i'm really only human

Chapter 206 Super Powers

Chapter 206 Super Powers

Somewhere outside a water playground.

Sayaka lay curled up in the corner of the street, listening to the happy shouts from the field, as if she followed her back to her childhood.

Playing in the water at the playground with the family, father, mother and younger brother...

In a trance, the laughter of the family of four echoed again, and the figure holding the red balloon was faintly visible.


"elder sister!"

"Look at you, your face is dirty again, just wipe it off!"

"Ha ha!"

"Come and catch me!"


The embarrassing stomach growling gradually awakened Sayaka, and the ensuing hunger could no longer be suppressed.

"Has it been a day?"

After coming to this world, she seemed to be much freer, without endless human experiments.

Correspondingly, with no money and no status, she seemed unable to even survive.

Although super powers are easy to solve problems, but...

"Sister," a little boy passing by picking up a basketball looked at Sayaka, hesitantly handed over the remaining half pack of chocolates, "Sister, are you hungry? Here you are."

"you are?"

Sayaka looked up at the little boy and vaguely saw the shadow of her younger brother, but before she could say anything, she saw the little boy run away and returned to a young couple.


A sound like a jet plane suddenly spread above the playground, and a flying airflow could be seen from a distance.

Pedestrians didn't pay attention at all, only the little boy's father raised his head in doubt.

"Is it an airplane? It doesn't seem to be..."


Sayaka's eyes tightened suddenly, and the picture of the death of the boy's family flashed in her mind. Seeing that the family hadn't reacted, she hurriedly propped up her weak body and shouted loudly.

"Escape! Escape!"

"Is it the sister from just now?"

The little boy looked surprised, seeing Sayaka stumbling and wanting to help, but only took a step when he heard a loud bang behind him.

The "jet plane" that had been passing through the air suddenly turned around and turned into a sharp arrow that howled and swooped down.

Before the passers-by around knew what was going on, they saw the young couple screaming and crashing into the entrance of the park more than ten meters away, and finally fell to the ground like a torn rag.


"what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Call an ambulance!"

"Ha ha!"

Venerable Crow stood on a high place with his wings in his arms, smiled at the crowd gathered below, turned his gaze back to the stunned little boy, and made a gesture of praying to the gods with his hands.


Sayaka's voice trembled, and the phantom of the green bio-knight appeared again around her body, but her weak body seemed not enough to support the transformation. After a burst of thought power rushed away from Venerable Crow, she fell to the ground, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.


Venerable Crow raised his head slightly, his dangerous gaze shifted from the little boy to Sayaka.

But at the same time, a blue mecha knight figure also came into Venerable Crow's eyes.


"Run away."

With the siren sounding the exclusive locomotive "Guard Tracker" entered the scene, Xia Chuan G3-X armored figure landed on the ground, glanced at Sayaka and the boy, and took off the heavy firepower weapon folded in the form of a briefcase in the back seat.

Enter the password to unlock the electronic lock. After simple deformation and assembly, the barrel of the heavy weapon is fastened, and it becomes a Vulcan cannon model similar to the Gatling machine gun.

The main weapon of G3-X is also extremely lethal to the Venerable.


Xia Chuan locked his eyes on Venerable Crow, and the heavy gun weapon seemed very light in his hands, but the armor parts made a slight collision sound while walking.

The G3-X armor is like a set of exoskeleton armor. While ensuring the flexibility of the human body, it is greatly enhanced in terms of strength, not much weaker than the knight.


Sensing the threat, Venerable Crow temporarily gave up his goal, jumped into the air and then dived down again at high speed.

With the super high flying speed and the strong head as a weapon, even the G3-X armor does not have much protection in its eyes.

"call out--!"

In just a split second, Venerable Crow had already completed his acceleration.

Xia Chuan caught the attack faster than the G3-X system, but he did not act without authorization, but indirectly controlled the AI ​​with thoughts, and the AI ​​responded to his thoughts to attack.

Basically, it is a fool's operation. All the dresser needs to provide is his body and flexible judgment on the spot.

AI will automatically judge the wearer's thoughts and actions.

The reason why Bingchuancheng was injured was because he had too many redundant thoughts and expended too much unnecessary effort.

In other words, the matching degree is too low to keep up with the AI ​​strength.

"God forever?!"

In the command car, Ozawa Sumiko called nervously in the helpless eyes of Isamu Kondo beside him.

"Get out of the way!"


"Bang bang bang!"

The afterimage of Lord Crow descended, and the originally motionless G3-X suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun. The barrel rotated at high speed, and countless special bullets rained out.

After a few rounds of impact, Venerable Crow barely rushed forward and exploded with a bang.

Exactly one magazine was emptied.


Sumiko Ozawa let out a sigh of relief and sat back in her seat. Looking at G3-X with a smoking barrel erected outside the playground, she finally relaxed.


The actual combat was as smooth as the simulation, and there were no more surprises.

"What is there to worry about? It's just an ordinary unknown. Since he can adapt to G3-X, this level is normal, right? I know it. The prerequisite for using G3-X well is not to think about anything. , the simpler people are also suitable."

Isamu Kondo withdrew his gaze from the first perspective of G3-X on the screen.

If it wasn't for the exploration team's other plans, he would be able to deal with these monsters that don't have much of a bright spot other than superpowers, and there is nothing wrong with G3-X at all.


That being said, there is always a sense of weirdness.

The fighting style just now seemed a little familiar.

"Officer Ozawa," Isamu Kondo turned to Sumiko Ozawa curiously, "You said before that the G3-X integrates a large amount of combat data, right? What sources are there?"

"A lot, the former G3, the former No. 4, and even the active Agito."

"No. 4?" Isamu Kondo raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yo?" Ozawa Sumiko bickered and sarcastically said, "It's only been more than two years, so you probably forgot all about it, right? You used to be very concerned about the matter on the 2th."

"D-Of course not!"

Isamu Kondo turned his head away, and waited until Sumiko Ozawa diverted his attention before quietly searching for No. 4 file.

"Empty me?"

The moment he saw the information, Isamu Kondo was at a loss.

It's been a month and he doesn't know a thing.

This world has such a past.

No. 4 is the empty self that he is familiar with, but people here are used to calling No. 4, and since No. 2 died with Gu Langji two years ago, relevant information has rarely been mentioned.

After all, even Grunji is a thing of the past.

Active now are unknown, agito and their G3 squad on the police side.

Isamu Kondo quit the search with emotion.

No wonder it feels familiar, he knows Sora on the other side of this world very well.

"What are you still doing?" Sumiko Ozawa reminded Isamu Kondo while preparing to welcome Xia Chuan back, "I'll leave the report to you, write it well, and we can all count on Kaminaga in the future."


Isamu Kondo returned to his thoughts, holding his breath in his chest.

It's all in the copy space, and it will be overwhelmed by the gods of other worlds forever.

After all, he is also a top knight, and the identity of "Hojo Toru" is also an elite criminal policeman, but in the end he was reduced to the G3 team as a junior.

Not as good as a commoner.

This is different from what he expected.

He wants to be a manager, not a small operator.

"If you don't like it, you can quit. I will drink champagne to celebrate." Ozawa Sumiko turned around abruptly.

"How come?" Kondo Yuqiang responded with a smile, "Isn't it just a report? I just write it."

Bear with it a little longer, and the mission of the exploration team will be fine.

At least he has come to the front of Shen Yongxin II in this world.

This time it's up to him to pass the level!

"Thanks for your hard work, Shenyong."

G3——X container trailer, it looks like an ordinary large truck on the outside, but the inside is unique.

In addition to the command room just now, it is also a storage and decoration point for G3 armor. It is usually responsible for the transportation and maintenance of G3 armor and supporting guards and trackers and other weapons and equipment.

With the assistance of Ozawa Sumiko, Xia Chuan took off the armor and put the helmet back on the platform holder, but what he was thinking about was Sayaka just now.

After he finished the fight, Sayaka and the little boy disappeared.

I don't know why, but I always feel that I am afraid of the police.

"What's wrong?" Ozawa Sumiko asked nervously, "Is there something uncomfortable?"


Xia Chuan suppressed his doubts in his heart.

"It just didn't arrive in time and two victims were killed."

"It's not your fault, don't think too much," Ozawa Sumiko turned to look at the police officers who were dealing with the aftermath of the crime scene, "Let's go back and talk about it."


Xia Chuan nodded, and glanced at the playground if he felt something.

Inside the amusement park, the young woman leaned on the billboard to witness the whole process, her eyes closely followed G3-X, and she narrowed her eyes until the truck drove away.

"that person……"

Seeing Xia Chuan's face clearly, the image in the young woman's mind froze back to the moment Xia Chuan took off the helmet, her complexion became particularly ugly.

It's Shenyong Shinji!
"That guy is actually from the police!"

The young woman's fingers turned white, her distorted face was full of hatred, and water jets exploded from the pool behind her short of breath.

She did not tell others that the reason why she was able to wake up early was because she was arrested by the police.

There is no warrant.

It wasn't even the interrogation room that ended up in.

It's an underground research institute that I never want to remember again.

She was the only one among those people who survived.


Police Hospital.

Xia Chuan followed Ozawa Sumiko and others to visit Bing Chuancheng.

After examination, Bing Chuancheng was not in danger of life, but his muscles were severely damaged and he needed a period of time to recuperate.

"Sorry, it's all my fault," Ozawa Sumiko bowed cautiously, "If I had made it clear to you in advance..."

"It's my own problem."

Hikawa Makoto smiled wryly and looked at Isamu Kondo who was outside the entrance.

"I've heard that the reason for that kind of situation is because I think too much and can't keep up with the G3-X system... Even if Officer Ozawa said that it doesn't fit, maybe it's even worse. Oops."

After a pause, Bingchuancheng looked curiously at Xia Chuan.

"Where's Mr. Shenyong? About the assessment..."

"Kaminaga has been confirmed as the G3-X dresser," Ozawa Sumiko told the truth with a look of unbearable expression, "and has already conducted an actual battle."

"Really?" Bing Chuancheng's smile froze slightly, and then he let out a long sigh of relief, "Actually, I had a strange feeling at the beginning, if it was Mr. Shenyong, I would definitely be able to succeed, and now it seems that it is so,

I should have given up a long time ago, compared to Mr. Shenyong, I am no match at all..."

"Why are you comparing yourself to me?"

Xia Chuan looked downstairs by the window, turned around and said.

"Your real enemy is yourself. If you give up like this, you will really have no chance to wear G3-X in the future."

"I still have a chance?"

"G3 itself is a system that can be mass-produced," Ozawa Sumiko didn't quite understand Xia Chuan's thoughts, but still explained, "If necessary, another set is also possible.

And also consider the problem of dresser injuries, if you don't mind, you can join us as a substitute dresser. "


Bingchuancheng didn't care about the matter of being a substitute, and sat up excitedly enduring the pain.

"Can I?"

"Of course there is still a long way to go," Ozawa Sumiko said coldly, "but you can continue to work hard."

"I still have something to do, please contact me later."

Xia Chuan lowered the curtains, turned around and walked out of the ward with a greeting.

There was a malicious gaze staring at him all the time, with strong killing intent.

If you don't solve it quickly, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.


Downstairs in the hospital, as soon as Xia Chuan walked to the door, he saw a woman in a black dress with a hood on the opposite side of the road, with undisguised malicious eyes in the dark.

It’s weird.

If he is not mistaken.

This woman seems to be a passenger who was rescued by him in the Tianliang incident.

At that time, I also asked him to help take pictures with my companions.

How could it be like this?
Xia Chuan stayed away from the crowd, and gradually walked to an underground passage under construction. It seemed to be a rest time, and there were no people around.


The piled steel slipped down, the stones flew, and several steel bars shot towards Xia Chuan like sharp arrows.

Really merciless.

Xia Chuan sideways dodged the steel sharp arrows, and faced the twisted and rolled iron fence with a cold face.

Although it is just an ordinary mind-controlling thing, its strength should not be underestimated. From an ordinary person to a strong man who slaughters creatures at will is just a blink of an eye.

What a powerful and wonderful power, it seems that the whole world is under his control.

The young woman took off her hood amidst the sand and stones flying in the sky, with a smile of enjoyment on the corner of her mouth, looking at Xia Chuan as if she were looking at a dead body.

"You, damn it!"

"Bang bang bang!"

All the construction materials looked like eyes, flying in all directions, as if they wanted to grind Xia Chuan into minced meat.

It's just different from the young woman's imagination, Xia Chuan didn't show the slightest fear on his face, his eyes were cold, and the trance reminded her of the red knight burning in flames in the storm.


A strong fear suddenly surged in the young woman's heart, and the next moment she felt that her superpowers had lost their effect, and another powerful thought power shrouded the underground space.

"Are you also..."

"right here!"

The anxious voice of the woman with glasses came from outside.

"That guy is trying to attack the police again! Only you can stop her, Mr. Kino!"

 It seems that some readers do not know that they are charged according to the number of words.

  I find myself putting together a chapter without wanting to continue writing it.

  If not, then separate as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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