i'm really only human

Chapter 266 copy

Chapter 266 copy
Union branch building.

Underground Parking Lot.

Xia Chuan paused outside for a while, then stepped into the opened hidden gate to the underground space.

He originally planned to look for an opportunity to enter W spacetime, but suddenly received an invitation from the alliance.

"Da da!"

Inside the space, a well-shaped space-time vortex emits light.

Under the light, the young man from the police grasped the trump card memory, looking thoughtful, and turned his head in surprise when he heard the footsteps.

"Shen Yong? You were also called here?"

"Meet you again, you two," without waiting for the young policeman to say something, the projection of a young man in white suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the whirlpool, "This time I'm not looking for you two to transform into a W, but to give you two a chance to become a level 6 knight .”

"Level 6... Chance?"

The police youth's eyes shrank suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

As early as when he joined the alliance team, he had challenged the only level 6 knight RX.

At that time, I lost very badly, and it can be said that I had no power to fight back.

Even if he advances to level 5 now, he has no hope of winning.

A level 6 knight and a level 5 knight are completely different things. It's not as simple as level +1, but a completely different level.

According to RX, it is to break the limit.

"Of course it means literally," the young man in white smiled, "The success rate of becoming a level 6 knight with only one knight system is too low, Mr. Shenyong should be deeply touched by this, right?

But if the second set of knight system can also be promoted to level 5, the success rate can be increased to at least 70%. "

"It's easy to say," the public security youth snorted coldly, "I spent all my resources to upgrade the 'Ace' to level 4, and I can't reach level 5 at all."

"That's why I said to give you two a chance."

The young man in white turned his gaze to the glowing well.

"This space-time channel can send the two to W's world copy."

"This is the dungeon passage?" The police youth frowned slightly, "Didn't the transformation fail before? How did the passage be opened?"

"You don't have to worry about how to open it," the young man in white smiled unchanged, and the image of the decade belt appeared in front of him, "I only have one request, and that is to take this belt out of the dungeon."

"Is this the decade drive? Are those zerg in the W copy?"

The police youth's face became even more serious.

"I don't care about the decade belt, those zerg must be dealt with."

As he spoke, the police youth raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Chuan.

"Kaminaga, what is your choice?"

"Let me go too, the zerg really need to be dealt with."

Xia Chuan looked away from the young man in white.

These people seem to want to use him, but it's hard to say who uses whom.

He needs this Consortium X to get out of some trouble.

And the decade drive is also his goal.

"What a surprise, it's rare that our thoughts are synchronized."

The police youth smiled.

"However, don't hold me back. After all, you haven't been in a dungeon for a long time, right? Now it's not like before, and the strength of the dungeon is not static."

Xia Chuan ignored the police youth standing beside him, but continued to ask, "Are there only two of us? Even if we need level 5 knights, there should be quite a few of them."

"Only the two of you," the young man in white smiled slightly, "The Fujiwara consortium has established a protective program. Only knights transformed from memory can stay in the W instance. You are the most suitable candidates for the mission."

The public security youth who reacted wondered: "What about the one-time shuttle? We can't just go there like this, right?"

"There is no one-time shuttle," the young man in white shook his head. "Don't forget that the Fujiwara consortium is the developer of the shuttle. Even if you take it there, it will be useless."

"Then how do we come back? What if we can't pass the level..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Daochang, there is also consortium X in the W copy, and they will assist you when necessary."


The police youth's complexion moved slightly, and he stared at the white-clothed youth again.

Although they belong to the same alliance, he doesn't understand this consortium X at all.

There is actually a consortium X in the dungeon.

"What's going on here? You and the Fujiwara consortium..."

"Mr. Daochang!"

The young man in white suddenly scolded in a cold voice.

"Don't worry about extra things. Curiosity is not a good thing. Mr. Shenyong is wiser than you in this regard."


The police youth looked ugly, but he didn't continue to ask.

He hates others saying that he is inferior to Xia Chuan.

In the future, if I have the opportunity, I must dig out the secret of Consortium X.

"Let's go."

Xia Chuan took the lead towards the luminous well.

He probably knew what was going on. The so-called consortium X was most likely the reorganized Fujiwara consortium after being annexed by the alliance.

And probably the various organizations that are active in this world.

But these have nothing to do with him.

It is enough for him to evolve and become stronger.

Strength can solve most troubles.


"Come on!"

W time and space.

A figure of a woman in a black wool coat appeared in the light and shadow.

Black dome hat, reflective sunglasses, and a strange white bandage wrapped around the face covered by long hair. The whole body is tightly wrapped, without revealing any skin.

"Come on, you are about to evolve, leave that man... The real suitable partner for you is not Shotaro Sato, he can no longer keep up with your strength!"

"OLD!" Aging.

In a certain bridge hole in Fengdu, the "aging" adulterant using the special Gaia memory is fighting the world's No. 2 cavalry accel.

As the co-rider of W Time and Space, the police cavalry is much stronger than ordinary knights, and the wearer has a special physique. Originally, he was a dual cavalry, that is, W's transformation candidate, but Sato Shotaro took the lead.


When Zuo Shotaro rushed to the scene, the police cavalry was hit by the red wave emitted by the aging adulterant.

The front and back double-sided body, with a tribal totem on the top of the head... This mixed body is different from ordinary individuals, and it is of a high level.


Zuo Shotaro shouted and put on the dual drive, and after calling the partner who stayed at the base, he quickly turned on the ace memory transformation.

Because of the special nature of W, another shapeshifter can complete the combined transformation simultaneously even if he is not nearby, but this time something seems to go wrong.

Although the base partner activated the blast memory in response, it was not transferred to Shotaro Sato as usual.

"Strange, what's going on?"

The young man looked at the Gale Memory in his hand in shock.


Something that never happened.

Can't understand...


At the scene of the bridge hole, Shotaro Zuo seemed not to notice any abnormalities, and continued to transform according to the process.

Because the double drive at the waist has inserted a blast memory.

It wasn't until the W battle suit was finished that Shotaro Sato was taken aback suddenly.

"Aren't you Philip? Who are you?!"

The strong sense of strangeness made Zuo Shotaro panic, and even the knight couldn't control his body.

"Hello, Philip! What's the matter?"

"I don't know," the boy swallowed, "It seems to be another blast memory... But there is no reason, even if there is a second blast memory, it should be the transformation of the two of us."

"What are you two standing there for?"

The police cavalry caught in a hard fight couldn't help but yelled.

Although the doping body's wave attack didn't seem to have any effect, it still brought a lot of burden to his body.

You can't solve the other party by yourself.

"What identity is this time?"

Xia Chuan's consciousness dominated his body, the knight's eyes flickered, and he raised his hands in a deep voice.

It turned out to be W, and it was the one that provided consciousness.

In this way, where did his body go?
This time he came in the body.

"Why doesn't my wave work?" The aging dopant passed over the unresponsive police cavalry, annoyed and continued to release red waves, wrapping W's feet frontally.


Before Xia Chuan could think too much, the knight figure suddenly lost his balance, the W suit disappeared and collapsed, and the transformation form was forcibly released.

"It hurts! My body is out of control!"

Zuo Shotaro struggled in pain and knelt down on the ground, his hair suddenly became white, and his appearance was rapidly aging.

"What is this..."

"This guy's ability is aging, and those who are attacked will shorten their lifespan by 50 years."

Xia Chuan's voice rang in Zuo Shotaro's ears.

"But why didn't I return to my body?"

(End of this chapter)

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