i'm really only human

Chapter 228 The Coward

Chapter 228 The Coward


Coastal village.


Ming Rimeng staggered past the entrance of the village, and the lively village in the past suddenly disappeared, and the corpses of the villagers were scattered among the ruins of wooden houses along the road.

The smoke from the kitchen in the distance is actually just the residual flame smoke.

The surviving village head led the other villagers to clean up numbly, as if they had lost all hope of survival.

"Village chief, what's going on?"

"The big snake is back!"

The childhood sweetheart girl in the corner wiped the soot from the corner of her eyes and cried.

"Sister Ling... Sister Ling's family has been eaten..."

"How could this be?"

"I just said something will happen, and I shouldn't bring Ling back!"

Several elderly people in the village gathered around, and one of them grabbed the girl roughly.

"Yihui, the next sacrifice is you, don't run away! Everyone will be killed by you!"

"Hey, wait!"

Tomorrow Dream hurriedly protects the girl.

"What does the next sacrifice mean? This year's sacrifice..."

"It is said that it is a punishment for our village, and the sacrifice has been re-selected, and the mark has already appeared on Yihui's hand!"


"Is this really good?"

The village chief, who had been silent all this time, suddenly called out to stop the crowd.

"Have you ever thought about what to do in the future? How long can our village last like this? After all the women in the village are eaten up, is there any hope?"

"This is also impossible..."

"There is another way!" The village chief threw down the hoe in a deep voice, "Regardless of success, we must rely on the power of ghosts! Tomorrow Dream, you mentioned ghosts before, right? Can you find them?"


Ming Rimeng grabbed her fingers, her face changed and she lowered her head.

"I don't want to believe in ghosts anymore, they're just a bunch of cowards, and Brother Warrior died because he got too close to ghosts..."

"That's true!" The villagers shouted, "Ghosts are people who have abandoned their human identities. They are the same as those monsters. It's impossible to believe them!"

"Yes! I can't believe it!"

"Then do you have other solutions? Don't forget what happened to the Ling family. Sooner or later, the demon will swallow up the entire village!"

The village chief looked around at the crowd coldly, and when a group of people lowered their heads to avoid their sight, he sighed and continued to turn to tomorrow's dream.

"I know you haven't let go of the warrior, but it was just an accident after all. Even if it's not for the village, you have to think about Yihui. You and Yihui are like brothers and sisters..."

Tomorrow Meng returned home in a daze, staring at the simple spiritual tablets on the altar table.

He is not such a pedantic person, after all, the brother's matter is over, if possible, he will definitely not let Yihui have an accident.


Do you want him to ask his elder brother's master?

As for the other ghosts, it seems that the ghost apprentice I met a few days ago made a move on the agreed sacrifice day, but no one was seen at all.

How could such a person's master be any better?

"Tomorrow's dream."

The girl leaned against the wooden door of the house, holding back her tears and shouting softly.

"Actually, ghosts can't deal with big snakes at all, right? Everyone doesn't know that you have already looked for ghosts..."


"I just have one request, don't look at me being eaten, it will be ugly."

The girl choked up and closed her eyes, her mind was filled with images of three members of Ling's family being swallowed alive.

The bitten off arm, the white legs and feet between the teeth, Gulu swallowed them all in one gulp...

"After this time, quickly find a way to get out of here, and tomorrow's dream will definitely survive."




Outside the main city.

From time to time in the rainstorm, there was the sound of hammering iron, and the ring ghost swung the hammer with his bare arms, wiped his sweat and caught the red iron block and turned it over.

At this time, Xia Chuan was finishing his practice outside, and the rain gradually began to decrease.

"It's weird."

Looking at the clear sky in an instant, Xiang Gui put down his work in wonder, shook his head and looked curiously at Xia Chuan who was steaming with water.

"I heard from Dong Gui that you have a transformation power that is completely different from ghosts? Are there really other ways to transform?"

"Yes, but not for you."

Under the influence of wind and fire, Xia Chuan quickly became refreshed.

Although it can't integrate elemental power, there is no problem with simple manipulation.

Strictly speaking, Diablo Kiva itself is also a "magician", and coupled with the ability of Ultimate Kara, he is equivalent to being directly on the top of a mountain, and he can control the elements with a little adaptation.

Unfortunately, that's all.

Like the frozen ghost, the ring ghost and other ghosts' practice can't help him.

It can only be regarded as filling the vacancy in the past practice.

He had been relying on fighting to improve his physique before, and he seldom even went to the training room of the knight school. This was the first time for such a routine practice.

"Then have you ever thought that the path of ghost is not suitable for you at all?" Ring Ghost reminded with a smile, "Why don't you want to improve your own strength, but become a ghost completely?"


Xia Chuan's eyes paused slightly.

Why did he become a ghost?
In addition to the need to use the power of ghosts to clear the level, it is probably to obtain new knight materials.

He never thought about improving other knight systems.

Originally, this was not something he could do...

"How?" Ring Ghost asked cautiously, "Any thoughts?"

"not yet."

Xia Chuan looked down at the shuttle belt emerging from his abdomen.

All along, I only thought about collecting knight materials, but I didn't pay much attention.

In fact, he has already embarked on a path of development similar to the decade template.

Control all Kamen Rider systems with one belt, instead of becoming a ghost rider.

However, if you want to get a ghost card, you can only bring the corresponding power out of the dungeon first.

To bring out the dungeon, you must clear the level, and you need a ghost card to clear the level...

It's a dead loop.

After all, the shuttle is just a shuttle, not the decade belt.

Further research is needed.

"let me try."

Xia Chuan patted the ghost on the shoulder, picked up the transformation tuning fork and went out again.

"I'm sorry about the previous incident, I just don't want to waste time, there are very important people who need my help..."

"I understand," Xiang Gui said with a smile, rubbing the corner of his mouth, "but next time, can I not slap you in the face? In front of other people, I am still a senior."

"Mr. Ring."

Xia Chuan stopped walking.

"The past can't be changed. What matters is the future. Mr. Xiang should come back and fight with his disciple's part. Escape won't solve any problems."

The ring ghost smiled dimly: "Has Mr. Shenyong ever encountered something that he can only watch but can't do anything about?"

"Probably so."

Xia Chuan thought of Zofi in this world and the alien organization jumping up and down, and thought of his own dungeon experience again and again.

"But even if there is nothing I can do, I won't sit still and do something."

"Mr. Shenyong..."

On a hillside near the blacksmith shop, Tomorrow Dream took a woman in kimono who supported her in the village to observe from a high place, just in time to see Xia Chuan leave.

The woman in the kimono blinked and asked, "Is this the kind of place Hibiki lives in?"


Ming Rimeng's expression became more and more complicated, and she nodded slightly until Xia Chuan's figure disappeared from sight.

He had also inquired about this place before, but he didn't continue to ask Xiang Gui for help when he met Xia Chuan on the way.

"I found the place for you, so it's your turn to do something next?"

"You're really awkward." The woman in the kimono looked at Tomorrow Dream who was dodging her eyes speechlessly.

A kid is just a kid, and he can't bear to ask others to do something.

Obviously the most anxious thing is this guy.

"It's not suitable for me to go," Ming Rimeng said with her head lowered, "so why don't I bring you here?"

This woman was very troublesome along the way, but she was the only one in the village who was willing to come out.

"I'll go and I'll go."

The woman in the kimono licked her tongue, but didn't move immediately.

"By the way, are you only looking for Ringing Ghost? That person just now..."

"I don't need that person, you're a coward." The boy still had a temper in his heart.

"Coward? Is there such a ghost?" The woman in kimono was stunned for a while, shook her head and stretched out her hand to Ming Rimeng, "Give me the entrustment letter from the village... let me tell you first, if I can't hire someone, I still need your help." , that guy is your brother's master after all."

"I know."

"Ask me to deal with the Demonic Demon?"

Hibiki looked suspiciously at the woman in the kimono in front of him, and suddenly looked at Asuka who was hiding behind the hillside.

What a coincidence, when Xia Chuan left on the front foot, trouble came to him on the back foot.

"I'm no longer a ghost," said Xianggui, spreading his hands. "You can go to the temple in the north of the city first, where Donggui can practice."

He is indeed not a ghost now, even the transforming props are in the hands of other people.

"Did you see the person who went out just now?" Xiang Gui reminded, "He can also help you contact Dong Gui."


The woman in the kimono smiled cutely, and licked her tongue secretly after turning around.

Eat these ghosts first to become stronger.


Xia Chuan sniffed his nose and looked back at the blacksmith shop.

His current sense of smell is much better than that of ordinary people. The woman in kimono who suddenly appeared has the same smell as the girl in kimono before.

It's that white-headed monster again...

Be quicker.

If it really doesn't work, it's okay to find a way to seal and demonize the demon.

In the knight system he owns, there are quite a few that involve seals.

Sora himself has the ability to seal. Needless to say, Diablo Kiva's sealing barrier, it's just a system problem that he didn't trap the white-headed monster before.

Callis the Clown also has the effect of sealing cards, although only against undead creatures.

Dragonriders also have a little edge, with a seal card that seals the mirror monster.



A temporary copy that is closed somewhere in the white mist of this world.

The old man from the Fujiwara consortium led his subordinates to stand by the petrified decade's belt.

Since the appearance of the world dungeon, the reaction of the petrified belt has become more and more intense. It can be seen that the phantom of the floating cards has solidified 7 cards.

Kura, kiva, blade, dragon knight, Faiz, Kato, agito...

The ring ghost card also began to glow frequently, and at the same time, a vague figure of a man could be vaguely seen.

"Have you found out who this person is?" the majestic old man asked in a deep voice, "This belt must not fall into the other party's hands."

"Don't worry, President," the young assistant calmly adjusted the experimental data, "The decade belt has not been bound in the first place. Although I don't know who the other party is, this person is obviously not the chosen one. It can even be said that this belt issued It's actually a hostile signal."

"That guy is not a world destroyer at all."

(End of this chapter)

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