i'm really only human

Chapter 277 Adding the first order

Chapter 277 Adding the first order

Fengdu Hotel.

Sonosaki Saeko woke up from her sleep. As soon as she sat up, she saw Kato Jun standing by the window with her hands behind her back.

Familiar outfit in white.

"Are you also from the consortium? Why do you want to save me?"

"do not worry."

Jia Tou turned around in response, smiling like a robot.

"I am the real messenger of the consortium, the Sonosaki family is just a fake."


Sonosaki Saeko couldn't tell the truth from the false, so she hurriedly climbed out of bed and packed her belongings.

She doesn't have any good feelings towards the people in the consortium now, whether it's true or not.

"You'd better not go out yet," Ga Toushun walked to the living room and sat down, picking up a cup of coffee. "That pet cat is still looking for you everywhere."

"What on earth do you want to do?" Sonosaki Saeko stopped at the door of the room.

"Of course I want Miss Saeko to make a comeback and become the real person in charge of the museum."

Taste the coffee slowly and smoothly.

"Why, I fell in love with Saeko-san from the first moment I saw her..."

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you!" Sonosaki Saeko said coldly as she walked towards the exit of the suite.

"Looks like I'm joking?"

Katojun looked sideways at Sonosaki Saeko, the coffee cup in his hand fell to pieces and the coffee stains even splashed on Sonosaki Saeko's legs.

"If you go to find that doctor, it should be too late. Not only in the museum, too many people want to kill him. That kind of person is not worthy of your memory at all."

Sonosaki's eyes tightened: "Doctor, he..."

"When did the queen of the museum become so fragile?" Katou Shun stood up and smiled, "Compared to that man, you should be more concerned about yourself now, right? I thought Miss Saeko just regarded that man as an overthrower." Here comes father’s chess piece.”

"What on earth do you want to do?" Sonosaki Saeko let go of the door handle with a sullen face, "Even if you are the real messenger of the consortium, you should stand by your father's side..."

"Didn't I tell you? I like Miss Saeko."

A smile appeared on Ka Tou Shun's stiff face again.

"As long as Ms. Saeko listens to my words, there is still a chance to turn defeat into victory, but first, I have to deal with that impostor."



It rained heavily again in the streets of Fengdu, but this time it was not specially controlled by the meteorological agent.

As the rolling thunder reverberated, the figure of Xia Chuan's Gale Knight appeared in the rain. The frightened shouts of the escaping weather dopant were stuck in their throats. Before they could activate their abilities, they were restrained by the seal barrier emerging under their feet.

"Stop...I can replace Sonosaki Ryubei and serve the consortium..."


A series of raindrops suddenly hovered in the air, and the next moment the meteorological adulteration exploded under the cutting of the wind blade. The meteorological memory that was thrown away was directly shattered and dissipated. Only the skinny doctor was left staring at the ground, splashing with debris. Splash.


"I've read your profile." Xia Chuan glanced down at the struggling doctor in the rain. "Because of his own emptiness, he frequently committed serial murders, and countless people died..."

"Do you also care about this?" The doctor collapsed and smiled miserably, "I can't understand...don't you see my strength and my value? Sonosaki Ryubei has always had his own selfish motives, but I am different..."

"it's the same."

Xia Chuan turned around and left the scene.

Maybe the doctor is also a powerful character, but it doesn't feel like it at all to him.

Gale's speed and his own ability failed to bring out the power of the meteorological memory.

Not much different from ordinary dopants.

As for value... worthless.

He is not from Consortium X at all.

"Over there! The meteorological ability... it should be that guy from Isaka!"

There was a buzz of motorcycles on the street. Terui Ryuu, who had transformed into the wind-accelerating form, walked through the rain curtain and stopped to look directly at Natsukawa in the wind-accelerating form. He wanted to ask questions but saw Natsukawa disappear in a flash.

"So fast……"

"Ha ha!"

The rain intensified, and the doctor fell to the ground again while screaming, and immediately grabbed his neck in pain. Black memory body interface patterns spread all over his body, and his body began to collapse uncontrollably.

"This guy... overused the memory and got the backlash!"

Terui Ryuu and the other two turned their attention to the doctor.

"To this extent...how many times have you conducted experiments on your own body?"

"Is it Terui Ryuu?"

The doctor gasped and crawled out of the puddle, smiling strangely at Hayate W.

"What a pity. It seems that you can't seek revenge from me. I still remember that your sister kept calling your name before she died, haha..."


"Don't worry, sooner or later you will be dealt with by that guy from Consortium X. I'll be waiting for you in hell!"

Terui Ryu pulled out the memory device to release the transformation, letting the rain wet his hair and flowed over his face, watching the doctor disappear quickly with cold eyes. .

Even though his enemy turned into ashes in front of his eyes, the anger in his heart did not disappear at all.

"Consortium X...are those guys the real source?"

"That's right, Consortium X and Sonosaki Ryubei are your real enemies!"

The masked woman appeared at the intersection holding an umbrella and shouted loudly while the doctor disappeared completely.

"Hate, Terui Ryu, hatred can make you stronger, and you can truly unleash the power of Ultimate W!"

"You have a share too!"

Terui Ryu turned to the masked woman sharply.

"Don't think I don't know, Sherard! Your true identity is Sonosaki Fumin, and it was you who gave Isaka the weather memory, causing my family to be destroyed!"

"Your eyes are great! That's it, remember this hatred!" The masked woman opened her arms indifferently, "Come on, let me see your strength!"

"Are you still a mother like this?" Terui Ryu took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and yelled, "In order to get revenge, do you even use your own son as a tool?!"

"Here comes someone..."

The masked woman trembled slightly, choked with sobs and did not say anything else. She disappeared into the rain in a blink of an eye.

Narumi Detective Agency.

Philip shared all the scenes through the dual driver worn by Terui Ryu, and after the masked woman escaped, he slumped down on the sofa with eyes full of sadness and confusion.

Shotaro Sato, who was paying attention here, had a guess at a glance.

The old partner only behaves like this when he has family problems.

"Don't think too much, Philip, at least you know the existence of your family now." Zuo Shotaro sighed and comforted.

The Sonosaki family was too chaotic, and he couldn't figure it out anyway.

Just like a family, Gaia's memory became a mess, and Fengdu was scarred because of it.

"Shoutaro," Philip suddenly raised his head and said, "Asukiko was right before. Kaminaga Shinji and Consortium X are the real masterminds behind the scenes. There is definitely a reason why the Sonosaki family is like this. I... "


Shotaro Zuo avoided Phillip's gaze and interrupted with a deep thought.

"There may be some inside story, but I still believe in Kaminaga. That guy will never be the mastermind behind the scenes. I can feel that that guy will never hurt humans!"

(End of this chapter)

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