i'm really only human

Chapter 240 Kay

Chapter 240 Kay

"It never showed up."

The next morning.

The restoration of the electric train took much later than expected, and the passengers who had been on guard all night yawned sleepily, but they never waited for the ghost train to reappear.

"Is it not coming? Speaking of the route to capture the gods, it's just the captain's guess."

"Be careful, maybe it will appear when we are most relaxed!"

"When will the electric train be repaired?"

"Very hungry……"

"Sorry, the ingredients in the car just ran out," the beautiful flight attendant said shyly, "Do you want a cup of coffee first?"

"I drank until I felt like throwing up."

"Everyone," Ryotaro Nogami, who returned urgently last night, was not feeling very well, and said weakly when he saw the situation, "Leave this to me first, everyone take a rest."

"Can I? I..."

After a whole night, Isamu Kondo finally recovered and was about to go out to eat when his body suddenly shook, his hair stretched, his pupils were pure black, and he was possessed by Xia Chuan again.

"I'll go out and see."

Xia Chuan directly jumped off the train with Isamu Kondo's body.

Although God's Train is also very important, he still cares more about the main line of this world.

Should at least know about it.

If you can pass the level directly, the battle for the God's Train is meaningless.

The train of God itself is just a relatively powerful time train, and it can only be used here, and it is useless to people in this world.

The ultimate goal of the alliance should also be to clear the dungeon with the help of God's Train.

"It's better to remind you," the uncle captain said with a smile, "If you don't have a ticket, if you complete the contract, you won't be able to return to the electric train."

Xia Chuan paused slightly: "Understood."

"What's the matter with this guy?" The red strange demon Taotaros wondered, "Since yesterday, he has not communicated with us at all, and now he is acting alone. Does he look down on us?"

"Is it possible that you just don't want to talk to you? Who told you to say that others are weak."

"Because Momotaros is an idiot."

"Anyway, he was the one who saved us from the ghost train attack yesterday. He's a good guy."

"Hmph, I just didn't realize it at that time," the red demon god angrily greeted the commenting companions, "Really, I'm definitely stronger!"

"Beep beep!"

It was still 2007, and the world that had turned into a desert due to the annihilation of time had returned to normal, with tall buildings and buildings everywhere, and traffic running normally.

"It hasn't changed at all, why can't it connect with our time?"

The young man in the scarf restrained his smile and stared blankly at the time that continued to run.

The so-called capture of time is to capture the memory of human beings corresponding to the time, and after reaching a certain level, they will be able to connect with the future of the different demon gods.

But in fact, he couldn't succeed no matter what, even if he personally destroyed Zero North and the corresponding time.

The point of disagreement seems to be not Zero North at all.

There must be someone else blocking the time connection.


Later, the lion head contracted with the different demon god and threw a knight of this world who had lost the ability to transform to the young man's feet.

"There should be only one singularity at the same time, but these guys who suddenly appeared are all singularities."


The scarf youth turned his head to glance at the badly injured knight of this world, smiled for no reason, and suddenly reached out and stabbed the opponent's waist and abdomen fiercely after approaching, under the surge of light energy, a large amount of memory was displayed in front of his eyes like a book.

"Copy? What do you mean? Is the inability to connect time related to these guys?"

All the information about this world was blocked by the mysterious force, but there was still a lot of additional information read by the scarf youth, among which happened to be information about the battle for the train of God and other knight teams.

"Haha, it seems that they are not humans in our world."

After retracting his arm, the scarf youth smiled and turned to his lion-headed demon god.

"Do I look in a bad mood now? Right? Are you kidding? How could our world be a copy? These guys are damned!"

"Damn you!"

The knight of this world realized that the memory was read, and his face was ugly. Fortunately, he finally regained his freedom. After opening the one-time shuttle with difficulty, he looked up at the scarf youth with eyes full of sarcasm.

"Ahem, other people are not something you can deal with... In this world, it will be a matter of time before you are cleared, just like those dungeons before...Damn, I finally have a chance to come in, if..."


The young man in the scarf continued to stomp on it with a smile on his face, but he stepped on nothing in surprise.

The figure of the knight in this world faded, and disappeared in a blink of an eye without leaving a trace.

"Disappeared? I look like I should be extremely angry, right?"

"Same as the previous ones," the lion-headed demon god ignored the scarf young man's distorted smile, and explained in a deep voice, "It seems that there is some kind of device that can leave this world. I was careless, thinking that he has completely lost the ability to resist."

Shaking his head, the lion-headed demon god continued to turn to the scarf youth and said, "What are your plans next?"

"Since these guys want to get the God's Train," the scarf youth smiled coldly, "How about we also participate? It seems very interesting to control all the time."

"I'm fine..."

The lion-headed strange demon god crossed his arms, and suddenly turned his head to look at the roof of another tall building.

"Who is it? Who is there, it seems to be a singularity!"

"Is it an accomplice? Let it be handled by you."

The young man in the scarf stretched nonchalantly, waved his hands, turned around and disappeared from the scene.

"It's better to catch alive, I need more memory."

"as you wish……"


In the sound of the wind from the high-rise building, the lion-headed demon god leaped up and landed on the opposite high-rise building, but before he could stand still, he was bounced off by a light-emitting card in front of him.

"open up!"


Xia Chuan held the three-headed dog card and inserted it into the driver. As the buckle was closed, the luminous mirror image automatically returned to pass through the body, instantly wearing the knight armor.

Kamen Rider spear Lance.

The artificial knight in "blade" possesses the strength beyond category K undead creatures.

He felt it more clearly, and his combat effectiveness was no lower than that of a regular main cavalry.

It's a pity that Isamu Kondo has not been able to become a level 5 knight until now, which makes this system a bit dusty.


Glancing at the tall building where the scarf youth was originally, Xia Chuan calmly looked at the lion-headed strange demon god roaring up from the ground, and while flipping the spear awakener weapon, he jumped off the tall building.


Isamu Kondo's only skill card was inserted into the awakener in mid-air, and the mixed attributes were integrated into the spear and turned into a powerful storm that enveloped Xia Chuan's body, and the knight's figure suddenly fell like a storm sharp arrow.

"call out--!"


The lion-headed demon god's legs and feet sank under the terrifying wind pressure. Before he could dodge, he was directly pierced and shredded by the sharp arrow spear.

(End of this chapter)

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