i'm really only human

Chapter 274 The Envoy of the Consortium

Chapter 274 The Envoy of the Consortium

"What a silly girl, actually helping outsiders."

Sonosaki Ryuhei stepped out of the restaurant, and the golden memory in his hand automatically flew into the driver after activation.

"TERROR!" Fear.


The blue-black fluctuations spread instantly, and Sonosaki Ryuhei, who had transformed into a boss mixed body, came over the heads of Sonosaki Saeko and the doctor.

The whole world seemed to be dissolving, and the blue liquid eroded and gathered towards the two fleeing.

"If you touch it, it's over!"

Saeko Sonosaki, who knew her father's terror well, gritted her teeth, quickly activated the forbidden memory, and flew away from the only gap with the doctor after transforming.


"What is this?" Tooth Bat II fluttered its wings blankly, "It feels a little scary."

"The power of fear memory belongs to the type of mental interference."

Xia Chuan witnessed Sonosaki Ryubei's ability outside the courtyard.

Perhaps because of her daughter, she only acted as a deterrent, but did not attack, and quickly disappeared.

"Don't you feel scared?"

Zuo Shoutaro curled up tremblingly in the consciousness space, his eyes gradually became incoherent under the distracted eyes.

"That's how I feel. I can't help but tremble. The Sonosaki family is indeed the source of everything... Let's go now..."

"calm down."

Through the fence, Xia Chuan glanced around the Sonosaki family's mansion, which had regained its calm.

"People who see this power will be mentally disturbed, which will produce psychological hints, and it is not really dangerous."

"But I can't control myself now," Sato Shotaro gasped for breath, crossing his arms, "Is the mental disturbance so severe?"

"Fear memory will enhance the fear in the target's heart, don't think about it and you'll be fine."

"Don't think about it... you can't do it at all..."

"Believe in yourself, Shotaro."

Xia Chuan raised his fingers, using his mind to isolate mental interference, and prepared to temporarily withdraw from consciousness.

"As long as you believe, you can become very strong by yourself."

"Are you leaving?"

Shotaro Zuo suddenly panicked, forgetting even his fear for a while.

Even though it was only a short day and two battles, I have never even seen each other face to face, but I don't know why, it always feels empty to be separated suddenly.

This temporary partner is really unforgettable.

It has been a long time since my former master, Uncle Narumi, has felt that kind of peace of mind.

It seems to be able to see a giant with a solid back.

Not only pulled him out of the abyss of aging, but also saved Fengdu by destroying the giant Fengshen pterosaur at a critical moment.

He felt the strength of that monster very clearly. Although it was easily eliminated, its strength was actually far superior to that of the small Fengshen pterosaur.


Xia Chuan's consciousness subsided, but the expected white space did not appear, and when he opened his eyes, he was already in a luxurious bedroom.

Return directly to the body?

Yes, it seems there is no choice at all.

Xia Chuan sat up quickly, and after a brief physical examination, he sensed the Earth Library again.

The database connection is not broken, it's just that the match is less than 50%.

Only when you reach 50% can you enter, and you need 100% to check the information.

As the relevant data and information came into his mind, Xia Chuan walked to the window with all his thoughts, opened the curtains and looked at Zuo Xiangtaro, who was leaning on the fence with his head buried.

The medium seems to be Shotaro Sato.

For some reason, this protagonist became the key to his connection to the Earth Library.

It stands to reason that at least it should be another protagonist, Philip.

The two of them are the same protagonists, and Shotarou Zuo is a bit like a make-up person. Many times he is like a younger brother who needs to be taken care of.

When I first became W, it was just a matter of rushing to get on the shelves. I was a half-assed guy who had to take on the responsibility alone because my master was killed in battle.

"Are you crying?" Tooth Bat II hovered in mid-air, suspiciously looking at Shotaro Zuo, who was sniffling and choking.

"What are you talking about? I didn't cry."

Shotaro Zuo wiped the corners of his eyes and looked at the gate of Sonosaki's mansion again.

"Kaminaga's body should be inside, right? Let's find a way to rescue him..."

"God is back?" Tooth Bat II realized later, ignored Shotaro Zuo, and flew back to the mansion with high-speed wings.


Sonosaki's restaurant.

The new afternoon tea or the real meal time is coming, and delicacies made by top pastry chefs from all over the world are served on the table one after another.

Yakiko Narumi shrank her head the whole time, not even daring to take a second look.

Fortunately, because of the relationship between the eldest daughter and the doctor's rebellion, Sonosaki Ryuhei didn't care about her for the time being.


Sonosaki Wakana absent-mindedly took a bite of the dessert, her eyes fixed on her sister Saeko's seat.

In the beginning, it was a family of five, but now even my sister is gone.

"Only the two of us are left to eat..."

"Now is not the time to be sad, Wakana, from now on you will be in charge of our museum," Sonosaki Ryuhei said blankly, "Don't you want to marry the messenger? Now is your best chance."

"But father, my sister used to manage it, I..."

Sonosaki Wakana bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

Her ideal is to become the best idol artist.

Although her sister only talked about this when she was here, she has never been exposed to the dark side of the museum.

"Haha, when it comes to the messenger, the messenger just happened to be here."

Sonosaki Ryuhei suddenly stood up with a smile, and turned to meet Xia Chuan who came down from the second floor.

White suit with big back, typical dress of Consortium X.

"I slept for a long time, but the person in charge of the investment should be Mr. Jiatou of your company. I don't know what the envoy's name is?"

Sonosaki Ryuhei smiled kindly, narrowed his eyes slightly to feel the unknown threat from Xia Chuan, and secretly squeezed the memory of fear.

Although he heard that there would be a messenger coming early in the morning, Xia Chuan's appearance made him somewhat puzzled.

"I'm Shenyong Shinji. I'm not the person in charge of investment. If I really want to say it, I'm an investigator." Xia Chuan walked down the stairs step by step.

He now represents Consortium X in this world, and is much more advanced than the consortium X messenger in the dungeon.


Sonosaki Ryuhei's expression changed slightly, and then he continued to speak with a smile.

"What is Consortium X worried about? Our plan is going well, and we are about to enter the final stage. There is nothing to investigate, right?"

"The final stage?"

"I changed the person in charge and everything is now in charge of the people I trust the most,"

Sonosaki Ryuhei walked behind the second daughter Wakana.

"Wakana is very talented and will definitely surprise your company."


Sonosaki Wakana clenched the corner of her clothes anxiously, and didn't even dare to look at Xia Chuan.

At this moment, Yakiko Narumi, who was hiding in the dark, also saw Xia Chuan clearly. After hearing the conversation, she couldn't help but stare, and her mouth became O-shaped again like a hen.

"Why don't I know? He is Shen Yongxin Er? It seems to be a great big shot..."

Secretly flustered, Narumi Yakiko didn't even take notes, and hurriedly retreated into the kitchen, preparing to leave through the back door.

"We need to inform Shotaro and the others quickly!"


Sonosaki Ryubei put the belt on the pet cat in a cold voice.

"There's a mouse in the house. Go catch it."

"Don't worry about her," Xia Chuan sat down at the dining table and stopped the fat cat covered in fried hair, "Dessert will continue."

(End of this chapter)

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