i'm really only human

Chapter 270 New W

Chapter 270 New W

Yakiko Narumi held the O-shaped mouth and looked at Natsukawa W who had completed the transformation, and then at Philip who also rushed to the scene.

"Why didn't I know? It wasn't Philip who transformed... who could it be?"


The whirlwind of transformation completely spread out, and the half-green and half-black figure of W looked a little weird, but there was no sense of disobedience at all.

Whether it's the scarf fluttering behind his back or the knight's eyes that light up red under his razor-sharp eyebrows, every detail of the suit... all carries an inexplicable aura of oppression.

Not only was he not affected by Shotaro Sato's aging, but he was even stronger than normal.

The energy is so strong that tiny currents continue to spread along the footsteps towards the surrounding ground.


Xia Chuan raised his hand and scratched his fingers, quickly controlled the knight's body, and controlled the overflowing energy in an instant.

W, who failed to transform successfully in this world, just the basic form does not seem to be weaker than RX in this world.

The design of controlling two Gaia memories at the same time is really unusual.

It is directly the fusion of two powerful knights.

The difference is that now it is completely controlled by him alone.

No matter the left side or the right side, all of them are Shotaro Sato possessed by him.

"what's the situation?"

The aging adulterant dropped the policeman and turned around in astonishment.

"You are supposed to be aged? How come you are not affected?"

Although it is a mixed body of the spiritual system, its ability is not limited to mental attacks.

It has an aging doped body with front and back sides, one side represents superpowers, and the other side represents fighting. Its movements are agile, and even the speed-based police cavalry can't fully keep up.

While dealing with the police cavalry, the aging doped body unbelief launched red fluctuations again.

Since getting this Gaia memory, he has never missed it.

Forget about the police cavalry, W, who has obviously aged, has returned to normal.

"Come again!"


As the aging dopant body slapped the ground, red and black waves spread like a tide, surrounding W's legs and feet in all directions.

If you are prepared in advance, this kind of attack is actually easy to dodge, just jump up.


Xia Chuan did not choose to evade and allowed the red wave to attack along his legs and feet.

This kind of fluctuating energy seems to have the common familiarity of the spirit-system doped body. In addition to being used to attack the enemy, it can also be used to carry out its own space transfer.

It feels similar to Tudun.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious. After a little testing, Xia Chuan has already understood the limitations.

As in the case of the aging dopant crime, only one person can be attacked at a time, and they cannot move during the attack.


Xia Chuan continued to walk, without being affected while walking, dragging the red fluctuations of the impact on the ground, and strode directly to the aging doped body.


It wasn't until Xia Chuan grabbed the arm of the aging doped body at close range that he finally reacted. It was a step too late to fight back, and he could only watch helplessly as his chest was crushed.


Xia Chuan casually let go of the aging doping body, Gaia's memory cracked and fell off, and the user also revealed his original shape, staring straight at the ground.

No matter how special it is, it is not an advanced memory after all.

It's really no challenge for him.

If you don't consider the user's life or death, you don't even need to get close.

Using the memory on W as a medium, he can also initiate supernatural fire indirectly.

Wanke this kind of psycho freak.


The police cavalry still maintained an attacking stance, blankly watching the aging memory being destroyed.

It's so simple, I always feel that he is a bit stupid after fighting wits for a long time.

Having withstood several wave attacks, he didn't discover the mechanism.


Xia Chuan stretched out his hand to pull out the memory, and the W knight's suit instantly fell off in the gust of wind, reverting back to the appearance of Zuo Shotaro.

The original white hair has disappeared and her youthful appearance has been successfully restored.

It's just that the spirit has declined and become a little ordinary.

At the end of the battle, Xia Chuan did not continue to occupy the body, but returned it to Zuo Xiangtaro himself.

The current Shotaro Sato's body can't fully carry his spiritual will.


Shotaro Sato touched his body and cheeks in disbelief, and when he turned around, he happened to see Philip and Ryu Terui who were still in a daze.

He wanted to say hello, but quickly regained his composure and silently left the scene wearing a double driver.

It wasn't his own strength just now, so there was nothing to be happy about.

He had already figured it out. He had planned to withdraw from the beginning, and now there was nothing wrong with Philip partnering with Ryu Terui.

The reason why Xia Chuan was transformed was also to prove himself in front of everyone and keep a little worthless face.

It's not that I'm trash, but that I have a better choice...

Thinking about it is really a bit naive.

"In the end, I'm just fooling myself and others."

Shotaro Sato smiled wryly and looked back at the square.

It looks very cool to leave without looking back.

But did his friendship with Philip end there?
"Don't forget to help me find my body." Xia Chuan reminded.

Similar to the original Yimo God, now he has completed the contract, and can use Zuo Shotaro's body until he finds the body.

However, it is better to leave the specific search to Shotaro Sato.

This guy is a detective himself, and he has a very deep friendship with Philip. He is the best candidate to find the body and investigate the Fujiwara consortium.

"Of course I won't forget."

Shotaro Zuo let out a breath and looked away.

"But then again, you can't just ask me to look for it like this, can you? At least there must be a photo or something."

"Forget about photos."

How could Xia Chuan provide photos for public investigation?

The Fujiwara Foundation must have known him.

"However, I can provide some keywords. First of all, it must be in this city, then it has been in a vegetative state, and then it is time..."

"That's all?" Zuo Xiangtaro frowned and said, "It's too general, and you want Phillip to search, right? Although I don't know how you know it so well, is it appropriate to ask Phillip for help now? I also have face."

"It's just that you can't transform into W together, so you are not partners?"

Xia Chuan changed his posture and floated in the sea of ​​books in the Earth Library.

"If you can't let go of your face, you can replace me..."

"No, no need, I'd better go on my own."

Shotaro Sato trembled.

The battle was fine, other times he really didn't want to experience the feeling of being controlled by his body.


"Ha ha!"

Fengdu construction site.

The public security youth gasped for breath and released the transformation. Looking at the glacier memory that burst after the violent explosion in front of him, a smile finally appeared on his pale face.


The dungeon world first battle was successful.

Although the process is a bit ugly, the result is good.


Before the public security youth could fully recover, there was a sudden explosion in the distant building, and a ball of burning flames pierced through the building like a cannonball, constantly zooming in in the field of vision.

The sense of mortal threat made his hair stand on end.


What the hell is going on in this world?

(End of this chapter)

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