i'm really only human

Chapter 2 Outdated Heroes

Chapter 2 Outdated Heroes
"Uncle, have a cup of hot milk."

Natsuki District, izakaya "Leo's House".

Xia Chuan sat down in front of the counter with a trace of exhaustion, and greeted the gray-bearded boss who was busy inside.

This place is just downstairs of his residence, and he would come here to sit for a while every day when he has nothing to do. In the past few years, he and the boss have become half friends.

"You're the only one who likes milk here, brat," the boss shook his head and smiled helplessly when he saw that it was Xia Chuan, "I don't specialize in selling milk here."

"I don't like drinking."

Xia Chuan turned his gaze to the old TV that was broadcasting news in the corner.

The new batch of Kamen Riders has been selected, and it is still the same as in the past. The whole process will be broadcast live that day, as if it is a grand awards ceremony.

In the picture, the glamorous hostess handed over the silver lockboxes to each selected person.

"Congratulations, everyone is a human hero Kamen Rider from today..."

"Aren't you reconciled?"

The boss rolled out a cup of steaming milk, glanced at the TV with displeasure and said.

"These people don't know what's going on? The scum who just entered the prison can become a Kamen Rider, what the hell, this is also called a hero..."

"What if you are not reconciled?"

Xia Chuan drank the milk silently, his face did not show any fluctuations, as if he would always be paralyzed.

He's gotten used to it over the years.

In the show, the Kamen Riders who signed contracts with the consortium are actually only a part. The official Kamen Riders may not be announced, but the number is already considerable.

It may be an exaggeration to say that they are all knights, but they can be seen everywhere.

With the development of time, now Kamen Rider even has the title of New Era Police.

Speaking of it, it is true that many policemen have become Kamen Riders, but there are also many criminals.

When it was first promoted, the Earth Alliance represented by country A introduced new regulations. As long as you become a Kamen Rider, no matter what crimes you committed in the past, you have the opportunity to start over.

Human beings seem to be opening a terrible Pandora's box.

"Okay, okay, Dad will go back now," a middle-aged man laughed suddenly from inside the izakaya, "Is Taro obedient at home these days? Of course Dad remembers the gift, and I will go buy it with Taro tomorrow..."

Out of the corner of his eye, Xia Chuan looked at the middle-aged man sitting alone at a table in the corner. He wore glasses and had a slightly rigid face, but he was smiling happily during the call.

This person looked familiar to him, he had been here a few times a month ago, he was more withdrawn and out of place than him, every time he would just bury his head in drinking without saying a word.

"Is the guest coming back from a business trip?" The boss asked curiously when he saw the middle-aged man hanging up the phone with a smile.

"Yeah," the middle-aged man seemed to be in a good mood, and he rarely responded, "I went to Jiulang Mountain in Nagano Prefecture to stay for a few days. The day after tomorrow is my son's birthday, so I asked for leave."

"Jiulangyue?" The boss asked in surprise, "I heard that an ancient ruin was discovered over there. Are you from the archaeological team?"

Xia Chuan quietly raised his ears.

Kurodake, Nagano Prefecture, he remembered that the ruins in "Kamen Rider Kuuga" were also in this place.

I don't know what's going on in this world.

"That's it."

The middle-aged man smiled and didn't say much, he took his hand luggage and prepared to leave.

It was already dark outside at this time, and there were hardly any pedestrians on the road.

Seeing this, Xia Chuan subconsciously reminded: "It's better not to stay outside for too long at this time."

"It's okay." The middle-aged man looked at the time on his watch and found that the time was indeed a bit late. "This is not far from my house, and there are Kamen Riders patrolling outside, so nothing will happen."

The corners of Xia Chuan's eyes twitched, feeling that this guy was setting a flag, he opened his mouth, but didn't say anything else.

Now is the time for a new batch of Kamen Riders to be released, and the outside is indeed much safer than before.

"I'll go back too."

Seeing the middle-aged man walk out of the store, Xia Chuan lost interest in sitting down. After watching the TV for the last time, he grabbed his suit jacket and got up to check out.

The stairs of the izakaya are in the side alley, leading directly to the second floor, and there is only one resident, Xia Chuan, while the boss lives behind the izakaya.

The 2nd floor was originally where the owner's wife and daughter lived, but I heard that they divorced and moved out a few years ago.

The boss didn't say anything about the specific situation, and he didn't ask.

Like the original Shenyong Shinji, he is actually a person who doesn't like talking to others very much.


Just as the key was inserted into the lock, there was a sudden beeping sound, and a scream of panic was heard clearly with keen hearing.

is a monster!

Someone nearby has encountered a monster!

Xia Chuan's pupils dilated and his neck turned back stiffly. Despite his calm personality, his eyes began to tremble slightly uncontrollably. He subconsciously reached into the inside of his suit, but caught nothing.

He is no longer Ultraman, and his guns were taken back after he was suspended.

Although the fighting power of an elite policeman is stronger than that of ordinary people, it seems that there is not much difference in the face of those monsters.

For him, monsters still meant mortal danger.


Xia Chuan took a deep breath, and went downstairs with a tense body while looking hesitant.

Follow the street lights and look towards the end of the street.

Ripples of glowing particles are surging from the ground, vaguely separating the inside and the outside into two worlds.

This is a special enchantment barrier developed for Kamen Rider battles.

It is very similar to Nexus' domain principle, but it doesn't have many functions. It just temporarily forms a battle space to protect the outer area and trap monsters who make trouble.


The barrier barrier was not fully formed yet, the middle-aged man suddenly screamed and ran into Xia Chuan's field of vision. He was about to rush out of the barrier, but his right leg was suddenly entangled by a green tentacle, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Calle-Calle! Eat you!"

Under the street lights, the green monster figure fully appeared.

A green hard-shelled body wrapped in ferocious bone spurs, the chest is connected with tentacles for catching prey, and an unknown corrosive liquid flows out from the opening and closing of the black mouthparts above. The most eye-catching is a pair of red blood eyes. .

It is different from the image of the monster announced by the alliance.

New types of monsters? !
Xia Chuan's face changed suddenly.

The monsters that were active in the past were more like the alien beasts in the world view of Ultra, but now this monster is more like the weirdo in the world view of knights.

Is it a world invasion?
"help me!"

The middle-aged man scrambled and crawled away from the green-skinned weirdo. When he saw Xia Chuan in front of him, hope reappeared on his face of despair, and he hurriedly stretched out his hand through the barrier light curtain.

As long as he escapes before the barrier is fully formed, he will be saved!

"Hurry up! Pull me out!"

"Shen Yong!" The boss shouted from behind, "Don't mess around! You will be involved too!"

How can the battle enchantment come out so well?

Ranges can be changed at any time before molding, the farther away the safer.

Moreover, the middle-aged man has been entangled by the monster, and there is no possibility of survival at all.

"Come back soon, Shenyong!"

The boss shouted anxiously.

"You are not a Kamen Rider, you have no responsibility or obligation to save him! Don't be a hero!"

"I know, boss..."

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Xia Chuan quickened his breathing, silently looked at the struggling middle-aged man, his heart was touched by the middle-aged man's desperate will to survive.

There is a huge gap between the strength of ordinary people and the weirdo, but the middle-aged man was pulled by the weirdo's tentacles and crawled to the edge of the barrier.

His fingers were bloody and bloody, and there was an obvious bloodstain on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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