Chapter 247

The temperature in the city suddenly dropped sharply, and before the knights reacted, they saw the ghost train turning and rushing towards it with howling cold wind.

"Anyone else?!"


The Union team, which bears the brunt, controls the zero train to attack, but sees the ghost train passing directly through the zero train.



The speed of the illusory ghost train does not decrease, passing through the knights all the way and entering the world of the dead.

No one was hurt and nothing seemed to happen except weirdness.

Soon even the cold wind disappeared, and the temperature rose again.

Isamu Kondo shuddered, and subconsciously folded his arms before suddenly froze: "It's gone, the administrator pass was taken away! It's that ghost train... hurry up!"

"what happened?"

"How do you chase this?"

The knights woke up one after another, even Kibaou, who couldn't help cursing secretly.

He actually left him and ran away alone.

"Is that guy an idiot? The train of gods is here, what's the use of just taking the administrator's pass?"

"Brother, what should I do now?"

The rest of the bounty knights walked over to Kibaou in embarrassment.

"Are you still fighting?"


Kibaou glanced at Isamu Kondo angrily, and waved back first.

If you didn't catch this guy, there wouldn't be so many things.

Maybe they have all successfully boarded the train of God by now.

"The ghost train will come back sooner or later. Leave someone to watch here, and the others will find another place to stay... Without my instructions, don't provoke Isamu Kondo for the time being."


The world of the dead.

The ghost train passed quietly under the light of the will-o'-the-wisp. There were many undead ghosts and demon gods in the originally empty carriages, many of which had been wiped out by the king of electricity.

Only the carriage where the humming woman is still deserted, with white paper flying like a vigil.

"Listen, if you want to be resurrected, you must overturn life and death, and take back the time of the living. That God's Train is your only hope!"

After a cold reminder, the long-haired man frowned and returned to the compartment where the woman was.

Compared with Kibaou, these undead are indeed a bit useless.

But it was because of this that he was relieved enough.

God's train can only be controlled by him.

"It will be ready soon, Kong," the long-haired man ran his fingers across the woman's hair, "soon we won't have to wait any longer."

The woman's face was numb, and she slowly shed tears when the long-haired man left again.

The faint singing sounded again in the carriage.


Xia Chuan Heikong I was condensed in posture, quietly appearing beside the woman.

The train actually took him on its own initiative.


My own strength is continuously recovering, and I feel that I no longer need to rely on Isamu Kondo to exist, and has become a real entity.

It seems that the contract was fulfilled by fulfilling Isamu Kondo's wish.

Strange, when was it finished?

Did Isamu Kondo make a wish?
"Can I ask you to stop Shiro?" The woman asked suddenly, holding a stack of ghost tickets in her hand, her eyes were full of sadness, "Shiro has become stronger again, even stronger than Kibao, but if it is you ..."

"You don't want to be resurrected?" Xia Chuan glanced at the woman's body in white.

Not a living person, but still able to exist, very similar to the state of the strange demon god.

Appears to be an entity acquired via this ghost train.

"I'm already tired," the woman looked out the window tiredly, "What's the point of such a resurrection, I can't go back to the past, whether it's Shi Lang or me."

"I have no obligation to help you, but the God's Train will definitely not be handed over to Shi Lang."

Xia Chuan followed and looked out the window.

After running for a short time, the ghost train once again passed through the world of the dead and returned to reality, and reconnected to the route of God.


The sound of continuous jet whistle sounded in the dark cave, and with a slight shock, a luminous train drove out in front of the ghost train.

What was sealed was not just the train of gods, but the entire time.

In the light, you can even see the moment of praying to the gods to create the train of gods.


Xia Chuan stagnated for a moment, and the noisy undead demon gods at the front of the car also fell silent for a short time, and everything on the ghost train fell into a stillness.

When the flow of time resumed, the train of gods was completely exposed to the light of the holy flame.

The front of the car is like a huge mouth of a dinosaur, which keeps swallowing time while driving, and finally slows down to connect with the ghost train.


In the cab of the front of the car, the long-haired man's face was tense, and his fingers were tightly pinching the administrator's pass.

"God's Train!"


The connecting rods of the two trains are automatically joined together, and deformed and combined on the road of God.

The style of God's Train, which seemed to be somewhat sacred, has changed drastically. It seems to share the ability of Ghost Train, and it has also entered a virtual state.

"Clap clap clap!"

Kibao led the team to board the ghost train with tickets in hand, and applauded repeatedly when he saw the combination of God's Train.

"It's amazing. It's too late for other people to find out that the God's Train was actually acquired in this way. It seems that you have underestimated you."

Yawang saw the administrator pass in Shilang's hand, touched his chin with a smile, and the belt automatically emerged and transformed into green leather Yajituo.

"According to the agreement, how about handing over the train of God to us? Of course, we will also resurrect you."

"A ghost ticket?"

Shiro glanced coldly at the ticket in Kibao's hand.

"Your Excellency is also very powerful, did you know it a long time ago?"

"I don't have any other advantages, I just like to think more and prepare more." Kibao winked and asked his subordinates to block the passage of the carriage, "How about I take over your undead demon gods?"

"Your Excellency seems to think that I'm settled."

Shiro closed his eyes slightly, a belt appeared around his abdomen around the bone whip, and the golden administrator pass was automatically absorbed and read, and Kibao, whose face changed slightly, wanted to stop it, but he was one step too late, and was bounced away heavily before he got close.



The knight's battle clothes fit together, and an armored figure similar to Kibaou's transformation, but more powerful, appeared in the carriage.

The ghost version of Kibaou, or the combination of Kamen Rider Yuki and Kamen Rider Kibaou, has the characteristics of two knights at the same time.

"How is it possible?" Lupi Yajituo stood firm and looked at the figure of the knight in disbelief, "You can also transform into Kibawang?"

"King Kiba?" The new knight raised his bone whip, and said in a cold voice, "I'm not your kind of guy. If you want a name, use You, King You."


A loud noise spread outside the cave, and several time trains that were about to invade the God's Route were blocked by the collapsed cliff at the same time. We could only watch helplessly as the ghost train crashed out of the mountain on the other side and disappeared into the thunderclouds in the sky again.

"The train of gods has been taken away!"

"Can you still find the route of God?"

"That Kuga Yimo God was also taken away," Murai Ryoda looked at Isamu Kondo blankly, "What's going on? Teacher Kondo, is it your plan?"

"Forget it, let's do it."

Isamu Kondo made a vague sound.

How does he know what's going on?This strange demon god didn't listen to him at all.

As for the plan... maybe it is the plan of the different demon god himself.

Although I don't want to admit it, the Heikora I combined with Shenyong is indeed very powerful, and maybe he can snatch the train of God back.

"Don't worry," Isamu Kondo said confidently while thinking, "My strange demon god will take care of it."

Facing the adoring eyes of the students around him, Isamu Kondo was in a good mood, and even the pain and weakness after being possessed and fighting seemed to be relieved a lot.

He hadn't experienced this feeling of being recognized and respected for a long time.

Especially the students like Shenyong, whose eyes are higher than the top, are usually not big or small.

If you think about it this way, Heikongwo Yidemon God doesn't seem to be that scary.

It's just me like Kurokura, but in essence it's because of him that I became like this.

Possession is a little uncomfortable, but the power is also powerful.

At least in this dungeon, Heikongwoyimoshen is his life-saving trump card.

Isamu Kondo pushed the frame lightly, and the light in his eyes became even brighter.

Next, never say your wish lightly.

After a long time, sooner or later, they will be able to live in peace like the King of Electricity.

I just don't know if I can bring it back to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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