i'm really only human

Chapter 26 The Dark Game

Chapter 26 The Dark Game

An old park by the river.

After Fujiwara Saiji stopped his locomotive, he entered the abandoned building from the river, and before he walked a few steps, he heard a strange conversation coming from above, and his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

Not human language.

He just traced the path of the motorcycle rider, and unexpectedly found the place where Gu Langji was suspected to gather.

But listening to the sound, it seems that there are only two Gulangji.


Fujiwara Saniji poked his head out cautiously, the first thing he saw was an unscrupulous young man with yellow hair, opposite was an elegant woman in a long white dress, with a tulle shawl under the moonlight, and a reflective silver rose mark between her eyebrows, looking like a moon Like a fairy.

this woman...

"Whether it's luck or not, it's really great to be promoted from Zi to Mei, but can you become Ge? (Gurangi)"

Rose girl calmly faced the yellow-haired young man with an unruly face.

"Announce the location in advance, and Kuuga will be there tomorrow..."

"Then I'll kill him," the yellow-haired youth curled his lips in disdain, "If you can kill Kuuga, how about letting me be promoted directly?"

The corner of Rose Girl's mouth rose undetectably: "If you want to become Ge, you must win the game."

"kuuga? Empty me?"

Outside, Fujiwara Saiji couldn't understand Gulangi at all, but he could hear "kuuga" very clearly. He couldn't help breathing a little more, and was about to leave subconsciously, but an old door suddenly slammed down.


Hastily rolled over to avoid the door, and when Fujiwara Zuiji stood up again, he found himself completely exposed to Gu Langji's sight.


Seeing the yellow-haired young man approaching with a cruel expression, Fujiwara Zuiji hurriedly clasped the knight's bracelet nervously, and called the hornet thebee insect instrument while stepping back.

"My transformation..."


The window of the abandoned building was broken, and Fujiwara Saiji flew upside down. After rolling a few times, he lay down on the riverside, unable to move. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the wasp insect instrument in a blur, but was kicked away before it was fully inserted.

The yellow hair showing the form of Grunji also came to the river.

"Kamen Rider? Huh."

The figure of the chameleon Gulangi was caught in the eyes of Fujiwara Sumiji, followed by pure Japanese with a voice of disdain.

"I'll send you to death with my Garume tongue!"


The cold figure of the rose girl also came to the river, and she shouted to stop the chameleon with a blank expression.

"Since the rules are set, you must abide by them, and don't worry about him."

"Cut, it counts as your life."

The chameleon turned back into a human form, took note of Fujiwara's last face, turned and left.

"If you have the guts, go to the central square tomorrow."


Fujiwara Zuiji looked up at Rose Girl under the severe pain, and as his vision became blurred, several afterimages appeared in his eyes at the same time.

It is obviously a terrifying murder weapon, Gu Langji, but it has a unique hazy beauty, which makes it difficult for a young man to calm down.

Dangerous and deadly yet regal and beautiful.

"You...what's your purpose?" Fujiwara Zuiji gasped and asked with difficulty.

"You smell familiar."

Rose Girl didn't respond to Fujiwara Saiji, but just took one last look before disappearing into the moonlight among the rose petals.

"and many more!"

Fujiwara stiffly got up and wanted to chase after him, but before he could take a step, his eyes went dark, and he passed out directly. In the end, he only vaguely felt the sound of footsteps behind him.


Xia Chuan walked out of the corner in the form of a green dragon, quietly watching Rose go away.

dark game...

It seems that they are about to enter the semi-finals, which is the game stage of the Ge Group.

I always feel that this game is a bit chaotic, and it has very obvious traces of human intervention.

He felt strange from the appearance of Mantis Girl.

There are many Gulangji in his memory that he has never met.

It is true that some Gulangji haunts are relatively hidden, such as the chameleon Gulangji, who completed the promotion without a sound. If it were not for the additional killing rules this time, it would be difficult to attract attention.

But now it seems that there are not many Gu Langji who have really advanced.

Where did the other grungies go?

He didn't think the other Kamen Riders would be able to eliminate many Gurangi.

Xia Chuan turned his gaze to the direction the yellow hair left.

In "Empty Me", Dacuba eliminated a large number of low-level Gulangji. In order to speed up the progress, it is not impossible to secretly solve some Gulangji.

If so, there would be even less prey left for him.

Once the final physique is not upgraded to level 3, if you want to deal with Daguba, I am afraid that you can only hope to completely integrate with Kuuga belt.


Following the sensing of the night wind, Xia Chuan's green dragon leaped to catch up with the yellow hair, and landed in front of the street with an afterimage.


The yellow-haired man stopped in displeasure, but after seeing Xia Chuan's figure clearly, his expression changed instantly, and he hastily switched to the Gulangi form.

He doesn't think highly of Kura, but he knows how dangerous Kura is.

The strongest mantis girl in the Mei Group died easily in the hands of Kuga.

He was promoted by luck, and his real strength was much worse than that of Mantis Girl.


After shouting angrily, the chameleon hid itself, spit out its long tongue tentatively and Xia Chuan turned his head to dodge it, then turned around and ran away without saying a word, his movements were so swift that Xia Chuan almost didn't realize it.

When this guy is in the invisible state, the attack can only be judged by the sound and air flow, and in the last second he looked desperate, when Xia Chuan found out, he had already fled to the streets, and he could only barely sense it. to the approximate direction.


Xia Chuan didn't chase after him indiscriminately, the blue light of the golden ring armor spirit stone on his feet rotated, and the current surged and advanced to transform into a green dragon sublimation.

The next moment, the soles of his feet exploded, and he jumped to the top of a nearby high-rise building before leaping again, and his whole body rushed into the night sky like a sharp arrow.


In the cold wind at high altitude, Xia Chuan jumped to a height that he had never reached before, and the night view of the city under his feet was clearly visible.

Feeling that his body began to descend, the spirit stone on Xia Chuan's body spun again, and suddenly switched to the green Pegasus form.

A lot of ground noise mixed in with the wind and poured into the ears.

Car horns, dense voices...

Laughing, cursing, panting... even the loud noise of the high-altitude plane in the distance came together.

With the super strengthening of the six senses, the physical energy began to be consumed rapidly.


Even though his body has not been transformed by spirit stones, Xia Chuan's physique close to LV3 can easily withstand the pressure.

Not only was it not affected by the side effects, but it also easily locked the chameleon Gulangi hiding in the crowd and running away.

Xia Chuan breathed steadily, and the metal prepared in advance stretched and deformed into a Tianma crossbow.

Although there is no pressure on him in the sublimated form of Pegasus, it is not necessary. To deal with chameleons, the form of Pegasus is enough.


Accompanied by the rapid fall of his figure, Xia Chuan pointed at the chameleon with the Tianma crossbow in his hand, ignoring the interference of the airflow, and shot out the air arrow the moment the chameleon left the crowd.


The invisible chameleon suddenly stopped, the sealed text appeared, and the belt shattered and exploded instantly.


"what happened?"

The nearby crowd looked blankly at the gradually dissipating explosion flames, and looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Only the face of the rose girl on the other side fluctuated, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Then it's the dark game."



After completing the attack, Xia Chuan got closer and closer to the ground. After putting away the Tianma crossbow, he quickly changed back to the green dragon form.

This height can't hurt him, but falling in Pegasus form will hurt a lot.

He didn't want to blame himself either.


At this time, a black shadow suddenly flew in the night sky, and before Xia Chuan landed, it accelerated and circled around.


After standing firmly on the ground, Xia Chuan had time to examine the shadow carefully.

A huge artificial stag beetle hovered above his head with a howling sound, and seemed to be observing him as well, before flying back into the night sky for a while.


The "horse armor" made by the ultra-ancient Linduo tribe for Kuuga can be combined with modern locomotives to form an armored chariot, and at the same time it can also be used as a flying vehicle. Core, with self-awareness.

"What do you mean?"

After recognizing Golem, Xia Chuan was even more puzzled.

"Can't you look down on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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