i'm really only human

Chapter 225 Orochi

Chapter 225 Orochi
The future of "Sound Ghost".

Asami Hiroko and the others immersed themselves in flipping through a large number of ancient books and albums.

After entering this world, she became a member of the "Warriors" branch together with Taki Akihisa.

Similar to the World Alliance, the "Warrior" here is an organization that assists ghosts in fighting demons.

"Hiroko, why did you come here to look up these materials?" Taki Akihisa looked at the tattered ancient books in his hand and asked in confusion, "Shouldn't we find a way to leave now?"

"Usually, it is indeed possible to leave, but now the one-time shuttle machine is invalid. The problem should be the white mist and this world," Asami Hiroko paused with his fingers, "And we were involved by accident, and we didn't go back at all. road."

"how come?"

Taki Akihisa fell to the ground.

He wanted to look for the hope of salvation in the world of knights, but he didn't come here to die.

"I don't know this kind of thing at all... Shouldn't it be just a copy of a small monster? Hiroko, we're going to die here, right?"

"That's why I told you not to come."

Hiroko Asami shook his head secretly.

There is only one way to leave now, and that is to find a way to clear this copy.

Neither she nor the knights of the action team obviously had the ability to pass the level, so she thought about finding a way from this dungeon itself.

Natives can also assist in customs clearance...

This is the mystery that Isamu Kondo revealed after returning to this world last time.

"I found it, the source of the warrior organization, and the ghost's secret..."

Asami Hiroko's eyes fell on a fragmented album of "Taiping Fengtuji".

The inside page depicts a large demonic sprite known as "Orochi".

The drawing is ferocious and powerful, like a monster dragon making waves, entrenched on the castle, making her involuntarily return to the age of monsters.

However, what really caught Hiroko Asami's attention was a warrior in the corner.

The name "Shen Yongxin Er" is clearly written in ink.

"Kaminaga?" Taki Akihisa also saw the name, and shook his head amusedly, "You don't think it's the real Kaminaga, do you? Maybe it just happens to have the same name."

"It's not just the same name," Asami Hiroko thought of Isamu Kondo's report, "Do you believe in the existence of parallel space-time parallels?"

"Of course I believe that our current identities are similar to peers, but," Taki Akihisa wondered, "even if Shen Yong has peers in this world, what's the use? Let alone whether it can help, at least it is a few A character from a hundred years ago."



Ancient timeline.

Xia Chuan pulled an old, weak and thin horse down the mountain.

It is said that one of the secrets to becoming a ghost is to ride a mount...

That mage is really interesting, such a horse can be regarded as a mount.

Not to mention whether he could sit on it or not, he almost let him help him away.

Xia Chuan faced the hurrying travelers back and forth, and looked ahead at the ordinary human-shaped demon that caused the commotion ahead.

"Run away!"

"There's an accident ahead!"

In this era, there are not only wars, but also man-eating monsters active everywhere.

He didn't really want the action team to be here anymore.

Instead of falling into panic like passers-by, Xia Chuan held back the frightened old horse, and Otto passed through the crowd and hit the humanoid monster directly.

The humanoid monster wearing a battle armor like a general just grabbed a village girl and gnawed on it. The next moment, the bloody mouth was split open in fright, and the whole body was ignited with raging flames, and it was instantly reduced to a pool of ashes.


"what happened?"

The villagers who were still on the run looked back in surprise, just in time to see the humanoid demon disappearing screaming, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the demon reorganize and finally disappeared into a puff of blue smoke.


Xia Chuan meditated on the spot.

It is also the main body entry, but this time is very different from the past.

Not only does it feel that the transformation is suppressed, but even this troublesome rule goes hand in hand.

If there is any difference, it is probably that he did not use the shuttle to explore the way in this world in advance, and it has nothing to do with the corresponding power system.

Could it be the reason?
Or is it because of the ringing ghost world itself?

If he can only rely on the power of a ghost, and he can't become a ghost, how can he clear this dungeon?

Let the ghosts of this world act as thugs...

He hasn't tried it, so he may not be able to obtain customs clearance rights, but he should be able to let everyone leave this instance smoothly.

"Are you...a ghost?"

A young man in the crowd looked straight at Xia Chuan, who didn't look like a villager at all.

Although I didn't understand what was going on, it seemed that the person who made the move just now could only be Xia Chuan.

"No, it can only be regarded as cultivating with ghosts." Xia Chuan led the old horse on the road again.

"Follow the master to practice, then your master must be very powerful."

The boy hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and followed Xia Chuan.

"I heard that ghosts specialize in fighting demonized sprites. May I ask your master for help?"

Xia Chuan glanced at the boy from the corner of his eye.

Although the ghosts in this world are good at fighting monsters, their relative strength is not that strong. It can only be said that they specialize in art.

As for the frozen ghost mage, his mind power is still at the basic level of object control, so he really can't see anything.

"I don't know much about ghosts, but you can talk to me first if you want to."

"Then have you ever heard of a big snake?" the young man asked anxiously, "Every year at this time, a young girl is selected as a sacrifice in the nearby village, and this year is our village again, so..."

"Big snake?"

Xia Chuan frowned slightly.

He is too unfamiliar with ringing ghosts, he doesn't even know the ghosts of the protagonist group, let alone the specific demonized ghosts.

However, those who can be called "big snake" in the island country are usually not simple characters, and there is a high probability that they are boss monsters.

"What kind of demonized demon is it?" Xia Chuan turned around and asked.

"What's it like?"

The young man wanted to describe it, but felt a little short of words.

"In short, it is very big."


How big is it?The difference between tens of meters and more than ten meters is still obvious.

Whether it is the world of Alt or the world of knights, large monsters may not be strong, but they are definitely not weak.

"I can't help it... Take me to the place where big snakes haunt."

"It's okay," the young man asked strangely, "Shouldn't you go to your master first? Only a real ghost can deal with that demonic demon..."

Sensing Xia Chuan's sight, the young man shrank his neck and led the way: "The big snake usually sleeps on the bottom of the sea with the palace, so it should be safe now."

Xia Chuan patted the calm old horse, and followed the boy to a cliff overlooking the coast.

The sea is calm and there is nothing unusual.

In this world of monsters, even perception seems to be affected.

"How is it?" The young man asked cautiously, "Can you see anything? It really is..."

Xia Chuan has seldom experienced mood swings recently, but he still frowned at the young man's suspicious gaze.

Even in this world, he is still at the top of the knights at level 6, let alone this dungeon world.

If the dungeon also has a level, the highest level in "Sounding Ghost" is the mid-range.

If it wasn't for the different systems, if he was placed in this world, any kind of knight power would be the ultimate boss level.

"Tomorrow's dream!"

A girl in red was running towards the cliff along the grassy path.

"It's not good, tomorrow's dream! Sister Ling has become this year's sacrifice, and the villagers decided to hold a sacrifice ceremony the day after tomorrow!"


The young man panicked and hurriedly knelt down to Xia Chuan.

"Please, please save us, if this continues..."

Xia Chuan didn't respond, but just looked down at the small stone figures piled up on the ground of the cliff.

There was already a young girl kneeling beside the stone man and weeping softly.

"It's Sister Ling," the young man said sadly, "I don't know when, the nearby village signed a contract with Orochi, and every year a priestess will be sacrificed, and if anyone dares to escape, everyone will be cursed to death.

There will be marks on the palms of the selected witches, and this year it is Sister Ling... Those stone figures are the tombs of those who were selected before, because they were all eaten by big snakes..."

"Will the big snake appear during the sacrifice?"

Xia Chuan interrupted.

"I'll come back when the time comes, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much."

Whether it's a normal demon or a high level, he doesn't feel threatened at all.

But if the opponent cannot be completely eliminated, it will be a greater disaster for these people.

Temporarily rescuing the girl under the cliff is also meaningless.

Maybe he will be hated by the villagers.

(End of this chapter)

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