the scene.


On the other side of the forest, Murai Ryota was sweating profusely, panting violently and fell to the side of the grass on the training ground.

"What's wrong with me?"

Feeling the tearing pain all over his body, Ryo Murai grabbed the turf with his big fingers.

"Just now...was it Teacher Shenyong?"


The next day.

Everything in the training base remained the same, only the students whispered about the Gurangi invasion.

"Did you hear about the Gurangi invasion yesterday?"

"Well, it seems that it was repelled by Kondo's mentor throwing a spear..."

Fujiwara and the others sat down with dinner plates, and couldn't help but glance a few more times when they heard the discussion.

"The guys in Class B are proud again. What does their mentor Qiang have to do with them?"

"Speaking of that Kondo tutor..."

Haruto scanned the cafeteria in doubt, and found Isamu Kondo who was eating alone in the corner.

He said it was a meal, but Isamu Kondo's fingers kept shaking, and he ate a mouthful of rice for a long time.

"Isn't it a bit strange today? It was so strong yesterday, but there is no movement today. It's like a different person."

"Is it strange?" Fujiwara said in a daze, "Maybe Teacher Shenyong asked the principal to respond to it yesterday? And it's strange, Liangda is also very abnormal today... Hey, Liangda, are you not feeling well?"

In the past two days, because of sleeping and training together, he also let go of his arrogance, and became friends with others in a short time.

"Yes, a little bit."

Murai Ryota smiled with a slightly pale face.

He originally wanted to stay in the training ground for a while last night, but suddenly lost consciousness, and finally only saw Xia Chuan vaguely.

For some reason, the power in his body seemed to be very afraid of Xia Chuan.

"Teacher Shenyong!"

Xia Chuan just entered the cafeteria when he heard the greetings from the students, smiled slightly, picked up the plate and went to the window to eat, but found Ryota Murai approaching him like a ghost, and finally sat down to eat at the seat opposite him.

"What's wrong?" Xia Chuan asked strangely.

"It's nothing, it just feels safer here." Murai Ryo said with a big grin.


Xia Chuan didn't pay any attention to this strange thing.

As much as he disliked the privilege, it now seemed necessary to arrange a separate tutor restaurant, or at least a different place to dine.

He didn't have the idea of ​​cultivating relationships with the students.

Thinking of this, Xia Chuan inadvertently looked at Isamu Kondo who was like a frightened bird in the corner.

It didn't recover after one night.

What exactly is this guy stimulated by?

I heard that soldiers retreating from the front line are prone to stress reactions, but this reaction is a bit too exaggerated.

Besides, the other party has not retired yet.

Is it because he has mental problems that he was sent to the school?

It is not impossible.

Xia Chuan felt a little pity.

The Lance knight system is a waste.


Isamu Kondo seemed to read the meaning in Xia Chuan's eyes, and grabbed his finger in shame and angrily, wanting to get angry, but his face changed for a while, but he found that he couldn't beat Xia Chuan without changing his body.

Last night, Xia Chuan not only used his exclusive long spear, but also killed the tiger-shaped Gu Langji in a flash.

Regardless of whether it is a coincidence or not, whether he borrowed his spear power or not, it is very exaggerated.

Not at all human.

Isamu Kondo sat back in despair.

"Damn it, what's going on here?"

Others may not be clear about the situation, but he thought a lot afterwards.

The high probability that Gulangi will enter the base is artificial, and the black Kuuga who appeared last night...

This base really has a big secret.

(End of this chapter)

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