i'm really only human

Chapter 230 Something is wrong with this ringing ghost

Chapter 230 Something is wrong with this ringing ghost

Chikumae country.

The sound strike fighters who traveled together finally found out the retreat location of the feather strike ghost, and found the simple house next to the farmland in the mountains, and there was a burst of whimpering and crying.

The vegetable seedlings that had just been planted in the field were mottled with blood, as if they had been dragged, and the blood color did not stop until under the eaves.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and looked silently at the young woman who was holding the child and crying sadly by the house.

Feather Demon's transformation tool and sound strike weapon were all put aside.

The sackcloth covered the body of the robust man who had been eaten halfway.

"In order to protect me and the child..."

The woman fell to her knees in front of everyone.

"I beg you, I must not let that demonized sprite go!"

"Calm down, ma'am," the mage couldn't bear to take a look at the sackcloth, "Have you seen that demonized sprite?"

The woman shook her head bitterly: "I only know that she is tall, wearing armor, and has long white hair..."

"Could it be that guy?" The mage's complexion changed suddenly.

"What does that guy... mean?" The others followed suit, "Dong Gui, do you know anything?"

"Actually, I was also attacked by a Demonic Demon before," the mage said solemnly, "It is obviously a humanoid Demonic Demon, but its strength is astonishingly powerful, even me... It seems that guy is indeed targeting us."

"What do you mean? Is it because of us that Feather Fighting Ghost was killed?"

"If we don't find it..."

"In short, everyone must not act alone," the mage warned in a deep voice, "one person cannot deal with that guy at all."

"Let's go back first, it seems that we need to summon our companions in other ways."

The sound strike fighters had different complexions and exchanged glances with each other.

With this demonized sprite, they don't want to deal with the big snake, they must first solve the hidden dangers.

sea ​​village.

Ming Rimeng was wandering around the intersection, saw the mage and his party returning, and rushed to greet him: "How is it? Did you find any help?"

The mage sighed and shook his head.

It should have been possible to gather the power of 8 ghosts, but there was no result on the side of Xianggui, but one of his companions was accidentally sacrificed.

Now plus the ones who found it halfway, there are only 4 fighters.

There are 2 others who have no news at all.

"Where is Shenyong?" The mage turned his head and asked.

"Mr. Shenyong..."

Ming Rimeng faltered, and when he was about to explain, a crisp ringing bell suddenly came from the village behind.

"Oops, the sacrificial ceremony is about to begin! Yihui will be eaten by the big snake!"


The mage and the others walked to a high place, and they saw the villagers organizing a procession of honor, and the girl Yihui was dressed as a new priestess offering and helped into the wooden sedan chair.

"I can't help it, everyone, let's call again, buy some more time..."

"Tomorrow's dream!"

Before the sound strike fighters could move, the villagers took the initiative to surround them with hoes and farm tools, pointing at the crowd with sharpened bamboo poles.

"We know you care about Yihui very much, can we bear it? There is no way!"

"Don't get close to these ghosts again! These guys are the same as demons, I can't believe it!"

"We can't let these guys make trouble anymore!"

"If this continues, the village will suffer... Don't forget Bell, no matter how hard you try, the result will only get worse!"

The villagers surrounded the mage nervously.

"Anyway, I can't save Kazue, at least I have to save the village!"

"This is also Yihua's own idea..."

"Enough!" Ming Rimeng broke out with tears in her eyes, "Do you really know what Ichie thinks? Ichie doesn't want to die at all! You just want to live by yourself, have you ever thought about being eaten as a sacrifice? What does it feel like?"

"There is no way..."

"You're just scared out of your wits!" Tomorrow Dream yelled at the villagers, completely different from his usual submissiveness.


The mage grabbed Tomorrow Dream.

The surface of the sea under the vortex thundercloud once again floated out of the palace mountain, and there were waves of big snakes roaring in the mist.

"hold head high--!"

"Calm your anger! Please be sure to calm your anger!"

The villagers who had been fighting each other all fell to the ground in fright, and ignored the mage and his party. The few leaders rushed back to the village and continued to ring the bell to prop up the white flag.


Ming Rimeng watched the guard of honor pass by, and wanted to rush to the wooden sedan chair, but failed to break away from the mage.

"Let go, Yihuai her..."

"Do not impulse."

The mage shook his head gravely.

"Acting now will only irritate the big snake, and I will find a chance to save people later."


The sacrificial team walked towards the coast along the path. The village chief who led the way at the front looked struggling, and the closer to the beach, the heavier his steps.

Even in the same village, there are relatives and estrangements, and Yihui has always been like his daughter.

He really couldn't bear the pain of sending away young girls in the village over the years.

But the ghost, who is the last hope, can't do anything to Orochi...

"Is that the only way?"

"Village Chief," an elderly villager behind shouted in shock, "Didn't you see the big snake getting angry? Hurry up!"

"I can't do it, I can't go on..."

"Stop joking, village chief!"

Several villagers hurriedly pushed the village head away, grabbed the sacrificial stick festival and beckoned the team to continue on the road alone.

"Don't worry, everyone, hurry up and finish the sacrifice and everything will be fine!"

The mage and his party watched everything silently from a high place.

"Human beings are really stupid sometimes."

"It can only be said to be selfish. If there is hope for life, it is unwilling to resist. This is also the cunning of the big snake. Before this, the big snake has actually squeezed out many villages. After there were no sacrifices, none of those villages survived... ..."

"I can't control that much anymore, let's find a way to deal with the big snake first."

A few people approached the sacrifice site along the cliff, and soon saw the villagers leaving the girl and leaving.

A few of them couldn't bear it, but they didn't dare to approach them at all. They could only hide behind the cemetery and wait and tremble.




The huge snake leaped across the sea, circled for a week, and then breathed out and rushed towards the girl with her eyes closed.


The tangy stench that was so close at hand made the girl's petite body tremble, her eyelashes fluttered, and she kept muttering prayers in a low voice.


"It's now!"

Perhaps the girl's prayer had an effect, and the sound strike fighters who had completed their transformation ahead of time finally jumped out and attacked the big snake from afar.

Elemental bullets mixed with the hissing of the big snake spread along the coast, Ming Rimeng rushed forward in fear and pulled the girl out of the battle circle.

"Bang bang bang!"

Another round of fierce battles began, and the sound strike fighters gained the upper hand for a short time by relying on sneak attacks, but soon felt the strength of the big snake again.

Even with 4 fighters and 4 strengths, they still can't restrain the big snake.

Although the sonic attack weapon made of special materials restrains the demons, it can't play a role in front of the big snake. It seems that it can only hurt the big snake.

As a result, it only ushered in even greater anger from the big snake.


Master Donggui turned over and landed, and was about to remind the stunned Tomorrow Dream, when he suddenly found that the woman in kimono in the village approached the battlefield at some point.

Suddenly, I seem to see the girl in the kimono from before.

It felt right before.

This guy disguised himself as a villager...


The woman in the kimono smiled brightly, and a silhouette of a giant gradually emerged. Finally, the tall figure of the white-headed demon turned into a monster and banned the woman, holding a sharp iron gun to block everyone's retreat.

A couple who feed on ghost warriors, second only to Orochi's demonized sprites.

"You can't escape this time."

A phantom giant foot kicked the frozen ghost who wanted to support his companions head-on, and the remaining few were sent flying by the giant force just after they escaped the attack of the big snake, screaming and crashing into the cliff next to them.


The two girls are average in size, but they have the ability to carry out gigantic attacks.

The frozen ghost was caught by a giant hand that fell from the sky before he could recover, and was almost crushed to death.

Last time, this demonized sprite never used this ability at all.

The strength is comparable to that of a big snake...


Are you going to die?

The frozen ghost's breathing became heavier, and when he struggled hard, he looked up again with a hideous face with a huge mouth open.

"Eat you first!"

"Frozen Ghost!"

Tomorrow Dream pulls the girl back.

Time seemed to slow down, and I could only watch the four sound strike fighters fall to the brink of death at the same time, and the painful and struggling figures were deeply imprinted in my eyes.

The woman in kimono who has been following him to find a helper is also a demon...


A purple flame suddenly pierced the coast and exploded in the void. The hidden couple's body was blown away to reveal its original shape, and the giant hand holding the frozen ghost dissipated instantly.


The frozen ghost shivered and fell back to the ground. It was a little unclear whether it was real or not, but it was true that it almost died at the hands of the couple just now.


With lingering fear in his heart, Dong Gui turned his head to look at a flame horse wearing an unknown armor galloping towards the coast.

"Is it a ghost?"

Several sound strike fighters reunited back to back, and after seeing clearly the figure on the horse who was also bathing in the will-o'-the-wisp, they all voiced their doubts.

Although I can't see the face clearly, this obvious flame power is only possessed by Hibiki.


The will-o'-the-wisp intensified in the muffled voice.

When the flaming horse rushed to the front, the visitor waved his hand fiercely, and at the same time the flame was extinguished, the transformed figure of the ghost was revealed.


"It's too slow, ring ghost!"

"Sound ghost?"

Xia Chuan drove the golem armored horse and continued to accelerate. He heard the misunderstanding shouts from the frozen ghosts, but he didn't give any explanation.

It's just a name, he doesn't care.

I didn't want to reveal my identity.

He can see the future, and the future timeline may not be able to see him.


The couple who just got up and were about to get angry were knocked into the air again, and a blazing will-o'-the-wisp was ignited with a Kuuga crest on her chest.

After the last attempt, Xia Chuan couldn't tell if he succeeded or failed.

Because the fusion is not complete, a new empty-self form cannot be born.

On the surface, it seems that the transformation into Hibiki is actually just a second pseudo-transformation through Kurago.

The state is very subtle, and it can be regarded as using the Kurata belt as a transfer system.

Of course, it was just right for him.

"You guy is..."

The couple suddenly felt something was wrong, but in the middle of speaking, they were directly pierced by the will-o'-the-wisp, exploding and collapsing under the stunned gazes of the mages.

"Sound ghost?"


Xia Chuan jumped off his horse and walked out of the flames of the explosion, looking straight at the dragon-shaped serpent that swooped down and spewed explosive bombs.

It seems that it is indeed a little stronger than before.

"Don't go there!"

Dong Gui and Ming Rimeng yelled at the same time, but the next moment they saw the big snake flicking its tail to slow down the momentum, and even the explosive bombs in its mouth suddenly scattered.

A trace of doubt and fear could be vaguely felt in the huge bloody red eyes, and it roared and landed again after circling for a week.


"Same as that time..."

Tomorrow Meng stared at Xia Chuan's figure in a daze, and subconsciously swept towards the sea surface. Although he couldn't see anything, it seemed that there was a dragon-shaped monster wandering around.

Mr. Shen Yong? !
"Sounding Ghost" is modern.

The thundercloud in midair finally rotated to connect to the ground, and the roar of the giant creature was clearly heard through the eye of the storm.

"Is this the big snake? Hundreds of years ago, the big snake has this kind of strength, no wonder it can only be sealed..."

Matsuo transformed himself and stood in the center of the altar, feeling the terrifying aura coming from the sky, his shoulders began to tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing the ancient warriors fighting the big snake through the storm, Matsuo couldn't restrain his excitement at all, and opened his arms loudly to welcome the arrival of the critical moment.

"That should be the battle of the seal hundreds of years ago, even God is helping me!"

"This is ancient times?"

As a sacrifice, Taki Akihisa and his party also saw the coastal battlefield.

With the howling wind and dark clouds pressing down on the top, a huge phantom synchronized with the ancient serpent rushed out of the vortex, and the breath of death descended instantly.

"It's over..."


The huge phantom is getting closer and closer to Matsuo.

Everything seems to be going according to Matsuo's script.

This guy will turn the big snake into his own power, and the price is the lives of their sacrifices.


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the dark sky, piercing through the huge phantom, and even Matsuo's laughter stopped abruptly.

"what happened?"

In the middle of the field, Matsuo was stiff, staring blankly at the big snake that had been ruthlessly thrown away on the ancient battlefield.

Without the assistance of other fighters, only the ring ghost easily grabbed the big snake's tail regardless of the impact.

Totally different from history.


Coastal Battlefield.

A series of will-o'-the-wisp footsteps ignited behind Xia Chuan. Although he deliberately hid it, the form of the empty self began to show, and even the sky above was affected in turn.

The transformation of lv6 physique has already surpassed the original Dacuba, even if this is a monster world, it is still a bit beyond the standard.


Following Xia Chuanyan's figure grabbing the sonic strike weapon, the dazed serpent burst into flames more than ten meters long.

The strongest demonized sprite in ancient times has finally come to an end.


Matsuo trembled as he watched the huge phantom above his head disintegrate, and when he came back to his senses, he found that his body gradually disappeared into nothing.

"Why? Shouldn't it be sealed? My big snake..."


There was a chill in the hearts of everyone at the scene, and they watched Matsuo follow the big snake and die in shock.

"what is the problem?"

The two timelines officially converged. Team 01 saw Xia Chuan's flame figure emerge just after they entered the altar area. They stopped in a hurry and used the one-time shuttle to exit the instance.

Something is wrong with this copy.

Level 6... No, it should be considered a level 7 knight, right?
They have already surpassed the copy level!

"Come on!"

Ancient timeline.

Xia Chuan didn't go to the future, he just glanced around and looked away again.

The initial difficulty of this dungeon is the world rule.

Now that the restrictions are freed, customs clearance is also a very common thing.

"Empty me..."

Hiroko Asami murmured and looked at the flame figure that disappeared in time.

It's all too familiar.

That is not the ring ghost of this world at all, but the Kuuga of this world that the alliance has been tracking down.

There is only one possibility for the copy history to change, that is, characters who do not belong to this world appear.

Is that you, Kaminaga?

(End of this chapter)

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